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Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

Biting her bottom lip, Euclaire’s laughter was stifled temporarily, pausing abruptly as a snort. The disharmony was so chaotic but fights like this really showed off everyone’s natures. Taking it all in and not being a part of the drama for once was actually pretty amusing. At the very least, she didn’t hate it. “He’ll probably be less of a pain after he winds down or has something to do.” Euclaire waved the drunk’s little tantrum off as nothing and bent down to pick up the discarded flask, handing it back to the centurion. “Or so we can hope.”

Her gaze settled on the mysterious cube next. “Sounds like the poor thing has been through a lot. Have you ever considered asking nicely?” Her suggestion was more of a joke but if violence wasn’t the key, it couldn’t hurt to try the opposite, right? Maybe it needed to be open in a specific location or the stars had to align. It really was a mystery.

Large eyes glittering with curiosity, Euclaire merged with Gugu and edged closer to the girl holding the cube. Now sporting two long antennae, she bent at the waist to inspect it better. Brushing the appendage up against it, she wasn’t really expecting to find much of anything. The smells the antennae picked up were so mixed up, it was hard to make out any of it at all.

Unable to bear it any longer, she pulled back and covered her nose with the back of her hand. “Damn, that smells.” Euclaire’s nose wrinkled in complaint. The displeasure only lasted a fraction of a second before she was beaming again.

“Oh.” Recalling they hadn’t even introduced themselves to each other yet, and that the Centurion was the only one that showed anything for their brief show and tell session, Euclaire reached back and pulled the hairpin from her bun, sending red waves of thick hair cascading down her back. “I don’t think I've gotten your names yet but I’m Euclaire. I come from the slums of Valencia so I don’t really have much to show for it. I did snatch this pretty little hairpin from a woman that came from Zuanshi though.” Showing off the butterfly design at the end, the crude bamboo hairpin was nowhere near as interesting as the mystery cube but it was still pretty.

Though she claimed to have stolen it, it was more of a gift from an old friend. One of the few things she owned that was fully and completely hers and not something taken from someone else. “I don’t think anything anyone shows off can really compare to that box though.”

EldridSmith EldridSmith Jet Jet ZackStop ZackStop Lost Echo Lost Echo Arcanist Arcanist

Ava Marco
interaction: Jet Jet rozukitsune rozukitsune ZackStop ZackStop Lost Echo Lost Echo
ava quirked an eyebrow when a "homicide" was mentioned? what the heck was that?? she frankly had no clue, probably related to Muder considering how everyone was talking or was it a fancy word for it? whatever it didn't much matter everyone else was on edge fuck... everything was on edge even the damn building it seemed Ava crossed her arms with a small huff. however... when she actually saw want.. happend... the giant just... paused... staring blankly... "whaaaat... th-h-r..a.." words just failed her.. she'd been holding to together well enough for a while but this.. THIS was frankly a breaking point.. sure she'd seen some dead people... but not.. in tourted.. corpses like that suffered when they died.. how.. what could have done this.. and... hundreds.. ava just... slumped against a wall covering her face. "ju i.. need a second.. ok.. wasn't ... i.. aa" again she couldn't even finish her sentance.. her voice pettering out into nothing..
Narzas applied the cream she was given without a second's thought - it was more or less a direct order after all and despite her intentions to become her own person it was hard to break long-ingrained old habits. When she realized what it was for, she rolled her eyes but was silently grateful. Assassins may deal in death but outside of what happened at the Arena she'd never seen so many dead bodies all at once. That was the kind of thing soldiers in war were forced to deal with. Or maybe anthropologists. Her field of knowledge didn't include massive crimes like this. She was trained to kill individuals - not groups.

Seeing them all lying about like they'd been all done in at once definitely didn't speak to any single or group of assassins doing this. No one just keeled over with looks of terror like that on their faces unless it was an attack from someone they trusted. More than likely this had been some kind of guerilla tactic. Poison gas in the air vents that made them spasm before they choked to death like the way the announcer and Tefra had died. Well... unless it was Lucia or someone like her maybe. Narzas stepped closer to the bodies and began combing them over with a sharp eye and a gentle touch - her mind on what had happened back at the arena. So many dead with just the press of a button on some device she had no comprehension of it's function...

but for all the similarities - these people seemed to have been actually killed by hand. She noted that their throats had all been cut in identical fashions - curious, and when she investigated further she found some of them had had their palms carved into like some kind of sick calling card.

Hmm... what could 'N T' and 'T S' possibly stand for?

He stopped walking and looked over at Narzas, wondering what she thought about the massacre. There was a chance she'd crack the case with her experience. "You ever see anything like this?"

She looked up from her investigations and sighed, shaking her head to Johan's question. "No, can't say that I have... but look - someone signed their work." She told him, her mouth a thin line and her brows furrowed. "Do the letters N T or T S mean anything to you?"

Jet Jet Lost Echo Lost Echo ZackStop ZackStop Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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The detective paced around before stopping beside Ren, his emotionless face was like a wall made of stone. He wasn't sure if he could ever crack the case — as the young man said — but he would certainly try. The main issue was how professional the attack was. How there was no evidence, no witnesses and no obvious motive. That a hundred men were butchered in such a way; he couldn't comprehend how it was even possible, but his pride as a man was on the line. "Of course." He sounded confident as could be, despite his reservations about the case. "This is what I do kid."

"No matter how clean a crimescene, criminals always make a mistake."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Johan said. "This is beyond even my abilities as a centurion, whoever did this... they're a consumate professional. Even had the courtesy of making clean kills. Meant they had the time and confidence to be precise."

He glanced at Anya and nodded at her suggestion. "Good point, neurotoxins or magical could explain why they stood in place."

"Because with something like this." He knelt beside some of the bodies, checking them for any clues to cling to. "It's a bloodbath, there'd be signs of struggle and defensive wounds, bodies piled near exits. They wouldn't stand in place and take it."

He pawed over the bodies as Narzas mentioned the letters. He was surprised the killer left a calling card, something done by psychos who killed people for sport. Not professional assassins. "Hmm..."

"National Tax and Treasury Service? An accountant gone rogue?" He smirked at the comment. "Normal Tigers are Terrifying, Seriously?"

"Must be that." He checked the hands of the corpses around him, cocking his head when he found more letters. "Hmm?"

"Found a D and a U over here." He looked over at Narzas. "I'm starting to think it spells something."

He stood and walked over to the next group of corpses, checking hands as he noticed, in the corner of his eye, that Ava was starting to panic. He was surprised such a big, seemingly tough person was shaken under pressure, but he couldn't blame her. He was only composed because of his disgusting career. "Ava," he said with a sympathetic hint. "If you need to step out."

"By all means. This ain't for everyone." He looked around the corpse strewn room. The workers bent over machines and sprawled across the floor, light shining from pools of spilled blood. It was grim but he wanted her to overcome it. "But I think you can do it."

"Death is part of life. It's uncomfortable but natural. This is where we all end up." He offered her a weak smile. "Not the most inspiring message but still, death isn't the enemy, and these men didn't suffer before the end."

Lost Echo Lost Echo rozukitsune rozukitsune ZackStop ZackStop Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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1689643245827.pngUpon seeing Faraji point out their piercings, Nyaall got thinking. "Hey guys, how do you think a piercing would look on me? Maybe I'll get one. Not sure where though." His management had thought any sort of piercings or tattoo would turn his image too edgy for the boy next door vibe they were trying to present him as having off the stage. He'd had clip ons and temporary tattoos while performing, and those were fun, but he was curious about something more permanent.

