The Force of Justice - OOC Thread

Failsafe! Sounds like something I would name a bomb.
Ever play Destiny 2? There is a computer in there that is suffering from split personality that is a blast to listen to.
Those base skills. How do those work? Do they add to mine while I am in the base, or do I use the lower of the options?
They represent machine shops, a small medical center, and a computer lab. They can add to your own skills, giving you bonuses to your rolls.
Also! I have a reputation as a wealthy Philanthropist. How wealthy am I, exactly?
You have a bit of discretionary income, but it is not at the 'I own a private jet to take me to my other private jet' level. You have a small corporation that provides your money and makes the donations for you.
Ever play Destiny 2? There is a computer in there that is suffering from split personality that is a blast to listen to.

They represent machine shops, a small medical center, and a computer lab. They can add to your own skills, giving you bonuses to your rolls.

You have a bit of discretionary income, but it is not at the 'I own a private jet to take me to my other private jet' level. You have a small corporation that provides your money and makes the donations for you.

I can't say that I have played either Destiny game.

Is that bonus the +3 to all skill rolls?

Gotcha! So its less about how much bills I got in my wallet and more about what I have access to.

Sure, they won't let me go out and put a Lamborghini on the credit card, but work related items are usually okay.

Also! Was thinking that his suit is modified with his own touches and advancements, and other terranauts usually have standard issues. (This way you don't have a team of 500cp npcs running around)

So two more questions.

1. Given my positive reputation for being a ballin' super hero. The Buzz Lightyear of the underdark. Am I on good standing with any of the other super heros?

2. Given my powers are the result of technology, if given enough down time would I be able to retrofit my suit to a different model? For example one that focuses on electricity or digging or fire instead of ice? He just has a suped up version of what he used below ground. But other terranauts had different kinds of suits with different specialties.
Is that bonus the +3 to all skill rolls?
The +3 is to the 9- rolls, one at a time, giving them a 12- to supplement your own skill rolls.
1. Given my positive reputation for being a ballin' super hero. The Buzz Lightyear of the underdark. Am I on good standing with any of the other super heros?
2. Given my powers are the result of technology, if given enough down time would I be able to retrofit my suit to a different model? For example one that focuses on electricity or digging or fire instead of ice? He just has a suped up version of what he used below ground. But other terranauts had different kinds of suits with different specialties.
We can discuss options for you as time goes by.
Thank you for getting to D. Rex's question there.

I have an idea for your suit of armor. You know how Iron Man has multiple suits in which he can use? How would you like to be able to swap out different sets of armor like that? One option uses the power Multiform to get different power sets for specialized armor suits. It is more paperwork to keep track of, but that is one option for you.

The other option is the Variable Power Pool. I will want you to be more experienced in the system before trying that out, though. The VPP can be a tricky little bastard, and I'd need to go over it with you first.
Sherwood Sherwood , what are the odds that I'm going to need my FTL Travel? The more I think about it, the less I see the need for it.
Go ahead and dump it if you want. I have no plans (at this point) to go trans-solar.
Just keep those pesky Area of Effect attacks in mind . . .
Hey jaydude jaydude it's been a while. I don't know if Sherwood is at capacity but it'd be fun to game with you again. 😊

I'd like that as well, but I don't know. Like I said in my now deleted post, I'm already involved in quite a few games already, and I don't know if I'd be up for learning a completely new gaming system.

The main reason I even came on this thread was because I saw that Sherwood Sherwood , D. Rex D. Rex and Psychie Psychie were all in it, and was a little curious.
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The +3 is to the 9- rolls, one at a time, giving them a 12- to supplement your own skill rolls.


We can discuss options for you as time goes by.

But if I have a Inventor skill of 14- (15-) and the base has a skill of 9-(12-) what would it be the success number when inventing something while inside the base using its stuff?

Thank you for getting to D. Rex's question there.

I have an idea for your suit of armor. You know how Iron Man has multiple suits in which he can use? How would you like to be able to swap out different sets of armor like that? One option uses the power Multiform to get different power sets for specialized armor suits. It is more paperwork to keep track of, but that is one option for you.

The other option is the Variable Power Pool. I will want you to be more experienced in the system before trying that out, though. The VPP can be a tricky little bastard, and I'd need to go over it with you first.

Go ahead and dump it if you want. I have no plans (at this point) to go trans-solar.

Thankfully I'm not planning on doing anytime soon. I finally got a freeze ray in an rp and I will need to pry it out of my cold dead hands.

Though looking at multiform, its definitely am option. A little underwhelming as I would be just switching suits at base rather than changing modes on the fly.
I'd like that as well, but I don't know. Like I said in my now deleted post, I'm already involved in quite a few games already, and I don't know if I'd be up for learning a completely new gaming system.

