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Realistic or Modern The Freebirds (Music RP)

Deredere Deredere
Birdie was practically shaking moon down looking for his Harmonica by now, before storming past her and through the open door into her room.

There was so many fucking Cats! Cat posters, cat themed bedding, cat themed lamps. And a litterbox. Moon didnt have a cat but he got that she has an aesthetic. He could see something shiny half buried in there, carefully he grabed the exposed shiny to reveal his treasured harmonica. The term 'Divine rage' would be an understatement in regards to how angry he was that such a shitty thing had happened to the instrument he had to put his lips on. Even if there was no shit to speak of actually in the box, the imagery was enough to insult him.

He grabbed two of the pillows off her bed and chased her around the apartment, wailing blows onto her with the pillows. Similar to what she had done to him earlier, but non-stop. Might seem harsh to the uninformed, but it was fair to those whom were.
She opened up her palms and showed no harmonica as the deed was always done. She followed Birdie to her and well...Moon, you could say she was at least a fan of cats by her room alone. You can take the girl out of the band, but you can't take the band out of the girl. She thought she was being funny and giggled a little bit as Birdie found his harmonica. She then noticed that he wasn't smiling and was very livid at her for dishonoring his great grandfather.

Eunji got a small head start as she was prepared to run. She did not want to be caught in Birdie's fists of rage as she got pillows cocked at her head and he was really good at aiming. Seems like adrenaline can overrule any hangover from last night.
Deredere Deredere ScalpelsNSaws ScalpelsNSaws

As Apollo ate his curry and watched the events taking place he saw Moon heading their way, Ah yes Jeremiah was mad. Placing his food down he let Eunji hide behind him. He booped her nose and had a mock disappointment look as he shook his head at her. Why did she have to bother with the harmonica. Looking up at a clock his eyes widen and he shoved the rest of the food down his mouth. Catching on of the pillows he stopped Birdie and did an air guitar motion saying that they need to practice, so new riffs and see whatever Birdie wrote up for them.
She was so glad he hadn't caught her initial statement.
In all seriousness? If it weren't for Apollo, A.J. would most likely have just shoveled the food directly into her face. Instead, she did so with slightly less urgency and a spoon, all in a feeble attempt not to seem like a ravenous dog. Food as a whole was one of her favorite things, nevermind the things Eric made. She'd never had a mother, but if she had, she'd have liked her imaginary mother to have at least half of Eric's culinary expertise.

She also wondered what the commotion was about, though; Birdie seemed to have been slighted in some way, what with how he ran around whacking Moon with pillows. "Pillow fights this early in the day? You guys have more fun than anyone else." A.J. laughed, albeit now clinging to her bowl of reheated curry like it was her new child. What if their nonsense knocked it over?!
His payback would have to wait until Moon was out of the safety of the gargantuan Sun God. Birdie calmed himself with a deep swig of his tea, returning to the couch and rooting through his pockets, pulling out some napkins with heavily annotated napkins, covered in lyrics and shorthand notes. He handed them over to Vic, before returning to brushing litter out of the holes in the precious...


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Eunji went to try and find cover and Apollo happened to be nice enough and let her hide and take cover. She never knew the story of how he got that harmonica and thought that it was just another stupid instrument that Birdie owned. It's like she now started a civil war in the band. She felt Apollo boop her nose as she had this warm feeling of happiness flow through her. Moon gave him and hug from behind as a way to say thank you. She looked at Apollo do a neat air guitar motion and knew they needed to start practice soon. She let go of him, but stayed near him to be protected. What happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force, only Moon would find out soon enough.
"Thanks!" Vic responded with quite a bit of enthusiasm, grinning after watching the odd interactions of the band. Reading over the lyrics handed to her, she started singing them to herself a bit.
"This would work if it was sung more like the chorus in "Panic Switch", kind of like a unison duet instead of a back and forth, don't you think?" she asked, pulling out her phone to demonstrate with the original track while pointing at the second napkin, then going back to writing a new verse and chorus part to work with the lyrics better, adding some odd abbreviations to the tabs she had written down.
"I'm gonna have to go buy some pedals if I'm gonna play this...oh well, all for the sound, I guess."
"You're the Guitarlist, I'm the lyricist. I am basically a glorified poet, you're the one with the displeasure of making it sound good." Birdie quipped. He didn't mind how much the lyrical sound was warped, but sometimes he did get attached to how the wording went, like any good writer under critique He supposed. He got upmprices for pedals on his phone, sending her a link to the website. He grabbed the keys to the band's Van, he'd have to clear it out I they were going to take it out for practise...
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Eric's basement

