The Fight and Flight of Serendipity [Sign Up]


Blunt and Sharp
This RP is not currently accepting.

Please refer to the info thread and once the RP is underway, any OOC discussion needs to go there.

Information - For all of history, the preternatural community has more or less remained concealed from the general awareness of humanity; there have been transient periods of partial integration, but the current god of science has driven the preternaturals almost completely into shadow. Someone has decided it’s time to change that, to yank the reins of power from the hands of the feeble mundanes. Forces are gathering against this intention…and for it. The preternaturals have always been able to rely on each other, but this division may destroy them before the humans ever knew they were there.

The tensions begin to break in the USA, the city of Praesul where all who lay their names here have recently come or made their home. (refer below for map)

All RpNation rules apply.


By What Name Do You Answer?

What Creature Are You? (please include a link to the preferred established style or a concise description if original; if you are mundane human, state so)

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

In What Guise Do You Walk? (images and/or descriptions; depending on the creature, multiples are a given)

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Of Your Past, What Would You Share? (if you are mundane human, state your relation to the preternatural community)

What Age Do You Claim?

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say? (this is where you would state if you prefer to remain loyal to appearance and truth)

Update 1:

1) Decide if you want your character to already know Caleb (my character) or if they have yet to meet in-story.

2) Does your character know any other characters at the start?

3) Begin deciding where and how you would like to introduce your character and who else you would like to intersect story lines with; coordinate with them accordingly. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, consult with me, or I can supply a thread for your character. I have a wild card event written out for every character.

4) Are you willing to kill your character?

Update 2:

My character is very sense driven, so rather than track each of you down for question as I participate with you, I would like you to consider what your character smells like and share it below. We have a vampire, we used to have a werewolf and we have a couple of other bestial creatures that might benefit from knowing.

Think about what kind of shampoo they use, perfume or cologne, laundry detergent, the environments they're often in; consider if their supernatural side produces its own scent, an whether or not they can be scented by an average human in close enough proximity, or only something heightened like a dog or rabbit; note if they smell different in different forms.


By What Name Do You Answer?


What Creature Are You? (please include a link to the preferred established style or a concise description if original; if you are mundane human, state so)


Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

Precognitive Visions, Create Illusions, Vampire (Strengths, Weaknesses, Hunger etc)

In What Guise Do You Walk?
(images and/or descriptions; depending on the creature, multiples are a given)

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Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

He has no interest in exposing the preternatural community.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?
(if you are mundane human, state your relation to the preternatural community)

Valer was born a human, his mother died during labor. His father came to hate him for 'killing' his wife. His anger quickly turned to abuse. Valer took the abuse, believing he deserved it for killing his mother. When Valer turned 17 his mind snapped. He couldn't take the abuse. He left his father and wondered the streets. The night he had decided to run, was one he would never forget, this was the night everything changed. Valer became sidetracked by a stranger who offered him a home. But this man wasn't human, Valer's trust was soon regretted when the man sank his sharp fangs into his neck. He couldn't remember what happened after that, only searing pain. When he woke he felt different, not human. Valer wondered the streets aimlessly, perhaps this curse was what he deserved for running? He quickly discovered his weaknesses. His thirst for blood, his inability to stand in the light and the horrible smell of garlic.

What Age Do You Claim?

22 Years

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?
(this is where you would state if you prefer to remain loyal to appearance and


Personality: Valer is a very quite person (Mute Actually). Very kind and gentle, always acting soft and kind to those around him, even the enemy. Valer is very patient, and almost impossible to anger (usually becoming upset instead of angry). He has a love for gardening and holds extensive knowledge about plants, seeds and flowers, an obsession which sometimes leads him to sleep in the flower patches or under trees. Possibly due to his precognitive visions, Valer often appears dreary or not fully aware of the events happening around him, often behaving in a sleepy or dazed manner. Despite this, he is a capable fighter, being able to defend himself when attacked, and can be dangerous when he fights seriously.

