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Multiple Settings The Founding of Hogwarts

Hold on one moment I think someone did ask on the interest check. Let me see if they are still interested in joining before fully giving you that roll.
I didn't realise it was 2am already but at least I've done most of my CS now
Mars: Have you considered "eloping" to go explore the world instead? See an aardvark or a kangaroo....
Lol what a quirky guy xD She’d be asking him all about kangaroos cause the word is so funny to her. Just like: oh that Slytherin with the chicken and the kangaroo, what an oddity!
Zombie. Zombie. the code for your character sheet is so nice! Also Sebastian seems like someone the Beauregard siblings will like quite a bit. Nicholas can definitely relate to him and they’re the same age
I added stuff to Genevieve's background and now I'm finally finished lol

Poor girl is betrothed to a Lestrange boy called Narcissus. That ought to tell you exactly what he's like lol
Alrighty does anyone have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for me? I’ll be going over all the forms today and approving/denying them!
Is everyone a first year despite the age differences?
They will technically be in whatever year fits there age. As the older students have probably already had schooling from their parents/other schools.

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