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Fantasy The Four Houses (Character Sheets)


Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
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  • eliza fox.

    full name

    eliza alice fox


    liza, eli




    31st July 2001





    dark brown, straight as a pin.


    dark brown, hooded


    slim, carries some, but not much, muscle. built for agility rather than strength.

    dist. features

    small birthmark at the small of her back.

    body modifications

    tattoos, multiple ear piercings





    dressed in fumes, more put together than they used to be

    when you go into griffith, it's made immediately clear that a lot is expected of you. in becoming what was expected of her, eliza was forced to crush the old her underfoot. she's been told her whole life that she's going to be something incredible, something powerful. anything which was deemed a weakness had to be destroyed. she's not mean. it's important that that is said from the get go. it is the one remnant of the old self that she has held onto. but she is blunt, although well meaning, and has lost all ability to cover up her emotions with her facial expressions. on the surface, she has all the friends and allies a powerful spellcaster could possibly need. deep down, she feels like none of those people know the real her, and she can't let them get to know her.

    the little girl who used to cry without a nightlight is long gone. independent to a fault, it's as though she has something to prove. except, the only person she's proving anything to is herself. she can be worthy of her blood, of her supposed destiny. she has to be, or she's lost everything. she'll have done all this for nothing. sleepless nights, pushing herself to breaking point in training, having to be the best in all of her classes. she contacts her family as infrequently as she can, not wanting to spark concern. her family would far rather she be happy in herself than live up to whatever expectations have been put on her; but eliza can't see that. she just has to be the best.


    fresh fruit, sweet things, learning about other types of magic, cats, dogs, rabbits, japanese cooking and snacks, being in nature, late nights


    fatty foods, the expectations on her, most rodents, alcohol, long nails (on her), american chocolate, bigots, "brutal honesty", people who abuse their power


    her nails are always painted black and cut short to try and stop her from biting them. instead, she plays with her jewellery as a nervous tick.




    Eliza's whole family were magic users. Magic was just an everyday thing in their home, something controlled with ease and treated as nothing special. Eliza's magic was powerful and unpredictable from day one, but her family barely even noticed. It wasn't that they weren't looking; more that they saw it as just another part of her. They loved their daughter with all of her quirks, even if those "quirks" did occasionally involve her setting things on fire. Perhaps they were too isolated from the human world, and that was how they somehow failed to see the potential issues. Her parents were Japanese immigrants who were already used to being different and something "other", so they built a community of their own which was full of love. They forgot what Griffith had been like all those years ago, and so when the time came to send off Eliza, they had no hesitation. It would be the best thing for her, to meet more people and different people.

    Fourteen year old Eliza went with a heart full of hope and a youthful naievity. Both were quickly crushed. Her control was extraordinarily poor among her peers, and Griffith would not stand for that. Eventually, after one too many close calls in a classroom, somebody decided to give her a staff to use to see if it would improve her control. It minimised the explosive parts of her magic, but she still had to learn how to use it correctly. She was made to feel like a failure for her poor control, and often became so physically unwell from stress and exhaustion that she'd miss classes, only making the situation worse.

    the prophecy

    She was seventeen when something finally broke in her. Three years of training and even though she'd come so far, it wasn't far enough. She wasn't going to be let home. Her control wasn't good enough. It had to be good enough. She had to be good enough. And so she gave everything she had. If she felt sick, she'd go to class anyway. She'd push herself training late into the night, and go into class the following day and do the whole thing again. And she was praised for her work ethic. She was praised for working so hard and the progress she'd made. She'd isolated herself, barely talking to her friends or family, the latter because she was convinced she'd failed them.

    For the first time, her mentors saw her potential and not just her failures, and realised they were dealing with a truly powerful sorcerer. Her teaching and training went beyond just getting her to live safely among humans. She would be powerful, she would be great, the type of person they could rely on to save the world if it came to it, the type of person Griffith could be proud of. They didn't care about the person wielding this magic, only the potential she held. And now, Eliza knows she has to do whatever it takes to be great.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    best friend

    name here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


    magic runs in eliza's veins like blood. it's something innate, something she can do as easily as breathing. but she's at risk of losing all of her hard earned control if she doesn't keep her emotions tightly controlled.


    her staff gives her something to channel her magic through. it's an item to focus on, to keep her grounded in many ways. she can also hit people with it in a pinch, but shattering the wood could potentially result in a magical explosion. so they'd have to really deserve being hit with it.




