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Fandom The Hand's Grip - Super Smash Bros. Roleplay (Now accepting!)

Cloud Strife! The Cloud Strife! Here!

Apollo was gazing up at at one of the most loved characters (aside from the ones in Nintendo of course) in absolute awe!

"W-Wow...it's really him...." Apollo said weakly his legs barely supporting him in his moment of admiration.

However Pikachu shook his head and made a dash toward the woods to help Yoshi "What's Undertale?" The electric mouse asked curiously. Pikachu wasn't too keen on the latest game fandom but it sounded serious and Pikachu wanted to help where he could.

Charizard watched Mario and Cloud for a bit before turning his attention to Corrin and Toon. He wondered what was going on, the Watching Glass sort of sounds like something that has to do with magic...he'd hate for something like SubSpace to happen again.
"Thanks for the help," Yoshi said. "Undertale is a roleplaying game that came out in 2015. It started trending in the human world almost immediately."

After the Subspace epidemic, the Smash scientists figured out how to access the Internet from across dimensions. The World of Smash quickly replicated games and consoles from what they found online. Yoshi, despite hating violence, gained a soft spot for RPGs such as Earthbound and Final Fantasy.

Yoshi picked up some small cardboard strips - the classic mark of traveling Temmies - from the grass and handed it to Pikachu. "Just feed them this stuff and they'll go away."

Toon removed Dedede's large coat from his body and handed it to Corrin. "It's pretty cold out here. Here, take this," Toon Link said.
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"Yeah... All there was that was descriptive of the mirror was an orange ring around it... But other than that I can agree to some sort of magic from an unseen force..." he walked over and sat down Indian style and took a deep breath, "So... What's this invitation thing that was spoken of?"

Mega Man

Standing there behind Apollo and ignored the entire convo as he shot his bullet orbs at any Temmie that didn't follow Yoshi or Pikachu.

Cloud Strife

He continued talking to Mario for a bit before looking over and hearing Apollo praise him in mere words, "I'm not that much of a hero than I am a villain, besides killing sephiroth thrice, I still managed to get the woman I loved killed and a lot of innocent children were poisoned and used as soldiers for Jenova... I am literally the other half of Sephiroth..." he said looking down with his eyes closed before looking up and the world seemed to flash into an inky black and white as an image of sephiroth with his demonic right wing standing next to cloud with his left angelic wing. Though that image lasted less than a second before returning to normal, sephiroth went as well as cloud's wing.

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Mario watched as Cloud seemed to recall something he didn't like. "Hey, it's okay. Just because you're a part of-a someone bad doesn't mean you are also bad," Mario said. "Me and a few friends are going to eat a meal together not far from here. You can-a join us if you'd like to."

Toon wondered what could've possibly brought him there. Seeing that Corrin didn't need the jacket, he promptly returned it to King Dedede. "Here you go, 3D," Toon said. He returned and sat next to their new guest. They would probably be here for a little bit: might as well rest your feet. "We're heading out for lunch at a feast Yoshi and Mario set up. Well, if the Temmies haven't messed anything up yet, that is," Toon said jokingly.
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Pikachu growls slightly annoyed at the many Temmies around them. He looked down at his paws which was now void of the treat the Temmies adored.

He looked at the three Temmies who stares back at him. "Tell me...it wouldn't be a bad idea to hit these things with a Thunderbolt, right?" He asked dropping to all fours with his ears folded back as his cheeks began to spark. He leaps up into the air with his tail becoming solid iron with means to strike the strange creature only for Temmie to dogde.

Landing on his side he soon was swamped by them. They leapt onto him in a dog-pile fashion "awwAwa cute!!" The temmie all cooe in unison.


Apollo listens to Cloud and could see the conflict on his face but to him none of that mattered. Besides he had the angel wing so that had to count for something...right?

