• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Fog


~lumos maxima~

Everyone needs to use the code I have posted to create your character! If you are having problems with it, either PM me or post in the OOC section.


This roleplay is only open to 14 characters. One member can only have up to two characters!

!!specify your character's role in the group in the history of your CS!!

-Leaders: None open; @Hyydra @XlaserbeamsX

-Medics: None open; @LadyAria @Scarlet Fox @CentEX

-Hunters: none open; @MistressOfSimplicity @princxss @Graecus Scum

-Scavengers:None open! @XlaserbeamsX @Play On Words @Graecus Scum

-Cook: none open; @RambVines

-Child(under 13)/Elder: none open; @Hyydra @Play On Words

GROUP NEWCOMERS: @Play On Words @Hyydra

not everyone can be a newcomer to our group! Even if your character is a newcomer, you must specify what role they will play in the group!

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  • Asterix McNeil



    Age: 27

    Appearance: Asterix stands at 5'7. She has long brown highlighted hair that stops at her breasts and an athletic build from frequenting the gym.

    Supplies: A bag packed with one ipod and one charger with headphones, at least 50 sniper rounds, one pistol with 15 rounds not including what's in the chamber plus 2 litres of water, a thin blanket for cold nights and some little snacks to keep her hunger in check.

    Get outta here kid, this ain't a place to be foolin' around.
    Asterix McNeil

*I finished o-o Hope it's alright! ^_^
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MistressOfSimplicity said:

  • Asterix McNeil



    Age: 27

    Appearance: Asterix stands at 5'7. She has long brown highlighted hair that stops at her breasts and an athletic build from frequenting the gym.

    Supplies: A bag packed with one ipod and one charger with headphones, at least 50 sniper rounds, one pistol with 15 rounds not including what's in the chamber plus 2 litres of water, a thin blanket for cold nights and some little snacks to keep her hunger in check.

    Get outta here kid, this ain't a place to be foolin' around.
    Asterix McNeil

*I finished o-o Hope it's alright! ^_^
It is good! I just have a few suggestions. In the Overview I stated that the characters would be in one group, not alone. They would have been together for a while now and have their own system and such. Also, if you could, would you add a little more information about the outbreak other than just "a zombie outbreak"?

  • Kaliyah Mae Giovanni

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.8d4ca4f9248c4883b97a0be4c43d099b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138760" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.8d4ca4f9248c4883b97a0be4c43d099b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.47fe070e9f47861b59fefc11d61c3e03.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.47fe070e9f47861b59fefc11d61c3e03.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Age: twenty-three

    Appearance: Kaliyah stands at an intimidating… 5'2, though she likes to compare herself to a baby giraffe. Mae's eyes are a warm, honey color, reflecting the color of the sun. As a hunter, the time spent in the sun bestowed upon her an olive complexion (after a few sunburnt incidents, anyways). Her pumpkin locks cascade down her back, rolling lazily down her shoulders in loose waves. Sometimes, I like to wonder if Mae's hair is possibly longer than she is.

    Supplies: After the whole "end-of-the-world' issue, Mae decided to toss almost all of her useless, hard-to-move-in clothes, and settle for multiple pairs of sweats, tees, and gym clothes. In the beginning, Mae's first kill had been with a kitchen knife, though her equipment is no longer as unsophisticated. Instead, she now uses… drumroll please… spoons! Kidding, of course. Mae uses different daggers, preferring close combat to distant range. In her utility bag, Mae always carries a bottle of water with a purifier, gauze, booze (for disinfecting purposes only probably), a compass, along with different sized daggers and switchblades.

    You can put a quote for your character here!
    Original Sayer



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  • Daxton Hughes

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.6b0503c2d56b26bdd52f0928431f530d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.6b0503c2d56b26bdd52f0928431f530d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.50fe7a035cd08cfde3a9f8818823a72f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.50fe7a035cd08cfde3a9f8818823a72f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Age: 26

    Appearance: Daxton is about 6'2", and has a very muscular build. He has broad shoulders, a square-ish jaw, and dark hair and eyes. He normally has some thick stubble on his jaw, and rarely brushes his hair.