As Faraji continued and mentioned wanting to know who was behind the attack on the Games, Nihal found himself wondering as well. It was a terrible deed that took many lives and ruined numerous others, and yet, without it, Nyaall would still be in shackles. In a way, he owed his freedom to the master mind behind it. Despite his inebriated state, he was of sound enough mind to keep the thought to himself.

As Adrian explained the anatomy and physiology of Hydras, the cat boy's eyes widened. He watched with vested interested at the fiery visual Adrian used to demonstrate, but found himself grimacing as it continued along. The slithering and writhing mass was not fun to look at, even if it wasn't the real thing. "I guess then the best way to handle them would be taking care of the whole mass at once. Maybe you could just torch the bundle, or crush it under something. Then again, that may be difficult depending on how big it ends up becoming..."

As the redhead continued speaking, this time on the topic of vampires, Nyaall found himself smirking at the story of the girl who wanted to join their leagues. He snorted at the bit about her wanting him to bite her neck. "Did you end up covering yourself in glitter so that you'd sparkle in sunlight as well?" the performer asked. Despite poking fun at her, if the prospect of eloping with a vampyric Casanova had presented itself during his youth, after all the romance novels he had read, he might have also overlooked the red flags logic and reality presented to do so.

Once the Centurion among them started singing and dancing, Nyaall gave a polite chuckle at the performance. He never criticized anyone else's musical talent as a rule, but Vixie doing so did elicit a snort from him. "You know, they pitched a song with similar lyrics to me once too," he noted. "We ended up changing some of them and making it more of a power ballad.

"How can we be lovers if we can't be friends?
How can we start over if the fighting never ends?
How can we make love if we can't make ends?
Tell me, how can we be lovers if we can't be friends?

He sang it with all the power appropriate for the genre. Surprisingly, despite his drunken state, he stayed on pitch and in tempo. Even if the performance was good, the idea for a well-known singer to belt notes in their location may not have been the smartest idea.

The cat boy found himself following the back and forth between Viv and Goliath with an amused expression, even chuckling when Adrian stoked the fire (fitting for a fire user). He blinked though when Goliath proposed actual physical violence. "Maybe let's not..." he said. Even if he was too out of it to pick up on sarcasm, at least he was still there enough to know that group in-fighting would be a bad idea.

"Wait, are you referring to our match?" he asked, turning to Goliath and motioning between Vixie and himself with his hand. "We put on a top tier show! We did so well that no one even knew we staged the whole thing! Especially not my management!" He had a smug grin on his face despite spilling the beans. Not that it mattered much now.

When the man continued listing the various offerings of drugs, the cat boy's grin widened, and his eyes had a glint of excitement. "Oh yeah?? What do they do? What are they like??" When Vixie chimed in with the possibility of them being rat poison, he gave an amused smirk. "Well, good thing I'm a cat then!" Another shit-eating grin appeared on his face to show just how proud he was of that response.

His amusement only continued when she pointed out his inebriated state. "Whaaaaattt???" he said with a drunken giggle. "I'm just having some fun!"

Faraji did bring up a good point, and it made him consider the validity of Vixie's point as well. "Well then, does anyone here got a nose for this stuff? Able to find out what's real and what's not, I mean. Although I'd be willing to share if someone helped me out."

When Goliath questioned how long his bender had been going on for, Nyaall had a contemplative expression on his face for a moment. "I'm not sure," he said with a shrug after a moment. The carefree smile on his face made it apparent he didn't find it to be a problem. "And I'm not doing it to help with anything. I'm just having fun! I've got years of that to catch up on!"

His ears twitched upon hearing Vixie's compliment to Faraji. He glanced over with a curious look before a mischievous smirk spread across his face. He nudged her with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows at her and glancing over at Faraji every so often. It took all the self-control he currently had (which, judging by his current state, wasn't all that much) to not start teasing her out loud about a perceived crush.

Lost Echo Lost Echo Goliath Goliath Jet Jet Arcanist Arcanist
Charlie Redding
As the group headed to the 'war room' of it all, Charlie worked to remain mindful of her companions and the situation at large. From the assurances of Evaline to Renn that she'd be safe, Zulan muttering something in a language she wasn't sure of, their Centurion looking awfully gunshy around 'Kildie' over there...every aspect of her mind whirred at high alert, adrenaline already pumping in her ears. Survival instinct and self-preservation made her hyper-aware of the very noise of Renn's breathing as she suddenly clung to her arm, and this time Charlie didn't even bother trying to dislodge her. Murder and hate mixed swirled into a refined cocktail all about them on the outside, and Death himself was the bartender mixing the drink. And, unfortunately, the drinks were on the house this evening and the 'tender was all about free samples in this neck of the woods. Scarlet eyes quickly snapped towards the maps as she raised her free hand up, her familiar landing atop it and scooting up to her shoulder with little hops. But...no, there was something else. She didn't have a chance to voice it, she 'saw' the group pushing through the horde before the rest. But what was she going to do about it from here? A mental word of 'good work' to her companion as her gaze drifted towards the window to watch the 'show'.

"Kildie, I told you I was allergic to bullshit, right? So cut the shite for a moment and read the room if ya got enough brain cells in that head of yours to click together for a single thought." Charlie didn't like anyone, but right now she liked 'Kildie' the least. Not even the most airheaded idiot was that airheaded. Survival instinct was either nonexistent and she was going to be a detriment, or she was selling wares she didn't want to buy. Whatever the case may be, the gruff woman didn't have the time or care to throw a punch to her jaw in the moment, though the idea sound satisfying. And, while it hadn't been satisfying to watch, Charlie stared out unflinching as the stage was erected and the poor sonuvabitch hauled out onto it. And even when the poor bastard was relieved of his head, Charlie didn't even flinch as her scowl was glued on her face. "Crowd parted 'round that bunch. Might not be the masterminds, might be. Whatever the case, they're callin' shots. Or if I had to be more precise, the cleanly dressed fella' is. His buddy though...maybe not." These were her kind of people, and the worst sort. The kind who fought so desperately for their own survival or their own goals that everyone else were expendable...she might not be 'the' guide, but she could probably blend in or get answers if they needed it.

Finally she tore her gaze away from the steadily expanding ocean of crimson on that stage to level that seering gaze of her own on Kwame. "Oi, centurion. Rooftops might be a shortcut, but they're patrolled. Not en masse, but got cloak and dagger on the roofs. Dunno if they're with the suit or not, don't have my lay of the land yet. Ya missed the meet n' greet on the ship, so I can actually say it myself for once. Charlie Redding, if ya need me by name. I'll do what I can help the lot of you if we're not going to hang by a lamp post, though if that sounds fun I'm sure the neighbors will help ya' right out. Got skillset for detective work and crackin' bones, dealers choice on what ya want in the moment. And you-" she looked towards Renn, a finger jabbed into her arm as she clung onto Charlie, "Stick close, aye? Got worse for ya to worry about than bein' lied to."