Apollo beams happily as a thought crossed his mind in the form of an idea "Hey what if you came to Smashville for day or two whenever you're free from fighting. It's not much but many come to my part of world to relax. I recently had Snake visit...Though he thought most the townsfolk were secretly out to get him..."

Apollo shrugged at the memory of Snake connecting with Otacon via codec, who reassured him that the colorful animals weren't dangerous.
"Hey!" Yoshi yelled, getting the Temmie's attentions. He had balled up a large pile of the cardboard flakes and put it in his left hand. In a singular, swift movement, Yoshi turned to his right and shifted his left foot back, his right hand out, and his left hand back, setting him in a position he was all too used to.

"Go get it!" Yoshi shouted as he quickly lugged the ball over his shoulder, sending it flying into the distance. The Temmies quickly gave chase after it, saying things like "TEm FlAKes!", "gOOdbOI!", and "gotta SEll 4 COOl leg!"

Mario snickered at the idea of Snake thinking everyone was an assassin.
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Kirby walked around the forest, grasping a piece of paper in one hand, a map in the other hand. As you could see, he was running a LITTLE behind on schedule. He accidentally slept past the alarm clock and had to rush out of his humble home in a hurry. It was good thing that he brough his warp star along to make sure to arrive the forest as quick as possible before calling it off. He made sure to bring a bag with him just to help him hold his items along with some treats for everyone. He had been brushing up his culinary skills ever since Brawl. He looked down at the invitation once again. He was happy to know that Mario and Yoshi set up a party for everyone who participated. Despite the fact he would rather play than fight, he still did the tournaments to build friendships and prepare for the worst. Who knows what might happen again. He shuddered at the thought of another Subspace incident, or even worse, Master Hand.

He pushed the thought away, now moving on to bigger and better things, despite his job as one of the Original 12 he still wanted to have fun. Speaking of fun, he thought he heard a group of people not too far away. Kirby smiled as his feet were quickly crushing against the soft grass, calling out with a loud "Hiii!"

The pink puffball saw his friends in plain sight, conversing, and it appeared they have just avoided a temmie incident. Those little creatures may be adorable, but they could certainly be a handful. He wondered how they were all doing, and what kind of snacks besides his own would await his blackhole that everybody called, his stomach.
"Well, look who we have here!" Toon said, smirking at their approaching guest. "Our first O12 member besides Mario and Yoshi!"

Yoshi walked over to Pikachu and gauged his injuries. He pondered whether he should pick up the Pokemon and carry it back to the group, but he worried about Pikachu's possible reaction to it. Not only did he not want to get electrocuted, but he didn't like the idea of someone thinking low of him. That was one of things he hated about himself: he's always afraid that he's going to mess up a bond somehow.
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He felt quite joyous to arrive as he was now among the group. Maybe he wasn't THAT late afterall, it looked like the party hadn't completely started yet from what he could see. There were quite a few in the roster still missing, but hopefully they could come in due time. He quickly glanced around him to actually get a real glimpse of what was going on. It seemed like there were a few fresh faces around which he knew who they were of course. Kirby waved at Toon Link as a form of a greeting before he said,

"Yup! Pretty sure that me! Has the party started yet?" After the Master Hand Incident, Kirby did his very best to learn english so others around him could understand him like he could understand them. It was a slow progress, but he managed to at least talk with a bit of a broken grammar, just enough to be comprehensible. He still had problems saying certain words ("Auto-wetical!" "Haaahhdookin!"), but over all he was fine. His stomach faintly growled as a complaint. He forgot to eat breakfast before he came here, which made him slightly embarassed.
"No, you haven't missed a thing," Toon said. "We're just waiting for Yoshi and Pikachu to come back. Mega Man here accidentally angered some Temmies and the two opted to scare them off." Toon pointed at Mega Man, standing next to Apollo, from behind with his thumb while saying this.
"Oh," he did not have any additional comment to add to it. Kirby was not so sure what has happened to Yoshi and Pikachu but hopefully they will be fine. They are formidable fighters afterall, they could easily put up more than a fight he believed. He had a lot of faith in the other fighters who probably have more will to fight than he did. Of course he was not that old in Star Warrior years, he still had a long way to go, but after so many years of sparring and keeping Master Hand out of trouble, he felt himself become a little more tired, Meta Knight would be disappointed if he found out as he grimanced at the thought. He blinked once before he reverted back to his happy go lucky personality.

