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Fantasy The Heroes Contract::: rp page



The one who made Aerth
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A beautiful day in the wuld lands of Firska. The sun shines bright and however you'd like to interpret, bad good or simply random. The green moon Shenair can be seen in the sky as a small ball far away from the clouds. Shenair was like this that fateful night...
Exactly thirty days ago a amazing thing happened in the Wuld lands. The remote village of Serti was the place of a miracle! In a small church with a modest blue Godstone only three feet tall.
Four humans sent from the gods themselves arrived! These individuals appeared almost naked with weapons that can only be wielded by gods chosen ones.
A cause for celebration none would deny, but as Serti has been dealing with troubles for months now they simply cannot spare the resources or effort for a grand feast.
Instead the locals of Serti offered all they could in terms of equipment and supplies. Though gods chosen cannot wield a mortal weapon in battle, clothes armor and supplies were greatly appreciated.

Micah Ceede was rather baffled by the whole event but more fascinating to him was the various people of the village. Straight out of fiction what with the elves and human looking people with animal ears and tails, he even saw a lizard man with a bow and arrow which brought back memories of a video game on the computer.
(Did anyone else play heroes of might and magic 2 or 3? Good shit)

However more amazing things were at play here and it probably wasn't only Micah who realised that. As those originally from Earth could speak to any living thing without reason or effort in learning a language. It simply was conveyed as English.
Micah asked the villagers and they answered that it literally was that gods chosen could speak to everyone...
human, elf, beastkin, even to animals or monsters.
Micah was petting a friendly dog and said without thinking said "what are you doing? Whose a good boy?" and the dog barked back which Micah understood as "good girl you mean" then she licked his surprised hand and left with her owner.
"did any of you hear this dog speak??" Micah announced only to get a laugh from some locals.
the dog barked "bye" which left Micah pressing his knuckles to his temples to help process everything
i literally got hit by a truck and now im in another world... gods be damned what else could I talk to? What else could we do?

Not that he would be able to find out immediately. The village had problems only gods champions could possibly solve... (allegedly)
Numerous bandit clans stealing and kidnapping from Serti, goblins in the forests, Eatums destroying farms, wolves killing travellers, a abundance of Crab at the southern beach which literally murdered the fishing trade...
The champions were urged on in different directions with nothing but verbal encouragement in order to learn about the land.
The locals assuming those fancy weapons meant the chosen were invincible.
Which wasn't the case...

Though you can't mistake the natives for said assumptions. For Micah anyway, it took a few days to adjust and the man isn't ashamed to admit it. The two moons at night, that monsters are real and literally roaming the wilds out there in the world, elves dwarfs animal-folk and a world stuck in medieval times thanks to magic and monsters. The mindset of the population seemed to mimic a less civilized approach aswell, they didn't want those bandits captured... Serti begged the heroes to kill them. Micah was nervous, even a bit terrified by the idea of murdering another person. That was ignored after a week when bandits attempted to rob him.
Though confidence came shortly after when Micah made a contract with a Eatum.
The small grey ball of a creature was decimating a farm, as a request was taken to get rid of the monster Micah threw his weapon at it. Knocking it down Micah rushed to grab his boomerang before pinning it down he asked "Do you understand me?"
"Let me go!" was the response back
Fuck what did the gods say... about contracts... ah yeah.

"join me! Help me help you and.."

The Eatum looks at Micah in shock "Your not what I am... why do I understand you..."
"I know right? Join me and you'll see." "No kill me?... ok... I join you, let go"
A brief blinding flash erupted in a circle around Micah and the Eatum and when the light faded a amazing thing happened...
Micah felt a surge in his very being which could only be described as magical. Time seemed to stop for a moment as the two glimpsed into each other's soul, almost as if the monster and Micah's minds were entwined for a moment. It felt invasive in a way but overall understanding and empathy came soon after...
The big take away here was that Micah had a understanding of the Eatums and their void mana. After a minute or two of intimate and awkward silence as both realised what had happened, Micah broke the tension with a question.
"hey sly, how do I do magic?"
"Dunno man it's nature, I don't ask how you make boomerangs"
"nah I had to learn that... copying a example and I made shit out of wood this is steel or something"
"Well I ain't used magic, I just used to eat shit and never be full. The void is inside me and it's in you now to... just make moves and know it works"
"feel it out then? Comes with practice and confidence?" Sly nodded and gave a visual demonstration, teleporting a bit to the left and shrugging with his tiny hands as if to gesture its just like that.
It took a bit for Micah to grasp magic...

After killing a nest of goblins which was less challenging then imagined, despite the danger in a number of little green things trying to cut claw bite and shoot you... They could be outsmarted in terms of tactics and outdone in terms of physical talents and magic.
The act of murdering these monsters made Micah feel a tad bad, they are horrendous little monsters that's true but it seemed to easy... Micah instead spent his efforts on hunting more dangerous monsters.
A boomerang felt like a bit of a stereotype but Micah did inherently enjoy it. A bow and arrow may have been what Micah would have chosen for a medievel fantasy adventure but you can't swing a bow in a close up fight like a sharp hunk of metal...
Thank the gods they are smarter then i Micah assumed. Twenty days of hunting monsters of varying kinds including birds made of fire, wolves that shoot lightning, a minotaur and most shocking of all...
A Blue Eatum which ate the newly tamed horse whole Rest in peace Sandy Sadler
Micah saw a flying monster to big to be a bird, asking Sly what that was heading to the mountain and the answer was "Dragon"

After a month had past Micah made his way back to Serti to share with the others what he had discovered, provided they make it back alive. If Micah did they surely could.
Serti seemed different a month ago under the threat of monsters and bandits, but it didn't take long for improvements to happen and a sense of joy was present in the air. These chosen from the gods have managed to deal with a number of problems Serti had in such a short time, they were seen as heroes with food, drink and praise given to them whenever they were in the village. "Micah! Nice haul there, How's the Eatum? He better behave" A man asks as Micah walked towards the butcher's shop dragging two flaming boars whose fires had been put out. "Sly Greyson is fine don't you worry, but hey have any of the others arrived yet? Know what they been up to?"
"Your the first I've seen today, I heard the bandit clans have taken a huge hit from you guys though"
"yea some tossers tried to rob me the other day, but taking their shit when they die isn't stealing as they attacked me first making it legal by the law of fuck them"
"Hahaha can't say I disagree, though we can't thank you heroes enough honestly"
Micah blushed and waved it off as casually as he could before taking his carcasses to the store. It's a new world and shits different, but it must be that God energy or something... Micah dragged the big boar carcasses like sacks of potatoes, but the butcher needed two assistants to help him carry one off to be prepped.

It certainly stroked the ego that's for sure. Micah had some extra coin to spend and decided on a small feast while waiting for the others to arrive. He was certain they agreed to meet at the Firogs tavern, it was the only place in the village that served food and drink... Sly sat on the table removing his mask to start picking at a bowl of diced boar while Micah ate like a savage tearing chunks of meat off the bone with his teeth. Truly a enjoyable moment apart from wiping sauce and meat from his hairy lips.
I should shave before it gets to big to enjoy soup...
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