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The Forgotten Friendship

Flip Jester Boy

Professional Shitposter
an RP between Me and AngelSaria

@AngelSariel: Here it is

Name: Kori Steinwell

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Height: 5'8", Weight: 125 Lbs

Personality: He used to be happy and cheerful, but ever since his best friend left the orphanage they lived at, he was constantly bullied without end and grew to be cold and without good feelings.
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Moriah (More-rye)






Moriah is absolutely the definition of a"dork"able. She is awkwardly cute. She's a real shorty only reaching 5'1" and so a lot of her clothes don't fit her right. Most of her sleeves are too long for her and so she ends up having to constantly roll them back up after they unravel. She wears raspberry pink glasses over her wide honey golden eyes that are fringed with long dark lashes. Her shorter hair is a strawberry blonde color and is somewhere between wavy and straight. Oh! And she has bangs.







Moriah is more or less a awkward turtle. She's rather jumpy and what you would call an introvert. When she does open up it's only to people she's fond of. Moriah is often found sitting by herself her wide honey glazed eyes focused on a book from behind her pink framed glasses. She is very creative and artistic and when she's feeling embarrassed she has a habit of blurting out whatever comes to mind.
6 Years Ago

"Are you sure you have to go?" Kori said, pulling on Moriah's sleeve. He had tears in his eyes because his best and only friend was leaving him alone in an orphanage where all the other kids hate and make fun of him for having cat ears and a tail.
Moriah blinked her honey golden eyes from behind her big, half cracked glasses. She didn't want to leave him, but this was her one and only chance to get out of this place... She parted her lips to speak, trying to find the words to say. To tell him he'd be all right... but would he?

"I'm gonna miss you Kori." She mumbled. It was all she could think to say. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling herself into him. Moriah could feel a few tears spilling over the corners of her eyes, trailing down her flushed cheeks.

"I'll never forget you."
"Wah!" Kori cried as he hugged his best friend, not wanting to let go. "I'll never forget you too," He struggled to say through his sniffles. "G-good bye..." He finally let go, wiping his eyes and sniveling.
Present Day

Moriah ran through school grounds, her old tennis shoes drumming on the tiles of the hall way as she ran to her class. I'm always late. She groaned inwardly, slowing her pace just before the door of her classroom. Running a delicate hand through her hair she made sure nothing was out of place. Moriah smoothed down her skirt and straightened her backpack before extending her arm to pull open the door. She walked in rather awkwardly, pushing her glasses up a bit and made her way towards the back of the class.

Moriah pressed her lips into a tight line. Why does everyone have to stare? She thought, her eyebrows knitting together in unease. She had never felt very comfortable being looked at, especially by the people who knew they were better than her. Finding an empty desk near the back she slid silently into her seat, setting her back down on the ground.
Kori sulked through the hallways with his hood up in order to hide his ears and stuffed his tail inside his sweatshirt. He checked his school schedule to see what class he had next. "English, huh," He said in a quiet voice. He knocked on the door before entering. The teacher looked up from her desk, which was next to the door, to see who it was. Kori gave her his schedule and a note.

"Ah, I see," She said to Kori, handing him his schedule back. She quieted down the class. "Class, excuse me, class? I would like to introduce to you a new student joining us today: Kori Steinwell." Kori nodded, as in to greet the class instead of having to say anything. "You can have a seat next to Moriah in the back." Kori headed off to his desk next to a girl with glasses and a sweater that don't seem to fit her.
Moriah reached down and pull the note book out of her bag, along with a pale pink pen. She avoid the gaze of those around her, trying to only pay attention to the teacher and her notes. It was easier that way. The sound of a knock made her look up, and she exhaled a relieved sigh. She wasn't the only one late to class. She watched the boy make his way into the room, approaching the teacher.

Bold move. Moriah thought, drumming the end of her pen lightly against the desk she was in. Kori... Why does that sound so familiar.... Her thoughts trailed off before she snapped out of it when her name was called.

"Er, Here!" She called out a bit awkwardly, raising a hand that was covered by the long sleeves of her sweater. She waved for this Kori kid to come sit by her. She watched him sit down, her wide honey golden eyes watching him from behind her glasses with slight interest. Moriah fumbled with her long sweater sleeves, rolling them up a bit.

Say something to him. She inwardly scolded herself for being so shy. Slowly, Moriah turned in her seat, positioning herself towards him,

"Um, Hi, I'm Moriah," She greeted before biting her lower lip and quickly turning back in her seat, her cheeks flushed a soft pink color. Picking up her pen once more she ran the tip of it softly against the notebook paper, sketching.
Kori looked to his side and nodded at the girl sitting next to him. He rubbed his nose with his finger, which was a habit he had to show he was being nice. What a strange girl, he thought to himself. He then looked forward again, listening in on the lesson. His ears twitched under his hood, but the movements were subtle enough to be hardly noticeable.

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