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Realistic or Modern The Freebirds (Music RP)

"Pretty much, depending how the final version regarding the instruments sound." Birdie agreed, glancing over to moon. He'd been texting Vic about their plan to get back at moon and had agreed on something. Despite his calm demeanour, he was steamingly angry still. 'Do not mistake my chill nature for a lack of fucks to give' was a phrase his uncle always told him. The benefits of growing up around football (known as soccer here in the states) hooligans. They were alcoholic philosophers that could bodyslam anything into submission.

"Those first two seem good, I'm not sure about the last one though." He answered regarding the patterns.
(had no clue you guys had posted)

Oi I don't have use the bathroom. Apollo rolled his eyes and watched her leave. How did he know the place so well? The band only came over here to practice from time to time, Apollo was the closest one to the booker. He came over from time to time, and was the only person outside of the band that he texted. He knew about Apollo's past, all the band knew was that he was an athlete. The real good stuff was what Apollo knew about Eric. He was always so uptight, it was nice to pull secrets out of him. Apollo just realized that he had been monologuing to himself instead of paying attention. Luckily playing bass was second nature. He tuned into what Vic was saying. How she wanted the bridge wa vital to what he was gonna do.
Eric was a character to behold, for sure. To be fair, everyone in this band was some kind of tool. Most were sharp enough to realise it, others not. Birdie was pretty sure they had their next hit, he checked his watch and realised it had been hours already. Time flies when you're trying to figure out music I guess...

"Guys we gotta go, Interview's in two hours. We gotta get prepped for it." Birdie said, after letting everyone finish the test run. He picks up his Harmonica and the Van keys, he looks at Apollo and says "Text Eric to meet us outside." Before gesturing for everyone to get packing.
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Deredere Deredere azenva azenva Reign of Terror Reign of Terror
A.J. gave her head an absent scratch with the ends of her drumsticks and stretched a bit, keeping her displeasure to herself. She really didn't care for interviews, especially as they usually included carefully worded questions that were essentially just social landmines. The media was always hoping to get someone to start talking about their lovelives and anyone in those gossip rags and two-faced articles wanted any and all scandalous rumors to be true.

This was a band of friends, and she really didn't want the media to paint the wrong picture.

With an unenthusiastic sigh, A.J. packed up her things and went outside, though stopped to inspect the leaves of the large monstera she'd been raising in a pot outside the door. "Look at these beautiful leaves~" she said to no one in particular, save for the plant.

A.J. was not above talking to her plants whatsoever, and it often made her feel less tense.
Unlike A.J, Moon really care about those interviews, they can say a lot about a person and they can see possible pent up frustration, jealousy, and anger if someone re-watches it so many times. The truth was she was scared. Not on stage, heavans no, but what Birdie and the gang had planned for her revenge. What if they torn down all her stuff down , what if they gave her laxatives and glued her to the toilet seat, what if they seriously tried to hurt Moon? She shook her head slightly to try and get rid of those thoughts. She stopped singing the lyrics she was given and went to do her make-up that wasn't in the bathroom. It's a very vulnerable place to be in.
Birdie packed the instruments and gear he brought with him into the Van, helping the others with their stuff too. He slipped into the drivers seat in the Van and took out a pair of spoons, playing a country beat on them while humming, waiting for the others to be ready to go. Due to his British Public schooling he knew exactly how to get payback on Moon, and Vic was in on it. He wouldnt dare embarass or humiliate her in front of the cameras, he wasnt that low. He just had to bide his time until an opportunity presented itself.

He eventually tucked his spoons away, favouring the effortless listening of the radio instead. Johnny Cash was on, nice. He put on his phone and just fiddled about on there until Moon had done her make-up and everyone was ready to get into the Van.
Moon was still doing her make-up and yelled out to Birdie ''No need to get your panties in a bunch. We still got time on our hands.'' She knew what she was saying and she knew it very crude, but there was no need to rush. She hums to herself a little to ease her nervousness to properly present herself to the cameras and the interviewers. She added a little bit of blush to doll herself up before heading to the van and sat next to Apollo for protection.