The main reason I even came on this thread was because I saw that Sherwood Sherwood , D. Rex D. Rex and Psychie Psychie were all in it, and was a little curious.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't know what I'm doing, per usual.
The way that the skills in your base would work is if you were there trying to do something that involved one of those. You would first roll the base skill on the 12-. If it got any successes, they would then add to your own skill to give you (potentially) more successes on your own skill.
The way that the skills in your base would work is if you were there trying to do something that involved one of those. You would first roll the base skill on the 12-. If it got any successes, they would then add to your own skill to give you (potentially) more successes on your own skill.

So I'd be rolling twice, with two different targets, essentially?
Yes. It would be a complementary skill roll for you, giving you a better chance at success.
You will be getting some of that in the opening posts of the game. Right now, you are all operating solo.
Psychie Psychie I noticed that you have added Absorption to your Force Field. That is fine, but you cannot add any more to your Field for a while, or you can switch/split your Absorption to something else. Your defenses are going to be topped out for a while with that.
Psychie Psychie I noticed that you have added Absorption to your Force Field. That is fine, but you cannot add any more to your Field for a while, or you can switch/split your Absorption to something else. Your defenses are going to be topped out for a while with that.
No problem. I can split the Absorption up between the Force Field and something else if you'd like. Perhaps into my End Reserve?
That is up to you. I just wanted to make sure that I reminded you about the Defense cap, and that yours are topping out on it with that.
Hey Epiphany Epiphany ! Haven't heard anything from you about the character I zipped up for you. is there anything that I can help you out with? Questions t be answered?
Many. What's below is a bit unfiltered, I'm afraid, because I'm not done reading, organizing (or understanding) so hopefully it's not confusing or offensive.

A little more backstory:
Having a night to sleep on it, I'd like Lady Justice to be a reasonably popular heroine with a wholesome image, at odds with her actual career. If it's not adding complexity or more work for you, I like the idea of publicist or an agency or firm that picked her up out of the army (perhaps in partnership with the army?), Cleaned up her online presence and past, and 'rebranded' her as a 'new' heroine, a product of Army training and promoted as a righteous exchange for holding merchandising rights, film/book rights, being able to trot her out for interviews and promotions/product placement, etc. The publicist or agency may have another agenda as well but she's unaware of it.

For Stats:
In looking at examples in the book, most only have one rating for Strength unless they are in a suit. Is that a point saving means, based on having her only be that strong when her power is activated? If this is a 'only super strong when its turned on', what would I have to give up to get 'always on' instead?
I notice her Constitution is a flat 25; is that good? Does that mean she's always equally durable?
She also has more intelligence and less Presence than every Brick in the book. Any particular reason going that route is the smarter mechanical approach? I also notice the two sheets posted so far have a Presence of 10/20 and 15/25 split whereas her sheet just says 15 (I think, not sure what the /5 / 12- is for). I'm not angling for party leader, nor am I angling for Mind Control but ideally a nominally charismatic, heroic figure with PR coaching shouldn't have the (sometimes) lowest Presence on the team, no? Or is this a case of me just not having the points to go around?

In Looking at Talents :
Positive Reputation Perk? Would be nice to pick up, fitting the Captain America-style propaganda/money-making tool she's on the hook for doing.
What about Well Connected? Would that make sense or just be a point drain?

"The most common Fringe Benefit in many superhero campaigns is Police Powers (typically Local, Federal, or International, but ranging up to Interstellar in Galactic Champions campaigns). This represents a hero (or superteam) who’s “sanctioned” with law enforcement powers by the appropriate authorities. A hero with sanction can function much like a police officer — he can make arrests, testify in court while maintaining his Secret Identity, easily arrange for villains he captures to be detained in jails and prisons, and so on."
Would this make sense to buy? Or will we all have this by default? I would think the poster girl for the Armed Services wouldn't get the same stiff back a vigilante would.

"Government-Employed: The superteam’s actually part of some government agency. All team members should be given the Federal/National Police Powers Fringe Benefit. They pay for that, and some other team gear, by taking the Complication Hunted (Watched by their employer) — a result of their employers keeping a close eye on them."
Is this something applicable to our team?

In Looking at Skills:
Strength Tricks Power Skill? I notice a lot of Brick writeups have this, should I?

