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Fantasy The Flux: Project Reboot OOC

RoselineBloom RoselineBloom What manner of Malkavian Vampire have you dropped on my doorstep? lol Also would you be able to crop that photo a bit? It's like super huge. Love the idea though. Both you and @Darth Tangent really help flesh out the world outside of the academy.
I'm also gonna have to ask the same of @Topless your first photo is really big. I love the idea and pictures though.
I'm just nagging because it's a hassle to scroll down on a mobile sometimes and even on my computer it's a struggle. Sorry I'm being picky.

@OrangyLemon Like what I said to Dark Tangent just above, I have no problem with siphoning flux from others and infusing it to your teammates. My main concern is how it's implemented and that it's not abused. It sort of defeats the purpose of making it a point that people with an aptitude for the healer role have the largest capacity for flux since they literally give people their flux to heal their wounds or recharge their batteries so to speak. But I also pointed out that if you can infuse your flux the inverse could also be true. Like if you're character is running low on flux then yeah by all means, if you're a healer, I think you can in theory sap someone of their flux a little bit. And honestly I love the little critter idea. It makes me think of that Great Ninja War moment from Naruto Shippuden where Sakura had her slug Katsuyu split up and provide constant healing to all the ninjas. So in that regard I fully support it and Weaver/Healer makes perfect sense.
I cropped it down, anything I need to change other than that?
zuri zuri Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Myxyzptlk Myxyzptlk @Marble shhh @darkborn @Kaztastrophe @ThatOneProtag RoselineBloom RoselineBloom @OrangyLemon lull lull
Hey guys, I made a basic breakdown of the ability combos and who has what so far, just so we know what's up (and maybe don't end up with 5 characters who have the same combo ;P )
I do think that primary and secondary abilities are relevant though, so [Ability A - Ability B] is not the same as [Ability B - Ability A] (and people are getting super creative with this stuff ^^ )
I don't know if Flux wants/needs any more teachers, but in terms of students we should be able to have enough for two full teams :3
My ideas on this are (so far) Team A: Pro's character, my two characters, and Cree's character. Team B: Top's character, Bloom's character, and two more.
Feel free to argue with me on this- we don't even know who all the students are yet anyway, or how many we'll have in total.
I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the cast! >w<

Anyway, here's that list:
Striker - Weaver

Striker - Interceptor: Jeremy (student), Hild (student)

Striker - Healer: Rose (student), Shion (student)

Striker - Striker

Weaver - Striker //

Weaver - Interceptor //

Weaver - Healer: Fallinel (teacher), [@OrangyLemon character?]

Weaver - Weaver: Gao (student), [@ThatOneProtag character]

Interceptor - Striker //

Interceptor - Weaver: Velt (teacher)

Interceptor - Healer //

Interceptor - Interceptor: [@Marble shhh character?]

Healer - Striker //

Healer - Weaver //

Healer - Interceptor: Lucien (Dean), [@Ayama 2nd character]

Healer - Healer: Tatiana (teacher)
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Fluxbauble Fluxbauble I was thinking of an interceptor/healer who uses the barriers more for mobility than for defense, as platforms for things like double jumping. Since the barriers can block attacks, I’m assuming you wouldn’t just pass straight through them.

As specialised interceptors can manipulate the shape of their barriers, would it also be possible to change the barrier’s properties? So instead of a solid barrier, you could have a more bouncy, almost gelatinous barrier that rebounds attacks and either boosts or disorients those who step on it.
zuri zuri I'm gonna say yes to the platforms but no to the changing of the properties like that. Flux barriers are strictly meant to negate other flux from passing through, but I like the idea of using them as temporary platforms. You could however, since I'm already allowing it for every other healer at this point, have the barrier absorb flux and use it to fuel your healing. This way it stays within the original concept I have of them but allows you to in a way manipulate its properties.
Ayama Ayama First off, pretty rude to leave Fionn off the list (JK). I don't know if the ability primary and secondary thing is relevant, but if it is, my original idea was to have Shion be pure Striker and Fionn Pure healer, and if that's a thing I can still have be the case like, mechanically, for lack of a better term?
Ok great, after we post our characters are we good to roleplay or do I need to be checked off or how does this work?
You're good to go. I just have to edit the character list. Also I'm confused cause it seems like, based off of what I read, that Gao Chen seems to be more of a striker than a weaver. But that's just my interpretation of the character anyways based on what you say he's done in the past.
You're good to go. I just have to edit the character list. Also I'm confused cause it seems like, based off of what I read, that Gao Chen seems to be more of a striker than a weaver. But that's just my interpretation of the character anyways based on what you say he's done in the past.