Fred Colon Fred Colon rozukitsune rozukitsune Jet Jet Lost Echo Lost Echo EldridSmith EldridSmith Emphoa Emphoa
𝓜𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓻 '𝓜𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴' 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓻
Ace paused with a soft hum, goggled eyes focusing on Ada as they searched for the ingredients she had requested, her mantis shrimp familiar managing to somehow turn a burner on with a soft 'click' for the stovetop. "Nicknames Ada...so we'll be calling you Ada I think! Rolls off the tongue easily, I think. As for what we're making, Negimaki. I don't know where the recipe comes from, Mav says it's an eastern dish, so hell if I know where we picked it up. Here, I'll show ya." As the male returned with the packages of food she'd requested she fumbled for a minute, concentrating on undoing the small bits of twine that held the packaging closed. Unwrapping it revealed what appeared to be already marinated strips of meat, while the dried greens appeared to be some sort of scallion. "There's a trick with this sort of green where I'm from, y'see. You can revive it if you know what you're doing. We dehydrate it so it travels longer, but I just have to shock it awake." She gently waved her free hand over the greens as frost coated them, a nod towards Ada. "Let em defrost, they'll soak up water like a sponge. So now-" the woman rambled in little bursts as she either did what she could with one hand to slice the meats correctly or instructed Ada on how to prep the greens once they were 'brought back to life', conversation on her part broken up by her chewing on seeds to ease her stomach grumbling. Though at Ivan's comment about a good brother looking out for her she gave a little laugh, looking over her shoulder. "Lookin' out for me, yeah? He's a loon, a good loon but still a loon. But...it is good we keep an eye on each other."

Mavior looked over toward Ivan at the mention of a training dummy with a slight tilt of the head, a very simple shrug earned. "The vessel will be able to sustain the weight of another ton or so, if it proves to be necessary. Anymore than that and I would need to run calculations to offset the weight and how to set the systems. If you wish to make the puppet, I will not impede you. Improvement is important." Mavior's attention lingered on the miniature mammoth for a few moments before attention drifted elsewhere...landing on their Centurion, a grizzled-looking older man who seemed to have distanced himself from everything. Mavior constantly kept him in the corner of his eye when he moved around, a fact hidden by his opaque goggles. He had rarely spoken so far, nor done much. And the fact Mav had learned very little regarding him so far meant all the more reason to be wary of him. Mav's face turned towards Elriel, a slight nod of his head. "If Devils Mouth is damaged it burrows itself into the dirt so it can mend itself with the nutrients in the soil. I am pleased you found the explanation sufficient." Mav stepped away out of reach of any further surprise attacks from his planter box, hands folding behind his back. Elriel had earned Mavior's full attention, rapt silence as he encoded every word he was given deep into his mind. "Your society is interesting to hear about, Elriel. Thank you. It is reminiscent of a capitalistic democracy while still incorporating aspects of a meritocracy. And yet, it still blends monarchy systems and limited castes. Fascinating." Whatever Mavior rambled about or where his train of thought was running, it was impossible to say...whatever it was, he did seem fascinated by what Elriel said. Mavior shifted the satchel at his hip again at the mention of familiars as if he found its current sitting position across his shoulder tiresome. "Familiars are simply aspects of the soul. It would make very little sense if it had less bearing on one's person than none." Attention slowly shifted to Zak as he spoke, processing what he'd heard. "What is Macragge like? Am I correct in my assumption that your own society values freedom of expression? Or, perhaps, a survivalist mindset? You seem to value chaos and your own personal form of fun...anarchist state, perhaps? Or perhaps anarcho-capitalism? You do seem to have been originally motivated by currency, after all."

EldridSmith EldridSmith Jet Jet Emphoa Emphoa Goliath Goliath
"Close enough is pretty good." Rat puffed out, finally, his eyes searching her expression as she seemed to think about her next words and his own expression softened for a moment. Before he finally looked back over towards Bracken and Leon and brightening up a little bit. He had to say it was nice getting a little group together like this. Even if they were not specifically... completely friendly, it was nice having the company despite the circumstances and he brightened up once more, looking back towards Leo with a little laugh escaping him.

"I bet we could, don't worry I'm sure Mischa wouldn't mind it." He puffed out and he shared a look with the red head, cocking his head to the side while she was speaking to Leon and he felt his chest warm. He hoped that maybe Ilana and Bracken could be light like this- but maybe they were both just older or couldn't find the sort of energy to bounce off of one another like they seemed to be able to. Despite this- he snorted out a little bit when Mischa spoke again and he gave a grin. "Tying to get us all messed up are you?" He puffed out, giving her a playful nudge. "Honestly? I've never had a drink before."

He looked back over towards Leon and he barked out a laugh. "Actually, it started off as an insult, but I think I've decided to embrace it." He stated, giving a little shrug of his shoulders. "It's what people would call me when I was younger on the streets." Remy poked his head out from his pocket, scrambling up onto his shoulder where Rat nuzzled into the rat with a little grin, looking back towards Mischa with a slight tilt of his head. "Ohh?? Initiation huh?" He laughed a little bit at the thought, leaning back ever so slightly while he listened to what she seemed to have in mind. "I'd always be down- Bracken you should join us as well- you don't have to be too quick to run off." He chirped out, his eyes lightly twinkling as he watched the older man.

Jet Jet Goliath Goliath Fred Colon Fred Colon ZackStop ZackStop
Evaline let out a breath- and she was confident that perhaps she was in a little over her head. She was just a farm hand, she knew how to mold metal and create armor- she could carry the calves and tend to the farm, but this? This was almost like dealing with the wild pack of coyotes trying to get at their farm animals- except she was one of those animals now. She pursed her lips together, her eyebrows furrowed as she listened to her surroundings and took in what everyone was saying to one another. She knew they would have ot be careful, and play their cards right if she was going to be able to get through this- they needed to be a team.

The woman sighed out, and it was then her attention was pulled to the crowds making a stage- and her lips pressed firmly together as they pulled a man up, there was no doubt about what they were about to do- and the others seemed to catch on as well. She pulled her eyes away from the scene, she wasn't sure she could watch a man be executed right in front of her as she looked back at the others, her brows tightly knitted together. Finally, she looked back at Kwame specifically. "We'll need more than just the basis that you are strong, anything could happen and we will need to be ready for it. It can not be dependent on your success alone." She stated flatly, and she placed a hand on her hip before she glanced towards Zulan. It was one way to say it- but she wasn't sure she would have spun the words into some fancy metaphor for something like this.

"Right now, I think it's more dangerous to have a centurion with us- or those who could be recognized as residents of Nye." She admitted, and she glanced over towards Renn who was basically accepting of her demise. "But that doesn't mean much- we'll just have to make sure you're both unrecognizable, no?" She asked, cocking her head to the side while she fell quiet, her lips pursed together at the mere thought... Would they be able to pull through with this? She didn't want to make anyone a target, ideally... this wasn't the time they would have wanted to be here.

Jet Jet EldridSmith EldridSmith rozukitsune rozukitsune ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Fred Colon Fred Colon
Anya turned at the noises Ava was making. She may not know the woman well, she still felt connected to her, through Mark. She moved in front of her, her wings flaring up to shield the large blacksmith from the view. “Breathe. Just close your eyes and breathe through your mouth.” She reached out, laying her hands on her muscular shoulders. “You’re not alone.

She noted the killer(s) left a note, but let herself focus on the large woman instead. The other two would keep her up to date. Whatever happened here wasn’t her top priority anyway. The poison might have originially been made on Peirama, but it wasn’t now. She wondered if she should urge Ava toward the offices, but the detective had said there were deaths there too.