"Well hopefully they come back in time! I brought good desserts for everyone." he said as he gently patted his bag.
Pikachu for the most part was dazed and covered in light nips, scratches, and comically paw prints from the enthusiastic Temmies. His eyes spun as a light "Chaaaa" escaped him.

He shook his head and looked over to Yoshi who had saved him "Thanks Yosh. You saved me from those things." He said sounding relieved and grateful. Yet something seemed off about Yoshi "Yosh? You okay?" He asked worried. But he quickly felt bad "Dont worry I won't shock you, if that's what you're worried about." He said honestly.

Pikachu wouldn't dare hurt Yoshi, or any of the other brawlers he considered friends (except Ike...He didn't get along well with him not after the guy made fun of Toon).


Charizard looked over a Dedede and sat next to him stretching out his wings when he noticed to iconic pink brawler appear "Well if it isn't Kirby." He said smiling "Man I wonder what it was like to fight him back from the original twelve." Charizard couldn't imagine what it was like, Kirby was already a tough opponent with his copy ability.

Charizard shuddered at the thought of being swallowed again. That wasn't a fun experience.


Apollo turned completely surprised at Kirby's arrival "Whoa Hey there Kirby!" How's it going?" The villager asked, he wondered if Kirby remembered him from Smash Brawl, he wanted to ask but decided against it...then again.

Apollo found himself in front of the cute pink fighter and smiled "Hey Kirby remember me? I know we fought several times but do you remember when I was in the audience in brawl?" He asked curiously
Dedede was happily greeting citrin, Cloud, and mega man with a hearty laugh and a booming "Woah guys! What's going on?" He looked over to everyone talking in all the details. His happy mood vanished the second Kirby came around he noticed him from far away. Before Kirby reached the crew, Dedede pulled everyone close "you invited HIM?!" Dedede turned around "Ohhhh heyyyyy kirbyyy..."
Kirby's eyes brightened up along with his smile as soon as his gaze met Apollo's. Oh man he had great memories involving him. He was most definetly a strong fighter with an interesting fighting style, unlike his signature moveset. He recalled that his home was from a peaceful game so it was surprising to know that somebody from there was able to join, but he did not judge. Especially after he had a bowling ball to the head as he was trying to climb back up from the warp pipe in Yoshi's Island. Not only did it made him plummet to his doom, he had a bit of a bump on his head afterwards. He had nothing against Apollo for that at all, in fact, he was so impressed with how creative it was that he did not care that he lost at all. He distinctly remembered seeing his face back in Brawl when his stage first came out. He assumed that he might have applied after spectating all those matches. Well all the animals were probably there since it was also K.K Slider's hit concert during the tournaments, of course it would attract the townfolks.

"Yes! I know you! You Apollo, I remember! I'm doing good, I hope you are doing good so far." as he was talking, he noticed his other rival, King Dedede. While he may be a bit greedy at times, and keep all the food to himself which then involved a few lessons that he had to be taught, Kirby did not dislike Dedede, he recalled some adventures where they HAD to get along in order to save the world...Especially after that incident with Maglador which caused Kirby to be a little more wary of complete strangers. Brushing that off, he grinned once again and waved energetically at the King.
Yoshi, glad to see his pal was okay, helped Pikachu up. "I'm okay. Let's head back to the path. The rest of the group must be worried," Yoshi said. He began walking slowly, making sure that Pikachu was in good enough shape to walk. Suddenly, it hit him: Pikachu had just called him 'Yosh'. Yoshi smiled as he remembered when 'Chu started calling him 'Shi, which prompted Yoshi to call him 'Chu.

