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Fantasy The Forest

Will post tonight,, just have to do some IRL stuff first >~<

Probably going to post around... 8-9 local time, so that's probably going to be the last stuff of the day, unless anyone goes on at night.

Double Posts: Online now, for a bit, probably just going to post now.
Question. Have the newest sprouts popped up yet, or should I hold off on Cody for now?
My advice would be to hold off, he's 12 and therefore either just arrived or hasn't, odds are you can bring him in in the next Box.
Aridis said:
Thought so. Thankies
Also, I like your characters, I'll be writing for Cherlynn when it's the evening of the next day (The roleplay next day.)
Sorry it took so long for me to finally post! Yesterday was a little crazy for me haha.
Dagfinn said:
LIEZ The point of doing that was the pressure!!
Ok, will do.

>~< I have to write a fight scene for my character in another RP, and have writer's block.

Edit: Stahp with the likes, this isn't funny (or at least not for me, and probably for you)
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