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Fandom The Hand's Grip - Super Smash Bros. Roleplay (Now accepting!)

"No, nothing worth mentioning," Yoshi said, shrugging as Mario dismounted him.

Toon stood up and walked up to the two, the gigantic coat threatening to trip him. "Yeesh, guys, you could've been a bit faster," Toon said jokingly once he got close enough.

"Like Mario said, we walked really slowly. Admired the sights, smelled the flowers," Yoshi said.

Mario turned towards King Dedede and Charizard. "Alrighty, before we begin, is there anyone we should-a wait for?" Mario asked patiently.
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Dedede put his hand to his beak. "Well, I don't think so" Dedede twirled his mallet in his hands. "I really just want to get moving. I'm anxious to see what the surprise is!" Dedede began to practice swinging his mallet in ways which could hurt someone if he wasn't careful. "Im ready to rough someone up if we need to, also." Dedede looked back at toon. "So you know where this surprise is?"
Charizard was thrilled to see Mario and Yoshi appear he listens quietly and when the mention of someone else coming he lifted his claw "Ah I think I heard from Pikachu and the Villager...er...Apollo was going to be late."

However before Mario could respond several shots echoes from behind the moustached plumber.


The iconic carefree islander came rushing up to the others "I'm sorry I'm late!!!" Apollo said frantically with his arms waving "It was Resetti who held me up!"

He soon reached the others panting heavily "I'm sorry...I forget something important so I resetted my game which got me an ear full today." He said smiling nervously.

Behind him a familiar yellow mouse ran up to meet the others. Pikachu, the great great, great grandson of Smash 64 Pikachu, skidded to a stop and shook out it's fur. "Sorry we're late did we miss anything?"

He watched as King Dedede twirled his mallet with a strong passion.
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"GUWAAAH!" Dedede was taken aback when he saw the 2 others come up. He dropped his mallet and it landed perfectly on his foot. "BWAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! DANGITDANGITDANGITDANGIT!" He was hopping around holding his foot. "Ugh. Talk about...

A royal pain...

BAAAAHAHAHAHAH... Heh..." King Dedede laughed at his own pun. and began to twirl his hammer again. "So how are you guys? Anything new or something I missed? I'm doing fine. Oh yeah! One second..." Dedede grabbed the invitation once more "you guys are here for this right?"
Apollo smiled "Everything is going well back in Smashville. Then again not much happens in my world." Admits, however Apollo wasn't sure if he was glad by that fact or offended since everyone else had exciting lives. Even Duck Hunt Dog had a more exciting life.

But seeing the King pull out the invite Apollo pulled his own out in the Animal Crossing like fashion by putting his hands on his pockets he lifted it up and showed it to the blue penguin "This one?" He asked curiously.

Pikachu didn't say much against popular belief that the mouse type was a friendly Pokémon Pikachu was rather cold. It's hard to think that he could have been one of the original twelve.

Pikachu looked over his shoulder his eyes narrowed "I got mine as well."
Dedede planted his mallet into the ground "yeah yeah! That's the one!" Dedede put his back in the pocket of his jacket that was currently on Toon Link. "I wonder what the surprise is... Well, whatever it is, it's not going to be here! Let's get going!"
"Hi, you two! Pleasure to see you were able to make it. Come on, we'll tell you about our surprise on the way," Yoshi said.

Yoshi promptly began walking back down the path they had come from. As the group was moving, Mario tacked a sheet of paper giving directions to the surprise onto the tree Toon had been laying on.

"So, is there anyone here who doesn't know about how the Original Twelve was formed?" Yoshi asked.
Pikachu, Apollo, and Charizard followed close behind hearing the prompted question Apollo and Charizard looked weary.

"I heard that it was formed because we needed a way to express our built up tension." Charizard admits looked embarrassed. Apollo shook his head "That isn't the word from my game, I heard it was because the Original Six wanted to see who was stronger."

Pikachu picked up the pace falling in pace with Mario and Yoshi. He heard the the story before but he secretly loved hearing it. "I don't know if they'll get it." He whispers jokingly to Yoshi.
While Yoshi was aware that Pikachu was joking, he realized that Pikachu was not far off the mark. There hadn't been an all-powerful ruler like Master Hand since the Original Twelve banished him. Very few knew of an iron fist like his. Heck, some people didn't even know what a ruler was! Having to explain all that would take up too much time. To Pikachu's dismay, Yoshi would have to save the story for later.

"Well, it doesn't matter how it happened," Yoshi said. "What matters is why you're here."
(@Super Waifu @gentoxic)

Hearing no response, Yoshi continued.

