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Fandom The Hand's Grip - Super Smash Bros. Roleplay (Now accepting!)

"Anyways, we've waited long enough to continue," Yoshi said. "Let's get going."

As the group continued through the woods, a clearing ahead of them became apparent.

"Yoshi," Toon said, pointing at the white clearing. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"Finally!" Toon said. "I dunno about you guys, but I'm starving!" Toon began running forward, almost reaching King Dedede's pace. The home stretch was finally here!
Kirby followed the group of fighters along, he had to admit he was a little tired with waiting, and now they're finally going to start. His energy was perked back up again and he was ready to roll! He had a happy bounce on each step as he walked beside them, quietly humming a tune he picked up a while ago, a little offkey unfortunately but that does not stop him from keeping the atmosphere light. He noticed the As he peered up at the clearing, he noticed a flock of birds far off fleeing away, almost hurridly. It was not common that those winged animals would behave that way unless...

He shook his head with a small frown, he might have been thinking too hard which probably made his imagination run wild again. Though, he still could not shake that weird feeling inside. Perhaps it was his stomach complaining, we'll never know until he finds out.
Mario took a small glance at Kirby and noticed him frowning and shaking his head. It seemed that something had caught his attention that unsettled him. "Kirby, what's wrong?" Mario asked kind of quietly to make sure only Kirby could hear.

Yoshi was so focused on their meal ahead that he hadn't even noticed Kirby's distraught. "Don't eat all of it by yourselves!" Yoshi called out to Toon and King Dedede.

"We won't!" Toon replied.
Kirby seemed to notice Mario's concern once he perked back up. He trusted Mario, not only was he a founder and a hero, but he was a friend too. Kirby decided to be honest, this was not something to hide to his fellow comrade.

"Ah, I don't know if I too hungry, but don't you think the forest is...a little tense? Animals more fearful. Large flock of birds fleeting all at once. Does not happen often unless..." he paused for a moment just to make sure nobody else was listening in. Although this could be potentially crucial, he did not wish to ruin the mood quickly by everybody knowing, especially when everybody is trying to relax and celebrate,

Ganondorf prided himself on being able to survive the harsh Gerudo Desert, so walking through a mild forest was no problem at all. However, the ground was very soft, which made him, being so heavy and wearing such heavy armour, sink into the it with every step.

Ganondorf grimaced with every step he took. When he got near a treeline, he heard voices. Specifically, the voice of one particular pink puffball that bad given him trouble on the Battlefield before. He said he felt danger somewhere. Ganondorf thought to himself, You're about to be feeling danger up close and personally in a bit, you no good floaty piece of trash.

Ganondorf gritted his teeth and stepped out in view of Kirby. On the path, he saw Mario, Kirby's... friend? Enemy (Ganondorf was still fuzzy on the relationship between Kirby and King Dedede)? He also saw... no. Young Link? No, he went by a different name now. Uh, Toon Link? Yeah. Ganondorf faced him.

"Boy! What's going on here?" Ganondorf demanded.
Mario turned towards their new challenger in surprise.

"G-Ganondorf!" Mario said. "Well... A bunch of us are-a heading over to a feast right over there!" Mario pointed down the pathway, at the Red, Blue, and Green blurs that were obscuring the white tables. "Yoshi and I-a prepared it for the anniversary of-a the Original Twelve. You can join if you'd like. There are plenty of tables, so you can sit alone if you'd-a like to." Mario began relaxing a little. Ganondorf may not be the nicest person, but, as far as Mario knew, he wouldn't post a threat towards anyone without a good reason.

"Oh, and, um... Toon Link is with us, too," Yoshi added. "He may not be the real Link, but I know you two had some squabbles in another timeline, so..."
Ganondorf grunted. "Hmph, that wasn't me, per se, but yes. We've also had some squabbles on the Battlefield, but that's a story for another time."
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"W-well, I guess you can just sit away from Toon!" Yoshi said somewhat nervously. Ganondorf wasn't someone you could play around with. If Yoshi wants to gain his trust, he has to keep his distance. "If you wanna feast with us, that is..."
Suddenly, and without any warning, almost as If the goddesses themselves had orchestrated the whole thing, Ganondorf's stomach rumbled.

