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Realistic or Modern The Fog

If anyone wants to plot character relations with mine ... feel free to PM :'3
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Me :P

Settled :P
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Hey everyon3 ^_^

Sorry I've been gone, It was Canada day just recently and I went to visit family to celebrate ^_^

Anyone care to fill me in on what happened while I was gone?
MistressOfSimplicity said:
Hey everyon3 ^_^
Sorry I've been gone, It was Canada day just recently and I went to visit family to celebrate ^_^

Anyone care to fill me in on what happened while I was gone?
Nothing, it hasn't started yet as far as I'm aware.
MistressOfSimplicity said:
@Hyydra Haha, hello! Cool! Care to do some plotting?
@Play On Words Okay, I was hoping it didn't start while I was gone.

Guyss I have so many private messages to sort through ;-; Sooooo much.
Hey that sounds fun!! Look my characters up and then message me sometime when you're not as busy :) I'd be down to do some plotting :)
Just a small suggestion! Perhaps we should have a post somewhere that gives the whereabouts of everyone in the camp, it might be a little easier to keep track of things and plot as well. ^_^
Well, usually the whereabouts of everyone comes out during the roleplay so I'm leaving it up to the players to decide where their character is inside the camp
XlaserbeamsX said:
Well, usually the whereabouts of everyone comes out during the roleplay so I'm leaving it up to the players to decide where their character is inside the camp
Yeah xD I mean, an updated list of where everyone in the rp is, like if Asterix is at the River for a couple posts, it'll say she's at the river.
If you want to post in here to keep track of where your character is feel free to! I'm just saying that I, personally, won't remember to update a post every time someone moves to a different location.
Hey guys? I got a preposition?

As an outsider in the beginning of the RP I feel like I should only reveal my character when one of the focused characters run into them? I Mean, we can do some plotting to bring my character into the RP for anyone who wants to work with me on this idea. I feel like it'd make more sense than just having two stories currently. As of right now, the people in the group seem like the focus right now, so when they run into other people they get the spotlight afterwards. You get what I'm saying?
Hyydra said:
Hey guys? I got a preposition?
As an outsider in the beginning of the RP I feel like I should only reveal my character when one of the focused characters run into them? I Mean, we can do some plotting to bring my character into the RP for anyone who wants to work with me on this idea. I feel like it'd make more sense than just having two stories currently. As of right now, the people in the group seem like the focus right now, so when they run into other people they get the spotlight afterwards. You get what I'm saying?
huh well mine is a medic.. so most probably she wont bump into anyone unless the person is brought inside.

to that being said i guess its either those who do runs or something
Well with every character, there's a reason to go outside of the base. Like for a medic, he/she can walk with the scavengers as they all look for medical supplies, because only the medic would know what they need right?
Hyydra said:
Well with every character, there's a reason to go outside of the base. Like for a medic, he/she can walk with the scavengers as they all look for medical supplies, because only the medic would know what they need right?
yeah true but i don't know if they're willing to take mine xD she can defend herself just barely but she was searching for a scavenger in order to tag along in their next run to be honest with you.

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