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Realistic or Modern The Freebirds (Music RP)

Moon had caught up with Birdie halfway through his first pint of larger, claiming to a stool by him and Eric. Eric had ordered a bloody tap water, of all things. Not even a soda, just water on tap. "Such a wetty drink to be having after a successful show Eric, at least have a bloody coke..." was all Birdie was going to say about it. Usually, underage Birdie back in England would carry drunks out of the pub for a few pounds and a packet of chips per person. It was how he got so good at calming drunks down so they would leave compliantly. He even managed to get a few outmof this bar too, which immediately seemed to earn uim some rep with the bartender.
Moon had made it to the bar and looked around at the place. She looked up the place online and saw that it was the best one near their performance. She wore a short yellow dress to match her hair and eyes. Eunji tried to not be caught by Eric or Birdie, but that would be easy for her. By the time it would take to midnight, surly they would be drunk out of their minds and not even recognize her. She waited for a bit for them to finish ordering and taking a few shots.
Eric 20
ScalpelsNSaws ScalpelsNSaws Deredere Deredere

Eric was enjoying the walk, he liked the noise of the night life in the west coast. Life by a river front was was so electric. For a moment he wall was broken down, no one had said anything but a smile was creeping on his face. He was twenty years old with all the possibilities in life waiting for him. It was almost like he was going to be young forever. When Jeremiah spoke he glanced over to him in his usual stoic expression, watching the older man's facial movements. He sighed and turned his face back up towards the sky, "Shut up." It was a rude response but there was a slight smile behind the tone. He was actually happy to be going on this little adventure. He was closest to Apollo, most of the group thought it was just that Eric knew ASL. It could have been the case, but they knew almost everything about each other. Their home life that they never really told the others about. Eric knew that Apollo felt something for A.J, and Apollo knew that Eric felt something for...Eric's eye's wonder back over to Birdie as they walked. "Hey do you..." his statement was interrupted when he noticed them being followed. He turned around to see Eunji sneaking up behind them. "hey wacko did you walk out here alone!?" And just like that Eric was back to his usual mom self as he scolded moon on the dangers of the night life and how she could have texted them and they would have went back to get her. When they got to the bar Eric was able to get in, when the band question him how he would always say not to worry about it. It was safe to assume that he was making connections with the local bars. For the most part that was true. He did not use his father's name to progress his career, getting into bars on the other hand was not out of his realm of his pride. "I don't drink...not in public anyway." Eric watched Moon indulge in shots. He drunk champagne for ceremonial purposes, but has never actually gotten drunk. And he was not about to pop that cherry here tonight.

Apollo 25
Reign of Terror Reign of Terror

Apollo did not mind when A.J. approached him, or her attempting to read the letters. He did not look up at her when she spoke instead he grabbed his talkey. There were a various amount of symbols and a few letters in different colors these devices were programed for the specific person so it had to be taught how to use. Right now it looked like Apollo was launching nuclear codes as his eyes scanned the tablet. "I...not...good...at...Greek, but...get...better...as...I...write." He smiled up at her choosing to talk in broken english to save time.
Eunji was face to face with Eric and had to think quick as she was shaking, trying to think of anything. She went to speak in his original language with a hint of broken English ''No...no ...speak...english.'' She then immediately dropped the act ''Why do you care? Is it hard to find a replacement vocalist? You don't even care about me, you just like being the mom of the band to be bossy.'' She made a grimace as she looked away from him and walked off to take another shot.

She then noticed it was empty and went to order more. Before she went to even get more shots, she noticed a fine man ordering for himself and maybe she could get him to pay for her drinks. She turned to face him squeezed her arms to make her breasts looker bigger and batted her eyes at him as she spoke in a cutesy koren accent. She will always have that accent, but wa able to make her speaking voice high pitch ''Oh, hello there.'' and added a twirling to her hair for a bit of extra to her part.
"Let the girl live Eric," Birdie says. "She can handle herself and besides. If there's trouble, all we have to do is text Apollo and he'll empty the sod like a capri-sun." He has downed his third pint now and is starting to slur his speech. "Speaking oth living, you could use a proper, proper drink Eric." Birdie gestures for another pint of Larger and a bottle of beer alongside it, sliding it over to the man.