For Skills, I'd love to pick up Teamwork and at least one Language (definitely Spanish, probably Arabic).
For Skills, why does she have Computer Programming, Criminology, Cryptography, Deduction, etc.? Electronics, Security Systems and Streetwise may be a bit borderline too, depending on their actual descriptions (which I haven't had time to look up and read). She's not stupid but she's a high-school grad with an Infantry MOS, I would assume she can operate a radio, use a charge to blow a door and spot a suspicious character but I doubt she can repair a circuit, pick a lock or get herself a snitch off the street to work as a contact.
Are Guns a separate skill? Even if she's not going to use it, it would totally make sense to have Guns as a skill given her background.
I see a lot of Bricks have +2-+5 in Hth for 16 to 32 points. Is that something she has and I don't see it? And she has a lot of Marital Art Maneuvers other Bricks don't seem to have. Is that a deliberate design decision? Or am I accidentally in the wrong edition or something?

For Powers:
All the Bricks also have several "effect" powers like thunderclaps with their hands or tunneling or a knock out flick. Is the lack because I didn't ask or because I can't afford them?
Are the Perceivable notes on everything the Solar Bonfire effect? How does that work and look? If she nudges a door a little too hard, will she suddenly blaze with light? If someone shoots her with a nerf gun, does she light up? I'm trying to get a feel for how the sheet's going to look and play out in play.
Would it be cheaper and/or make more sense to just go with Jumping as a power and skip Running to avoid the Multipower tag? Does doing both drive up the price a lot?

In looking at Complications:
Dependent NPCs seem to be a thing, from Frail Relative to Significant Other. What about a tight-knit household (aka. her parents, half a dozen siblings, a few who've moved out but come over for dinner every week, one married sibling at home for the free child care, etc.)?

Also: Physical Complication: Doesn’t Know Own Strength (Frequently, Slightly Impairing; 15 points). When the Brick interacts with delicate or fragile items — or people — the GM occasionally calls on him to make a DEX Roll. (The GM may choose to make the roll for the player without informing him of the fact, the better to surprise him with possible consequences.) If the roll fails, the character accidentally exerts his Casual STR on whatever he’s holding, possibly damaging it.
Didn't realize that was a complication in the book but it's exactly the kind of thing I had in mind. Is there a good reason not to take it?

Dependence: Speedster Metabolism (Very Common/Easy To Obtain; Weakness, 1 Hour; 5 points): The character must sustain his hyperaccelerated metabolism by feeding a tremendous appetite. He’s always stopping off in mid-patrol for a snack.
I hadn't thought of her as a Speedster but the notion of needing to eat a lot to fuel superhuman feats of strength had crossed my mind, wondering if there was a reason not to go this route.

Under the Patriot writeup it had:
Psychological Complication: Overprotective Of (Class of People) (Uncommon, Strong; 10 points): A Patriot with this Psychological Complication feels a special kinship with or responsibility for one specific category of people — women, children, computer nerds, teachers and childcare personnel, and so on, particularly if they’re a subset of the nation he represents. The presence of this Complication means the character will be extra-diligent about protecting this type of person and unusually outraged when this type of person is harmed, endangered, or even insulted.
Kids would be right up her alley for extra protection.

It also mentions:
Social Complication: Subject To Orders if he’s a part of his nation’s military.
I'd thought about her being more or less discharged but still having a relationship as advertisement for the military (embarrassingly like Captain America), plus the agency running her image (who also provide her paycheck and help her take care of her extended family, giving them a leash to pull on if they need to). Thoughts?

Then there's:
Protective Of Innocents (Very Common, Strong; 20 points): A superhero with this Psychological Complication goes out of his way to protect innocent people from harm. If it’s a choice between pursuing a fleeing supervillain and saving a troop of Girl Scouts from the truck that villain just threw at them, the hero will make sure the girls are safe every time. (Some GMs may consider this so similar to Code Of The Hero that a character can’t take both Complications.)
Honestly, a lot of these feel similar enough, it's hard to know what the right pick is or if multiple picks make sense (or are just blatant point mining).

Loss Of Power: all of the character’s powers are reduced to 75% effectiveness
I notice you put Vulnerabilities instead of Susceptibility. Is there a setting or rules/tactical reason to go Vulnerabilities over Susceptibility?

I like Hunted conceptually, I'll have to think about what that might be.

Is there a limit on Complications? Beyond "Don't box yourself in" or "Don't shamelessly accrue a huge list for the sake of excessive point accumulation"?

Hopefully all of this isn't too pushy or blunt, much of it was typed up on my phone while I was reading in bed. I appreciate you doing up a sheet for me; I ask questions as a way to understand so hopefully that comes across. I did figure, since you'd asked, I'd give you what I have so far instead of waiting and onslaughting you with an even bigger list over the next day or two.
Just a short note: I'm kinda revisiting my plans thus from scratch right now, since the character feels quite linear from what I have right now - and I like characters that have different options available to them. Feels like I'm missing another ingredient to not just be sneak and stab, might drop that in favor of more flexibility... might go with a darkness/fog-related theme, I'll see if that feels better...

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