From what it looked like in the aptitudes spoiler in the original Group Finder Check he checks down all the initial criteria for a Weaver, though it's probably an oversight on my end cause I also mentioned using the flux to boost his physical prowess while also mentioning that he creates openings so I understand your confusion. But no, I don't intend on making him a Striker much less a Striker/Weaver
From what it looked like in the aptitudes spoiler in the original Group Finder Check he checks down all the initial criteria for a Weaver, though it's probably an oversight on my end cause I also mentioned using the flux to boost his physical prowess while also mentioning that he creates openings so I understand your confusion. But no, I don't intend on making him a Striker much less a Striker/Weaver
Fair enough. It just means I'll have to be a bit more specific when creating a detailed breakdown of the aptitudes later on.
I've opened it up for those who have approved characters and want to establish themselves in the world. I provided an allotment of time before I begin the opening ceremony for the school year.
I've opened it up for those who have approved characters and want to establish themselves in the world. I provided an allotment of time before I begin the opening ceremony for the school year.
Ah, okay thank you. Also is my character op? What are your thoughts?
lull lull and Ayama Ayama are you two still working on your characters? Cause they seem rather complete. Well except for Shio but I could be wrong. Unless it was intentional or my computer is having a conniption, but I can't read Shio's Story.

As for you Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre I would say she's interesting. I would say since flux is like an extension of oneself that it shouldn't be indestructible. There's no need for the eyes also cool as they may be. If you wanted something similar however I would say she would be a dual aptitude Striker/Interceptor(?) She could use flux barriers shaped like the particular hand shape she needs for the given task. Though given the restriction you placed for her she sounds more like a weaver than a striker. In which case a Striker/Weaver could probably make more sense. This is just my interpretation however and you're free to decide how best to proceed.
lull lull and Ayama Ayama are you two still working on your characters? Cause they seem rather complete. Well except for Shio but I could be wrong. Unless it was intentional or my computer is having a conniption, but I can't read Shio's Story.

As for you Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre I would say she's interesting. I would say since flux is like an extension of oneself that it shouldn't be indestructible. There's no need for the eyes also cool as they may be. If you wanted something similar however I would say she would be a dual aptitude Striker/Interceptor(?) She could use flux barriers shaped like the particular hand shape she needs for the given task. Though given the restriction you placed for her she sounds more like a weaver than a striker. In which case a Striker/Weaver could probably make more sense. This is just my interpretation however and you're free to decide how best to proceed.
Ah, i see! Thank you for your insight! I just thought the eye palms would make sense given the fact it extends in multiple directions and doesn't know where it is actually going unlees it has eyes. But I'll remove it instead as after all it is an extension of oneself so she can see where her flux hands are going. With that aside. Her flux hands can now be damaged equally like real hands. Yeah, i think she fits as striker/weaver more than being striker alone. Given the behaviour of ability i gave them. She can do interceptor to due to the fact that hands are big enough to protect a teammate but i would like to focus more on her striker side as she is not that smart when it comes to playing interceptor fuether more being the team weaver unless ordered correctly. Yeah, i'll classify her striker/weaver but a bit more on striker.
lull lull and Ayama Ayama are you two still working on your characters? Cause they seem rather complete. Well except for Shio but I could be wrong. Unless it was intentional or my computer is having a conniption, but I can't read Shio's Story.
The person who's building a sibling for my character hasn't been online since Saturday and I'm waiting on them :/
Yeah it's been oddly quiet. But It is nearing the holidays so I anticipated this. Ayama Ayama if you wish I can approve your current characters so you can start posting.

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