"It's very dignified to drink socially, Eric." Birdie explains, "separates us from the animals you know..." his pointed finger drifing off course from its original target (Eric). "Drink up, it'll do yeh good."
Moonie was pleasantly surprised when Birdie defended her, but not 100% shocked he would do that. She made a quick remark back ''Yeah, we came here to have fun, not be lectured by Mr.Mom. I know my limits and what my body can take.'' She could barely hear Birdie mention Apollo from his slurred speech and tried to figure out what he was saying. It took a quick ten seconds to understand him and replied back ''Oh yeah, I forgot he could do that.I'm pretty sure he could rip out someone's vocal chords and make them mute like him.'' She shrugged at his drunk behavior and went off to try and get free drinks from a fine stranger of the night.
Eric 20
Deredere Deredere
Eric's hard demeanor was broken for a bit as his eyes gave a away a tinge of pain. Is that what she thought about him, is that what the group thought about him. His mood seem to have shifted, even a drunk Birdie wasn't enough to snap him out of it but he managed to get distracted. Was he too uptight? This was his one chance to prove himself, and he believed in this band. He could not even afford to let loose. Did he put to much on himself...wait what the hell. He was not about to let one comment from Moon make him go through and entire self doubting crisis. Fine whatever they wanted to run a off in the night who cares. He cared, even if he tried to tell himself otherwise. "Moon we are leaving." His main concern was her as Birdie seemed to be quite capable of making it back on his own. He walked up to her while she was talking to some dude. "There will be plenty of guys to scratch your itch after tonight now let's go" He started to lead her out the bar Birdie was catching the drift at least.
Eunji was was more than a little upset to leave the bar, especially when it seemed like they just go there not too long ago ''Do we have to leave so soon? Don't you want to have fun?'' . Why did he have a change of heart? Wasn't he just to tell everyone where to be and be Apollo's translator? She felt like she couldn't be seen as more than just a child the way she was carried around and talked to. She wanted to yank out of Eric's way, but something told her to follow orders, her old self. The old self that wouldn't dare to be wild and crazy like she was now. Somehow, deep down, she knew that he didn't want Moon to die and she followed him out of the bar. She did look back and really wanted the free drinks from the stranger.
It was another few pints down when birdie had noticed the others had left, seeing it as his cue to leave also. He meandered down the street before eventually reaching the room door, struggling with his keys for a few minutes before unlocking it. He got into the room and basically faceplanted on a couch, awkwardly sliding off it onto the carpet. He was rambling about celebration to nobody in particular, seeming fascinated by sharing up at the ceiling fan.
Deredere Deredere ScalpelsNSaws ScalpelsNSaws

Eric let out a sigh as he fought a smile. "Don't make that face, let's go." As they walked out the bar he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. He rolled her eyes at her protest. "Do you honestly think I'd let you stay here alone? I don't know what kind of people were in your other band, but they would have a fit if you were left by yourself" As the got to the rooms helped her open the door. "I'd be pretty upset if something happen to you as well..." As the door open Apollo came walking out. He smiled at the two and moved aside so Moon could get in. "What are you doing?" Eric made sure moon walked in before closing the door.

"The others asleep?" Apollo would sign yes as the two walked next door.
"What do you mean how'd it go? They all got drunk..." Apollo rolled his eyes and continued to sign.
"Yeah no I know what you meant, don't ever do that again."