    Supplies: Baby supplies, two long hunting knives in his waistband, a pistol in his waistband, a dagger in his shoe, a bag full of clothes and medical supplies, and a few flashlights.

    Throw me to the wolves, and I will return leading the pack.



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  • Danielle O'Brien

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3fa99a13437de2f0301c3325e36c119d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3fa99a13437de2f0301c3325e36c119d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.104c5deaeb64250f797ff924453bae24.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.104c5deaeb64250f797ff924453bae24.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Age: 24

    Appearance: Danielle is about 5'8", and has a lean figure. She is fast, has dark hair with red streaks, and has more strength than her body shape shows. She has a rather curvy, attractive body.

    Supplies: Messenger bag with guns and knives. She has a few syringes filled with liquid that will knock a target out.

    Either drop your pants or take five steps back.
    Danielle O'Brien



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  • Leah LeBlanche



    Age: 23

    Appearance: Leah stands at 5'9'' and has quite the athletic build due to being active. Being quite self-conscious she tries to keep herself as fit as possible. Her golden blonde falls straightly just under her shoulders at chest length which is commonly kept at a side braid. Her eyes are sea-blue and just under her ayes and over the bridge of her nose is covered in tiny light freckles to which she despises.

    Supplies: A side bag full of medical supplies (first aid kits, needle and threads in case of stitching, gauze, bandages, plasters, pain killer and so on).

    Weapon-wise she has a cross-bow strapped to her back and a handy dagger strapped to her leg,other than that she is not much of a fighter so not much is on her. She also carries some random bars and bottles she found during her travels.

    Another day wondering about the chances of waking up.
    Original Sayer

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[QUOTE="Graecus Scum]

  • Danielle O'Brien

  • Age: 24

    Appearance: Danielle is about 5'8", and has a lean figure. She is fast, has dark hair with red streaks, and has more strength than her body shape shows. She has a rather curvy, attractive body.

    Supplies: Messenger bag with guns and knives. She has a few syringes filled with liquid that will knock a target out.

    Either drop your pants or take five steps back.
    Danielle O'Brien

Can you be more descriptive of her personality and history? Why is she rude? What did she do when the outbreak happened, how did she handle it? Also, these syringes filled with stuff that knocks out targets, how did she get them?
XlaserbeamsX said:
Can you be more descriptive of her personality and history? Why is she rude? What did she do when the outbreak happened, how did she handle it? Also, these syringes filled with stuff that knocks out targets, how did she get them?
She's rude because she's a rude person. The syringes are just full of benzodiazepines.

  • Christopher Hawkins



    Age: 28

    Appearance: Chris is six feet tall, with a broad muscular build. He has black hair that comes down over his ears a little, and usually has stubble but never a full beard. His eyes are shining blue, and he almost always has a light-hearted smirk on his face.

    Supplies: Chris has a hiking backpack that holds his pairs of jeans and regular solid colored t-shirts. He's always got his leather jacket with him, and can often be heard griping after a raid that he got blood on his jacket. He carries a bolt-action rifle with him, with about five boxes of ammunition. He prefers to use tactical weapons when dealing with the infected because the sound of the rifle tends to draw more toward him. He also has a pistol that he keeps strapped to his side at all all times unless he is sleeping, this pistol is extremely important to him and valued incredibly. His scavenging bag, which is just a messenger bag that he keeps tucked in his regular bag most of the time, holds an assortment of granola bars and bottles of water for the scavengers when they go on overnight runs.

    Get busy living, or get busy dying.
    Stephen King


  • Harley Jacobs

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3de23825d566cbaf0db0e6ed987277bc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3de23825d566cbaf0db0e6ed987277bc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b533998fb0e69e94cea02cc279eda6ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b533998fb0e69e94cea02cc279eda6ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Age: 22

    Appearance: Harley is short, about 5'5", and hates it. She makes up for her short stature with a larger than life personality. She is pale, had blonde hair and blue eyes, and lean, curvy body.