As far as anyone in the band knew, Eric booked their shows what else he did to afford this place was up for questioning. As everyone did sound checks and Birdie and Vic went over lyrics. Apollo was looking through Eric's array of instruments. He could play almost anything with a string and would have been a nice addition had he for one, been into their music and two been able to perform. He placed his bass down picking up one of Eric's. He peered over the over the shoulder of Vic and picked the bass trying out some under melodies to accompany it.
Moon tried staying close to Apollo, or at least stay away from Birdie at all costs. She was clearing her throat, which sounded like a cat hacking up hairballs, but it thankfully didn't last long. After the ride to Eric's place, she looked around for water to loosen her tracea to properly vocalize. She was doing her own thing, practicing tongue twisters and music scale. Eunji was most comfortable between soprano and alto for her singing and speaking voice.
The basement was nice, Eric had a nice place. Birdie was helping Vic with the lyrics and try in to find a space where the harmonica would fit in, playing a few notes gently, a single piece of litter flew out of one of the holes. Now he could draw on it again, he tested the water with some experimental tunes. He'd conspired with her over text on how to get back at moon for her heinous act, explaining the situation in full. Vic sure had some michivious ideas.
Moon was somewhere else in Eric's house as she felt like the basement was more for people that had an instrument and were more talented than Moon is. She went to sing to herself in Eric's bathroom over a familiar song she heard in her time being a new citizen in the USA ''~♪Ohh...You've got me feeling emotions deeper than I've ever dreamed of...Oh..You've got me feeling emotions, higher than the heavens aboveI feel good, I feel nice. I've never been so satisfied.♪~''
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Erica came down after getting a text from Apollo. It was unclear to the group if he had been home the whole time or just came in. "You guys know about your Interview right?" Eric knew they knew but it was a habit to treat them like children. He walked up to Jeremiah holding his hand out. "Let me see it..."He was asking for the Harmonica. Walking over to where he kept his guitars at. He squatted down and choked to death (jk) he squatted down and opened up a cabinet. "You use an air cleaner or a kit?" he did not care about his answer and pulled out an air cleaner. "You guys can use whatever, as usual. I have pedals to. Apollo knows where everything is he has been here plenty of times...um n-not like you guys haven't he just comes by for his runs and...ugh nevermind" Eric hurried himself upstairs as Apollo signed 'great cover story' as he laughed silently.
Birdie took the air cleaner, purifying the last microscopic traces of litter that remained on the harmonica. He smiled to himself hearing eric's clumsiness of words...'interesting' He thought to himself, suddenly feeling very chipper for some reason. At least he wouldn't have the thought of phantom cat shit stank every time he goes to play. "Yeah we know about the interview, Eric, don't worry your pretty head abouts us being late." Birdie said.

Birdie nodded to Apollo, after all, without him texting Eric he'd still have the nasty imagery. He walked back to Vic to continue working on the lyrics.
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Deredere Deredere