She turned at Johan’s voice, and agreed, “Yeah, stepping out might be a good idea.” That would give her an opportunity to get more information. She could trade her knowledge for theirs. She rolled her eyes at the man’s attempt at comfort muttering, “You tried, that’s what matters.” She shifted, Kallos pullling from her as her wings disappeared. The crane stepped over to the other three as she led the larger woman away. “We won’t be far.” She called, her familiar insuring it. But she wanted to know if something happened. He might not be able to confer a clearer message than emotion, but if his calm demeanor changed she’d know.

Focus on that they didn’t hurt.” She knew it was possible they were frozen in place in fear or something of the sort, but it seemed less likely. She pushed the door of the factory open, the roar of the crowd defeaning after the silence of the tomb. The burn of chemicals and smog were quick to push away the scent of death as she let the heavy door fall shut once more. Leading Ava to the wall of the factory, she pushed lightly, futilely if Ava didn’t want to go down, encouraging her to sit. “Just breathe. Listen to my voice. You aren’t alone. You hear the people. That is life. Focus on that.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Jet Jet
ZackStop ZackStop rozukitsune rozukitsune
Yua Smith

There was a simple little nod from the blonde as Isaac continued to explain just who they were on their way to meet. Her familiar, the ever-present Gila Monster, betrayed her restless nerves as it shifted and scurried from one shoulder to the next. Unsurprisingly, Felix was handling everything in stride she noticed. Without even thinking of it she'd started to drift closer to the old butler's side, putting herself just that much closer to the comforting figure. "I see. And because they've broken their routine and habits, then the cause could only be considered as severe..." Yua fell respectfully silent as Isaac explained what he used to teach. Does learning how to fight really lead to one seeking conflict? No...probably not, but the sentiment was understandable. People got it in their heads that just because they have an inkling of something they know everything. It's why nothing ever changed, she supposed. You learn a bit of a company or a bit of politics. And then you learn a bit more, but you never truly learn anything 'new'. Just what's been repeated, and thus it's one big cycle.

The young woman was snapped from her thoughts as Isaac spoke to Felix, her butler giving a respectful nod back to the older man. "The games may be a display of barbarism, but simply attending it does not warrant so much death. I will be transparent with you, Sir Isaac, for you express frustration and disdain for Nye, as do your people. The powers that be are quite frankly very aggravated by what has happened, and rounded up what survivors they could find to investigate the assault. I was likewise requested to do such, which I promptly declined. My bond is to Miss Smith and to her family, and I will not impede my duties with a goose chase of all things. Though I pray that those who got rounded up into that search party remain safe...enough blood was shed in a single day for years to come...There is an old saying, older than the both of us I suspect. 'Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.'. I do not think an explanation is needed, but it seems to fit both what brews in the head of Nye's elite and what filled the minds of your students...my condolences for them, as well."

Felix finished his 'news report' as Isaac requested before they arrived, hands folding behind his back as he saw the behemoth of a man ahead of them. Yua saw him as well, and her eyes went wide...he looked like a barbarian out of an old fantasy book! "Felix, I have a bad feeling about this." "Chin held high, Miss Smith. Stay by my side, focus on their eyes." As they arrived, Yua had all but glued herself to her butlers side out of instinct for self-preservation, her eyes suddenly glued on this Atsali man's own. Felix did much the same, though rather than the nervous and wide-eyed 'deer in headlights' look like her charge had, his own held its usual bite of steel and cool demeanor. Both of their familiars likewise had a response...Ginka, Yua's little Gila Monster wasn't so much a monster as it burrowed itself into Yua's shirt beneath the collar, while that massive cobra that stayed near Felix simply coiled up, 'standing' upright at attention. This wasn't their jousting of verbal wits to be held, though both were interested what could be meant of...laying with Centurions. Surely they didn't mean them, of course, they'd just arrived. But then, who? Or did they actually mean them? For once, the two minds were on the same track...just in different amounts of panic and non-panic.

Jet Jet

Isaac stood his ground and stared into the warrior's eyes — unmoving — resolute like a mountain in a storm. He wasn't going to be intimidated by a boy spouting nonsense. "This village is beyond your reach Atsali. You have no power here. I care not who lays with whom, nor the ancient laws that bind your people."

He wanted the warrior gone as fast as possible; his conversation was worth far more than this insane drama. He wanted ask more questions about what happened at the games, share opinions over tea and relish the day with his new friends. He especially wanted to know about the investigation that was happening — the bit about survivors stoked his interest — but here he was instead. It was an utter mess. The sooner it was done the happier he would be, so he wasn't going to pull punches. Instead he straightened his back with the sound of popping joints, standing several inches taller as he said, "No blood shall be spilt here, so it was said by your high priest years ago, or would you reneg on that promise?"

The warrior tightened his hand around his spear, and his familiar, an eagle with yellow feathers, narrowed its predatory eyes. "You speak the truth Isaac."

"No blood shall be spilt in the sacred city, not even that whore's." He slowly turned and smiled at the townspeople. "But those who venture from this place!"

"Those who dare leave!"

"They shall not be protected! Their bones will dot the desert like the leaves of fallen trees. Their blood will flow like the waters of a great river!"

He turned to face Isaac with a sneer on his face, like he was about to crush the man underfoot. "Unless you relinquish the girl, so she may face punishment for her crimes."

Isaac looked back at the newcomers, how accurate Yua's statement had been. He only wished her first experience with the west was better. Instead she was seeing this. The superstitions and feuds running deeper than a mineshaft, but he would stand against it. "No," Isaac snapped. "I will not stain this town with the blood of a sacrifice, so do as you will."

The warrior smiled like a feast was sitting before him, each man a morsel he'd soon devour. This was exactly what he was hoping for. "Then so be it," he said before looking at the outsiders. "What of these ones? Why have you brought parxena to our lands?

"With each moon you stray further from the agreements of our forebears; how long until your town is an outpost for the foreign beasts? How long until raiding parties usher from your lands like water through a dam? The parxena must go!"

Isaac stood his ground once again, his face was impassive and stern like an old teacher. "You have no power here! Tell the priest of our meeting and he will laugh in your face."

"Wait!" A young woman emerged from the crowd. "Please!"

"Let him take me," she mumbled to the group. "I can't bear the thought—

"If you were to die because of me, if you were all trapped here." Her voice was hollow and quiet. Her skin was pale and her pretty features, a narrow face and black hair, upturned nose and green eyes, were dampened by the sorrow she felt. "I should've listened when I had the chance."

"So let him take me," she said with a weak smile, laughing a little in the silence. "It's okay, what's the worst they can do?"


ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Bracken glanced from person to person, all of them talking to him. He tried to formulate the answer to one question, and then the other, but they all got jumbled in his head. He glanced at them, eyes pleading. He wanted to respond, but he just... wasn't sure how. All he was able to do was nod, when Rat suggested he go drinking with them. He wasn't sure why he even did that. He was already overwhelmed, why would this make things better? What was more, he had absolutely no alcohol tolerance. He had never touched the stuff except for once, when he went into town and was offered some in exchange for a deer carcass he had brought back. He had drunk the foul tasting stuff, at one of the villagers insistence and it had not gone well.

But Bracken was intrigued. His interest in these friendly seeming folk superseded his reluctance to engage further. He hadn't really ever played a game with others before. Archery contests. Fights. But not a game. He had heard of people playing them, and the idea fascinated him. A harmless competition, with little to nothing on the line. The main intention fun. To Bracken, who had lived his whole life in the woods, it seemed odd. He had never had anyone to play a game with.