    Supplies: Harley had a dagger strapped to each wrist under her sleeve. Her favorite weapon is her body. She trained in martial arts and boxing since she was 7, and is incredibly good. She is fast on her feet and hard to catch.

    Quotes are for important dead people. Me? Baby, I'm an important living person.
    Harley Jacobs



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[QUOTE="Graecus Scum]

  • Danielle O'Brien

  • Age: 24

    Appearance: Danielle is about 5'8", and has a lean figure. She is fast, has dark hair with red streaks, and has more strength than her body shape shows. She has a rather curvy, attractive body.

    Supplies: Messenger bag with guns and knives. She has a few syringes filled with liquid that will knock a target out.

    Either drop your pants or take five steps back.
    Danielle O'Brien

[QUOTE="Graecus Scum]

  • Harley Jacobs

    View attachment 307686

    View attachment 307685

    Age: 22

    Appearance: Harley is short, about 5'5", and hates it. She makes up for her short stature with a larger than life personality. She is pale, had blonde hair and blue eyes, and lean, curvy body.

    Supplies: Harley had a dagger strapped to each wrist under her sleeve. Her favorite weapon is her body. She trained in martial arts and boxing since she was 7, and is incredibly good. She is fast on her feet and hard to catch.

    Quotes are for important dead people. Me? Baby, I'm an important living person.
    Harley Jacobs

Both accepted

  • tallslim-tee-model.jpg


  • Age: 28


    Kaleb is a dark-skinned man who stands at an average height of five feet and eleven inches. He has a rather thin frame, with a bit of leanness but little else. His eyes are a dark brown, and would be considered black in most cases. His scalp is covered in black hair cut close to the roots, though some sections have gone a bit unruly.


    He often dons casual clothing such as jeans and a t-shirt. If the temperature calls for it, he puts on a jacket on top. He usually keeps a revolving multi-barreled pistol holstered to his belt, along with a sheathed belt knife. In his backpack is a box of matches along with some pistol magazines and a few pairs of extra clothing, but for the most part he prefers to keep light.

    I'll take care of it! No worries.
    Kaleb Whittle

Kaleb Whittle

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RambVines said:

  • tallslim-tee-model.jpg


  • Age: 28


    Kaleb is a dark-skinned man who stands at an average height of five feet and eleven inches. He has a rather thin frame, with a bit of leanness but little else. His eyes are a dark brown, and would be considered black in most cases. His scalp is covered in black hair cut close to the roots, though some sections have gone a bit unruly.


    He often dons casual clothing such as jeans and a t-shirt. If the temperature calls for it, he puts on a jacket on top. He usually keeps a revolving multi-barreled pistol holstered to his belt, along with a sheathed belt knife. In his backpack is a box of matches along with some pistol magazines and a few pairs of extra clothing, but for the most part he prefers to keep light.

    I'll take care of it! No worries.
    Kaleb Whittle

Kaleb Whittle

He looks great! What role will he be playing in the group? There are the roles of the leaders left, two medic positions and a cook position.
XlaserbeamsX said:
He looks great! What role will he be playing in the group? There are the roles of the leaders left, two medic positions and a cook position.
Woops, forgot to include that. He'll be the cook, if that's alright.


  • Sean Trukton



    Age: 45

    Appearance: Weighing at a good 230 pounds and standing at a height of 6'7", Sean is a powerful, chiseled figure, a bear of a man. Bearing on his forearms are tattoos of just decorations, appearing to be trumpet vines growing around two names. On his left forearm is the name "Abigail" and on the right the name "Jessica". Though holding a fair age, his physical appearance seems far from fragile and is quite intimidating. His grey eyes reveal a rough past, but yet content, for obvious reasons if one gets to know him. Not too many scars are upon his body, a couple scratches and knicks every there and again. On his left tricep is a flaming, thin circle with the Marine Corps emblem in the center.


    Sean carries on him a grey zip-up hoodie with a black silk shirt under it, arctic camouflage pants, large, brown and black Steel-Toed boots, black fingerless gloves, and a tattered, but strong, leather belt.