Valer is very sympathetic and can be seen as a pacifist, as he is very rarely seen in combat, objecting to killing even if his opponent poses a serious threat to his life. However, this quality makes him susceptible to being taken advantage of.

Are you in aquaintance with Caleb?


Who do you know?

The only people who I have every approached have been my food. I do not know anyone, I am usually very isolated, only moving about when I need food.

How strong is your will to live?

In a lot of ways my will to live is very weak. However, I believe this cold life is what I deserve for killing my mother and running from my father. I have tried to die twice. The first time my body healed, the second time I tried not eating. In the end I lost control and killed a man, because of this I keep isolated and only feed minimally, so not to kill any humans who's blood I take.

Though my life is not very valuabe to me, I value other's lifes much more, I hate to see someone die. I will protect you if I can.
In order.

Victor Tesla (Legally changed his name to this. Birth name Herbert Carter.)

Nonmundane Human, Mad Scientist. (He was born human, and it wasn't until high school mathematics when he managed in shop to create a perpetual motion machine. The machine finally died recently, having worn the material apart rather than stopping to function.)

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I like being hidden, especially from the government. I mean I trust my doomsday machines in my hands, I do not trust governments to not have them. Besides, unless they offer me an obscene amount of money and grants, they just will steal my patents anyway. Besides, getting blurry photos of Preternats and selling them to tabloids makes me enough to get by.

I live in my parent's basement. They passed away a few years back in a car accident. It's fully self contained, and I get income from renting out the house proper to a couple of Hummies who look the other way. I've been called eccentric, but I don't have the money for it. I have dealings with Preternaturals and Hummies in business, usually special effect devices with humans, and whatever I get paid for from Preternats.

I'm 33 years old. As far as you know.

I mostly follow basic scientific principles. Sometimes, if the theory is sound, it works in practice even if it shouldn't, but I don't let little things like laws and theories get in my way. I'm computer savvy, you have to be these days, I can do a little bit of hacking, but not that much. Nothing major. If you want a hacker, find yourself a gremlin for hire. I'm a nonspecializing scientist, I am willing to work across the board on anything you're willing to pay me to do.
By What Name Do You Answer?


What Creature Are You? (please include a link to the preferred established style or a concise description if original; if you are mundane human, state so)

Neko // a female character with cat traits, such as cat ears, a cat tail, or other feline characteristics on an otherwise human body. Neko are found in various fiction genres, and in particular Japanese anime and manga where they are sometimes referred to as nekomimi (??, literally cat ear(s)), in cosplay activities both in Japan and around the world, in video games.//

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

Ene has the ability to shift into any type of feline related creature, and create cat-related illusions. Other than that she has no magical powers or abilities to fly and shoot thing from her hands.

In What Guise Do You Walk? (images and/or descriptions; depending on the creature, multiples are a given)


Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Ene doesn't mind either way. She is a bit angry, but she thinks that the forces don't have a good enough of a cause in order to actually fight against the humans. She believes that not all humans are bad, and that the ones who are should just be dealt with when they do something bad, rather than before.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share? (if you are mundane human, state your relation to the preternatural community)

With not much of a past, Ene lived a typical life of a sensitive street kid that everyone hated with ears that can never be revealed. Her dad wasn't actually related to her by blood, because Her was actually the result of her mom being kidnapped by a pedophile and being scarred. She doesn't know who her blood dad is because he was executed for numerous reasons other than the incident with Ene's mother.

Her mom had died of depression soon after Ene was born, getting upset every time she was in the same room with young Ene. She had no friends and most people were disgusted whenever they saw the her. Her dad was the only one who respected her the way a normal girl would be treated, as though she was human.

What Age Do You Claim?


Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say? (this is where you would state if you prefer to remain loyal to appearance and truth )

Ene is very shy and a bit sensitive, but she tries not to cry in front of others. Many people remind her that she is too weak even though she was a mistake. She can get happy over little things, and whenever she is given even something very small she acts like a child on Christmas morning opening presents. She works hard at most things, but isn't very strong except when her instinct takes over.