Ganondorf sneered at Yoshi. "Given the unfortunately timely growling, I suppose I'll accept your invitation."
Yoshi couldn't help but smile. It was almost unnoticeable as his face's shape made him look like he was always smiling anyway, but a smile nonetheless. Convenient occurrences like Ganondorf's sudden hunger happened around him all the time. It was almost as if the gods wanted him to befriend everyone!

"Great," Yoshi said, trying to hide his pleasure. "We better hurry, though, or 3D might end up eating all of it before we get the chance."

Yoshi picked up the pace, causing everyone else to as well. The blurs that were King Dedede and Toon were gone, as they had already arrived at the celebration. The feasting area was coming into view, and fast.
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(@Scrubnoppon @Ashs Pikachu @Kaycee @BuzzedBeelzebub)

With haste, the gang arrived at the clearing where the feast would take place. There were six large, circular tables arranged in a zig-zag position. On each one was a metal circle that could be spun around, allowing access to any food on each table. Atop each circle were three rows of food arranged on a plate - The outer layer having appetizers, the middle layer having entrées, and the inner layer having desserts. There was just enough room between the turntable metal circle to place plates and contain the silverware, napkins, and sauces (such as ketchup, mustard, and barbecue sauce) already set out for each person. There was room for 15 people for each table, (having 75 available seats in all) however there was lots of additional food, chairs, and silverware if they surpassed that amount.

Toon was sitting on his lonesome at the fourth farthest table from the entryway. He had skipped the appetizer and went straight for the 12 buffalo wings he had acquired, accompanied with some Memphis barbecue sauce. Aside from his mother's soup, Toon loved buffalo wings more than any other food. Toon looked up from his meal, nodded at Yoshi, and then continued to completely remove anything edible from his second wing. He didn't notice Ganondorf at all.

Yoshi tried his hardest not to laugh at Toon. He was eating with incredible intensity, almost devouring a wing in seconds. Yoshi turned back at his fellow friends. "Dig in, everyone!" Yoshi exclaimed, gesturing them to continue onward.

Mario and Yoshi promptly sat down next to each other at the second farthest table. Mario grabbed the wonderful-looking plate of spaghetti in front of him and placed it in front of him. Yoshi then turned the turntable until he had found what he was looking for. He placed the plate of scrambled eggs in front of him and eagerly began eating his meal.
Kirby himself was a little unerved when Ganondorf arrived. He was aware he faced Ganondorf off before and he distinctly remembered it to be a very intense battles everytime they had to be faced against each other. Kirby always had to remind himself not to take The King of Darkness lightly due to his brute strength and terrifying abilities (which gave him nightmares for at least a week. He had to discuss with Meta Knight about that later at some point in time. He is a warrior, he should not be fazed by this, darn it!), so he had to rely on his speed and defensive tactics, hammer time was rarely used. He felt Ganondorf's dangerous spite went towards him, a cold shiver running through the pink puffball's body. Based on his instincts, he felt Ganondorf wouldn't have been the one to make the forest...more tense than it should have been. Besides, if he was that much of a threat, they would have never allowed him to join the roster. In conclusion, he did not hate him, his opinion of him was neutral (with a dash of respect *coughfearcough*) and that was that. For now, the thought of going to the party soothed Kirby's nerves...partially.

When they entered the feast. Kirby's gaze almost looked like he graciously died and went to paradise. Holy crap, look at all the food laid out in front of them. It even made Kirby glad that he didn't eat much this morning. He immediately ran towards the food table to grab a plate and filled it with a variety of different meals. He had no particular favourite when it came to food, well besides the Maximum Tomato but that was used for healing purposes, dire situations. Kirby's plate became a foundation for a minature hill of food. He looked at the different seats and wondered where to go. He could always sit with Mario and Yoshi, and then there is also Toon Link who was sitting there alone. He hesitated for a moment before taking a spot near the green cartoon hero, giving a smile as a sign of greeting. Time to eat! He opened his mouth before he devoured the entire plate's contents within seconds. If this was not enough evidence that Kirby has the stomach to eat about over the size of a whole person, he wouldn't know what he would do to prove it. Though this was no Gourmet Race, this was a feast for everyone to enjoy.
Ganondorf looked out at the table of food when he arrived with Mario's party (ayy).

