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Fantasy The Guild Stone ((Old Questing Thread))

"Stay out of his immediate sight! I'll try and get you three an opening!" Leolin nodded in response to Sir Ducci's instructions. Okay; think fast Leolin, he thought to himself, how should they take this guy down.
A direct attack would be difficult if he didn't want to get his hands melted off by this guy's bodily fluid- which he had no desire to do. On the other hand Leolin was never really the type to use weapons. Not to mention killing the thing directly was still off the table.
Whatever the case, that eye had got to go.

His eye darted- taking note of each of his team mate's positions. Regil was holding something- wire. Ducci was ready to attack, giving them a chance to make their move. Apple was- on the floor- uh oh.

"ATTACK!!!" Apple shouted after her fall- okay guess they're not going for a sneak attack this time- but the flaming dummy head did give him an idea.
Leolin leapt gracefully over a few of the disgusting balls of flesh and acid on his way down the stairs, trying his best not to gag from the smell, and hoping the decoy had distracted Byle long enough for him to get Apple back to safety without them both turning to stone.

" Apple, shh- you don't want him to look at you remember- " he said, quickly hoisting her up in one arm before darting off to hide her behind some rubble, he noted that she was a bit heavier than he had thought she would be.
" How many of those javelins did you bring with you anyways? "

If Apple could ignite the javelins wherever they fell, and he and Regil could use the wire to trip Byle face-first onto a pile of them- well best case scenario would be a fiery end to the second cyclops, the more likely scenario would be an eye burnt enough to allow Sir Ducci to safely deliver another finishing blow- without becoming Sir Ducci-Statue.
He had a plan now; the problem was- did he have enough time to explain it before the fight got too-hectic?

Rurnur Rurnur Ace Cream Ace Cream Zef The Owl Zef The Owl
Location: Guildhall
"Visiting church. "

She crooked a brow, muttering into her drink. "Hilarious."

"I honestly don't know, but it will likely tie back to what I said about involving the guild and church together. Still for now I'm going to focus on getting revenge on the frost giant king, then afterwards if that bastard Legion is still around I'll try cleaning house. Though there's one thing I'll attempt after killing the frost giant king..." She supposed it wasn't surprising most of his free time involved either church or working quests. He'd climbed up the ranks with startling efficiency. Most only did that if they had a certain goal in mind.

A wistful sigh had her glancing over at him dubiously. "Maybe get married. Who knows?"

She snorted, hiding a grin beneath the rim of her cup. "Is that the type of thing you're meant to add as an afterthought?"

"Well I also want to see the world, but that can happen at any point in my life considering how long fire spirits live."

"...?" Ymir spun around, leaning forwards over the counter to peer up at the adventurer beside her. She'd dealt with elementals. It hadn't been a particularly intelligent encounter. Elemental spirits must be somewhat different if they were capable of having a child--more than a sentient ball of fire at least. Her eyes narrowed, searching his heavyset expression for any signs of abnormality. Though what exactly she should look for was a mystery.

...nope. He just looked human to her.

"First time I've heard of a half-fire spirit," she muttered. Leaned back she set her chin on her hand over the bench. Was it a thing with the ears, like elves? Or maybe more subtle signs like the dhampirs. "Not that you can tell these days anyway. Magic disguises only get better and better." She waved away an offer for another drink, pushing away from the counter.

"Still sure you don't have any grand plans for the next few years?"

"I don't believe in grand plans," she said. "You miss out on too much. I prefer dedicating myself to the opportunities that arise." She turned as she stood, setting her hands across her chest and staring up through the hole in the roof. "But maybe I'll look at exploring the far north. If you're going to kill that frost giant then you'll need to know what his lair is like." Would it have a throne of ice? Frozen statues--a whole filled dungeon with monsters perhaps. It was exciting to imagine. She'd only ever gone as far as the lost ravine before the ice storms became deadly cold.

Her gaze settled on the beastman as she considered her next move. It didn't seem like he was having much luck talking to the others in the guild, despite Titus being along for the mission as well. Ymir waved him over, wondering if it were his coming from the plaguelands to blame--his appearance wasn't exactly one that would set others at ease. She had never been the blighted lands herself, seeing no good reason to risk their many dangers, but she'd heard the stories from other travelers.

"You guys are going on a mission soon, right? I think I'll invite myself along if there aren't any objections."
EldridSmith EldridSmith Tellussoil Tellussoil
Regil the Thief
Regil Dagger.png

~Lets take a gamble~

Regil cursed under his breathe as he heard that booming voice. He was going to need to work fast, he was almost distracted a moment by Apple's plight. Looking over to see that Leonin had it in hand, he nodded, thankfully being far away from the stairs he wasn't in much danger of being hit by the acid balls, being closer to Ducci himself who seemed to be challenging the one-eyed monster. With Ducci having his attention, Regil saw his chance. He cut the wire to an approximate measurement, and attatched two ends to two hooks. He hooked one side into the stone wall near Ducci, mouthing the words 'Keep him occupied! Then draw him in!' He then darted across the hall. He kept low, making sure to use his stealth to keep under the Cyclops's vision and generally keeping to debris.

Regil's steps were silent, and despite him running between the cyclops and Ducci he did a good job of stretching that invisible tripwire across the hallway while keeping himself in the hard-to-see dark. When he got to the other side, he implanted the other hook into the wall, making sure the wire was nice and tight. He hoped this worked, he wanted to catch Byle at his own game. Was it quick and dirty? Oh hell yes.

...But what enemy would expect a trap to have been set up right before their eyes? Regil worked like a magician that way. Keep their attention someplace so they don't see you slipping the card out of your sleeve.

