The FreakShow

1. At some point in the rp, I will enable characters to 'evolve' their powers.

2. Don't ask for spoilers. The plot is purely character driven and has MANY possible outcomes.

3. By default, the prison uniform is a gray jumpsuit. Kaiden wears one underneath his hoodie.


And now, everyone who has posted thus far has a room.
@Wilcox Hello, I edited the powers, please check if it is suitable. (I accidentally edited it in reply, I will edit the main one and delete my reply as soon as I get home, hope you're alright with it :) )
Ahrin said:
@Wilcox Hello, I edited the powers, please check if it is suitable. (I accidentally edited it in reply, I will edit the main one and delete my reply as soon as I get home, hope you're alright with it :) )
It checks out

Just be careful of what Minor powers you copy. Some might be detrimental to Robin's health as her biology may differ from that of the selected target. For example, attempting to mimic Kaiden's ability to bypass human physical limitations could result in some pretty serious injuries. Torn muscles, broken bones, etc.
I might make some adjustments to my characters powers but that will be when were allowed to "evolve" our powers.
Just note that I said adjustments, not major alterations. Not unless you run them by me first.
Ok then, well the adjustment I wanted to due was add new powers but that would probably when we are able to "evolve"
@Onihi @X3 Infernal Infinity

Density of aluminum, 2700 Kg/m3

Density of concrete, 2400 Kg/m3

Density of Carbon Steel 7850 Kg/m3

Density of Mercury, 13,594 Kg/m3.

Mercury is by all means, NOT a weak metal base, having a higher density than Carbon based Steel. Soft, yes, weak, no.

minor power/skill: (current sensor)

not only did he develop a lesser third eye but he also developed a way to sense something about to hit him, when in combat, he develops a small, 3 foot diameter wind current around his body to help him sense incoming attacks ->but he cannot detect bullets or other high speed attacks.

Just three to four feet of water, with it's density of 1.0 kg/m3, is capable of stopping high velocity lead bullets. It makes a big splash but the bullets don't actually make it very far.

Mercury has a density that is several upon several times greater than water. The higher the velocity you impact a liquid substance with, the more solid it temporarily becomes. A high speed wind scythe is going to make a splash, but won't do much for penetration.

Onihi, I'm afraid that slicing through the mercury like butter in such a fashion just isn't going to happen. Striking such high density particles with wind that moves fast enough to cut is going to redistribute the air current.

X3 Infernal Infinity, since Reich did form an actual wall to block the wind scythe, but instead redistribute it, the redistributed currents would still be moving at a high enough speed and velocity to deal some minor damage. Instead of taking what would've been the equivalent of a guillotine, it'll be more along the lines of getting hit by senbon (throwing needles).
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I will tell you like I told Oni when I messaged him with Reiches power it's not only about the properties of Mercury itself. His power allows him to manipulate the metal in anyway including hardness/sharpness. Also the key is to pay attention to the

formation and changes of the construct. It appeared as a wall but on application:

The heated mercury fractals first dispersed the wind, shifting to form a wedge like wall of overlapping plates meant to disperse its strength of to either side of Reich.
[QUOTE="X3 Infernal Infinity]I will tell you like I told Oni when I messaged him with Reiches power it's not only about the properties of Mercury itself. His power allows him to manipulate the metal in anyway including hardness/sharpness. Also the key is to pay attention to the
formation and changes of the construct. It appeared as a wall but on application:

If only physics worked that way my friend. No matter how tough you make glass, it can always be cut by a normal piece of obsidian. Hardness of glass, always 4.5. Hardness of obsidian, usually 6 or more. Obsidian always wins over glass.

Hardness isn't the key factor here though. The winning factor here is density, in which mercury is much too dense for SIN's wind scythe to slice through. On to the physics of a wind blade, since air has a very low density of 1.2 Kg/m3, an air current would have to move at extraordinarily high velocities to even cut low density steels. SIN's wind blades can cut through anything short of carbon based steel, which is half as dense as mercury. Moving at a speed this extreme, the wind scythe isn't going to flow smoothly around the mercury wedge, the wind is going to hit like a ton of bricks and explode, sending multiple splinters of high velocity air currents. Each splinter is going to have the effect of a razor sharp, throwing needle. It's also going to make one hell of a noise.

And as I said before, the faster you strike a liquid substance, the harder and more solid it becomes. Reich's ability to change the hardness of his mercury doesn't even need to be factored into this. A mercury wall is virtually impenetrable to high velocity assaults, even without adding anything else to it.

Simple water can block 50 caliber sniper rounds. The bullets barely break the surface. Mercury is 13 times denser, making it even more projectile proof. Comically, this also means that Reich can't swim, being 13 times denser than water.
Ok, I screwed up so what, I will fix it. I was irritated that day for my internet was running slow so I had to make it as fast as I could before it lagged again. And FYI if the current of wind was strong enough it can alter bullet direction.
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Note, many people seem to have problems with not getting notifications. I suggest that at least once a day, you check on the OOC and the RP, even if you do not receive notifications, just to make sure that nothing has changed without your notice. It's a good way to stay on top of the rp even if you aren't being notified of activity.
This is actually the first time I've had an issue with it. More specifically I didn't get Kira's post notification (got everyone else's though...), but yeah I typically look everyday, just wasn't as on it since I was on Spring Break. This isn't my first rodeo, after all ; )

Thanks for the heads up though.
Thiocyanate said:
Hey, are you still accepting people into The Rp?
Yeah, I can accept additional characters. I've got a couple that haven't participated in anyway, so it shouldn't get too crowded.
Wilcox said:
Yeah, I can accept additional characters. I've got a couple that haven't participated in anyway, so it shouldn't get too crowded.
Alright, Thanks!
Player Rollcall, just making sure that all of the Freak Show participants are still coming. I'd like to know if all of my members are still interested in doing this rp.

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