He saw a large roast Cucco, so he removed one of the legs and sat in a chair, it creaking a bit under the weight of his armour.

He took a bite and was surprised to find out that it wasn't horrendous. In fact, the Cucco was... pretty good.

"I'm surprised at the quality of this food," Ganondorf said to Mario.
As he dipped his fourth wing in barbecue sauce, Toon noticed the Pink Puffball sit down beside him. "Hey," he said as he bit into the meaty outer covering of the wing.

"Well, don't-a thank me. Yoshi was the one who set all of this up. I just-a gave him the funds," Mario said after finishing a bite of his food.
Charizard, Apollo, and Pikachu walked into the room somehow they found themselves lagging behind the others.

The three some stared in absolute awe at the decor and massive amounts of food, it was like their own small slice of heaven right now. As if they all had fallen asleep and began to dream of this, and this is one dream that they didn't want to wake up from.

Charizard, in all his excitement let's out a purr like sound and rushes over to where Ganondorf was sitting and happily picks up a turkey leg from the bird that sat next to the Cucco. Charizard bites into nearly finishing it one bite.

His eyes light up in pure delight as he saviors the taste "This is really good, much better that what I usually eat." He says with a small swish of his tail being careful not to set anything on fire.

Apollo nods as he sits with Kirby and Toon "I know right!" Apollo had gone straight for the sweets, he loved Princess Peach's Peach Cake which was offered back home once. He couldn't get enough of the slice, and here it was in a towering form on the table. He was impressed with Kirby's ability to eat about everything, there was no denying that despite his adorable appearance that Kirby is quite frightening. Though Apollo knew better than to try what Kirby did he'd inevitably choke and become a trophy.

Pikachu had sat with Mario and Yoshi his plate holding ribs coated in a spicy sauce with super crispy French fries and a small ketchup for dipping.

"This is really cool, and so much fun."

Is what he wanted to say but he found it hard to actually say those words, so he settled with watching the others with a air around him that buzzed with excitement.
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Toon heard the exchange between Charizard and Apollo as the two sat down at their respective tables. "Sure is. I CANNOT get enough of these wings!" Toon joined in as he wiped his face with his respective napkin. He had already downed half of the twelve wings.

As Yoshi used his extensive tongue to consume the scrambled eggs in a single bite, he saw Pikachu silently sit down beside Mario. He seemed to have something on his mind, but looked very pleased otherwise. As Pikachu's gaze fell on him, Yoshi gave a cheerful smile, as a way of silently saying I'm so happy you're enjoying this!
Apollo laughed happily "I know what you mean, I love this cake so much!" He said happily scooping up another piece. Apollo looked around noticing that aside from their merriment that it was quiet. "I wonder when the others will get here." He said to Toon and Kirby.

Pikachu turned to Yoshi and he perked his ears up with a slight smile "So what's it like Yosh to see the Smash go from what it was like back on 64 to now?" He asked curiously.
"Hm, I'm not so sure but I hope they come soon. I know a few other fighters told me that they MIGHT go or they may be late. Oh well I hope they come soon. The food is super delicious! I also agree that the cake is absolutely delectable too." he said as he grabbed a another large serving of food, somewhat enough to keep Kirby satisfied. It was his kind of party that's for sure.
Apollo was relieved to hear that others may show up late but at least they'll be here. He too got himself another helping of food and relished in the taste of what he had eaten, it was a fruit but it was the most sweetest and delicious he had tasted. Almost like it had been at the right moment of peak perfection.

"Whoa this is a really pear!"

He was secretly wishing that this type of fruit would grow back home instead of the cherries.
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"Well, it certainly was smaller," Yoshi said, fishing around in his brain for more details. "And a lot more, um... heated."

Toon wrapped up his seventh wing. "Man, I'm impressed. Everyone has found something they loved here. Yoshi has really outdone himself!"

"Thank you so much, Toon! It was a lot of work, figuring out everyone's favorites..." Yoshi replied enthusiastically. "But I really can't express more how none of this would've happened if it weren't for Mario and his funds."