Ace Cream Ace Cream | Tapfic Tapfic | Rurnur Rurnur
-Cinder Radcliff | Demi-Human | 26yo | Gold Rank-
Cinder watched as Zeno walked into the Cabin after asking where the rooms were, leaving him wondering why he even asked if he wasn't going to wait for a response. Maybe he saw Jennie walk in and followed? Who knows, but he didn't. As the cold of winter grew more present and snowfall began to cover the land, Cinder stood up from his chair alongside his family; seeing Brynhilde walk towards them from the forest and waved her over. He went inside after his family did and waited for everyone to gather in the living room, finding that Aki was missing from the group currently. Perhaps she planned to meet them here tomorrow, or required more preparation than they did. None the less, he cleared his throat with a somewhat loud and intentional method of gathering everyone's attention, before grabbing a relatively newer map of the entire region and laying it out on the table. It went into much more detail with the terrain than the normal maps most adventurers used, though it was more focused on the forest they were in and the Krilgox region.
"As you all probably know, the Krilgox Kingdom has long since been abandoned for unknown reasons, and goblins have infested it as of recent. Some of you may have heard that the cliffside is unstable, and while that may be true it's the least of our worries for this quest." Cinder stated as he made a gesture towards the lake that the kingdom resided near. Before he started speaking again the Goblin had barged in, drawing his attention away from the map and the group. Within seconds his face contorted into an expression of seething anger. He slowly walked over towards the monster that dared walk in on these sacred grounds, for it had unknowingly violated one of the rules all monsters of the forest knew: Don't enter the Kitsune's Cabin. It wasn't until the goblin had spoken that Cinder snapped out of the overwhelming anger that had manifested inside him, his hands in so tight of a grip with themselves his fingernails cut through his leather gloves and deep enough into his skin to make his hands bleed. With a sigh he closed the door behind the Goblin and guided them to one of the bath-rooms, warm water awaiting the creature as Cinder then left the room; heading back into the living room and taking off his gloves before wrapping them in bandages.

With the distraction now out of the way, he spoke up again. "We'll deal with the Goblin later, for now let's resume." He stated before resuming with what he was saying. "This region has been known in more recent years for volcanic activity, from lava spilling out of the ground to nauseous fumes being poured into the air; and all of that is due to what lies beneath the lake. The tales of old tell of mountains exploding and long harsh winters following afterward, but it's believed this region is one such example of it actually happening. I'm of the belief this region was once a volcano, and that the Krilgox Kingdom died during one of its eruptions. As for evidence this is the case, some of my ancestors had supposedly visited the Kingdom on the same day it occurred, and they were near the bottom on their way home when the ground began to violently shake; looking up towards the mountain to find that parts of the sky were turning yellow and lava was crawling down from the middle of the mountain. It wasn't until a month later that they stated in some old notes that everyone from the middle of the mountain to the top had died from suffocation..." Cinder paused as he waited for the information to sink in. It seemed too far fetched to be true, though stranger things in the world existed than an entire kingdom getting gassed to their death by mother nature. It almost seemed as if some godly being brought disaster down out of spite. It didn't take long before he noticed Jennie start to look unnerved by the revelation, though whatever caused her unease earlier probably wasn't helping out much either. "In any case, the entire mountain is now heavily restricted to human visitors, with only adventurers being allowed on the mountain due to continuous volcanic activity releasing toxic gases into the air. I'm not sure how long on any given day we can remain up there, and given it's a 2 hour trek from the bottom to the middle of the mountain from what I've heard from my grandparents twelve years ago; it means we'll have to stay here for the next few days and scout the region. As for who will scout it out, I know for certain myself and Zeno can get to and from the mountain in less than... Twelve minutes? It's a 20 hour travel from here to there, so it'd be best for everyone not scouting to stick here and prepare."

Sylph Sylph Not Sure Not Sure Goonfire Goonfire Funnier President Funnier President Reinhardt Reinhardt
Risoria Ducci De Columba
Glancing about the room, originally searching for Ducci but instead focusing on Apple, Byle grinned as his eye began to change in hue, glowing a deep red before suddenly his neck twisted to the right. Flesh wobbled as his attention turned to the dummy with an angered expression. But as the Cyclops went to seek out Apple once again, the paladin emerged from behind the debris and thrust his blade in the direction of the monster's glowing eye. A beam of bright golden light burst from Ducci's blade, swirling tendrils surrounded it before forming a concentrated arrow of light which exploded into energy against Byle's face. He recoiled, shutting his eye just in time and turned away. Ducci didn't let up the assault however, sprinting forward just out of the Cyclops' melee range, baiting Byle into swinging one of his gigantic blades across the ground right towards him. Ducci copied his enemy's motions, imbuing his blade with holy light, letting it give off an immense glow before slamming it against the opposing blade. Both weapons scraped and grinded against eachother, as Byle continued to step forward in an attempt to overpower Ducci. The gluttonous monsters' steps faltered though, as a wire sliced deep into his apparently soft and pliable flesh, sending Byle tumbling to his knees and his blade clattering to the floor. "Hahh.. you think you've got me now ah?" He muttered scornfully, before tensing up and vomiting forth an unfathomable torrent of bright green liquid, forming into a great hissing pool around his staggered form. Ducci jumped backwards to avoid the growing puddle of deadly acid, while catching his breath from the expenditure of energy.

Zef The Owl Zef The Owl Tapfic Tapfic Ace Cream Ace Cream
1613507913115.png "Is that the type of thing you're meant to add as an afterthought?"

Titus rubbed the back of his head at that comment rather embarrassed, he never brought that up with anyone before. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to talk about it. Adras and Ashe were married, his mom slept around when she was alive, Lucias and Ariana stayed chaste, while Ariana was waiting for "the one", Legion was rumored to get it off to his experiments, though no one was going to try confirming that. His experiences were mixed and he wasn't sure how to approach romance, he had seen marriage ceremonies as a member of the church, he had seen young initiates flirting, but he never really put much thought into it as he was always on a mission of some sort, whether it be to make his mom proud, to gain power, to avenge her, or a guild mission. "
I don't honestly know, I never had much mind to follow that desire until recently." He stated looking to her. "I'm guessing that's not something most people put on the back burner, right?" He said with a pause, unsure how to go on before saying. "I guess I'm just weird, I mean I've seen many cute and hot girls, but I've never had the drive to act on it. Now I'm starting to feel it but it's not on the forefront of my list... is it really that strange?"

"I First time I've heard of a half-fire spirit," She muttered. "Not that you can tell these days anyway. Magic disguises only get better and better?

The golden skin didn't give away that I'm not human?" He asked rather surprised. "I suppose I should show you my hair too since it's a give away, I keep my hood up since people used to stare at it a lot." He said as he pulled down his hood to reveal short hair that glowed orange like the embers of a fire. "They're not hot, they just look that way as the fiery energy I'm born with." He explains, he never used a disguise, he just hid his hair with his hood since people would stare since it was rare to see people with glowing hair outside of the church. In the past, even in the church sometimes people looked at him with envy for the hair he was born. Still he couldn't control that.