"About six or so months ago, I was sitting around over at my home on Yoshi's Island, when I realized 'Hey! The twentieth anniversary of the Original Twelve is coming up. We should celebrate!'. So I called Mario and chatted with him for a while, brainstorming what we could do. Eventually, we came up with the idea of a feast for everyone in the World of Smash. I was the planner, and Mario was the...um...funder, I guess. Can't find a better word for it."

"Wait, a feast? So much for the snacks," Toon said, tossing the food back to King Dedede. He was so invested in their conversations, he had forgot to eat the rest of it.

"Dedede brought snacks?" Mario asked. Neither Mario nor Yoshi had thought about the outcome of someone bringing food along themselves. "Well, I-a guess you can eat it with your meal, then!"
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Dedede perked up when he herd the word feast. "Woah! Food! I'm totally in!" Dedede without looking caught the bag from toon in an attempt to make himself look cool. "That's nice. I'll just stow these away. "Alllllllright. Glad I didn't eat anything. Well, whatever let's go!"
The group began moving with haste, eager to reach the feeding grounds. Their minds were so set on the meal that they did not notice the area around them changing. The trees grew thicker. The grass grew taller. The amount of stumps lying on the ground increased. The ambient sounds of forest creatures became more and more apparent. The group had finally reached the most living sector of the forest.

"Hope you guys are hungry," Yoshi said happily. "We're almost there!"

"Y'know, I wonder if anyone showed up a bit late and are trying to find us..." Toon Link thought out loud.

"Don't-a worry about it. I tacked a map to one of the trees," Mario stated.
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Charizard who had been following close behind by flying landed carefully behind them "And if they miss the map I'm more than positive they'll follow the smell of food." The orange Pokémon said licking his mouth "I can't wait to try the princess's cake. I heard its the best thing ever."

Apollo nods "Lets just hope Wario doesn't do anything foul to ruin the night...and maybe Dark Pit won't pick a fight...then again if things go smoothly I'd be surprised." He said throwing his hands up in a shrug.

Pikachu simply watched everyone, his ears twitching slightly to slightly unnoticeable change in noise. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it or if it was taking place but something felt off. He figured it was Snake hiding something staring at them from under his box, the weirdo.
Dedede moved at the fastest pace of everyone stopping to tell everyone "come on!" And "let's go!" And other remarks. He stopped when he herd the remarks about wario and dark put "wait what! THEY were invited to the feast?" Dedede kicked the ground. "Ugh! I get it, they participated, but... Isn't there a... You know... Behavior system?" Dedede leaned on his hammer and let out a sigh. "Whatever though. Let's not let them ruin our night, yeah?"
"Yeah, Wario and Dark Pit were both invited to the feast," Yoshi said embarrassingly. His long, flag-like tail drooped a little. "I thought everyone should be able to participate in the event." Yoshi's head tilted downward, allowing him to see the path below, which was otherwise obscured by his large snout. "Now that I think about it, that probably wasn't the best idea..."

"Hey, don't-a let it get you down, Yoshi," Mario said. "They-a haven't even shown up yet!"

"I think we should head on, everyone," Toon stated. "If we don't get there soon, we'll miss lunch hour."

"Toon's right. Let's get moving!" Yoshi exclaimed, picking up the pace. His tail started to wag. He began recognizing the landmarks around him. The maze-like field of grass to his left. The arrow etched in the tree pointing at the path. The old ruins, almost inaccessible because of how high it is located. They were getting very close.
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"Roooorrr!" Charizard cried in agreement "Hey do you guys think we'll have the original twelve talk about their smash?" Charizard asked curiously.

Pikachu rolled his eyes "Mario and Yoshi are here...I'm sure they would like to reminisce." He adds looking up at the two.

Apollo looked confused "But I thought you were there also." Pikachu laughed at the comment "That was my grandpa. Believe it or not Pikachu don't live that long." He said sounding slightly sad. "Not to mention some hits critically wound us...putting us out of battle for good."

Pikachu put his paws behind his head looking at Apollo "But I'm different...I survived Brawl not to mention Subspace." He said sounding cocky.
The mentioning of the older Pikachu made Yoshi go into a state of reminiscence. Yoshi and Pikachu had been best friends even before the formation of the O12. Through the tedious battles, the treacherous round robins, and even that awful campaign in the flower fields that was never explained, Yoshi and Pikachu stuck together. Back then, none of them knew who their original characters were, so Pikachu was all Yoshi had.

His mind shifted to a certain moment the night before the final round robin. Yoshi and Pikachu were sitting at the edge of the cliff overlook that would soon be home to Castle Dedede.

"Hey, 'Shi," Pikachu had said, nudging Yoshi's arm. "You know what I'm gonna do when Master Hand is outta here?"

"What, 'Chu?"

"I'm gonna grow into a big ol' Raichu. Then, I'm gonna take you all on, 11 v 1, and I'm gonna WIN."