Why did Apollo have to text him why didn't he text him. He of course did not try to convey that message. He also did not text Eric knowing him he would be out waiting for them. He looked over to Moon when she sat next to him. She looked cute,but he was not in the mood to attempt to convey that so instead he gave her a warm smile. A text from eric reached their phones 'I'll meet you there' Apollo figured as much. Was moon going to stay under him for the rest of day? Fine he will baby her for the day but after that she had to face her revenge.
Moon was all dolled up and ready to go to the interview with the band. She wonders if she would have the hardest hitting questions because of her vocalist position. She thought of every question they could ask and she would try to think of every answer that was acceptable and make her look good while being honest. She stopped thinkingto look up at Apollo give her a warm smile. He was so reassuring and gentle. 'I bet no body well ever mess with him, and that means nobody will mess with me, but I know he can't protect me forever' she thought to herself. She continued thinking to herself 'I can't be attacked at home if I'm not at home. That's it! I'll just run away for a little bit.It's not that big a deal.'
Once everyone was in the Van, Birdie slotted the key in the ignition and the Van grumbled to life. The drive seemed relatively uneventful, the streets seemed to rapidly change between Eric's place and downtown. The buildings got taller and the traffic got thicker, eventually the Band pulled up outside the studio where then interview was to take place.

Birdie parked the Van and got all the Band's paraphernalia bundled under his arms, walking over to the entrance to the building. Predictably, Eric was already there waiting impatiently tapping his foot. "Worried we were gonna ditch you eh?" Birdie said coyly, getting the man's attention as he approached. "Come on, open the door. I've got my bloody hands full." Birdie said, gesturing to the posters and shirts and other assorted crap he was holding.

Eric rolled his eyes opening the door. "I cherish any moment I do not have to spend with you all. As he held the door open he put their passes on their neck. "I don't get paid enough to deal with you guys 24/7" He looked over to Apollo who was walking behind Birdie 'You sure about that Mr. tesla' Eric rolled his eyes and walked behind the group. "Shut up I got that for christmas...You got your cue cards in the dressing room"


Apollo helped Moon out of the van and grabbed whatever was left over. As he passed by Eric he gave him a kissy face and as expected Eric shoved his head back. Ah yes the cue cards. There were two routes they could have gone for Apollo being mute, sympathy or play it up as a joke. it was a fun little game where Apollo would get yes,no, idk, and maybe cards and then scramble to answer a question with them. He got to avoid actually serious questions for playful banter. Hopefully they would leave the relationship questions to Birdie.
Moon hoped out of the Van with only a microphone, that she likes to call her own, in her hands. She saw Birdie struggling to hold all the band's equipment he could possibly hold. Despite having bloodlust out for eachother, she wanted to help him just a little and took Vic's guitar to lighten his load. She saw Mr. Money (Eric) intensly tap his foot on the concert ground and said "If you don't get paid enough to deal with us for 24/7, how'd you ever get privilege over us if dealing with us doesn't make the money.''

Eric was looking over the bands schedule and the line of for the show. "You guys may be my biggest responsibility, the most frustrating too, but you aren't my only job." He looked up at her with a coy smile "I did not ask to have any privilege over you all,you guys just never wake up in time." As he flipped through the scheduling book a picture came falling out of it. Eric picked it up his head tilted in confusion and then his entire face went red. He was just about to rip it up when Apollo snatched it out of his hand. 'oops that's mine'

"oops that's yours? what do you mean oops that's yours? give it back!" he tried to take the photo back but apollo held him back by his face.
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"He loves us really Moon, He is just too much of a baby to admit it." Birdie teased Eric as he gave him a wink, "Hes just as much part of the band as the rest of us, despite his attempts to distance himself." He said, acknowledging his role in an appreciative tone. "If you lived with the rest of us you would know damn well we wake up on time, thanks to yours truly."