Apollo gave a flashy grin to Birdie having no idea why he was nodding at him. Had he said something? Ah oh well. Setting Eric's bass back to where he got it from, he walked off to find the wondering vocalist. Walking in on Moon he raised an eyebrow as she sung to herself. he signed something to her knowing she could not understand but it seemed to be something positive.
Moon closed her eyes as she still sang. It seemed to be like an earworm to her as she sang loudly '' ♪~It feels like a dream when you touch me tenderly.I don't know if it's real, but I like the way I feel insiiiiiidee~♪'' She was attempting something daring with those notes. She was trying to go higher than before with her vocalizing voice by singing a nearly impossible song. She stopped after hitting the note and turned around to see Apollo ''Oh, hi there. I thought you were practicing with your bass guitar.'' She looked at his hands and still couldn't understand him that well; he only knows the middle finger ''Well thank you, I think...''
"I hate press interviews..." Birdie idly moaned to Vic. It was repeating information they already knew, but if you forgot or slipped your tounge you get treated like an absolute criminal. He played a few notes from his Harmonica, trying to see what fit best with the speed and style Vic had been suggesting to him. "I don't see why we have tomput up with such drivel." He checked his watch, the interview will be at four thirty. 'Plenty of time to get lots of nothing done.' He thought to himself. By nothing of course he means meticulously planned songs that they agree sound good, before all changing their minds after test playing it.
"Yeah...I need to warm up a bit." Vic went to check out the collection of pedals, selecting a few to get a deliberately odd sound, almost like the distorted guitar has a backup also distorted synth playing the same thing. After linking them in order and fiddling with them to get a nice sound, she turned them off to start quickly warming up, going through the basics before going into some riffs and light improv to get that working. After completing the basics, she turned the pedals back on and started working with those.
"This works out if we're gonna be messing with that song with the "Panic Switch" chorus™, right?" she asks the band while screwing around with some scales.
Reign of Terror Reign of Terror azenva azenva
Birdie began to bob his head and gently slap his leg in tune with Vic's improvised rhythms. "Yeah...yeah that ones good." He said, complementing it with a few trills from his harmonica. It fit like lego. He waved over to A.J to begin adding a drum track to the mix. The track was quickly coming together. Now they just had to wait until Moon got her finalized copy of the lyrics, to hear A.J mix the drums and they were set for a proper test run.
Deredere Deredere

Tilting his head he could here that the others were getting their act together. He did the universal let's go signal to Moon and walked back to the group. A counter melody was easy, for him at least. Sometimes he kept it basic sometimes he gave it a little spice. He would even switch up an already written one from here to there. Picking up his bass he plugged things in an messed with some settings, adding a little fray to the sound. He plucked a few things here or there is was. abasic back drop beat to support the drums nothing majob but easy went with the song. He would complicate more later on.
The tunes from each of the band member's instruments melded quite well, they seemed to have a good basis for the track. Now Moon just had to figure out how she can sing the lyrics in a fitting manner. Birdie was using one hand to play his part on the harmonica while typing on his phone with the other.
He'd probably get takeout after the interview, and skip lunch. 'A hungry body sharpens the mind.' He thought to himself, although he was sure Vic would disagree. Vic really disliked skipping meals in his experience.
Moon looked at Apollo's fingers as he gives the universal sign to get out of the bathroom ''Alright, alright. I didn't know you needed the use the bathroom, you could have sai...'' She had to stop herself before she could say something that would definitely offend Apollo ''Wait, how did you find the bathroom? Eric had to show me where it was. It's like you know this house like the back of your hands or something.'' Eunji quickly went to wash her hands and lets him go to his business.
Seeing Moon appear from another area in the immense space that was Eric's basement, Birdie stood up and walked over to her. He was till keeping pace with the harmonica. He put his phone away and picked up the lyrics sheet. He stepped up to her, tapping her on the head with the sheet before handing it to her. He broke tune to say, "These are the lyrics me and Vic have been working on, come and get a measure of how to sing alongside the track.", his head and going back to where the others were playing. He popped the harmonica back between his lips and began thrilling at the next chorus, walking back to his speaker that he was using as a stool.
Eunji spotted Birdie and noticed she was not around Apollo to save her now. She was trembling a little as she was preparing to run again if he attacked her. Nothing was stopping him from doing so, he was mad at her and had every right to be. She then froze out of fear and felt like she couldn't run anymore, like she was stuck in place. She closed her eyes and wanted to get the beatdown over with. She was surprised to only receive a light tap on the head with music sheets. Did he already forgive that easily?
Vic glanced over at the two vocalists, trying to hide a grin, before going back to refining the chorus riff, trying out a few things before deciding to stick with a very simple riff to let the vocalists shine a bit more for now.
"So, the chorus is mostly going to just be that duet, right?" she asked while examining the pedals.
Just for fun, she decided to try combining the wah pedal with tapping, getting something sounding pretty cool. Noting this, she continued to mess around with the pedal and tapping patterns, adding extra embellishments to link the patterns.
"How's this sound for the bridge or something?"

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