"Whoa, that's a big dream you got there, 'Chu."

"I know. That's why I'm gonna train, all on my own."

"'Chu, if that's what you wanna do, I will help and encourage you in any way I can."

"'Shi, I don't need any help. I can handle this stuff on my own. There's no way I can't reach that goal!"

'Chu never lived to see that day.

"Hey, Yoshi, are you okay?" Toon asked. "You seem out of it."

Yoshi snapped out of it. "Oh, y-yeah, I'm fine. Let's.. let's just keep going."
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Dedede stopped when he herd about the passing of pikachu's grandfather. He listened to every sentimental and nistalgic detail. He pulled his hat over his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. All of you." He especially felt the grief when he herd the uneasiness in his voice. "Yeah. Let's go..."
Pikachu lowered his ears not really liking the idea that he just bummed everyone out, especially Yoshi. He wanted to say something but figured he'd make the atmosphere worse. He simply nods at King Dedede's words.

"S-So, if you guys could live in any other world besides your own which would you pick?" Charizard asks curiously trying to brighten the mood.
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"Well, I guess the Fire Emblem world wouldn't be so bad," Toon replied. "Since I really like swordfighting, it would be a dream to compete in those arenas. Not to mention one part of it goes to war almost every five years or something."

"The Animal Crossing universe would be fun," Yoshi said, hoping to rid his mind of the memory of his old best friend. "Nothing bad really happens there. Like Apollo said, that sounds boring to some, but a world of nonviolence is a world I wanna live in."

"I'd live in Dreamland," Mario stated. "The food there is-a the best in the world, and-a having unlimited access to it would-a be amazing."
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Dedede tapped his hammer, lost in thought. "Hmmm... I dunno. My world is pretty great! I have all the food I want, I'm the king, people love me! Where could I get better than that... Dedede thought for a second. "Wellll.... I guess animal crossing would be nice. It's peaceful and all the people there are nice. And I can still live LIKE a king, not as one."

Sat quietly against a tree, having just finished a battle against metal link. A deep sigh came from him as he looked around the mushroom kingdom from atop of the castle. Until a portal like opening appeared and he could hear the conversation between people he had no idea who they were... Watching for a bit he'd decide whether or not they were friendly. After a moment, he'd take a step into the portal and appeared from the other side and stood before the group of people.

Mega Man

Ran from a group of Tem's "Help!" coming from the opposite side of Corrin, he'd approach the small group in a fit of panic. Coming from behind him was a whole bunch of voices, "Hoi! I'm Tem!; Hoi! Please help send Temmy to Collage!; Hey... I'm bob"

Cloud Strife

Has been watching Mario for quite awhile, ever since they met awhile back, he seemed to find interest in him. Though, as of the moment he was in hiding and perferred to keep it that way, atleast for not until he could decide what side the group was on.

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Toon yelped in surprise at the sudden arrival of the two.

"Corrin?! How did you get here?"

Yoshi quickly saw that Mega Man was afraid of the approaching Temmies.

"No worries, I can handle this! I've played Undertale before!" Yoshi exclaimed, dashing into the woods.

Mario began feeling like he was being watched. He decided not to investigate, however, as there are many forest creatures lurking in the trees. If they wanted to harm him, they would need for him to be alone, which he was far from not.

Looked around at his new surroundings before he heard Toon Link call out his name, Making eye contact he'd look a bit surprised from the sudden teleportation. However, with things going as they were, anything was to be expected, "I don't know... I-I was at Mario's castle and then from nowhere metal link ran at me swinging his sword and throwing bombs... He even managed to hit me with his boom-a-rang." upon making that last statement he rubbed the red area between his eyes were a small knot had swollen, "But besides as to how I got here... There was a portal, almost like a watching glass and I kinda just... Stepped through it."

Mega Man

He had all the right in the world to be scared, A massive horde of Temmies was charging along with several annoying dogs, whether their attention was good or bad, whatever loot they had was in dire danger of being stolen! Especially if there were and Dog Salads or Dog Residue. Mega-man being a rather smaller character was no match against the horde of pure destruction alone!

Cloud Strife

He continued to watch silently as he waited for Mario to become alone, though, had no intention on fighting unless it was Mario who made the first move. Stepping from the shrubbery, he'd have his buster-blade attached to his back loosely in case things got ugly. "Mario..." his voice was calm and quiet as he now stood in the open with his arms crossed.

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"Huh, strange," Toon said. "I've never heard of any portals just randomly opening in front of someone like that." Toon reached into his pocket and pulled out the envelope once more. "Did you get this invitation?"

Mario turned towards the newcomer. He recognized the hero simply from the gigantic sword. "Oh, hello, Cloud."
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