I don't believe in grand plans, you miss out on too much. I prefer dedicating myself to the opportunities that arise. " She turned as she stood, setting her hands across her chest and staring up through the hole in the roof. "But maybe I'll look at exploring the far north. If you're going to kill that frost giant then you'll need to know what his lair is like."

"That's fair." Titus remarked, he normally wasn't one for a grand plan but he was somewhat forced into one recently. His focus had just been avenging his mother, he didn't care for revenge but he felt it was just since the creature was cruel and harsh to the people who were unfortunate enough to live in that frosty region. He smiled at her remark of exploring the far north. He appreciated the sentiment, it wasn't often people would stick their necks out for him outside of the church. "Thank you Ymir, I really appreciate it." He said gratefully as he finished off his fire wine. He had enough to feel a small buzz, he wasn't planning on getting drunk yet so now was the time to start on the mission with Ivar. As Titus stood up and was about to say goodbye to Ymir she spoke up.

You guys are going on a mission soon, right? I think I'll invite myself along if there aren't any objections. "

Perfect timing then! I would love to have you along, I was thinking of taking him along on the quest to hunt boar for the injured hunter so he can survive the winter. Though afterwards would you be interested to coming to see the church Ymir? I know you like to tease me about it but as you've never seen it I was hoping you would give it a look. Regardless let us be off!" Titus said with a smile as he placed his hands on their shoulders and activated the waystone to head to the request.
Sylph Sylph Tellussoil Tellussoil

"Apple... bring... lots of javelin, in the bag." Apple replied to Leolin's question while still being lifted. Though her unfocused gaze and stuttering voice indicate that she was still dazed from the fall.

"Cyclops.. should end now... Let's go!!" Dazed or not, Apple still had the spirit to finish the cyclops as fast as possible! Must, kill, prey!

Rurnur Rurnur Zef The Owl Zef The Owl Tapfic Tapfic
Location: Cinder Cabin
The upstairs bathroom was quiet. The goblin seemed stunned as the door shut it. Wide, yellow eyes glancing around.

It seemed to forget where it was a moment, creeping forward to poke at something on the benches. Its nose curled at the steaming liquid and it scuttled away, but it wasn't until it hit something that sent out a spray of water that anything could be heard downstairs.

"-so it'd be best for everyone not scouting to stick here and prepare." A ferocious shriek would fill the air as Cinder finished his explanation. Followed by a stream of crashes and banging that emerged into the hall, growing steadily louder until eventually Glim shot into the lounge room dripping wet to clamber up the nearest cabinet. Any items on it would be sent tumbling off, her stunted claws leaving deep gouges in the wood as she reached the top and bunkered down above the group. Yellow eyes glared at them, fierce and angry—like some sort of sandy, hairless cat.

"Glim knows what humans want!" Her voice rattled as she spoke. For whatever reason, she seemed determined to get the group to listen. "Glim has gold. Knows secrets. Dead mountain is goblin home." The disarrayed words made little sense, but she glared at them silently as if demanding they understood. It almost had a stubborn tone. "Humans listen to Glim, not end up like the others."

Her claws scraped impatiently against the pliable wood. She didn't seem to distinguish much between the members of the group. They all had pale skin, with small eyes and small noses. Different from her, but if they were strong she didn't care. "Evil is awake on the mountain."
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Reinhardt Reinhardt Not Sure Not Sure Goonfire Goonfire Funnier President Funnier President
Last edited:
Location: Guild Hall --> Boar Quest
"Now I'm starting to feel it but it's not on the forefront of my list... is it really that strange?"

"Strange...?" Ymir blinked, seeming perplexed by something. Drinking always made her thoughts turn into clouds. She shrugged it off after a moment. "Cinder's the only one I know who's bothered to settle down. I'd say you're good."

"The golden skin didn't give away that I'm not human?"

"That's not a tan?" Ymir blinked. The more sunbaked regions tended to have that bronze-skinned look, but she supposed his was a more unusual golden shade--hard to tell beneath the hood. Her eyes went wide as he pulled off the obscuring material, more than a little affronted she'd never seen beneath it before. His hair was made of embers!

"They're not hot, they just look that way as the fiery energy I'm born with."

Not fair. Ymir huffed, looking disgruntled after her amazement faded. Her own hair was a mess of wispy white, pulled back into a tie. She had no complaints about it--except now she was peeved it didn't act like smoke or something cooler. She pulled one of the longer strands around to inspect as Titus said something about the quest, addressing Ivar as well. Her eyes narrowed, willing it to move or sway or do something neat. It occurred to her midway through that it was probably the drink spurring her fixation.

"Perfect timing then! I would love to have you along, I was thinking of taking him along on the quest to hunt boar for the injured hunter so he can survive the winter. Though afterwards would you be interested to coming to see the church Ymir? I know you like to tease me about it but as you've never seen it I was hoping you would give it a look. Regardless let us be off!"

'Quest to hunt boar...'

The phrase bounced around her head a few times before she registered it. At once she could recall the rabbit carcasses--pools of blood and rotten caverns--the smell! Had he learned nothing? What if they were giant beasts or demons wearing skin. She was pretty sure her shoes still had entrails in them--

Ah, too late. Titus clapped a hand down on her shoulder, though she was unsure if the beastman had agreed to the quest or decided to duck away. Regardless the world warped into a spiral of incomprehensible planes, before snapping back into view somewhere different. Ymir stood silently for a heartbeat, adjusting to the fresh wind and light, outside air. The strand of hair dropped from between her fingers.

She sighed. Two hunting quests in one day way over her quota, but whatever. What was that second bit? He'd said something about the church.

"Would I like to give it a look...?" she echoed, finally recalling. 'I know you like to tease me about it...'

What an absurd question. Ymir glanced at him sidelong, her grin resurfacing with pointed amusement. "You think seeing it will make the church sheltered from my ridicule? You've high hopes, Titus--none are safe." Resigning herself to the quest she pulled her flight goggles out of the bag, settling them over her forehead as she grabbed the neck bandanna next. "But yes, that would be wonderful. I imagine the Architecture is spectacular." She had a fondness for elaborate designs. It would also be another place to add to the map, and there was nothing she liked more. "Just don't regret it when I find something I'm not supposed to."
EldridSmith EldridSmith
1613603950436.png"Strange...?" Ymir blinked, seeming perplexed before shrugging it off. "Cinder's the only one I know who's bothered to settle down. I'd say you're good."

