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The Guardians


Queen of the Underworld
Okay to survive this world you need to know one thing: Trust no one. No one at all because they could be the last person you see before they kill you. So if you do trust someone, be careful. But if you're a freak like everyone else then you are probably a Guardian. Yea the Humans are hunting us too but the Guardians are supernatural beings that protect them.

No god modding. Please.

On write in 3rd person. Please.

At max 2 characters.

Hybrids ARE allowed. But nothing more than 2 creatures. EX: Werewolf/Vampyre=Good. Dragon/Werewolf/Vampire=Bad.

Name: Clary

Age: Looks 19 Actually 572

Species: Fury

Power/Abilities: The insanity caused by a Fury intensifies until the victim dies. A Fury requires eye contact in order to use her powers, but once a Fury has "inflicted" her victim with insanity there is no known way of stopping it. This applies also to themselves, as even the reflection of their own gaze can drive them mad. When a Fury activates her power, her eyes glow red.

Flight- Furies have feathered wings. They can fly.

Appearance: http://i60.tinypic.com/mkdjtf.jpg (<--- Normally dark jeans and black knee high converse)

Weapons (If any): 2 Daggers concealed in her belt

Personality: Clary is extremely shy and never looks into anyone's eyes due to her power. She was always the oddball and a loner when she was in school. She hardly ever talks unless spoken too. She is also an excellent fighter.

Backstory: Clary was abandoned when she was young so she practically lived at her school till she graduated. After that, she lived on her own, being a Guardian and protecting those trying to kill her. She never used her powers unless she had to or she accidentally made eye contact.
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Name: Luke

Age: 25

Species: Human

Power/Abilities: Luke has mind control/reading abilities. He can go into the depths of someones mind, expose their deepest secrets, or make him do his bidding. However there is a drawback. After every use, the user becomes closer and closer to the brink of insanity. Luke has crossed that line. He's been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia, multi-personality disorder, bipolarity, major depression disorder, both mania and hypo-mania, catatonia, chronic hallucinatory psychosis, PSTD, induced-delusional disorder, schizotypal disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, and several hundred unknown and unstudied disorders.


Weapons (If any):
Luke has no personal weapons.

Personality: Luke is aggressive, impulsive, extremely dangerous, and feels no pain. Due to several hundred mental disorders, Luke feels absolutely no pain, emotional or physical. Luke does not act upon his own will but those of over 50 voices in his head. His actions are not decided by him, but figments of his imagination.

However, Luke can be an extremely nice person, caring and talkative. He can talk for hours, helping you with problems from angles you never would of thought of.

He can be classified as a sociopath, pyschopath, and narcissist. But he has a side that could do the world amazing good if put to use.

You see, because of his disorders, he does not think like you and me. Luke thinks differently and because of this it allows him to solve problems creatively, and.. wonderfully.

But there is a side that would destroy the world if given a chance.

The gap between personalities is so extreme, doctors have suggested that he be put to death, just so he doesn't cause anymore harm than he already has.

Backstory: There is nothing special about Luke. Minus his power.
Clary sat on the park bench quietly observing her surroundings. She liked it when everything was peaceful and she barely ever got these peaceful moments. She took in as much peace as she could. Clary knew sometime soon someone would realize she needs to be killed. Reason? Just because. Rule number one of this "peaceful" world. Trust no one. Even family. Clary had seen many families die because of the rule. But it was a rule that spread like wildfire and she knew tons of people were loners like herself. But she accepted loneliness like an old friend.
Luke sat in his bed, starting at his ceiling. He had stayed up all night. 'Damn insomnia,' he thought to himself. He slowly got out of bed, and looked at the time. 3:00PM. He knew his clock was wrong anyway. He lit up a cigarette, and walked outside. He felt today was going to be a bad day. He knew it.

He walked down the street, hoping to find someone interesting, seeing several people he wished he could destroy in public. And so he did.

Continuing to smoke his cigarette, he stopped at a corner, and finished it off.