"Alright." He croaked, and smiled at all of them, revealing missing, crooked teeth. He tried to let that be a response to everyone. From Mischa's apology, to Leon's question about the mast, to Rat's urgings to join them drinking.

Jet Jet Emphoa Emphoa Goliath Goliath ZackStop ZackStop
Brynwyr Protheroe

bryn 2.jpg

Monbon Monbon
Brynwyr did not flinch at Tessia’s nonchalance towards assassination, though, pursed her lips in distaste. It was hypocritical of her though, considering she wished death upon the ones who had murdered her uncle and the rest of those caught up in the coliseum. “I suppose it is a necessary justice.” That was what she told herself, though, it would not hit the same given it was not the one who decided to take lives.

The knight folded up the paper and secured it into the top pocket of her jacket. You never know when something like that came in handy again. She listened to Esther’s lament at lost knowledge of this place and its ruins if they were to get straight to killing the man, and nodded at Tessia’s small reassurance. “I’m sure we will take advantage of any knowledge that comes to light, before…” Brynwyr gestured to Tessia’s, well, demonstration of just what would happen to the man. “It is only right to glean as much information from him.”

Brynwyr then could not help but rub her temples at the shouting match occurring between the musician and the drunkard – usually a perfect combination in most taverns! Whatever Tessia was thinking their bravado was about, Brynwyr had seen it often enough. He who shouts the loudest. A clash of personalities.

But she did have sympathy for Baryn. Grief was the terrible reminder of the depths of one’s love. One could not so easily forget love in all its forms.

But it was dangerous. It fuelled unholy desires. True crimes committed by mortal men.

She did not share the sympathies with the drunkard, who seemed self-aware enough, or perhaps saw the whole charade as a losing battle, to banish himself below deck again. Brynwyr wrinkled her nose in displeasure, both at the smell and the raucousness of him as he passed. “I hope we have all gotten our feelings out in the open. It would do some good to leave them here before we advance into the jungles below,” she suggested.

Anyway, the argument cooled, and the point of interest returned to that strange cube that Tessia kept passing around and bouncing off the deck. Brynwyr had not the faintest idea of how to open it. “You’ve already tried a number of creative ways to open it, that’s for sure.” She commented, chuckling a little at the sheer amount of effort the centurion had gone through to delve into it. For someone who wanted to move on from the cube, she seemed to garner enough interest and conversation around it.

“What is it they say? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result each time?” Rhys felt it was something he heard from his father, but he was not nearly poetic enough to have come up with it. He surely stole it from a bard or scholar along the lines and applied it to his teachings. He secretly wished he was the one to come up with such a clever turn of phrase. “Perhaps breaking it or forcing your way into it is not the option as Euclaire mentioned.” He smiled.

“Rhys, by the way,” he smiled at Euclaire, giving her a nod and admiring the hairpin that she pulled from her hair.

“Brynwyr,” the knight repeated, also watching the woman who had sprouted antennae. Her hand brushed the pack she carried Cleonard in, a sense of comfort as he rolled in it.
Adamaris let the conversation from the others dull out from their attention as they instead focused on Ace and they offered up a small smile when she mentioned calling them just Ada and they gave a little chuckle. "That is perfectly fine with me, Ada is what most tend to call me. Some are keen on Maris, but I do not mind either." They puffed out at the thought as they listened to her speak about what they were making and they gave a little nod of their head. "Well- it is never a bad thing to learn something new, no?" They stated softly, cocking their head to the side when she stated about showing them.

They were patient, smiling softly as she fumbled with packages and only offering a hand out to help if she so needed it. They stepped closer, however, when the contents were revealed and they cocked their head ever so slightly while they listened to her speak up. A soft hum escaped them as their eyes fixated back onto her and Nueto tilted his head as well. Eyes examining what she was doing with curiosity as Ada chuckled at their familiar and spoke up to the woman. "How interesting- I don't believe I'm familiar with such a thing, but I'll definitely have to keep it in mind since I do plan on traveling for some time..." They admitted, pressing a knuckle to their chin while they continued to follow instruction.

As she directed them, they were happy to handle the greens, only glancing up when she spoke to Ivan and they chuckled lightly, glancing back outside of the small kitchen. "I is nice- that you two are able to depend on one another." Ada finally stated, looking back at them. "It is important to keep bonds like that- and cherish them." They could say that they spoke from experience, but they were just thrilled that they did have that bond with someone again, in Elriel. The fact that they had lost to much, it was something to truly appreciate now. "It is nice that you can both work together on this journey, too."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Jet Jet Goliath Goliath EldridSmith EldridSmith
Esther raised an eyebrow at the musician’s outburst. Maybe that tiger wasn’t just for cuddles. He was going to be a problem if he kept that up. Sure, the drunk was too, but if he was going to lash back, it’d be a long trip. Men. They solve all their problems with anger. At least this one apologized. Was he here for vengeance? Why mourn when you could kill someone who knew someone adjacent to his family’s killer? Did she have the energy to appease him? She was interested in his plan to use his wind music to play the other instruments. That would be an impressive show of control.

But the drunk couldn’t possibly let the verbal attack go. Eager to turn it physical; Esther was surprised he recognized the foolishness of doing so in the air. Obviously, whatever trauma he tried to replace with alcohol, led him to anger too. His response was preferred though: he left the deck so that no one else had to deal with him.

Esther, not used to casual killing, flinched slightly at the likely outcome when they found the tall blind person. It was likely better than torture though, so she said not a word as the centurion described all that she’d attempted with the cube. “It’s possible the technology to open it will be down there.” She murmured, her mind racing. If only she could have known where they were going. She could have spent her time researching the empire.

She watched as the redhead merged with her familiar. It was surprising to see that she had an arthropod. For the percentage of insects and anthropods that make up the world fauna population, there was a heavy skew to vertebrates.

It’s lovely.” She might not appreciate that she stole it, but the bamboo hairpin was not going to feed more than a mouthful. “I’m Esther.” She reached down, unlatching one of the cases on her hip. “If I have anything to show, it’s him.” With a small squeak, a long thin beak peeked out before the hummingbird buzzed up and onto the scientist’s hand. “This is Dart. He’s what I’ve been calling a fire-throated hummingbird.” The iridescent feathers caught the sun, showing the array of colors. “We don’t know much about the species, as they are native to the Americas.
Yua Smith

Yua had begun to shift her weight nervously from one foot to the next as Isaac and this tribal warrior sparred wits and ideology against each other. Was this really her place to be at this moment? She was an outsider and one who still knew very little. Should she intervene, or should she stay on the sidelines? She wracked her mind for every option available to her. What would Felix do in this sort of situation? Such a silly question, his only concern would be her safety and any request she had of him. He wasn't going to interject into any of this, it wasn't his place as he'd say. She'd come here to help these people, but what help could she really give? Her hands clenched and unclenched at her side, the prosthetic giving a very faint metallic click...click...click as fingertips snapped against her palm. As soon as the warrior look away and broke his own tribe's rules, hypocritical as that would be, she wasn't sure if they could look away from the eys or if it was just another party...better not to bring that up. Then a word, one she didn't know...parxena. She didn't need to guess very hard it was something unflattering, either a term for an outsider...or worse.