"Hello, Kirby," Mario said, turning around. He hadn't been listening all that much because he was so focused on Cloud, but Apollo had made him realize they had a new guest. He noticed the bag containing several food items. "Wow, so many people are-a bringing snacks. Not-a what we expected."

Toon shook his head, wondering how Dedede and Kirby would possibly get along during all this.
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Charizard smirked gently nudging Toon "How are ya gonna react to see Ganondorf? I know your grown up version probably wouldn't be too thrilled on it." Charizard said "I know I'm not too happy with Mewtwo being a possible show up."

Mewtwo left most Pokémon feeling sour after his display back in their world with cloning Pokémon and practically killing Ash. Charizard, despite being Red's Pokémon could only imagine how Ash's Pokémon felt.


Pikachu thanks Yoshi for helping up and as soon as he is standing he shakes out his fur "That's good...I was worried there...Temmies are tough." But hearing the mention of the other Pikachu nods "I wonder if anyone else showed up." He said curiously. He wondered if it R.O.B. or Game & Watch. Well whoever would show up next Pikachu would be excited to see them.


Apollo was thrilled to know he was remembered especially by Kirby. To be honest Apollo was thrilled to know everyone remembers him. He noticed King Dedede seemed a little annoyed but he hoped that wouldn't stop the king from having fun.
Toon thought of the many fantasies he had come up with where Ganondorf started going on a murdering spree. A shiver was sent crawling up his back. "Not well, if he does anything evil. I'll give him a reminder that I impaled his face with my sword in another timeline." Toon replayed the false thought in his head again, feeling satisfied.

As Pikachu was speaking, Yoshi noticed a white table nearby. He made sure that Pikachu couldn't see it, so the impact of seeing it later is better. "Yeah, I hope that Ness might show up. He's a pretty cool kid," Yoshi said.
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"Hi Mario!" he exclaimed briefly once he heard one of his old friends. He and Mario go way back, all the way to the beginning when this whole thing started, at first he thought Mario was always serious with . Wow, there are a good number of people here at the same place now he thought to himself all of a sudden. He was starting to get a little excited about the event each passing moment. Well maybe it was his stomach talking, but he would be very glad to interact with the other fighters more as well. He often spent his free time eating, sleeping and training with the occassional walk so it was not everyday that he would get to know everybody besides the Original 12.
Charizard looked rather surprised that what Toon had said and knew it was probably for the best that Ganondorf didn't try anything evil or suspicious...in fact he'd probably should not even look at Toon in a funny way. Or Link.

Charizard was about laugh and say funny joke, but sensing the satisfaction coming from the other Charizard knew it wasn't a joke.


:D )

Pikachu noticed that Yoshi had moved some but he didn't think much of it he figured that he wanted to get to the others faster. Closing his eyes some and folding his paws behind his head Pikachu followed on this time quietly.

He was caught in his own thoughts.
Yoshi wasn't in the mood to strike up a conversation, either. His friends were already visible. On his way to the gang, he noticed Mega Man standing beside Villager, still a little spooked from the Temmie incident. "They're gone!" Yoshi called out to Mega Man, alerting the group of their prescence.
Upon hearing another sound made Kirby look around his surroundings rapidly before he realized it was actually Yoshi and Pikachu, oh it's nice to seem them too! From what he could remember, this particular Pikachu was a little different from his ancestor, the first Pikachu that was with him with Mario and the others. He remembered the tragedy that happened to the poor fella. He briefly looked down to the ground. It was indeed a very solumn day when it happened. He could never erase it out of his mind. Kirby almost always remembered who came and/or go as he hopefully managed to talk to each Smasher at least once or twice. He gave his condolences to the Pikacendant as he quietly thought of on the spot. He wouldn't use that in public because he was unsure how the young Pokémon was going to feel, as he stated before, he is a different Pikachu and he would most likely react differently than the other which quickly led him to remember Yoshi, one of Mario's best pals. He felt that they were in pretty good terms with the dinosaur. They both love to eat, judging by the amount of devoured fruits in his game so common interest is what got them to get along fine he assumed. Though he wondered how Yoshi was holding up these days. Snapping out of his day dream, he turned his little body towards them and gave a friendly wave and a hearty smile to go along with it.
Yoshi instantly noticed that the amount of people waiting had increased. He instantly recognized the pink puffball. Yoshi enjoyed spending time with Kirby. They had first gotten to really know each other when he came to comfort him after the 'Chu incident. Since then, they had shared meals together, chatted, and even sparred every once in a while. "Well, look who we have here!" Yoshi said joyously.