    ♡coded by uxie♡

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ariadne sinclair




  • 01.



    ariadne sinclair



    aria, ari, dee






    cis female | she/her



    5'8" | 173cm


    ariadne is taller than most though she's incredible lithe, with porcelain skin, and freckles dotting every inch of her face. her blonde hair, sleek and straight, only reaching her mid chest, usually left down, rarely ever styled. her eyes seemingly large as if she were a doll, the color a beautiful shade of green.


    elle fanning

♡coded by uxie♡



full name

seraphima vertepnitsa






october 25







black, fairly long




quite skinny, but has built up a surprising amount of muscle, mostly from doing physical chores

dist. features

has a few moles on her face


Дайте танк (!)



I'll say I grew up in the city if anyone asks me again

she is quite cold and serious. she is very goal oriented and practical, leading to sometimes seeming like an elitist or passive aggressive towards others. spends most of her time frowning or furrowing her brows. she is quite bitter in regards to the way others perceive her, introverted and closed off from others, although not as antagonistic and unfriendly as she looks.

when she was first sent to the academy, she was quite grumpy. she couldn't say anything about it to baba, of course, any protest would be futile, even if fima herself thinks she is very much not in need of being taught. still, if she has to be here, she was going to excel. instead of making friends or lounging about she was dedicated to practicing spells, rituals, being stuck in books and taking up on any physical chore she can find, to keep some sort of sense of normalcy. she was liked by teachers and largely disregarded by her peers, which wasn't much of a problem to her. only sometimes she allowed herself to indulge her frustration with the lack of tangible results, mostly because if she didn't consciously limit those emotions she would go insane.

at the end of year one, she sent a letter to her baba, not-so-subtly bringing up moving up the ranks. she didn't receive an answer. by year two, baba told her she might be seeing a swangoose egg in the near future. by year three, fima gave up on expectations. she realized that her little routine in the academy isn't as useless as she thought, and it brings her a sense of comfort in its own. feels dumb, in retrospect, it all seems as a stupidly long adjusting process. she still feels bitterness and frustration, but now, she has accepted it at least a little.


coffee, birds, building up a skill, quiet places, the smell of pine and wet dirt, physical labor


loud people, overt optimism, sitting around not doing anything, littering, energetic children, people with no backbone, self-pity


if she finds an activity or conversation too boring, she will probably pull out something to do, be it a cross-stitching project or a book; when she's frustrated she will often cross her arms, digging her nails into her arms, and visibly grit her teeth; sometimes, when she finds someone too annoying to deal with, she will just silently stare at them




fima was born in a small village in russia, to a mother and a father who didn't love her. they made sure to tell her how much they wanted a boy, and instead they got her, a nuisance of a child. nothing she could do ever seemed right, for if she stayed at home, her parents would find fault in any small behavior, and woe about how they must be cursed to have such a daughter. if she left, and played outside or wandered around, she would be found in a few hours and scolded. "you'll get taken by baba yaga's birds!" her mother would say. and then, add: "maybe that would be for the best. you'll see firsthand what happens to misbehaving children!".

by age six, her little brother was born, and it became clear she was the odd one out. her parents got the perfect angel they wanted, and she was some beast nobody cared for. so, one day, she ventured out with no intent of coming back. when she saw what looked like geese flying towards her, she only waved at them, and so she was scooped up and brought to baba yaga.