He looked around and set his head back. He was already seeing things. And hearing the voices. Usually they waited until around 12:00. But they were getting an early start today.
Clary stood quietly and kept her gaze down. She had enough peace now for a week so she walked down the sidewalk. 'Maybe the ice cream shop is open. Or the coffee shop.' She thought quietly as she walked. Her day has never been this peaceful before. Ever. 'Something big is coming for me. I know it. I'm going to get stepped on by a giant or something.' She thought with a smile she couldn't suppress.
Luke got back up. He was seeing people that weren't there, hearing things, and was not feeling good at all. He tried walking but did not succeed in getting very far.

Walking a few steps, Luke tripped and fell. He laid down confused, but not in pain. Just confused.

He stood up, and tried to walk again. He saw a person running towards him, and this person pushed him over. He knew it wasn't real, and didn't stumble.

Luke had ways of telling what and what not was real.

The fakes had odd face structure. They could be normal, but they just looked.. different.

Luke walked a few more feet, and sat down at a bench.

He then noticed people looking at him. And he started feeling angry.

"What are you all looking at?! Huh?! There's nothing here!!" he screamed angrily at the crowd gathering. "Stop looking at me!" he started to run down the street. He rested at a pole and sat down next to it. He noticed an ice-cream parlor and a female walking towards it. He tried to ignore her, but he knew she was different.

She had a gift.
Clary entered the parlor and ordered some chocolate ice cream. She sat at a table quietly and ate, trying not to be seen or heard. She heard shouting outside but she didn't want to get involved. It was someone else's problem. Not hers. Rule number two. Don't get involved unless absolutely necessary. She could feel the eyes of the employee boring holes into her soul. Not literally but point stands. Clary was actually getting slightly scared. If she turned to look, she might make eye contact and kill the employee. 'No. Not another death. Never again.' Clary thought, staring at her ice cream as she ate it.
Luke stared at her. He was getting into her head. Reading her.

'Happy.. happy go positive. Positive? No. Bad past, but positive. Negative.' he started thinking to himself the words he was getting. 'Passive.. dark. Secretive. Issues. Trust... Trust issues. Dark past, but passive.' he started putting together her profile.

'Dark past, but passive. Remains secretive? Secluded, is more like it. Overcompensates for something dark.. a death, perhaps.' He read her more and more.

'Secret.. the secret.. special? Power.. hidden. Insane. An insane special power? Insanity. Broken. Death.. Looks, glimpse, eyes.. soul.' Luke always had trouble reading those who had powers like him.
Clary could feel someone else staring at her. She could feel a slight tingling at the base of her neck but she paid no attention to it. She just wanted to enjoy her ice cream for Pete's sake. 'Why can I never have any free time without someone trying to kill me?' She thought irritatedly, as she stared at her ice cream. She finished and stood to throw away to trash. No littering folks! She could still tell the employee was staring at her, as well as someone else. 'What is going on?' Clary thought quietly. She was getting scared now.
Luke dug deeper. He read her secrets, personal issues/problems, past experiences. He contemplated destroying her... but he didn't. She was different.

He actually gave her a memory. Something she had all but just forgotten. Her childhood. Most children forget everything that happens before 5-6 and he felt she deserved to have it. Why? He didn't know. It just felt right. He sat up, looking at her more physically instead of emotionally.

'19,' he guessed. 'Female.. obviously. Tough, but not violent.' Luke wasn't only good at reading minds. He used this power quite often, and that allowed him to practice reading body language, movement.
Clary walked out of the parlor when she found who was staring at her. She kept her gaze at the ground as she walked past him. Suddenly Clary felt she had to be very scared of this guy. No matter what. She was terrified. She wanted to go home and curl up in a ball and hide. 'No. You can't do that Clary. That's childish and weak.' She scolded herself mentally. 'Why is he staring at me? Geesh. Am I that ugly or do I have a toilet paper trail or am I just radiating waves of freakiness?' She walked off in the direction of her home, hoping the guy doesn't follow her.
Luke watched her walk away.

He didn't follow. He knew she didn't want it. Instead he sat down, and lit another cigarette. And he did something stupid.