Mario, after seeing Yoshi was alright, leaned against a tree to chat with Cloud again, when he realized he was no longer there. Guess he wasn't hungry, he thought.

Toon noticed that Pikachu had several marks around his body. It was clear that he got a little beaten up during that Temmie epidemic. "Yo, Pikachu. You okay?" He asked.
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Pikachu lowered his ears a bit and rubbed the back of his head "Yeah...those Temmie don't fool around with their snacks. Last time I'd use Iron Tail on them." He said with a slight laugh. He hated learning things the hard way though it seems that it was always the route he'd go unwilling. He sat at Toon's side waiting for the signal for them to move on.

He looked up at the toonish hero when curiosity got the better of him. "So Toon, who is the better princess in your opinion; Princess Zelda or Princess Peach? You know seeing that one needs constant saving and the other can pretty save herself." He asked. "And if given the opportunity like back in Brawl would you save Peach?"

He had to know he knew that older Link would do it more or less because that's who he is. But Toon was his own person with his own preferences.


Apollo watched as Kirby and Yoshi reunited. He may be new on the scene but that spark that people can feel when good friends come together made Apollo feel a little jealous. He hadn't really made any good friends yet he attempted to be friends with Sonic but the hedgehog didn't seem all that interested.

He noticed that Mario was alone and that Cloud seemed to have wandered off, probably making sure there wasn't any other sudden surprises. So the Villager went over to the red hero. "You okay Mario?" He asked.
Kirby laughed, he was pretty glad to catch up with Yoshi again. He was usually wondering how everyone was up to and Yoshi was no exception. Glancing around he was aware of the increase in population which he assumed that it may be starting soon. Though he is not the one in charge of the party, it was Yoshi and Mario's words that would decide.

"Hiya Yoshi! Everything good?" Kirby asked casually as he walked closer to him. It was normal that Kirby usually checked up on most people's well being which was more of a courteous habit thanks to Meta Knight.

"A true warrior looks out for the people he truly cares about" Meta Knight once quoted to Kirby after their harsh training sessions. At that time he did not understand it well, but now he seemed to get the meaning of it. He cared for Meta Knight alot which was a little obvious and he also cared about his friends so he often checked up on them through various Kirby ways, sometimes subtle, other times not really. Overall, despite his maturity growth, he still ate like no tomorrow, take naps when he could or play with the other children like Lucas, Ness and possibly Toon Link as well.

He continued to glance at the other Smasher, making a quick mental note to himself to at least talk to them more as well. So far everything has gone down pretty well, despite a few minor injuries from Pikachu thanks to well a nasty Tem attack.
Toon rubbed the back of his head. "I guess... Princess Zelda," Toon said, blushing. "But I would definitely give Mario a hand in rescuing Peach."

"Yup!" Yoshi replied to Kirby. He changed his attention to where Mega Man was. "Hey, Mega Man, do you wanna..." To Yoshi's dismay, Mega Man had already left to do his own thing.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Mario responded to Apollo. Mario moved off of the tree he was leaning on and approached Yoshi. "Hey, Yoshi, did you happen to see Cloud out there?" Mario asked.

"Nada," Yoshi said, shaking his head.

"Huh. I-a guess he had his own business to-a deal with."
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