    The only firearm upon Sean's person is a 3576 Revolver which carries .177 rounds. The entire six-bullet chamber is currently full, with 36 more bullets in a carton in his left pant leg. The holder for this weapon is on his left hip as well. As for other weaponry, he carries a punch knife in his right hoodie pocket and a machete holstered on his right hip. On his back he carries a medium-sized (For his bulky size) black backpack with multiple two side pockets and two secondary main pockets. Currently his bag is filled with four water bottles, five canned foods (Beans), and a couple state tourist maps. It should also be noted that he carries around him a broken golden watch and a wedding ring, the watch on his left wrist.

    "No matter what happens, there'll be one thing always that I base my decisions around."
    Sean Trukton

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  • L0BIn8U.jpg


    Age: 10

    Appearance: Abigail is a tiny little girl, standing at a height of 4'5" with a small tone of muscle on her from country life. She bears cloudy-grey eyes, almost like her father's, and has seemingly clean hair currently. She holds no scars or tattoos whatsoever on her body, completely pure, physically at least.

    Supplies: Currently Abigail wears a red-flannel sweatshirt with a greyish-blue hoodie tied around her waist, with denim pants on, steel-toed shoes, and a large leather belt around her waist. The most prominent piece of clothing on her is the large Marine Corps cap she wears on her head at all times, though it seems just a little bit too big for her head, as if it belonged to someone else.

    As for weaponry, Abigail's primary weapon is a smaller-than-average compact bow with an arrow holder at the left side of the bow. This bow is a bit more advanced, with a draw-back trigger, red-dot scope, and small, 5" long razors along the outer side of the bow. The only other weapon she has is a fairly large butterfly knife, still sharp and dangerous at the touch. She carries a medium-size green camouflage backpack with a deliberately significant tear on the left side of it, where she stores her arrows to draw (Currently she has 14 arrows). In her backpack are two bottles of water, two cans of food (Beans), four pairs of scissors, a couple tin cans, and a few other random resources stuffed in her backpack without any obvious reasons.

    "When I asked God for my Guardian Angel, I didn' think he'd make him my daddy."
    Abigail Trukton

Abigail Trukton


  • Veronica "Ronnie" Mayweather



    Age: 32

    Appearance: Ronnie has piercing brown eyes, and long, curly black hair that she keeps in a bun most of the time. She stands at 5 ft. 6 in. and weighs around 136 lbs. She has a strong, athletic build and an aura of authority from ten years as a police officer.

    Supplies: Ronnie wears jeans and t-shirts mostly, but has a couple zip-up jackets in her bag that she uses when it becomes cold. She carries a black duffle bag which holds ammunition, medical supplies, and other necessities. Ronnie's weaponry consists of her old service pistol- a glock 22 that holds 15 bullets, she carries a couple extra clips in her pockets. She also has a large Army knife that used to belong to her brother, it has a half serrated half smooth blade.

    I do think imperfection is underrated.
    Ronnie Mayweather


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    Appearance: Owen stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs in at 146 pounds. He isn't super muscular, but his body is well defined and lean. He has dark black hair that's always pushed back and large piercing green eyes. His skin is very pale.

    Supplies: Owen doesn't care too much about clothing. As long as what he wears fits the weather and/or situation in question he'll be fine with anything. However, he does usually wear casual jeans always accompanied by a pair of army boots. In terms of weapons, he doesn't like to carry much. A combat knife and a semi-automatic M1911 Colt pistol is more then enough for him. Owen is someone who prefers hand to hand combat then firing a gun. Let's just say that he's far from a good shooter. He also carries a somewhat small side bag with just a bottle of water, a lighter and pack of cigarettes. On his back is usually a back pack containing some medical supplies, but nothing too extraordinary which is actually worrying.

    It was only a matter of time until the world ended.
    Original Sayer


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  • Delilah Taylor

  • de9121003d037e2bbd955ebd2dc90219.jpg


    Age: Nineteen

    Appearance: Delilah is a slender Caucasian female, she has silky black hair that comes above her shoulders. She has bright blue eyes and her skin is relatively flawless despite the small scar on her cheek, and a few on her arms from past incidents. She stands 5'7, and weighs 130lbs. She has a tattoo on the back of her neck, as well as a quote under her right breast.

