Ten Thousand Club
Blink moths: These are completely harmless creatures. The blinkmoth is a very small insect like creature that travels in huge swarms for safety, though they have few true active predators they often are used as snacks. The blink moth is essential to the ecosystem as they pollinate plants and carry their seeds all around. Blink moth swarms tend to live inside large hallow trees named after the tiny insects.
Dragonfly: The dragonfly is a mostly harmless creature, that bares no relation to a real dragon. It is about the size of a humans hand and is carnivorous though its only prey is blink moths and other tiny insects, they are often kept as pets.
Kaataatu: The Kaataatu is a herbivorous pack animal that is easily domesticated. The Kaataatu grows to the the size of a cow, though it tendrils easily reach up to 20 feet and are it's main form of defense. Still despite its' looks the Kaataatu is often equated to tasting like normal cow. An interesting feature of the Kaataatu is that inside of its body it grows crystals that contain the mana from the plants they eat. These crystals can only be harvested with the Kattaatu's death, though to the Eldrazi the meat is useless.