Ene is loyal and believes in fairness more than anything else. She uses those two qualities as her favorite.
By what name do you answer?


What blood flows through your veins?

"My blood is that of an absolute changeling."

What does your nature grant you?

"If it breathes or bleeds in form or thought,I can become."

In what guise do you walk?

"My guise is as malleable as putty. I have assumed so many shapes that the memory of the one that birthed me is lost."

(I'll describe my current shape with every change,and if a description is requested)

Will they know?

"The masquerade must be upheld,or we will be annihilated. Man has a history of destroying what it fears and cannot understand."

What of your past is yours to share?

"One might as well ask a liar to tell the truth. The result will be the same."

What age do you claim?

"I cannot tell you anything but this; I've seen nations and ideas rise and fall. I've seen man at it's most vile. When man dies,we will endure."

Is there ought else of import you would like to say?

​"There is nothing left to say."
My name? My, my such a curious person you are, fine. Necessity has forced me to take a 'human' name. They call me Tipua. What do you mean my blood? Oh, never mind, I understand now. Hmmm, it has been some time since anybody has asked me what I am. Well, I am a Taniwha.

My form? Some would say I resemble one of your ancient 'dragons' and I suppose we could be related in some way or another. Magic flows through my veins and seeps from me, it purifies the water and air around me, with my magic nature is becomes my friend and heads my command; from the earth to the wind that fills my wings. I have wings which allow me to fly, I have scales that protect my innards from attacks, claws to rend and tear the flesh of my prey whatever it may be, my body is suited to aquatic environs but my lungs allow me to breath air as well as any bird or human. My greatest abilities have allowed me to survive for many years; the ability to blend in with my surroundings effectively becoming a part of the environment and the ability to adhere to walls.

I have only the form I was given, if people saw me they call me 'beast' or 'monster' and then run in fear of my dragonesque countenance, though my ability to blend in with my surroundings has kept that from happening.

The last human to see my true form had painted this. However, my personal opinion is that his technique requires more work, my face does not look like that.

None know of me, bar one man who cannot find me. I wish to return to the days when I protected man and child alike, when my name was called in chant beneath the iridescent light of the moon. I miss the pristine waters that now run dark with pollution but most of all I miss the respect I had once earned and lost over the passage of time.

My story is a one that spans many years, suffice it to say; I have lived too many years bereft of communication with my own kith and kin. The humans I once protected have gone almost a millennium ago, betrayed by the man who had sworn to protect them. Not even I could have saved them but at the time I had taken their deaths too close to my heart. By those who still hold on to a minute piece of the old ways my ancient revenge is still told. Some may know my legend and the ancient name by which they once called me; Tipua, name I have not heard uttered in many centuries.

I have come to Praesul in search of a new home, my impulsiveness has often lead me to change my allegiance many times and I have run out of places to settle down in, I am not a great betrayer but I follow my instincts and will do what I think is right regardless of what other may think.

Edits have been made to this character.
By What Name Do You Answer?

Today I am Caleb Paige.

What Creature Are You?

In days gone I was feared as a

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

The most obvious of my abilities is to appear as a human, and to shift between that disguise and my true form. I am capable of flight with my wings. I cannot be harmed with blade or bullet or force faster than I can heal. I have the ability to create and command shadow, but it does not often function as I need, leaving me unable to rely upon it.

In What Guise Do You Walk?

As a
human, in my natural form, and when I stand in-between the intelligence I acquired from my king and the instincts I was born with forge a keen edge.

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

A part of me would protect those like me; a part of me desires to reign over the fields of death as I did for centuries over battles uncounted.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

If I had not done what I did, I would be no more. My human mind regrets its creation.

What Age Do You Claim?

The death of Magnus gave me life.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

Of all the names here laid, if you do not know me, you will.
By What Name Do You Answer?

Dear lord if I remember! Well my original name WAS Elisabeth something....I´m sure someone knows of it...I go by the name of Ellemea Thornes. The E seemed to stuck.

What Creature Are You?