I see, well at least I'm not in the minority for this I suppose." Titus remarked as he thought of the girls in the guild, most of them were pretty cute but he wasn't sure how he would even start up a conversation centered around romance, let alone ask them out. Still that was a problem for another day.

That's not a tan?" Ymir blinked, before her eyes went wide with amazement as he pulled off his hood. A few seconds later she huffed, looking disgruntled after her amazement faded. She pulled one of the longer strands around to inspect as Titus said something about the quest as her eyes narrowed in on the strand of hair in her hand.

Titus couldn't help but smile as she stared with amazement, he wasn't sure how she was going to react. He got many looks like this from the church but it was more envy than fascination, and he was glad no one hated him for it like he had experienced in the past. He chuckled as she huffed at the fact and look disgruntled. "
I'm not a fan of people staring at my hair all the time with jealousy or hate, so I cover it up." He explains before she starts pulling on his hair. He didn't bother cutting his hair often so he draped down to his shoulders, out of view thanks to the hood most of the time, but now it was on display for all to see. He wasn't sure how to respond to her pulling at his hair with such evident fascination and... he wasn't sure what other emotion she had for it at the moment but he didn't comment. He just awkwardly stood there as if nothing was happening as he spoke to them about the quest. As he looked over to see Ymir's expression he felt the need to explain. "Don't worry, our friend will do most of the quest and we'll be supporting." He commented, regardless of whether they came with or not they would complete the quest, considering it was just a copper quest any issues were unlikely.

Would I like to give it a look...?" She asks aloud as a grin resurfaces on her face. "You think seeing it will make the church sheltered from my ridicule? You've high hopes, Titus--none are safe. But yes, that would be wonderful. I imagine the Architecture is spectacular. Just don't regret it when I find something I'm not supposed to." She declared with a grin, putting on her goggles and bandanna in the middle of her response.

Titus waited for her to finish her thought before responding. "
We'll see about that." He comments on the church being free of ridicule, the church had many families, friends, and a good community. The only thing she could ridicule would likely be Adras messy workshop, the heat, or some trouble that Legion had been cooking up. "Excellent! I'm glad you're willing to visit it, perhaps Seraphina will show up when we visit the main sanctuary." He cheerfully mentioned, he was finally bringing a friend from work to see where he grew up and lived most of the time. "The only things you shouldn't see that you might would be related to Legion, but we shall see... though I suggest against entering the spirit realm near the shrine... it's not safe for someone not acclimated to fire and Seraphina's presence." He cautioned, a person out of curiosity once entered the spirit realm in front of the shrine, which was a conduit between the realm of Seraphina and our world and they came back blinded and burned. All visitors were cautioned of this, but curiosity can kill the cat as they say. The priests after being acclimated to the church were allowed to visit the spirit realm if they had the affinity with it. He didn't want Ymir to hurt herself on her first visit, that would be a disaster. "Shall we get started then?"

Sylph Sylph Tellussoil Tellussoil
Location: Boar Quest
"Excellent! I'm glad you're willing to visit it, perhaps Seraphina will show up when we visit the main sanctuary."

"The Seraphina?" Ymir said, making an audible gasp. "No way." I'd get exhiled forsacrilege no doubt. She winced at the thought, adjusting the goggles on her forehead as she dropped the fake attitude. "Honestly, I can't say I know much about her. I didn't realise gods visited their churches."

"The only things you shouldn't see that you might would be related to Legion, but we shall see... though I suggest against entering the spirit realm near the shrine... it's not safe for someone not acclimated to fire and Seraphina's presence."

"Ugh, no problems there," Ymir said. She closed her eyes, focusing until the lines and shapes began to take form in the blackness behind her mind. They stretched further and further out, losing detail with distance. When her eyes flashed open they glowly dimly with the light of her magic. "My abilities don't work in the spirit realm—despite many attempts. There's nothing physical for me to map." It was like walking around blind. She didn't know how people could stand it.

"This Legion thing seems to be a real problem though..." Her head tilted, discerning something vaguely four-legged moving through the undergrowth behind them. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced over her shoulder, trying to sharpen the image. "Let's hope he doesn't try anything." Gesturing in the direction of the creature before mimicking the tusks of a boar, she grinned sneakily. The thought of stirring up trouble was always tempting, especially with whatever goon this Legion person turned out to be. It wouldn't be the first time she'd gotten in over her head.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
1613726221293.png"The Seraphina?" Ymir said, making an audible gasp. "No way." She winced at something as she adjusted the goggles on her forehead as she dropped the fake attitude. "Honestly, I can't say I know much about her. I didn't realize gods visited their churches."

Please don't be so disrespectful to Seraphina, I know you mean to joke but it's not something I appreciate you joking about. I'm fine with jokes of the church since it is a imperfect, but please don't joke about my Goddess. It's very disrespectful. If you were in the church I would be worried about a more zealous member attacking you." Titus replies with a frown at her sarcastic comment. He knew she was joking but it wasn't something he appreciated. Aside she could get herself, and him, in trouble for something like that. "Seraphina isn't a passive god nor a false god, she cares about the church and guides us in the ways of her wisdom. She also appears before people in need and offers them new lives when they are down and in tough situations, but only in areas under her faith since the gods have their own rules." Titus explains, Seraphina was the most active deity he knew of and he appreciated that as he had felt a personal connection to her on many occasions.

"Ugh, no problems there." She said closing her eyes. "My abilities don't work in the spirit realm—despite many attempts. There's nothing physical for me to map." She declared, opening her eyes once more.

Titus nodded, at least he didn't have to worry about her turning into a crisp now due to curiosity. "
You're free to enter the spirit realm outside of the main sanctuary though." Titus clarifies, lest she feel constrained. "Still it's a useful ability to have and it has served you and the parties you've been with well. Perhaps Seraphina may offer you enlightenment in how to use them in the spirit realm if you choose to listen to her." Titus offers with a smile, it would be nice to get Ymir to understand his faith, if not join it. Still he was glad he was making progress as she was willing to visit the church, even if only to sight-see.

"This Legion thing seems to be a real problem though..." Her head tilted, discerning something vaguely four-legged moving through the undergrowth behind them. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced over her shoulder, trying to sharpen the image. "Let's hope he doesn't try anything."