They both walked into a drunk Birdie Eric rolling his eyes and Apollo shaking his head and smiling while he signed good night and headed to bed. eric kicked the drunk mans feet. "Get up I do not have the time to deal with you in the morning." eric did not seem to actually care, he sat on the couch an continued to finish his schedule.
"You know....I get it Eric... Aye do. You care for...the appearance of the band, thsnk you." Birdie struggled to say through his alcoholic topor. Birdie loved his bandmates as family, or as close to it as one can get while still having the hots for some. The band are all good commendable people in their own right. But he didn't let them on to who he was crushing on, Birdie had been very good about hiding his crush so far. "You put on a...a tough act but, you... you're not a bad bloke Eric." His accent tended to thicken when blazed, making it harder to tell what he was saying aside from the slurring of his words.
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"You do not have to thank me for doing my job..." he side glanced Birdie at the mention tough act and let out a sigh. He slumped back on the couch listening to the mans drunken rambles "Incluso ahora lograste llamar mi atención, do you even plan on doing something with it?" Eric was really talking to himself though he worded his monologue as a question for Birdie. "I better hear no complaint in the morning."
"Not a chance..." His words sputtering out. Birdie didn't complain about hangovers, it's like a downside to a good gig contract. He attempted to find his feet and stumbled to his room, he left the door open as he blacked out the moment he hit the mattress. He had enjoyed tonight, but something was bugging him... what had Apollo said to Eric to make him change his mind? No clue, he'd have to wait until morning. He might just have to steal his phone, out of curiosity.
Moon felt a little warm as she had his jacket wrapped around her. Maybe a short dress in the night was not the brightest idea of hers. She was no longer anywhere near the bar as they walked off ''Why don't you care as much for Birdie? Is he easier to replace?'' The real trust is, she never felt the old band on her own terms, she was kicked out for having slightly lower singing pitch then the other girls. ''I can handle myself and so can Birdie, so why let his clearly drunk butt walk alone at night while I have to stay near somebody in the band?' she protested at him while slightly intoxicated.
Birdie woke up to the sensation of pain. The degree of pain that comes with either a night of drinking, or a swing round the head with a baseball bat by every member of the LA Lakers team. He got up got showed and shaved, then walked out into the shared are of the apartment. Birdie by name and nature, he usually woke up first. He took out his Harmonica and waited a second, relishing the silence of the morning, before letting rip with the loudest and highest pitch note. The noise permeated the walls and roused most of his band mates. This was the morning tradition in the apartment, much to most of the other residents dismay. At least they didnt need an alarm. "Up and at 'em you lazy gits!" He called, strolling throughout the room.
It is now Saturday, and the band has a day of rest to do what they want, so long as they show up to a group interview where they'll be talking about their upcoming projects and stuff.

Vic's awoken by the squeal of the harmonica, touches up her appearance and gets clothed, and prepares for a day of writing and resting, grabbing a notebook full of hard to understand and messily written tablature plus random phrases and a pen. She then makes some breakfast (a few slices of buttered toast, vic is not allowed to prepare food for others because, well, there's many possibilities, if you get what i mean), moves to the living room, and starts writing what seems to be more nonsense while eating the toast.
It was a quiet morning and the silence was very relaxing to relieve her headache. The harmonic awas the ice breaker to her peace as they sound waves made it to her room. Eunji immediately opened her eyes and shook a little bit as her vision was very blurry in the morning. She rolled out of bed and it made a tiny 'thud' on the ground. Moon knew it was traditional, but why is anyone traditional? She went to grab a pillow and try to find Birdie's room. He was going to get the pillow beat down from her if he knew what was good for him.
To ensure notification push: azenva azenva Reign of Terror Reign of Terror Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Deredere Deredere RPGLinx RPGLinx
Birdie was making some tea when he felt the pillow clock him round the head. Unfazed, He said "Morning Moon, how's your head." While pouring the milk. He handed her a mug and carried his own over to the couch. The Sun was up, shining with mild clouds cool by Californian standards, warm by Birdie's. Lazily, he reached over and grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned on the TV. So one or later, everyone would crawl out to get on with their days.

Apollo had gotten lucky, he'd left for his run not long after Birdie had gotten in the shower, and had been spared the harmonica. He'd be back any minuite now.
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Moon was more than a little grumpy as she was rudely awakened to start the day. She was handed a mug, so that was at least somewhat nice of him, but it was milk. Now, she liked milk, but something tasted off about this one and puts the mug down. Was it one percent? Whatever it was she puts it down. As she was shaking down the bad taste, she looked over to her shoulder and saw he left his harmonica. 'It would be a shame' she thought 'what if something happened to...it.' She then got a wonderful idea, she got an awful idea, she got a wonderfully awful idea. She went to grab Birdie's harmonica and take it to her room to be dropped in her litterbox she had up there. No one really knows if the litterbox is so an aesthetic choice for the cat theme or if it's really used.
A.J.'s day started out on the floor. Sleep was always her least graceful practice, and she was prone to restlessness at night- she often rolled right out of bed and never bothered to climb back in.