Efinime; A humanoid creature...I´m selfish I admit, but are we not all like that? I do prefer being myself and my attitude variates in situation, especially since I´m a master of disguise. And no I´m not able to shift like the almighty werewolf nor am I a bloody murderer like a vampire, no harm meant but it´s in my nature to judge; to conquer and flaunt like a fool of sorts. And for a rather small warning; My kind has a tendency to...lie? Just don´t trust anyone else then me I´d say!

((Simply put; A humanoid creature with the ability of Animal mimicry, hypocritical, lying and selfish in nature. Lives a few million years. Efinime have a tendency to flaunt their abilities or ´conquers´. Efinime are very flexible in this way; able to adapt to a new environment or situation. They don´t necessarily have any lovers rather they mate for the need of someone carrying their name into the future. Someone whom they train to perfection so they wouldn´t dirty their pride. At times there is that ONE un-selfish Efinime but that is very rare and when it does happen the child dies within 100 years. You see Efinime strive with a soul. A soul which whispers in their ear about what to conquer, how to stuff their pride. An Efinime without this strive dies with no goal in sight. Dies of the hatred from his own kind.))

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

Animal Mimicry; A fine ability I´m rather proud about.

In What Guise Do You Walk?


Ought my disguise seem young? Well I´m old like that tree near the brink of death dear and don´t let my smile fool you! ((Insert a small chuckle))

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Well these humans seem to think they are smart don´t they? Why not conquer them all?

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

Well I´m more of an traveller; My abilities limiting me to only be able to mimic animals behaviour AFTER observing them. But these humans are killing off my dear forest! So many species lost to this petty shrinked mind. And let not be forgotten the war of Efinime. I remember how they foolishly slaughtered ones brother or father! Dear; If I didn´t hide at the age of 205 I would be dead wouldn´t I? Reminds me when I was treated like a fragile piece of glass; Being the only one left of my race.

What Age Do You Claim?

Now....Haven´t you learned NOT to question a woman's age? ((Insert head shake)) But if your mind requires this petty information, I´m 895 years old...But I stopped my growth when I was near my 22th year....

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

My thoughts are simple; Conquer or be conquered! But I prefer conquering so my alliance would rather be...Tricky?
(Dear god I want part in this so bad you have no idea)

By what name do you answer?

In the common tongue, I am known as "Franz". My true name is spoken in a language only known to my kin. You must earn the right to know that name.

What creature are you?

I am a werewolf. Also sometimes called a lycanthrope or a wolf-man. Human's like to think our kind originated in their folklore from within Europe, though they are correct that we first appeared in their society there. And no, I am not some cursed being who was afflicted by another. Though the phases of the moon do affect me, I was born a lycan, and I embrace that.

Does your nature lend you any particular power or capabilities?

As with most werewolves, my body heals at a rate several times faster than that of a normal human. My physical capabilities are also much greater than that of any normal man. If the need should I arise, I may adopt the form of a wolf. Black-furred and large, but otherwise indistinguishable from the mundane creatures. And should thou truly ignite my wrath, I will be the last thing you see on this earth. For I will adopt the form that truly befits my nature. The bipedal form of a man, the claws and fangs of a wolf, and strength beyond either of them. In this form my strength and regeneration are both multiplied significantly, though transforming into and out of it may be a painful process.

While I may not be cursed, the phase of the moon does hold my power in check. As the moon grows fuller each night, my strength and healing become greater. Should thou meet me on a night of the full moon, one might think me invincible. However, as the new moon approaches, my power wanes. If one would meet me on the new moon, I am barely more than human. My healing and strength are only marginally greater than a normal man, and my true form is almost impossible to realize on that night.

And to those of you who wonder: yes. The gift of the Lycan can be passed as a curse to normal humans. However, it is a difficult process that must be done on purpose. Our bite holds a mild venom of sorts, more like an imprint of ourselves within our saliva. A normal human would be able to fight this off with no issue, their immune system is strong enough to destroy the invader. However, when pushed near-death, this is no longer the case. This means that inflicting the "curse of the werewolf" so many talk about in mythos, one must bite a human and beat them close enough to death that they won't fight it off, but not so much that they'll die before the transformation takes hold. One can see why doing this on accident is nigh-on impossible.