Legion is, though it's to be expected somewhat since it's the churches personification of the tenet of destruction. Still legion has far surpassed what it's been given quarter to do." Titus says with a sigh. "Unfortunately Archons are given exemption from trials for their actions as no Archon can be put in a position above another Archon. Unless of course it is something serious enough for Seraphina to preside as judge over. Still Legion seems to know those limits and avoid them." Titus says sighing again, Legion was someone he typically ignored, but now it was an active thorn in his side. "He's not dumb enough to start something inside the church, though one of his goons may. Still it's best to be on guard for one of his schemes." Titus declares before Ymir points out the boar nearby. Titus nods and follows her over to the creature. It is quickly dispatched, either by Ivar who's under supervision, or Titus venting some of his frustrations on the beast leaving it with a crushed skull.

Sylph Sylph Tellussoil Tellussoil
Location: Boar Quest
"Please don't be so disrespectful to Seraphina, I know you mean to joke but it's not something I appreciate you joking about." The words were firm, and uncharacteristically sharp. She paused as she adjusted the goggles, the echo of a frown pulling her brow together. "I'm fine with jokes of the church since it is a imperfect, but please don't joke about my Goddess. It's very disrespectful. If you were in the church I would be worried about a more zealous member attacking you."

The wind could be heard between them as Titus finished, stirring the grass and fallen leaves. Ymir remained still, her expression masked. Almost thoughtful.

"If it means that much to you," she said eventually. Reaching into her bag once more, she produced a staff with several attachments.

"Seraphina isn't a passive god nor a false god," Titus continued. "She cares about the church and guides us in the ways of her wisdom. She also appears before people in need and offers them new lives when they are down and in tough situations, but only in areas under her faith since the gods have their own rules."

How nice.

"Perhaps Seraphina may offer you enlightenment in how to use your ability in the spirit realm if you choose to listen to her."

The winds curled around them as she adjusted the attachments on her staff. "If she sees fit to speak to me I will listen."

It would be interesting to meet another god at least. Most only showed themselves to the faithful. But it would be easier if this Seraphina were absent altogether. Ymir wasn't particularly good at acts of reverance, and if Titus were any indication, the church felt very strongly about their saviour.

"It's to be expected somewhat since Legion is the churches personification of the tenet of destruction. Still legion has far surpassed what it's been given quarter to do," Titus said with a sigh. "Unfortunately Archons are given exemption from trials for their actions as no Archon can be put in a position above another Archon."


Ymir's jaw locked, eyes sliding shut. The mark on her shoulder throbbed faintly—a pointless reminder—as she considered the words. If a group were not above assassinating one of their own, there was no saying what else they would do in a nigh untouchable position. Titus seemed to understand it well, heaving another sigh.

"I'll scout from the air," she said in the end, raising the staff above her head. With a particularly sharp gust the wings on it snapped open and she leapt up, setting her feet down on the backbone as it swept into the air.

Between her examining the terrain and the other dispatching boars with enviable ease, the quest wouldn't take long at all. She noted the small cabin a ways away, where she assumed they'd be taking the carcasses.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
1613809863399.pngYmir was still and silent for some time after his remark. Titus didn't like coming off that way, but he didn't want to hear someone he enjoyed being with saying something negative about something that he cared about so much. He didn't mean to come off in a negative way, and he hoped she didn't take it that way either, but he had to draw the line there. However he didn't say anything in response to her on that subject, lest he come off in a negative manner, perhaps even more so if he already came across that way.

If she sees fit to speak to me I will listen."

I think she will." Titus says with a smile. "Most followers aren't as dedicated as the people you'll find in the temple, which is fine. They have to earn a living and not everyone can survive off of the provisions of the Goddess and the temple she has given us." Titus explains, seeing her eyes calculating something. "So you'll be fine." He said after he explained Legions status, hopefully this would change the mood for the better, though he could feel her expressions from when he explained Legions exemption. Still the pawns under him were not immune to the law thankfully, though Legion would likely use them as pawns to sacrifice to bypass the law somehow. She then declared she would be scouting from the air and he nodded.

They hunted in relative silence after that and soon the group had a pile of ten boar thanks to Ymir's scouting. Titus pondered over many things and his mind was elsewhere thanks to the alcohol form earlier that he was working out of his system, but he enjoyed the hunt none the less. Titus had carried them to the cabin in pairs, and all they had to do now was turn it in with the owner of the cabin. "
Well let's turn in shall we?"

Sylph Sylph Tellussoil Tellussoil (Sorry it's a bit short)
Location: Boar Quest
"Well let's turn in shall we?"

Ymir decided to do a final look-around of the area before joining Titus at the cabin. Force of habit more than anything. She had no qualms with letting Titus deal with the client, coasting into the clearing atop her glider and stirring up dust and leaves as she pulled to a stop.

"Let me know when you're ready," she said, peering around at the man who'd sent the quest. His leg was in a splint, using an old stick as a crutch as he directed where he wanted the boars stored. Perhaps an animal attacked, or he was caught on unstable ground. Knowing Titus he'd do something entirely unnecessary, so she retreated towards the edge of the tree-line where she could fold down the attachments on her staff in peace.

After that they'd be ready to go. Ivar back to the guild, and her and Titus to the infamous house of Seraphina.
Tellussoil Tellussoil EldridSmith EldridSmith (Rushed post as well sorry. Can write more once they're at the church.)
Evening settled on the forest and with it a harsh, biting chill. It dampened what was already a considerably bad mood for Tuur, worsened further as the heavy fog left a light misting of water droplets on the dark, rocky plating that protected him.
It made sense to join the quest, having come from a volcanic region the dangers of such were minimal to him, if anything it put him at quite the advantage.

He was the last to arrive at the cabin, relieved to get out of the forest's grim temperature- though only briefly. The cabin was nice to say the least, but he muttered in disdain at the extensive wooden surfaces and furniture. Wood looked nice of course, but being someone who found comfort in being akin to a walking forge made them a rather great fire hazard. Not only that, he quickly realised the cabin was not built with someone of his height in mind, frequently having to duck below door frames and hanging braziers. He was looking forward to arriving at the volcano already.

Tuur took his place at the edge of the room, listening in to Cinder's summary of the quest though it didn't take long for commotion to start. Chaos in the form of a small, screaming creature tearing through the cabin in a fit of determined fury. It rapidly scaled the cabinet beside him with a flurry of tiny claws, scattering any item in it's way across the floor. While the weird rodent was above the heads of the other adventurers, it was at just the right height for him to swiftly pluck it from its perch.
"Elaborate." He simply growled.