Whatever the case, it seemed Isaac had this under control. They could figure out some sort of plan, maybe parlay with this priest Isaac spoke of, form some sort of understanding- Yua's thoughts came to a screeching halt, the clutch grinding and gears screeching as a woman made her way out of the crowd. Against her better judgement, Yua broke eye contact to spin around to look at her. Was she actually the culprit? Was she trying to martyr herself to spare another, a friend, a daughter, a mother? What should she do...what could she do? What would her parents do? What would Felix do? What could she do...As she pondered such a thing, a thought came to mind, a simple memory and quote..."If you stand up for no one, no one will stand by your side. If you stand up for many, you shall have an army at your side. If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything. If you stand for your beliefs, however, nothing can stop you"


Yua busied herself with a plush toy, a little rabbit that sported four ears rather than two and missing a button of an eye. Across from her sat her father, a man who was getting on in his years despite her only being so young by comparison. She'd never questioned why he was so much older than her friend's father, or why her mother was the same. It was one of those few moments that she could spend time with him here before the hearth, the old man puffing on a pipe with a rather stressed look on his face. "Papa? Is something wrong?" The old man looked over to her, salt and pepper hair neatly combed and a mustache of the handlebar breed upon his lip. "Ah...yes, and no. Some of our board wishes to buy out a smaller company, which is usually not an issue. But the company is owned by a friend of mine." He'd always been very candid regarding the family business and its affairs, as after all she was one to inherit it! And with both himself and his wife getting on in years, it was anyone's guess when said inheritance may come. "Well, why don't you just buy it then? You can afford it, can't you? And you could even give him a job, right?" The older gentleman gave a small sigh and a shake of his head, patting his lap. "Come here, dear." The little blonde gave a nod of her head, quick to rise and rush into her father's lap. "Let me tell you a tale. When I was much younger, I had very little. My father had a small company, and some promising studies, but it never bore him fruit. My friend, the one who brings me my current dilemma, had a family who gave us a sum in our darkest moment so we did not face a mighty debt. I have no qualms with expanding our company, and I'll happily do so. However, I do have standards. I will not be the man who betrays his friend or his trust, as I do not have many anymore. I have standards, and so should you. If you stand up for no one, no one will stand by your side. If you stand up for many, you shall have an army at your side. If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything. If you stand for your beliefs, however, nothing can stop you...and that's some fatherly advice for you, my dear. It has served me well my entire life, and let it serve you well too."


Yua grit her teeth and worked her jaw, butterflies in her stomach and chest. She barely knew anything about this other group...and maybe she'd end up doing nothing. But she couldn't just stand on the sidelines about all of this. She had to do something, say something. She had been in meetings with cut-throat politicians and backstabbing businessmen and attended balls and galas at her father's behest to learn how to work a business and rub elbows with high society. She hated every moment of it, but it'd given her a mask she could wear for those moments. She just had to imagine this man as one of those people...she just had to be stoic, or more accurately fake the hell out of it. Yua spoke finally, her little memory lasting only moments...she had Felix with her, she could do this. She came to help, this may as well be her first test to herself she could. "With all due respect, that's a terrible idea! Giving him what he wants won't stop anything, it'd encourage it! They're an isolationist group, right? Why would they suddenly change that just for you, to hunt you or anyone else outside? Their rules and laws aren't yours. Isaac even made that clear now. You throwing yourself to the wolves wouldn't do anything, it'd encourage this behavior. He'd come with no proof of any of his accusations. If you hand yourself over, how long until he comes in a week or a month's time saying someone else has broken one of their rules? How many rules will they enforce on you or your neighbor? Whether his threat is real or false, by just giving in you only appease him, temporarily at best. Once he sees he can force one of his rules or wants on you all, they'd keep doing it. Isaac's standing up for you because I'm almost certain he knows that. If you so willingly just lay down to die at their behest, who's to say others wouldn't realize you can be pushed around or hunted? Ma'am, don't just throw yourself out to be killed or worse!"

She had to keep her breathing even, she had to bite back the nerves that wanted to show herself. This entire impassioned little prompt of hers, this idea of 'appeasement' strategy...would they get the bigger picture? Would what she was saying even register? So many thoughts played in her head, so many panics and worries. Did she make a fool of herself? She undoubtedly made an enemy of the man behind her, to the point she was almost terrified to turn around. She didn't want to look at him, concerned eyes focused on this woman even as she forced every ounce of stoicism and certainty in her tone of voice. She could do this...or at the very least, she could keep this together and have her freak out moment later...She couldn't even bear to look at Isaac or Felix. Had she made the old butler proud, or ashamed of her? Would Isaac appreciate her help, or hate her for it? She couldn't know...she wouldn't know until her words sank in.

Jet Jet

Ava Marco
interaction: Jet Jet rozukitsune rozukitsune ZackStop ZackStop Lost Echo Lost Echo
ava looked down at Anya nodding and following her lead and closing her eyes breathing through her mouth. "ok.. ok.. im.. sorry.. i.. should have.. whatever.." she'd let out a loud annoyed sigh god she hated that she was.. frankly be so fucking weak right now but what else was she supposed to do? hold it in? no not like she could now.

"yeah yeah.. step outside ill.. do that.." she'd say with shallow breath in between each word holding onto Anya shoulder gently as she'd kept her eyes clones for now. "yeah.. i but it wasn't good enough was it.. i why.. couldn't it.. normally.. u.." again she tried to explain but it was as if her voice simply ran out of breath before she could actually finish her sentence. once they were outside Ava opened her eyes... hugging Anya tightly.. a bit too tightly. "thanks.. i.. yeah.. i.. shouldn't i was overthinking it.."

Leon rocked back and forth on his feet as Rat spoke. “Sounds like she is,” he hummed with a wink before his eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, wait — never had a drink!? Like nothin’ nothin’? Well, what better time.

He tilted his head, looking over at Mischa. Still happily wrapped in the blanket like a burrito. “Card guessing game?! Teach you my sayin’s?! What if I say ‘pop’ and you have ‘soda’ written on your forehead? You’ll tell me I’m wrong, and that’s just my lingo,” he mused with a cheerful laugh.

The redhead looked as if he was contemplating it .. like he’d ever say no. “Imma be as worthless as gum on a boot heel. But I’ll give it a whirl anyway.

Rat's story made him frown for a second before cheering up. “Ah. Sorry.” He apologized quickly for bringing up the nickname, noting the bit about him growing up on the streets. But he was quickly distracted. “Well look how adorable. Them ears,” he spoke, looking at the familiar that emerged.

Leon looked down, his sting ray swimming under the blanket and through the air. Waving its fin, like it was saying hello, to the other’s familiar or the people who knew, simply as cheerful as he was.

When Mischa turned to Rat whispering, it made him feel a little lonely — lonely. He looked at the less-than-friendly girl by herself at the table, wondering what he’d missed earlier. Regardless Leon flashed another smile, refusing to give up so soon. He would take his time friending her, just like when he broke a horse back home.

Leon gave a happy hop as Bracken agreed. He didn't care if his question hadn't really been answered. Or that it was only one word. It was almost more meaningful.

Plus not only that, he smiled! Like actually smiled, a toothy grin that reminded him of home.

"Let’s go inside! Ilana, you want to come and at least watch?" He skipped, heading into the living quarters. Once inside, Leo dropped the blanket for the first time, still draped over his shoulders but exposing more than his face.

His fiery hair shot in all directions, quickly smoothing it with his hands.

He grabbed two liquor bottles from the kitchen before sitting at the table waiting for the others to join to speak again. "Who wants to go first? Or how about shots to start?" Leon spoke, looking around at the group.