Mario rubbed the back of his head, smiling. "Heh heh, it was my pleasure."
It had been a long walk, but both young men had trekked farther distances. Marth and Link were almost at the meeting place of which the other fighters were said to meet.

"Aha! See Link-kun, I told you that this was the place." Marth said with a grin, Marth had been learning to speak English. He could understand it just speaking it was hard. With the help english speaking fighters he learned it pretty fast, though sometimes he flips to Japanese. Not to mention his accent was a little heavy.

Link glanced at the Prince and then to the clearing ahead. "But it's thanks to Mario, he was kind enough to leave us the map back there." Link said pointing behind them.

Marth looked inquisitive "How do you know it was Mario-sama?"

Link shrugged "I just know, I known Mario for a long time, I look up to the guy." Link said with a smile.


Inside, Pikachu and Charizard caught scent of the newcomers. Charizard started to speak but Pikachu gave him a look that meant 'don't speak' silencing the larger Pokémon.

The visitors left the shade, revealing Marth and Link. Marth was thrilled to see his friend once again, oddly enough Marth got along well Ganondorf "Konichiwa Ganondorf!" He said waving enthusiastically as he quickly sat next to the villain.

Link on the other hand was happy to see that everyone (almost), he sat next to Yoshi, a close friend, Link was happy to have him join him during Sub Space.

"Hello Yoshi." He said.
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Yoshi was taken aback by Link's arrival. While, unlike Sm4sh Yoshi, Link did have several acquaintances, Link loved adventuring alone more than anything. It was unlike him to sit down with a bunch of other characters (some of which have antagonized him in the past) and eat a meal. However, Yoshi was completely okay with this change.

"Hey there, Link! My gosh, it's been almost six years, hasn't it?" Yoshi said.

Toon, just now hearing the name Link and putting 2 and 2 together, looked up to Link. While he disliked his fashion choices (why wear such a warm tunic in the middle of summer?), he found him to be a strong, capable hero with the ability to take down any villain. Heck, he was strong even as a child!

"Link! Hey!" Toon called out, wiping his face with his napkin to make him look visually pleasing.
Ganondorf tensed as soon as he heard a voice call his name. He looked to his right and saw Marth, the Prince of a land known as Altea. He also saw-

"WHAT?!" Ganondorf shouted, seeing Link - the Link he knows.
Link nods at Yoshi and when Toon called out his name he turned to his more chibi like counterpart. Link knew better than to call Toon Link cute or a child. He shared his strength and he wasn't one to take a beating sitting down. However, Link did find situation rather amusing because from where he sat he could see that Toon had devoured a good portion of his wings.

"Hello there Toon Link." He said waving to him, the Hero of Time stood he decided to help himself to some of the various meats that were out. That's when he heard Ganondorf roar out with with what he could only assume was rage. He nearly drew his sword but refrained from doing so because he knew it was only because of their relationship.

"Yes Ganondorf, have you forgotten that I was part of the group?" He said his tone was calm but he still grins while speaking to his enemy "Look let's not fight, it's a time for celebration. Let's put aside our differences for now." He said.


Charizard looked curious "Hey we're you guys part of the Original 12? I mean, I know for sure that Mario, Yoshi, Pikachu...not this one though, Kirby, and Link were there but we're you Ganondorf? Or you Marth?" The fire Pokémon asked curiously. Pikachu frowns slightly his ears going back as if he was offended but Marth quickly defused the moment "Gomen nasai, I wasn't in the first game...but I did fight in Melee." He said "Roy-kun was my best friend and he joined the fight with me. Though I can't speak for Ganondorf." He said.
Ganondorf seethed, almost foaming at the mouth with hatred for Link. Then, he came to his senses. Killing the boy here would not only be messy, but would also cause problems, as the others here consider him to be their friend, and people don't tend to take kindly to others murdering their friends.

Ganondorf sat down slowly, focusing all of his attention on the cucco leg on his plate.

Ganondorf then heard the cry of a large orange lizard-dragon-thing. Ganondorf had long since forgotten the name, Firemon or something to that effect. It appeared to be asking him if he was one of the so-called "Perfect Attendence Crew".

He answered it, "No, Fire-thing. I began fighting in the Age of Melee."

He then refocused his attention back to his food.

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