He walked down the hall as directed by Eric before arriving in a Prep-room. Big wall mirrors and a couple of couches, and a single folding table. "Classy." He said sarcastically, carefully putting everything down on a couch. "How many questions until they ask about inter-band relationships? Taking bets." Birdie said seriously. He would stone wall any who asked but he enjoyed the tension of waiting until they do.
Moon knew that's not what she meant by 'Eric having more privilege than the other band members' especially her, but that would be a fight for another day. For now that can simmer into her mind. Moon mocks Birdie's statement by saying ''Eric just like the rest of us!'' It felt like Eric wanted to distance himself from the others because he's better in some way. Eric had the nice car, his own house, and probably a watch too while some of the other bandmates had to share an apartment.

Eunji stayed close by Apollo as she looked around Prep room. It was just like the other interview rooms like before, nothing too special was noticeable. She looked over to Birdie about questions on the relationship of the band ''There is at least one question about inter-relationship in this band, for sure. I bet around after the tenth question they might hit deeper.''
Vic considered scrapping the cue cards in exchange for various joke responses, but eventually decided against it except for the less serious questions, as the joke responses could be read in a far different manner than intended. After all, some of these reporters were all about taking things people say and giving it a completely different meaning.

"You're only expecting one question about deeper relationships between the band members? Only one? They're probably bringing more out far earlier into the interview, knowing how these guys operate," she responded, carefully reading the cards.
"Let me and my dry British attitude handle that Vic, trust me. They're getting nought." He responded to Vic' questions about 'intimate' questions regarding the Band. There was two answers; "irrelevant", or "mind your own bedroom business". Those vultures they call reporters werent getting an thing from that front.

"We're on in 15." A technician says, poking his head throug the door.
azenva azenva

Apollo finally shoved eric back down to his seat and one possession of the photo. He remembered taking it without Eric knowing, it was one of the few times he had gotten Eric to loosen up. Watching the others tease Eric was also an enjoyment. He knew that eric was actually really impressed by Eunji, that's why he gave her such a hard time. Apollo did not mind whatever type of questions they asked, he could only give four answers. He stood up when the technician said they were on in 15. He rustled Eric's hair and went to go on stage with the others. When whatever commercial break was over they interview would be on. Apollo would have to remind himself to not tune out everything happening despite him wanting to. He looked over to A.J. and got caught up staring at her until a question was asked snapping him out of it.

"So you group was not always you guys, Victoria here is a new member of the group. You all seem to be so close now, were you nervous at all when you met the band or did you know that you were going to fit in just fine?"
Leaning closer to her mic, she responded.
"I was a bit nervous at first, mostly when it came to playing live. Recording in the studio wasn't really a problem, but the chaos of live shows are completely different from the controlled environment of the studio. In terms of chemistry, that was also a bit of a concern, but we're mostly perfectly fine with each other. Emphasis on mostly," she finished, glancing over at Birdie and then Moon.

With the response saved, they continued asking.
"Onto the next question. Any particular expectations for the next album?"
Moon looked away from Birdie during most of the interview as they talked. It seemed like they were going to be here for a long while. She went to add her response to question one ''I love working with them! We all have a lot of laughs!'' She made a slight chuckle to herself and lets herself relax a little as she crossed her right leg over her left to were her foot point towards Vic.
Birdie said there listening to the others' responses to the questions, nodding along to Moon's answer. He didnt want to give away anything to the dime magazine's which may imply internal conflict or they'd never hear the end of it. Eventually the reporters cycled round to him, he answered the one about expectations with "Its most likely going to be our best one yet." There was no harm in drumming up hype for the next album, as long as people bought it anyway.

"Mr crow, yourself and the Band have been known to turn down numbers from fans, is there some behind the scenes relationships we are yet to see?" One reporter asked him.

His face flattened and he bluntly told the reporter "That question is both none of your business and not on the topic at hand, which would be our next Album." His tone of voice made it clear that the matter was not on the table at that time. "I will not allow the personal lives of myself myself Band mates to be projected out in your circles. What happens in our private lives Stays private. Next question."
Moon was surprised to already the reporter going for relationship questions. She wanted to tease Birdie a little bit more as he was not into these types of questions. She turned to Birdie, made a quick giggle, and said to him in a playful manner ''Don't be rude, Birdie! The reporter asked you a simple question, you can't just say that for every question!'' Maybe a relationship might boost the band's publicity even just by a little. The more wild and scandalous the pairing the more reporters will go crazy. Reporters will up that crap up up and throw their hearts up on the floor just to repeat the process.