Sylph Sylph
Location: Forest Cabin
Upon seeing the unknown entity reaching for her Glim reacted by dodging around and sinking her teeth into the forearm of the offender. Jaws that might've broken bone did little to the Magmur's skin, grinding uselessly against obsidian-like plating. She didn't seem to care it was harder than expected. When Tuur pulled his arm away she'd still be latched onto it, gnawing at the stone skin with a dissatisfied 'nyegh' sound.

"Elaborate." the Magmur said. Glim paused her chewing to glare.

"You's 'elaboate'," she spat. The goblin didn't seem to understand it wasn't an insult. Using his arm as a springboard she leapt onto the table, scattering stationary and leaving several wet clawprints on the maps they'd been using. For such a small body, the path of destruction she'd left in the room was staggering.

Five people, that's how many she counted in the room. Glim had shot past the first one when she'd been running away from the trap-ridden water room, some tall human in the midst of making a sandwich. Normally she'd have been the first to terrorise an unknown pantry, but Glim had bigger priorities. She had run underfoot of the next adventurer. Some female who dressed like she belonged on a ship. Funnier President Funnier President II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Of course there was the strange rock orc that had tried to grab her. Glim was confident she'd done a number on his arm--as if some stone plates would stop her. Coupled with her scathing use of his own insult against him he must be in complete shock! Plannit Plannit

There was only one adventurer Glim kept a wide berth of. She remembered the aura of hostility that had radiated off of him when she entered, then how he'd dumped her in the death room. Anger and disgust were reactions she was familiar with, since humans rarely had anything but contempt for fiendish goblins. If he came anywhere her she'd hiss and sprint to the other side of the room, leaving further destruction in her wake. II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

In the end, the one she wound up closest to was the calmest of the group. With her focus on the rest of the adventurers, Glim barely noticed him sitting on the couch she leapt onto, finding a new perch atop of the backrest of the furniture. Perhaps she found his quiet aura of comfort in the hectic environment. Goonfire Goonfire

"I's already said! Evil on mountain!" Her glare fixed on all the adventurers, particularly the rock orc, making sure none of them made any sudden moves. If one did somehow managed to catch her she'd be a shrieking incarnate of rage, attempting to bite and claw--though at least the furniture might be safe from further damage. "Adventurers kill for gold--Glim has lots. Secrets even green-gobs don't know." Looking at her, it was apparent her skin wasn't just a trick of the light. Unlike the green-skinned miscreants that were the norm around Lantana, hers was a dark, yellowish brown. "Mountain toxic for pale-skins, but Glim knows all goblin home. Even evil castle." Her claws worked anxiously against the soft couch cushion, beginning to expose the insides as she tore through the cover. "Glim knows other adventurers not dead."
Character Info 1.png
Upon hearing the eerie description of what happened to the Krilgox Kingdom, Jennie felt her heart sink and her skin grew goosebumps all over her body. Though it was short-lived when the Goblin had barreled out from the bathroom Cinder had put it inside of, bouncing around the house like a rubber ball with anti-gravity magic casted on it. She quickly got onto her feet when it barreled underneath her legs, though with her instruments still in her room she couldn't really do much aside from keep her eyes on the Goblin. Whether or not it was friendly she wasn't sure, though given how Cinder had reacted earlier it's safe to say the creature was probably the least of their concerns for the moment. She adjusted her collar and moved her hair to reveal the gills on both sides of her neck, slowly walking pass the Goblin and into the bedroom where her harp was; with no intent of trying to fight. Before too long she came back out with her harp and flute, strumming the cords of the harp gently to play a soft gradient of sound in an attempt to calm the creature a bit; bringing temporary silence before the Goblin had started to speak.

-Cinder Radcliff | Demi-Human | 26yo | Gold Rank-
Cinder briefly noticed Tuur walk into the cabin before hearing noise once more in the bathroom, the Goblin having ran out and treating his home like a bouncy castle before settling down on one of the three couches; its claws digging into one of the cushions. Anger swelled up from inside of him again before his Tungsten Rods floated from the belt around his waist and around him; the sheer heat produced forming an illusionary pair of nine tails and fox ears to accompany his form. His eyes went from a soft golden hue to a flaming bright gradient much like fire itself, alongside an aura that caused unrest from the many monsters outside in the forest. The flames in the fireplace grew in intensity and the magic from the glass bulbs illuminating the Cabin rapidly faded, before a bellowing voice in an unknown language spoke to the Goblin that only it could understand.
"You dare come into the cabin of the Kitsune of the North, the descendant of many generations of Kitsunes and Humans, only to trash it and disrespect the omnipotent ruler of the forest?!" He bellowed out, though for the other adventurers it only came out as an ear-shattering ringing; making even remote translation utterly impossible. It became quite clear it wasn't Cinder at the helm anymore, though it very much acted and expressed itself as him. Before too long his wife and kids came up from downstairs to see what was happening, sweating from the intense heat that was radiating from him. The glass windows around the entire cabin began to crack and the water from the bathroom began boiling out from the bath tub, creating more of a mess to top off what the Goblin had done. "One does not simply enter these sacred grounds without permission, let alone destroy the furniture passed down from generations and expect to get out unharmed; so listen well Glim. If you wish to continue your existence, you'd better act more hesitant with your actions, lest I need to invoke myself in this vessel again and strip your life from your putrid husk of a body!"

With those words spoken out to the Goblin, the illusion formed from the heat dissipated alongside the intense heat his rods had generated, with Cinder snapping back to reality and stumbling back. His head felt clouded and an intense headache now surged within him, leaving a ringing in his ears as he struggled to divert his mind from the pain.
"Okay, I think I've had enough for one day... Osgar, would you mind taking care of the Goblin? I'd better get some rest for now, we can talk about whatever happened later." Cinder groaned softly due to his vocal cords aching as well, making his way to the master bedroom where he would be sleeping for the next 8-10 hours.

Plannit Plannit Sylph Sylph Goonfire Goonfire Funnier President Funnier President
Ah, it was a goblin. He eyed it as it hung from his arm, its mess of crooked teeth barely even scratching the surface of the obsidian. He'd seen her type before- a desert goblin. There were often squabbles between them and the red goblins of his homeland, especially at the barren overlap where the sands met the ash. She leapt from his arm, flying around the room once more much like a panicked mouse before settling on the chair.