Jet Jet (Mischa) Emphoa Emphoa (Rat) ZackStop ZackStop (Ilana) Fred Colon Fred Colon (Bracken)
hair (3) (1).pngRen felt a sense of reassurance as the Detective spoke. Even after Johan said otherwise, the boy was sure the mystery could be solved. After all, there were some clues in the form of letters carved into corpses. Whoever did this had a twisted sense of humor leaving a message behind. What else could it really be? Ren decided he would help in the search.

Though before that, he glanced back to see Ava, the large woman, begin to lose composure. It made sense for someone to respond this way, especially after what happened in Nye. He watched with some sorrow in his heart as Anya lead her back towards the doors they just came from. The question of what or who Ava lost crossed his mind. There was really no telling, and he had the tact not to ask, and for him, it was the last conversation he wanted to have right now.

As the doors swung open to the sound of a still roaring crowd, Ren wondered if it would be better to join them instead of bask in the horrible smell of death, give Johan and Narzas some alone time, but he already made up his mind to help. At least it wasn't chaos in the factory, just morbid and solemn quiet. Ren was better off not dealing with a sea of news reporters. That of course meant that it was time to start hunting down the puzzle pieces to whatever the culprit wanted them to read.

Ren placed his bag down somewhere out of the way before beginning his search. He was hesitant at first, but eventually managed to kneel beside a body and pinch the long sleeve of a factory worker's arm in order to pick it up. A look of disgust crept onto his face with an accompanied groan while Johan made jokes about what the letters could mean. "Why would they leave behind a message? Are they trying to make some kind of statement?" Ren asked, semi-rhetorically. "Maybe I've watched too many crime shows." He said, dropping the arm and getting up.

After some time, Ren eventually found something. Carved into the corpses were more letters that Ren announced as he found them. "M." "O." "H."

He thought to himself, trying to piece it together in his head until he made some kind of connection. M, D, O, H. N, U, T, T, S. He absent mindedly look to the ceiling as he milled over the combinations. "Mmm, doughnuts." He said, before looking to the others who were still here. He didn't mean to make a joke, especially not here, but it's all he could make by slamming the letters together. He quickly cleared his throat. "Erm, s-. sorry." He then faced away from them in shame as he looked around some more.

Jet Jet rozukitsune rozukitsune Lost Echo Lost Echo Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Narzas paused a moment in her observations to note the departure of the other women in the group. While she found it odd that such a large and seemingly dauntless woman was suddenly freaking out and breaking down - she didn't really question it. Appearances weren't everything after all. She had been taught all her life that those who didn't live in Zuànshí were barbarians and savages unworthy of her attention, yet in those same breaths her particular caste had informed her she wasn't allowed to just kill them if they crossed her path. They might be paying customers looking for a bodyguard! On the whole, Narzas had decided to decide for herself given the conflicting information and opinions she was given. She'd never been good at navigating the social aspects of her job anyway, trying to lie to a potential client to their face that she was only protecting them now because she had money in her pocket felt... wrong.

She nodded in silent approval as Anya guided the big woman back outside. Of them all, Anya was probably the best suited to such a task, though Johan maybe would have at least tried while being adorably awkward in the effort -

She shook her head to clear her thoughts. No getting distracted right now, she needed to focus. She snuck a glance at him doing his own investigations and, content he was over there being himself as usual; went back to trying to work out what sort of attack this had been. A single powerful ability bomb that had frozen them all while a thousand highly trained specialists made quick work of these people? The letters carved into the hands suggested either a singular individual or at the very least a singular cause.

On that note.

"More letters." She announced at the end of the room. "R, T and an uppercase i." She frowned as she turned over the collected letters in her hear head. Were there more?

Jet Jet , ZackStop ZackStop , Lost Echo Lost Echo , Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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Mischa was stunned by the soberness of her friend, surely he was an alien pretending to be human. There was no way he'd never had a drop — not once in his life — even a little beer or wine with dinner. The concept scrambled her brain like a pan full of eggs, but maybe that was her problem. Maybe the issue wasn't with the one who never drank, but the one who drank like it was water.

No, that couldn't be it.

Mischa was correct because she was correct, and would show him the ropes before they entered hell. Then he could die without being a liquor virgin. "Never had a drink!" Mischa shook her head in disappointment. "Not even one! I never took you for a puritan mate, gonna have to corrupt ya a little bit."

"I'll show ya the ropes, mix a few things you might like, could make a few of em doubles." A mischievous smile crossed her narrow face. "It'll be fun," she said before Bracken agreed to come too.

The more the merrier was always her philosophy, and that applied even to the strange man with a golden smile. It was unnerving but she wasn't going to judge his teeth. His background was probably rough and dentists, even though she hated them with a passion, were a welcome part of the modern world. The one he seemingly never lived in.

"Welcome aboard mate!" Mischa said to him. "Can't wait to pull ya from that shell of yours."

This would be fun surely, maybe there was a charismatic man below his rough exterior? Maybe he would sing a song and dance around the room, before regailing them with stories from another land? Or maybe he would kill them all with a fork? Who could say for sure? He was like a box of chocolates just waiting to be unwrapped.

"Either way, I can't wait to see this play out," Mischa said before Leon went inside, following behind him as she hoped, with a seasoning of spite, that Ilana would ignore his invitation. The last thing she wanted was that woman in her airspace. Talk about a fucking vibe kill.

"Shots first, as tradition goes!" Mischa said when she reached the room, breaking from her toxic trance. "I'll take one of each yeah?"

She rummaged through cabinets until five shot glasses were on the table, one for the rest and two for her. "Oh and Rat!"

"You get a double!" She stood behind him and squeezed his shoulders. "We call it the first timer tax!"

Fred Colon Fred Colon Goliath Goliath Emphoa Emphoa ZackStop ZackStop
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"You should listen to Yua," Isaac said to the woman. "We do not bow to their rules, and if we start now? When will it stop? How far will the slippery slope take us?"

"But." The woman clutched her necklace, a locket of shiny yellow gold. "What if..."

"They attack?"

"What if they..." Her voice warbled as she crumpled to her knees, gently rocking as she closed her eyes. "What if they burn everything down?" Tears wet her face and she whispered something to herself, perhaps a prayer or protection ward.

"Hah!" Isaac walked behind her and squeezed her shoulder. "They would never," he glared at the warrior once more. "There are lines they wouldn't dare cross."

"Lines?" The warrior paced back and forth. "Like the ones you crossed when you founded this town? The ones you crossed when she eloped with the enemy? The lines you crossed when you let Parxena into your lands? You've stood behind rules and agreements for so long, you've forgotten what honor means!"

The warrior slammed his spear on the ground. "You've forgotten what it means to be a man, hiding away here in this... graveyard!"

"Hiding?" Isaac smiled at the word. "I'm an old man, nothing to lose but a few years of my time. I've done nothing but protect my people for twenty years, and I will continue to do so without bloodshed, so let us speak like civilized men."

"We are," the warrior said. "I have paid what little respect you deserve, and you!" He snarled at Yua. "You know nothing of our honor, as if we seek pretext, as if we summon reasons like a sage!"

"The centurion she lay with, a vile man named Kade, killed my brother in cold blood! He killed many more before fleeing on a black dragon, made of shadow like the darkness of his soul." He smiled like a predator stalking prey, staring at the pale woman with wrathful brown eyes. "I chased him through a storm, and when I drove him to open sky." He crouched beside her and whispered, "He was sent to the deepest part of hell."

