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Fandom The Hand's Grip - Super Smash Bros. Roleplay (Now accepting!)

Toon turned in surprise after hearing Ganondorf's shout. He hadn't noticed him until now. He instinctively went for the sword on his back, but refrained himself from doing so. This was supposed to be a fun time, not a war. Besides, he had wings to finish.

Yoshi and Mario saw Link and Ganondorf's squabble, but stayed out of it for obvious reasons. The two had been tense all the way back in Melee, even before having their memories returned.
(We've waited long enough! Let's do this! @Ashs Pikachu @BuzzedBeelzebub @Scrubnoppon)

Suddenly, one of the tables was hit by some sort of fired energy. The shot cut the table clean in half and hit the tree behind it. Food was sent flying everywhere, but hit no one by some miracle.

Toon got up as soon as the blast was heard and pulled out his Master Sword. The blade's magnificent shine was a sight to see, both while strolling around and in battle. "What the heck was that?" He asked the two hosts without turning to face them.

Mario and Yoshi both stood up. Mario was unsettled by the blast. It was... familiar. "I-a hope it's not what I think it is..." Mario replied to the small hero.
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Ganondorf set the remains of the cucco leg on his plate as the table was hit with some sort of massive energy blast, cutting it in half.

He immediately stood and took his fighting stance, dark energy surging from his fingertips.
An eerie silence reigned throughout the forest. It was as if the entire land was waiting for the next shot.

Fortunately, this silence allowed Mario to hear the whir of the next one. He immediately grabbed Yoshi a brought them both down to the ground. The blast made contact with the tree behind them.

Toon ran to them and got them on their feet. "Are you guys okay?" He asked.

Mario wasted no time. "MASTER HAND!" He called out. "IF YOU WANT TO-A TAKE US OUT, FIGHT US LIKE A MAN!"

The reply was quick and simple. "As you wish."

The white tyrant showed himself.

"Greetings. For those of you who've never heard of me, I am Master Hand, the TRUE ruler of this universe."
"Some ruler you are. You couldn't even manage to wound any of us. Let's take care of this glorified puppet!"

Ganondorf leaped high into the air and readied a Warlock Punch aimed straight at Master Hand.
Suddenly, Master Hand dashed towards Ganondorf and gabbed him tightly, preventing his Warlock Punch from ever hitting. "For someone who thinks he knows what he's talking about, you are very, very incorrect." He began squeezing the fighter in his palm, hurting the king.

Toon sighed. Ganondorf always rushed into battle, and sometimes that got him hurt. He pulled out his trusty Bow. "I'm only doing this for tactical reasons," Toon said to his fellow fighters as he pulled back the bowstring. The arrow hit Master Hand, causing him to release Ganondorf from his hand.

Master Hand shook off the arrow's injury as if it was nothing. He proceed to form his hand in the shape of a gun. Light energy began resonating in his pointer and middle fingers. He released the energy in the form of a blast, aimed towards Toon.

Fontunately, Master Hand hadn't realized that shields actually did something now. The blast simply bounced off the shield, protecting both Toon and the nearby Kirby from harm.
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Ganondorf screamed in rage.

"How DARE you?! I will vaporize you in an instant!"

The Gerudo King unsheathed his Sage Sword and charged at Master Hand, aiming to cut it right at the palm.
Master Hand was amused by Ganondorf's stubbornness. As Ganondorf just reached slashing distance, Master Hand punch Ganondorf, sending him flying towards one of the tables.

"Maybe we were-a better off with him NOT fighting like a man..." Mario said as Ganondorf made contact with the tree.

"No duh, Sherlock," Toon replied.

Mario raced towards Master Hand with incredible speed, intending to land what he liked to call a 'discount Shoryuken'. Unfortunately, he met a similar fate to Ganondorf: he was slapped away as if he was nothing more than a fly.
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