Then a flash, a sudden surge of power coursed through him as the temperature of the room rose swiftly, melting the rocky plating into its burning, molten form. He moved away from the wall before it got too scorched, turning back to see the source of the heat: Cinder, or at least something using him as a brief channel for its power.
The magmur crossed his arms, as the heat rose so did his own strength- and there was little he could do to prevent the now blackened and smoking wood beneath him.

With a final earsplitting screech the fox seemed to calm, the glowing haze around him clearing and the temperature of the cabin cooling once more, though Tuur took a moment longer to cool enough for his plates to solidify again. His own burning eyes followed Cinder as he left the room, before turning back to the goblin, narrowed in suspicion.

"You said the adventurers were still alive," he began, "something about an 'evil castle' too. Tell us what you know."

Sylph Sylph II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
While Zeno was making his sandwich, a extremely loud noise suddenly came over of al them, extremely loud. Starled,, Zeno had double daggers ready, but the noise was coming from Cinder, who was yelling extremely loud at a new adventured that he barely knew, but that wasn't the point. Daggers ready, he quietly stepped towards Cinder, ready incase he made a move.

However, the heat dissaprated as Cinder seemed to return to normal- and Zeno put the daggers away as the newest adventure began threatening the Goblin- which Zeno didn't personally care for. Zeno was annoyed with how things had turned out, and he quickly grabbed his sandwich, before taking a room and sitting down on the bed- not wanting to interact with anyone
Location: Cabin --> Forest
The goblin eyes glowed as they glared at the threat, her skin slowly molting into a deep red as the heat began to press down on them. All the adventurers, in one way or another, seemed able to handle the shift. Below the cracks in the Magmur's stone skin a deep, molten red began to rise. The others had no doubt encountered similar conditions throughout their missions, and had either grown acclimatised to the pressure or skilled at hiding their discomfort. The ones most affected were the civilian family, who would have had to rush downstairs to avoid being cooked alive as the heat gathered in the upper floors--baths turned into boiling cauldrons. On the ground floor one of the adventurers might be able to shield them with their abilities.

The goblin said nothing as the bellowing voice crashed around her. Her small form tensed up tight and her lips pulled back in obvious hostility. When the onslaught finally ended and the heat receded--Cinder snapping out of his rage-induced trance--her skin slowly seeped back to its original, sandy brown. The subtle changes to her features fell away and she was left once more as an angry ball of unbridled aggression. Her glare followed him until he was out of the room, spitting and watching the acidic saliva steam as it hit the floor.

In his exhaustion Cinder didn't seem to notice the new state of his beloved home. The surface mess she had made was overshadowed by deeper levels of damage. The floors beneath the Magmur were charred and smoking as his molten skin began to settle back into plates, and the fire inside the hearth had blazed larger and larger until it licked the edges of the fireplace. Cracks were rampant through the glass windows. Some had shattered altogether on the upper floors as a result of the pressured shrieking the others heard. Being a Kitsune's home it was no doubt enchanted against major structural damage, but the aftermath was no longer an easy fix for the family.

"...You said the adventurers were still alive." Glim's head snapped around at the rumbling voice. The Magmur's arms were crossed, eyeing her with a similar hostility to what she fixed on him. "Something about an 'evil castle' too. Tell us what you know."

Whatever patience the desert creature held had evaporated with the last of the heat. She noticed the taller human sheathing his daggers, though it didn't seem like the threat had been aimed at her--his gaze had been carefully fixed on the kitsune.

"Not here," the goblin spat. Perhaps Zeno would pause before leaving to his room, finding her next words of interest. "I go to ruins. Use tunnels. Prepare to fight monster." Her dilated eyes glared at the door Cinder had left through. "Adventurers may come. He not welcome."

With that she would leap off the couch, darting over broken decorations and scorch marks to reach the entrance. It became obvious how hot it remained inside once she'd threw open the door to step outside. Glancing over her shoulder once more to inspect the destructive scene, the adventurers would only have a short time to grab whatever gear was close at hand before following her into the storm. Or they could stay, but it seemed obvious the goblin wouldn't be coming back.
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Plannit Plannit Goonfire Goonfire Funnier President Funnier President
1614063777037.pngTitus knocked on the front door to get face to face with an old man who looked like he'd been living in the woods for his whole life, it was clear the man wasn't a stranger to hard work either. "Nice to meet you Sir, I'm Titus and we have brought the ten boar here. I can either leave them against the house or take them inside, whichever you prefer."
"Das' fine o'er there sonny, I c'n skinnem later and make me some good eatins outta them suckers." He declared in a heavy backwoods accent.
"Alright then sir, would you also like me to help speed up your recovery?" Titus offers out of good will.
"Nah I ain't buyin no fancy treatments 'n hogwash." He replied dismissively.
"It's free of charge sir." Titus stated.
"Well then 'ere sonny heal up these old bones." He stated with bright eyes.
Titus nodded and healed the man to speed up his recovery before heading back to Ymir.
"He was... quite the character." Titus exclaimed rather befuddled by the old man's behavior. Still it was time for them to return, Ivar got to do a mission and he was going to take Ymir to see the church he grew up in. "Well I'm ready to go." Titus says as he places his hand on Ymir's shoulder to put on a heat resistance enchantment. "That's to keep you safe even when we visit some of the hottest parts of the temple." He explained before he pulled out his waystone. "Alright then, let's get going!" Titus declared before they arrived at the front of the temple where she could see the towering volcano that reached the clouds and the large hewn pillars which supported a large stone awning opening wide for pilgrims even as large as titans and dragons to enter the temple. The fire was ripe in the air as jets of flame could be seen high up upon the volcano, the mountain ever burning with glorious golden flames. "Welcome to my home." Titus declared with a grin.
Sylph Sylph
Location: Boar Quest --> Fire Temple
"He was... quite the character." Titus said. Ymir glanced up at his approach, finishing with the clasps on her bag. "Well I'm ready to go."

She nodded. The mission had been considerably easier than their earlier one, and certainly not as messy. Still she decided to stick with exploration requests in future. She wasn't expecting the hand he dropped on her shoulder, raising a brow when a dull shimmer rippled outwards from it only to sink into her skin moments later. There was little difference when she held her arm up to inspect it.