The woman shuddered and bent forward, weeping into the ground as she heaved. Isaac looked down at his feet. The sound crushed his heart but he understood the warrior too. He couldn't fault a soldier for killing one of his enemies, but even so, the taunting made his blood boil.

'Calm down' he thought with a grimace. 'Let him leave in peace.'

"But!" The warrior said, snapping Isaac from his trance. "There is work to be done, tumors yet to be removed." He stared at the outsiders and approached them slowly, assuredly like a storm cloud. He stopped before them and stared for a moment, searching their eyes for signs of weakness. "You know nothing of this land, nothing of the pain it's felt, nothing of what you disrespect by coming here."

"You do not belong in this land, and if you persist, I will remove you like a surgeon with a knife."

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Faraji Aguta

Faraji listened to Adrian’s explanation of the Hydras multiplication. When he was not watching his footing in front, he watched Adrian with intent, more so when he made the fiery demonstration. “Aahh, I see! You seem to have a talent for speaking about monsters. Have you ever considered writing a manual? Better yet, a book?” There would be good money there, he was sure, but he also wondered who would pluck it up off the shelves.

Faraji could not help the laughter that erupted from him as Adrian recounted the girl who insisted he bite her neck. People had strange thoughts in their heads, though, he supposed he might have been much the same. Even as that laughter subsided, he did find himself chuckling at Nyaall’s mention of whether Adrian poured glitter over himself. He could not imagine the redhead in such a state.

Adrian’s comment had not gone unnoticed by the larger man, who insisted he put his words into action. All over an exchange between a girl and a man. Faraji wondered who would fair best out of the two of them. Adrian looked quick, good with his blades, but Goliath came from a position of strength, what with the muscles his shirt sleeves hugged. His dark eyes traced the tattoos on his arms, fading into them like smoke. He knew he was staring, but he was allowed a peek, wasn’t he? Especially if Goliath had been looking at his nose ring earlier.

His concentration from them was broken as Nyaall’s voice bounced off the walls of the hallway around them. Faraji did shift his gaze behind the group and in front of them. If they were trying to be sneaky, they should have cut their losses now. “So much for going in quietly…” He murmured, the high notes making his ears go whoosh with every one he hit.

“Oh, and by the way, careful when it comes to piercings. I started with one, and the next thing, I added on two more bloody piercings after that. I’ll let you how the rest went after that.” Faraji smirked, flicking an earring. Several had been blessed to discover piercings in the most…unusual of places.

Faraji opened his mouth to answer Nyaall’s question about who’d be able to find proper drugs that Goliath mentioned…and reconsidered at Vixie’s displeasure. “Mm. Not really.” He had to wonder how convincing he really was.

He turned his head at the compliment given by none other than Vixie, and raised his eyebrow with a grin. “Pretty? Not something I hear often, but I’ll not turn down such a compliment,” Faraji thanked her in some roundabout way, and continued. He didn’t regard the compliment as anything out of the ordinary; quite innocent, in all respects. Though, he did catch Nyaall’s looks at him and nudges, the same a simpering schoolgirl would with her peers when they looked at a crush.

Ah. He didn’t take it too seriously. Vixie was far too young, and Faraji was rather easy on the eyes. He didn’t give Nyaall much attention, even as he passed looks.

Between the young centurion’s crazed laughter, rather erratic behaviour and…everything unsettling about him, Faraji caught his attention to ask, “How long is this hallway anyway? Do they make everything so long trying to get to the Undercity?”/font]
Yua Smith

There was an inaudible sigh of relief as she deflated just a bit, Isaac openly agreeing with her assessment of things. It felt like her entire ramble would have been made or broken by Isaac's input...fortunately, they appeared to be on the same page on this matter. Granted, her bravado and showing of her opinions in such a bold fashion may have been dampened ever so slightly by the fact the Gila Monster had now situated itself right atop her head like the headpiece of one of the long-dead pharaoh's crowns. That was one solution found, one problem solved. Alas, there was a much more immediate problem in her proximity, one behind her that would find it terribly easy to lift her skyward and then slam her back down. She couldn't stand to spin around and face him right now. Instead, she found herself watching the woman sobbing and being comforted by Isaac, the only man seemingly much more skilled than the warrior in the game of words.

Unfortunately, it seemed she couldn't just get ignored. Heavens, no, that'd be too easy! She could feel the eyes on the back of her head and frame, and she could feel pinpricks run over her body. Goosebumps as her fight or flight had to be actively fought off from engaging...she wasn't naturally a fighter, it took a great deal for her to be so bold as to openly stand her ground. But she had just done that...though at it hadn't been to defend herself, either. And yet as the man spoke, taunting the dead and boasting of his deeds she felt her cheeks heat as blood rushed there. Not a blush, no more of a frustrated reddening of the face. To so brazenly insult the dead and mock them. She didn't know this 'Kade', she couldn't speak of his virtues or his vices, but she found it a terrible thing to mock the departed. It invited ill into your own life, she believed, and it was just cruel. But seeing this poor woman wail and sob as the centurion's death was mocked and made a spectacle off, there was a deep inhale through her nostrils. She had to spin around, she appeared weak otherwise...she didn't need that, these people didn't need that either. And so as the warrior rambled on and meandered about Yua found her body spinning to face him, trying to fix enough steel into her eyes...eyes that soon were peered into. Eyes were the windows to the soul, but what did the soul speak of for each?

Felix's eyes were sharp, more than his age should have allowed, a blade by which one could cut both tapestry and flesh with ease. The soft hiss of his oversized cobra at his side, a reflection of one's very soul, affirmed that such quiet belayed something much more. There were sparks there, crackles of electricity, and rumbles of thunder like the inside of the eye of a storm. Tranquil where one was in the moment, but at any given moment the storm could drift and one would find themselves assailed from every angle by nature's fury in ways none would wish to withstand. It was not brandished like a weapon, in how he looked at this warrior, but it was simply his gaze by nature. Perhaps not too dissimilar to the eyes a tribe of warriors may develop for the more storied of a tribe or a knight from a fairy tail. Steel in his eyes, but a serene and stoic expression on his face...no weaknesses to be found it'd seem.

The girl's eyes, amber in hue, were something much less imposing. Sharp and brighten like glittering gold and silvers, wide with both natural curiosity and unease. And yet here at this moment when her emotions were strong and her sense of justice had those embers spurred on, unease melded with defiance. Like in times of war when gold and metals could be melted down and reforged to something more useful, the softer metal proved malleable if given the right 'forging'. She would ultimately be easier to cow perhaps, an easier subject to intimidate to his ways if he pried and forced...or, perhaps, that soft metal would be refined and honed and blended with another to produce something new? Could exposing herself to this treacherous land make an alloy harder than what it arrived with? Alas, without titanium to harden her...the girl appeared meek to some degree, and her edge could be blunted if used against her.

And yet, despite all of this, it was not the man who spoke, but the girl. "I will leave when I feel I have done all the good I can do here. I only come here to help those who need it, I seek no quarrel with you or your people, man of the Atsali. You will find that I need not be removed like some malignant tumor that spreads disease. I wish to better life, not take or ruin it. I may not know of your lands stories or your people's tales, but please do not presume that you know my own either." Yua's voice lacked venom, malice, bite...anything. She was doing her best to hold her ground, but she didn't have the type of personality to come across as abrasive. No, her tone was as cordial as she could offer, boasting only the slightest waver over a few notes when she spoke...she sounded nothing like a warrior, more a doctor...she sounded genuine, but to what end?
Jet Jet
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