In what guise to you walk?

View attachment 13746(The tattoo is written in the script of his own people)

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Where do your intentions lie in exposing or concealing the preternatural community?

Things have continued as they are for a millennia. We remain on the fringes of human society, and any sight of our presence are either ignored or passed off as fancy. Humans truly are ignorant creatures when their knowledge does not help them. And humans also deign to expand their reign even further, pushing into every corner of this world. Yet, others of their own kind stand against them. Small sects still believe in the presence of the supernatural, even if most of fake. Many hold to the conservation of our environment. Humans are a species divided, who have yet to truly decide their nature. If only part of a species was enough to warrant destruction, then we would all be guilty. I shall keep my kind and my kin concealed, until such time as humanity unites their nature into one overarching goal. It will most likely not occur in my lifetime, but so be it.

Of your past, what would you share?

I am the third son of the alpha where I was born. Or he was the alpha at the time. I was raised by my mother until such time as I could look out for myself at the age of 12, as per normal with our kind. I have lived most of my life on my own, occasionally meeting with other lycans, and occasionally mingling with human society. While we all hold to one pack, Lycans to not travel as one. We instead travel as a solitary entity, only meeting should the time come. If such an occurrence requires the attention of the entire pack, we gather together, and may god have mercy should any soul have collectively angered us. I have wandered through many places in my life, and have seen many sides of humanity. They have not decided themselves what they should do in the future, who are we to decide it for them?

What age do you claim?

I have lived for 24 springs, having been born within spring. In common terms, I would be referred to as "23 years of age".

Is there ought else of import you wish to say?

While one might think me invincible outside of the new moon, I must admit my species carries weaknesses. Firstly: Many have assumed that silver is a bane to us, similar to a wooden stake for vampires. This is partially true. Silver is not a bane to us, merely more effective than mundane weaponry. Our blood holds an acute allergic reaction to silver, which does not harm us, however it all but negates our regeneration. A wound inflicted by silver will heal MUCH slower than normal. Wolf's bane is another one that many have turned to in mythos. This also holds some truth. The smell of wolf's bane is very strong, and somewhat intoxicating. Our sense of smell becomes all but useless, and other senses dull should we come in the presence of this flower.

Many would say I am a very loyal person. I say it is only the normal duty one should behold to another. If one has earned your trust, and holds a bond with you, it is only natural to remain loyal to that bond is it not?
By What Name Do You Answer?

I have had many names over the years, but I cannot say that I was gifted one of my own. Collectively, I have come to be called simply The Meido, lacking originality but I fare well with it all the same.

What Creature Are You?

It has been said that Meidos are few and far between, and they would be correct. In my time span only two others have I encountered of mine kin, one terribly young, the other only slightly less than myself. We tend to die off easily, given our food source and how often it chooses to die when we are still attached Yes, we latch onto other living beings, the only thing we've found we cannot touch are specters and plant based organisms, but if it has blood and a pulse, we can lay claim to a small place in their mind and body. We feed on our hosts fears, drawings strength, lending in turn a small hint of our true power to them. For myself personally, the best kind of fear is that of us themselves a little voice in the back of the head humming with everything you've ever done wrong and will do wrong. Most delicious.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

Plenty, I assure you. We command the fears we eat, though illusions all the same. And, if in a host long enough to form a bond and with enough strength from feeding, a temporary body hijacking is not unheard of if we feel our host is threatened somehow. In or out of a body, we can sense what people fear, as a primary method of finding the strongest food sources. Though, outside of a host, seeping through cracks and crevices to get where we wish to go is quite natural, given our ever change shape.

In What Guise Do You Walk?