Today was yet another 'floor day', and to start it off, she groaned and stood to crack her back. The trill of Birdie's harmonica could've woken the dead, but in a good way, she supposed; She'd always found it pretty, but it sure did wail.

A.J. wasn't actually a morning person before her new bandmates had come into her life, and so often seemed a little sluggish in the morning. This was evident as she more or less wormed her way into clothes befitting a casual day, watered the dozens of plants that she mothered in her room, and grabbed a small, thick comb as she went to leave. Her hair was a wreck every morning, really. It was so pretty when it was brushed, but so ferocious beforehand.

Once done, the comb was tucked into one of her pockets as she yawned hello to Birdie and scooted into the kitchen with half-closed eyes... to pour herself a bowl of milk.

Y'know, to stare at dumbly for a sec? Sleepy but slowly becoming self-aware, A.J. shook her head and sighed at herself. "This is so NOT how you're supposed to eat cereal." she mumbled to herself, pouring a layer of Fruity Pebbles over her milk like some kind of heathen. This was the exact reason A.J. had never allowed herself to get drunk before; She didn't even trust herself before mid-morning, she didn't even want to know what kind of drunk she might be.

Apollo came in his heavy breathing probably the only audible thing the group has ever heard coming from his mouth. He took a shower singing a song no one could here and getting dressed tho opting out on a shirt. He was making himself a protein shake as he listened to his band mates. Opening the fridge a smile appeared on his face as a tub of food labeled Apollo in eric's hand writing was in the fridge. It was his run day, meaning he was going to need more than a bowl of cereal. He pulled out his phone to text Eric. He laughed to himself at the text he sent him the other day, then thanking him for the food.

U gonna let a drunk Birdie crawl into someone's bed?
Don't ever do that to me again
does the food mean your not mad at me anymore?
Do not be late today
Birdie checked his pockets calmly...at first anyway, he became progressively more frantic, turning his pockets out looking for something. His eyes darted around the living room over to the open plan kitchen. And then to Moon re-entering the living room from the bedroom hallway. He walked over to her, stern look on his face, Palm open. "Give it back." He said, uneasily. He did NOT like it when people took his Harmonica. It had been an heirloom from three generations. His great grandfather had taken it into the trenches of the Somme with him. It was all that came back from france of him, sent by a friend.


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Vic had been about to ask to see some of Birdie's lyrics, but seeing how ticked off he was about Moon stealing the harmonica, she decided it probably wasn't a good idea to disturb him at this time. With nothing to do, she started writing the core of the next song, having gotten stuck continuing the first. However, writer's block had arrived to cut her off completely, so she instead flipped to a new page and started planning something, quietly laughing to herself about what Moon had most likely done and how to get her back for it. She was going to require some assistance in teaching her a lesson, however...
A.J. was rinsing her cereal bowl out when Apollo had finally come home. She really had to commend him for taking those runs. She'd join him, but it always seemed as though she was the last to wake up in the mornings, though then again, from the sound of his breathing, A.J. was guiltily relieved that she'd miss today's run. He looked gorgeous for all his efforts, whereas A.J. was heavily reliant on her metabolism to keep the weight of her constant napping off.

It wasn't until Apollo pulled out a tub of food with his name on it that A.J. scooted closer to the shirtless bassist, a subconscious movement driven by her insatiable appetite. Had Eric made him that? Was that curry she was seeing? So, like, could she just... HAVE some?

"I-I'll buy you whatever you want if I can have some." the redhead blurted out, physically wincing and cringing at herself immediately afterward. She couldn't help herself, though, Eric cooked so well-...
Reign of Terror Reign of Terror

Apollo was already grabbing two bowls to split with A.j. He had not even heard what she had said but did hear her voice. He turned giving her a smile and signed good morning, one of the signs he taught her last night. He heated up both bowls and handed the one with the most food in it to A.j. What could they be fighting about now? Apollo never really lost his temper. The most valuable thing he had was those letter, but even if they were destroyed he would not be to upset about it. he could be intimidating, the last thing he needed was to get into a fight with birdie or eric, plus moon terrified him he would even try to come at her.
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