What the hell was with Vic and Moon. DId they want them to look like a dysfunctional mess. And Birdie with that answer, he sounded so much like Eric just then, no no even Eric could fake something for the cameras he fakes all the time. Now the reporter was about to dig into this, this was a gossiper shower after all. Apollo dropped on of his cue cards, on purpose drawing the interviewers attention to him.

"Ah Apollo, your bandmates seem to differ on opinions relationships, do you find it hard to join in on conversations?" Did he? he was not really a talkative person, even when they did not no ASL it never stopped him from using it with him, and if he really needed to say something he had a talk. He held up both the yes and no cue card to symbolize sometimes with a smile on his face remembering something funny that happen.

"How about questions from your fan base?" A few people raised their hands and the interviewer made her way to the crowd. It was basic things, do you get nervous before shows, was Birdie single, was hard for moon to sing in english, and then someone had a question for Apollo. No correction a group of three girls had a giggle question for Apollo . He was not going to be able to pull through with this, reporters press, business things were fine. This was to casual...

"We were just wondering, if you were gay?" oh that's what they wanted to know? Well he could answer that, no was a simple answer. they went on explaining how unlike some of the others he was less likely to talk to girls and it was already confirmed before he was single. He smiled as he held up the no cue card only to be met by excited gasp and a few red faces. Was him being straight that much of a surprise, putting the cue card back down he realized the no one was still in his hand...wait which one did he show up? maybe! He told them maybe!! Apollo was still smiling remaining calm even though the inside of his mind was freaking out.
Moon wasn't surprised that Apollo had a fan base. He's a really sweet fellow, but she didn't know that many people loved him. She carefully listened to the reporter with great interest. She heard the question 'Was it hard for her to sing in English?' and quickly went to respond ''Very much so and it's even harder without the accent.'' She went to try and hand Apollo a marker to write on the back of his cue cards for him to have more liberty to say or draw whatever he wanted.

She felt her throat getting a little dry and went to get a bottle of water on the small coasters they offered. The reporter went to ask her a few questions about her home country and about her folks at home. That was very easy to answer ''I love my country I came from and I still love my parents with all my heart. I would be here if it wasn't for them. '' The questions seemed very easy for her to answer until she heard one she'd never thought she would ever have to answer, 'if she felt out of place being the only member of the band that was two minorities, being Asain and female'. She almost choked on her water before swallowing it and trying to think of a good answer.

That...that was a hard question, she loved most of her bandmates, but did feel a difference even if it's in her mind. She looked around her and she was the only Asain person in the band. She didn't want to be completely honest as it might lead to more conflict she didn't want right now, but the reporters could tell when they were lying. She stood up to give a small speech to the reporter and audience ''It was very hard for me to get accustomed to your culture and how vast it can be from tour to tour. I'm still learning new things about this place and all its wonders. I know I'm not like my bandmates, but that's okay. We're all different and our differences make us who we are.''
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Birdie looked down to conceal a blush when the question of homosexuality was brought up. He saw Apollo's blunder, as well as Eric cringing at the back of the room. So much for not giving the media ammunition to waste their time with later on. He let moon give her piece to the press before talking himself, "Anyway," he announced, trying to move the topic away from that dumpster-fire, "Next album comes out June 25th, so be sure no to miss it. It's gonna be on everything up to and not including Stone tablets." He tried to joke to bring an end to the incessant murmuring.

"Mr Crow, one final question. What will the album's theme be?" A reporter asked him. He pondered it for a second, he wasnt too sure.

"Why would I want to spoil the surprise?" He answered tactfully, now more people would buy to find out. At least he would not have to hear the record label rep breathing down his neck over passive promoting again.
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