"That's to keep you safe even when we visit some of the hottest parts of the temple."

Ah, of course. A fire ward. It made sense given it was a fire temple, but... how hot was he talking?

"Alright then, let's get going!" Titus pulled out his waystone and the familiar sensation washed over them. The glade fell away from view, along with it the very ground under their feet. There was always a brief moment where one seemed to float--weightless, soundless, bodiless in the void--before the world came crashing back in. For Ymir she heard it before anything else. The pyre-like roar of flames, distant sounds of creatures, the reverberating sound of earth cracking beneath their feet.

"Mother of dawn-" she staggered as the heat hit her. Titus's enchantment might have protected her from open flames and molten rock--but it sure wasn't a cooling spell. Ymir leaned on her knees, muttering as she adjusted to when felt like an open furnace. "Urgh. Fire temple, should have expected this." Flames shot up like geysers along the slope, parts of the mountain cracking to reveal molten rock beneath. It was a very far cry from the spring and white winters of her village.

"Welcome to my home."

"It's... nice," she managed, still stooped over. Too late to be mentioning she didn't do well with heat. She'd dug her hole and apparently she was going to melt in it. Raising her head Ymir took a proper look at the entrance to the temple--blinking as she did. Her head craned back further and further. Colossal pillars held up the rock, carved from granite and hewn into the mountain itself, which disappeared into the sky. The symbol of Seraphina marked the top of the entrance, which was large enough to belong to Giants--and even then the ruins Ymir had seen almost looked small by comparison. "...very nice," she amended, seemingly in afterthought.

Impressive as it was, it was still incredibly hot. Ymir exhaled and swept her hand in a circle, trails of air clinging to her fingers like transparent thread. She spun them into a steady, spherical shape and left it to hover around her head, and while the breeze gave some relief, Ymir still hoped the temple would be cooler inside.

"It certainly looks like it belongs to a fire goddess." Standing properly she changed her attention to the looming monolith of a volcano. The top of it couldn't even be seen, disappearing into a murk of ashen clouds and smoke that looked as if it were at least semi-permanent around the top. "Shall we go inside?"
EldridSmith EldridSmith
-Stella Radcliff | Kitsune of the Stars | 2554yo (DEAD) | Unknown Ranked Monster-
As the cabin came to an eerie silence, the lights powered by magic flickered off as the magic within the room was heavily dampened. The fire from the fireplace was snuffed out as a glow started to come forth from the ceiling, similar to an aurora that usually danced across the night sky in this region once a year every year. A ghostly white figure formed from the glow, with her tail sustaining the beautiful lights as her form sat atop the table ruined by the Goblin. The damage done to the wood and fabric was undone by a separate aura within the room, and soon enough eight other different and unique Kitsune spirits became visible. Each spirit was of a different size, with the smallest being the one that sat atop the table and map in the living room, its tail glowing a variety of pale greens and vibrant magentas; with specks of white that moved like the stars in the sky. Its eyes were quite bold as well. One gave off a glare similar to the sun high in the sky on a clear day, while the other looked much like the moon and its craters; with both eyes seeming as dead and cold as ice can feel. With a flick of the tail the light that had filled the cabin dissipated, with the other Kitsune spirits fading back into obscurity; a blink of the eyes bringing the magic lights back on alongside of giving the remaining spirit normal looking eyes.
"Good evening adventurers. I apologize for earlier on behalf of the other spirit Nyus, he tends to have a short fuse... I humbly welcome you to the Radcliff family household, for I am the first of many Kitsunes under the Radcliff name: Stella Radcliff." She greeted them with a soft and charismatic voice, her aura as dim but awe inspiring as the view of the galaxy from the planet they live upon. She gave off a guilty vibe from the embarrassing behavior of her descendant, though she also seemed slightly distrustful of the group as a whole. "Being as you may have questions, I ask that you don't hesitate with whatever you want to know about. So please, feel free to have me answer whatever you're curious about."

Sylph Sylph Plannit Plannit Goonfire Goonfire Funnier President Funnier President
Titus held back a snort as he noticed Ymir already having trouble with the fires of the outside of the temple. It was relatively cool out here compared to the innermost sanctum and the summet, however most of the areas open to visitors had enchantments to keep the heat from harming anyone. "Don't worry it gets cooler inside, except in the forges and inner sanctum." Titus explained as he was about to offer her a hand, but she then stood up to awe at the entrance as she continued to look up until she saw the crown with the image of Seraphina upon it. "This part of the temple was made eons ago by the first fire titans and dragons born of Seraphina's power." He declared proudly before Ymir suggested they head inside, to which Titus nodded and began explaining more about the temple. "The eldest dragon still lives upon the summit of the volcano and gives wisdom through his lectures to the clergy." Titus stated, the church was far older than history, yet the undocumented ages were not yet forgotten as the Eldest lived. He was a reminder that there was always someone far above yourself, and to stay humble, as well as a reminder to respect the elders and their wisdom. "Though I won't take you to him, his aura is overbearing even for me, thankfully he is able to lecture from a distance using magic. Still he's not to speak today as he spoke yesterday." Titus said as they stated walking into the temple. The eldest being so old grew tired of wars and said that wars were for the younger generation to temper themselves, it would do them no good if he alone won battles without the chance to earn their glory. He now serves as a protector and teacher of the temple.

After his short lecture on the origin of the temple, they soon arrived at the grand entrance of the temple. "I would like you to meet my foster father, he's this way." He says with a smile as he leads Ymir towards the courtroom, the crown of the entrance portraying a pair of balanced scales. Upon Titus entrance to the courtroom the various clerks and judges nodded to him before returning to their work as they worked with groups of people explaining of legal matters, settling disputes, and judging criminals. At the center of the room was a dais where a man stood overseeing all the legal procedures of those under him. Upon the dais stood Lucian the Blind who grinned at Titus and Ymir. "Welcome back my Son, it is nice to finally meet one of your friends. It is a pleasure to meet you young lady, I am Lucian the Blind, and Titus foster father." He says with a wide smile, though you can't see his eyes as they are obscured by his helmet. "I hope that my appearance is not off-putting, as I am blind there is no point in my eyes being visible. Though I must inquire what brings a servant of the disillusioned and doubting God here to the temple of Seraphina? The servants of Taenia rarely find themselves at our doorstep you see." He asks curiously with a pleasant smile.
Sylph Sylph

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