    Supplies: Delilah has a black backpack with a pink ribbon tied to one of the straps. Inside the bag she normally holds a few bottled waters, dried fruits, a hunting knife, as well as her medic supplies. She keeps her pistol strapped to her hip at all times (other than sleeping of course)

    Happiness is a warm gun but before you shoot please warn us.
    West Coast

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  • Henry Blake

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-2_21-47-29.jpeg.8f8e6c3f2131d690df2ee141b0ecd4d9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-2_21-47-29.jpeg.8f8e6c3f2131d690df2ee141b0ecd4d9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Age: 26

    Appearance: Henry has medium length, brown hair and blue eyes. He has an athletic build and steady hands from being in med school, and he has a very calm face that is rarely clouded by anger.

    Supplies: Henry often wears a grey tank top and black combat pants, along with sturdy black boots. His hair is normally tied back using a black bandanna to keep it out of his eyes, and has been used before to staunch the bleeding of a wound in an emergency(It's been washed). He has a large black backpack that he carries around, mostly full of medical supplies. At his hip is a machete in a sheath, and he has a pistol at the other side.

    If life is about living, why would you take it from someone? I'd much rather heal than wound.
    Henry Blake



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CentEX said:

  • L-Optimum-Photoshoot-gaspard-ulliel-15253243-677-1008.jpg




    Appearance: Owen stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs in at 146 pounds. He isn't super muscular, but his body is well defined and lean. He has dark black hair that's always pushed back and large piercing green eyes. His skin is very pale.

    Supplies: Owen doesn't care too much about clothing. As long as what he wears fits the weather and/or situation in question he'll be fine with anything. However, he does usually wear casual jeans always accompanied by a pair of army boots. In terms of weapons, he doesn't like to carry much. A combat knife and a semi-automatic M1911 Colt pistol is more then enough for him. Owen is someone who prefers hand to hand combat then firing a gun. Let's just say that he's far from a good shooter. He also carries a somewhat small side bag with just a bottle of water, a lighter and pack of cigarettes. On his back is usually a back pack containing some medical supplies, but nothing too extraordinary which is actually worrying.

    It was only a matter of time until the world ended.
    Original Sayer


[QUOTE="Scarlet Fox]

  • Delilah Taylor

  • de9121003d037e2bbd955ebd2dc90219.jpg


    Age: Nineteen

    Appearance: Delilah is a slender Caucasian female, she has silky black hair that comes above her shoulders. She has bright blue eyes and her skin is relatively flawless despite the small scar on her cheek, and a few on her arms from past incidents. She stands 5'7, and weighs 130lbs. She has a tattoo on the back of her neck, as well as a quote under her right breast.

    Supplies: Delilah has a black backpack with a pink ribbon tied to one of the straps. Inside the bag she normally holds a few bottled waters, dried fruits, a hunting knife, as well as her medic supplies. She keeps her pistol strapped to her hip at all times (other than sleeping of course)

    Happiness is a warm gun but before you shoot please warn us.
    West Coast

You two are accepted!

UnknownOrigin said:

  • Henry Blake

    View attachment 309431


    Age: 26

    Appearance: Henry has medium length, brown hair and blue eyes. He has an athletic build and steady hands from being in med school, and he has a very calm face that is rarely clouded by anger.

    Supplies: Henry often wears a grey tank top and black combat pants, along with sturdy black boots. His hair is normally tied back using a black bandanna to keep it out of his eyes, and has been used before to staunch the bleeding of a wound in an emergency(It's been washed). He has a large black backpack that he carries around, mostly full of medical supplies. At his hip is a machete in a sheath, and he has a pistol at the other side.

    If life is about living, why would you take it from someone? I'd much rather heal than wound.
    Henry Blake

I'm sorry, there were only two spots left for this role play and after getting advice from another person I decided to accept Delilah and Owen. :(
Okay, character applications are officially over! The role play will be starting either tonight or tomorrow, because I still need to fill out the Setting/Locations tab before we start! Make sure to watch the OOC tab because I will be posting there after the first post is up!

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