"please, teach me how to be a baba yaga!" fima screamed before the baba could even get a word in.

intrigued by such a request, baba yaga let fima explain her story, and, be out of pity for the girl, or out of seeing promising seeds of potential, took in a new apprentice.


fima was put to work as baba's helper, both doing the physical chores of upkeeping the house and personally helping baba with her spells. at first the baba would scarcely ask fima to fetch her items, not even allowing her to view any rituals, but as she grew up she was let in more and more, entrusted with more complex tasks. soon enough fima was able to cast her own minor spells, and even craft her own magical items. for example, whenever she was foraging in the forest, she would use an enchanted ball of yarn that would roll on its own to guide her back to the izba. at first, she would use the yarn baba gave her, but eventually she learnt to enchant her own. she started out by casting spells on regular yarn, however that would limit its magical properties. eventually, she was capable of making her own from scratch, and started her own little collection of differently colored yarn that all lead her to different places in the forest.

as fima grew up, however, she got more and more frustrated with her perceived lack of progress. the process of transforming into a baba yaga is not just a path of learning, but also a physical metamorphosis, done through rituals and the adoption of magical properties. fima was annoyed with the speed of her transformation, with baba refusing to imbue her with more magical powers, telling her she is not yet ready. fima is still a fledgling, in terms of her baba yaga status, and she has a great thirst for more power. baba saw her frustrations, and began fearing that fima might burn herself out in her quest for more.

when fima turned 18 a decision has been made to send her to an academy, away from her apprenticeship to instead learn more independently, and perhaps understand the importance of moderation and patience. fima was not satisfied with this decision, but accepted baba's authority and went to blackmore academy. although she never said this to fima, baba was fearing the apprenticeship was stifling fima's potential, and the ability to develop her own identity. baba hoped that being in a more diverse environment would help her pupil grow into herself more.


baba yaga

her mentor, master, and parental figure. fima never calls her mother, as she is her baba. she can be strict, asserting her authority and rarely being open with fima. despite this, they do care about each other, and fima holds a deep respect for her. baba calls her 'yegoznitsa', meaning naughty child, a nickname that can be both affectionate and scolding. they keep up communication while fima is at the academy, mainly through baba's swangeese, who sometimes bring fima letters, and sometimes just listen to her reports and deliver those directly to baba.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

magical prowess

fima possesses magical ability, being able to cast minor spells, usually through rituals. her main specialty is dark magic, curses and necromantic rituals. she is well read in those topics, and specifically experienced with baba rituals.

ball of yarn

a magical item capable of leading its user to a specific place, determined by its enchanter. regular yarn can be enchanted, however the distance its able to lead will be limited. in order to make more powerful yarn, the enchanter has to make it from scratch, imbuing it with magic. one ball is capable of leading to one place, and the difficulty of the enchantment is determined by the enchanter's familiarity with the place they want the ball to lead.




♡coded by uxie♡

4:44 pm / 7/08/24
  • The strongest person is the person who isn't afriad to be alone. - alice harmon
    #fearless #thoughtful #overcoming
    + INFO
    Trinity Collins
    May Ninth
    Twenty two
    WhiteStone Academy

    ✿𝅼 º . Hair : Trin has natural dark amber that she frequently cuts to her neck because she doesn't like her head feeling heavy with lengthy hair.

    ✿𝅼 º . Eyes : She isn't much of a fan of her eyes as to her, they are a simply brown color. Wishing she was able to have her mother's beautiful green eyes but her father's genes were much stronger against them.

    ✿𝅼 º . Skin : From very young, Trin has been taught to have an extremely tedious skin + body care routine from her mother as she was obsessed with self hygiene a little too much. Due to this, Trin's skin on her body and face is clear and she seems to always has her signature scent off pomegranates and raspberry at all times.

    ✿𝅼 º . Build : Trin is not one to work out so her body isn't noticably fit and leans more into the slimmer side of build types but she does kept a healthy diet for the most part as she is very serious about keeping herself on top of a schedule.

    ✿𝅼 º . Faceclaim : Anya Taylor Joy as Beth Harmon

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hugo caharian.




  • 01.



    hugo caharian



    22 (twenty-two)



    demiromantic, pansexual









    5 ft. 10 in.


    Hugo has sharp, angular features that subtly curve and shift to reflect his emotions. His features often portray a facade of nonchalance but often gives way to a twitch in his nose of the corners of his dark brown eyes. His hair is a similar dark shade, bordering on black. He keeps it relatively short for the purposes of shifting. The well-kept curls frame his face and brush against his neck. His brows are not as well-kept and could likely benefit from a trimming due to their fullness. A few moles dot his cheeks unevenly, forming a small triangle near his nose.


    isaiah baumgardner

♡coded by uxie♡

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