He said his name to her. In her head, of course. "Luke. And yours?" he sat back, not looking at her, but smoking. "Want one?" he asked her, still in her head, in reference to the cigarette.
Clary stopped dead in her tracks, fear paralyzing her from head to toe. 'Excuse me?' Clary thought as she turned around and saw the guy with a cigarette. 'No I don't smoke.' She replied quietly wondering how the guy could be into her mind like that. He was just a human. She was a fury. 'Is today just backwards or something?!' She thought to herself trying to figure everything out.
"You're excused. Your name. What is it?" he asked her. "Ah well.. too bad you don't smoke. They taste really good." he said to her.

"Scared? Don't be. I'll try my best not to hurt you. No promises." he never looked at her. He knew her power. "Is today backwards? No. Not last time I checked. It was fine. Perfectly normal."
'Clary. And no day is ever normal.' She replied quietly then she thought on what he said. He'll try his best not to hurt her but no promises. That terrified her more. She walked up to Luke quietly and sat beside him. 'Explain to me how a human is hacking my brain. Please.' She thought, keeping her gaze down, careful not to hurt anyone.
((Sorry!! I fell asleep! :( ))

Luke laughed to himself. "Hacking? Yea... no. You know how you can look into someone's eyes and.. let's just say end them? Well, I'm not much different." and he grinned. He started growing angrier for no apparent reason. "I should go... I'm feeling another... attack? I guess you could call it?"
Clary kept her gaze down and she heard Luke say he had to leave. "You don't have to leave. I know how to protect myself." Clary stayed calm, knowing that if one is calm, it just spreads like wildfire. At least thats how it was in the human world. Plus she didn't want him to leave just yet. She wanted to know more about the telepath, even though he terrified her. She looked to the sun to guess what time it was. She didn't believe in watches or clocks because they could be wrong and everything get messed up.
Luke grinned more. "I wouldn't try and mess around with an insane person who has the ability to literally, destroy your mind. I wouldn't dance, and risk it."

He finished off his cigarette, looked around and got up. He waited for her to say something. The anger grew, but he tried to control it just for a bit longer.
Clary grinned quietly. "Whats life without taking risks?" She stood also and lowered her gaze. She was no longer terrified. But she wasn't sure she could trust him yet. If you are going to trust someone, be careful. Things could go very wrong very quickly. Everyday Clary was scared she would hurt someone or someone would kill her. But she always made it to the next day.
Luke turned to face her, but never looked directly at her. "What's life if a risk is taken and the people involved.. wind up dead?" he played the chord. He had figured out, almost, what had happened.

He looked down, grimly, and said "And what is it then, if you live in constant fear of doing it again? And then you become a hollow shell of yourself." he lit another cigarette.
Clary felt terror and anger boil up but she kept control. "It was an accident. That is all I am saying. Go through my mind if you must to find the truth but it was an accident. So what if I live in fear for the rest of my life? I've grown used to it. Loneliness and fear are like long lost friends. They're always there and never going to leave." She used a lot of self control to keep her voice calm.
Luke knew she was angry. No point in denying it. He struck the wrong chord on purpose. Just for fun.

He knew exactly what he did. "And I don't want this, to turn into an 'accident'" he put emphasis on accident. "Your past is of no concern to me, because, quite frankly, you're not that special to me. Your mind is just as weak as the next person I will interact with. Just because of your ability, does not mean you have anymore or less of a chance of stopping me. It's as simple as that." he replied bitterly, growing tired and bored of the conversation.
Clary kept her anger down as she heard his words. "Well if I can't do anything to stop you then why don't you just kill me right here right now?" She raised her gaze to his face but not making eye contact. She knew this is what he wanted. But she wasn't going to do it. She was too scared. She didn't want to hurt anyone. Not after what happened. But he was started to get on her nerves and insulting her. She was used to the insults but these insults struck a nerve.
"Why kill you when I could play games? Slowly erase every important memory, family, friends. Then I could slowly watch as you become insane without me having to do any work. And I will sit and laugh.

But no. There is no point in it. Because while your mind is weak, you are special, and could be of use to me.

Luke sighed. The anger was passing now, and he was regretting what he said. He finished off his cigarette, and noticed he was out.
Clary was tempted to make eye contact. "I have no friends or family. No important memories. So have fun." She knew the consequences of what would happen when she makes eye contact but she had to. She made eye contact and could feel her power. She instantly felt bad about doing but she knew Luke could kill her. Fight to survive. Rule number three.

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