I take on the form of the host, sharing in their body, inhabiting their mind. Freely, I am translucent and lacking of great detail though I've been referred to as She, so I assume the ink swirled clouds condensed appear to be more feminine than masculine. I don't believe I've ever made myself much taller than that of an average female human, though I lack enough matter to be of the right "weight" range appearance for it.

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Do you really think that if more humans knew we existed that we would live for long? They could easily hunt for our sign in them and slaughter us as we were tethered.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share? (if you are mundane human, state your relation to the preternatural community)

I had a host once, a young albino human. She was a lovely woman, truly, a healer. She was one of the few inventive humans I've offered a bond to, and surprisingly she used what I gave her for good until shew as slaughtered. But, other than that, I don't wish to dive much deeper, lest I keep you here for a few years recounting what I've seen and know.

What Age Do You Claim?

We Meidos rarely keep a proper term of age, going merely by older or younger than ourselves through relation. But, from what I've gathered watching how others use it, in our life spans, I am what would be around twenty eight to thirty two for an overly fit human.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

You seem nervous, Puppet.
By What Name Do You Answer?

Jace. My real name is Jacelyn, but I am known as Jace.

What Creature Are You?

Me? Oh I'm your regular average joe. Well as average as anyone of my skill set can be. I'm human, of that you can be sure

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities? Being human I don't have anything spectacular going for me, like fangs or a pair of wings that sprout from my back at my will or anything. but I'm damn handy with a weapon. I can use pretty much anything as a weapon, from things that go BOOM when you pull a trigger to the most intricate and delicate of blades. You name it, I've probably used it at one point in time or another. I can hold my own in close combat too. Just saying.

In What Guise Do You Walk?

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Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

I'm in it for me. Whatever will get me the most contracts is what makes me happiest. Right now my client base is small but they pay big bucks. When that well dries up I might need to expand my business.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

You might not believe it, but I never used to be a bounty hunter. I was once a regular girl with dreams of meeting a guy, falling in love and living the cliche fairytale I'd been taught to believe in at a young age. Then i grew up, my parents split up, I bounced back and forth from their houses each week and my older brother joined a gang. That caused issues with the family and overprotectiveness towards me. I retaliated like any teenager that had been sheltered for too long and moved out, staying with a couple of friends before I hit my 'adult years' and had to strive for work. I was shown the ropes in the escort trade and picked it up quickly, making a name for myself over the years. Then my client base expanded as stranger men, and the occasional woman, began to utilise my expertise. I always suspected that some of the people of this city weren't quite right, but I couldn't figure it out. Then one of my client's revealed what he was, what many of the citizens were and my view on life changed drastically.

After a while I got tired of being a playt hing for people who couldn't be bothered spending their precious money on buying nice things for their partners instead of paying my, by now, rather high fees. I sought out my brother and he got me into his little ring of crime. I started off as a decoy, flirting with security guards and the like, and progressed gradually through the ranks over time. Eventually I had a fairly good standing in the ring and my reputation for being a more than decent gunhand exceeded me. I was twenty three when I completed my first contract. It was a lycan, about a century old. I was rewarded handsomely for my efforts, and it wasn't without reason. I'd ended up with scars slashing vividly across my left breast and lower abdomen. Not to mention the many gashes on my back from some of the preternaturals that tried to assist. I soon earned a reputation as the go to girl for such cases, and in each time the kill was cleaner than the last and I was rewarded very handsomely indeed.

What Age Do You Claim?


Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

What you see is what you get... in most cases. I'm not someone to mess with, no matter how weak you think I am. Didn't you ever get told not to judge by appearances?

(added questions)

Are you in aquaintance with Caleb?

No, I've never even heard of him before, though if you're asking about him, maybe I should find out a little more.

Who do you know?

A good assassin never reveals her contacts. But they are none in this mariachi band, of that you can be certain

How strong is your will to live?

I don't like dying. No one does. But if it came down to it, I would die with grace. And I would definitely make sure I got to plan my own funeral. I want nothing but the best when I'm laid to rest.

EDIT#2: Link to the demon which this character is based on =>

EDIT: Pictures will be included soon.

Delorian Vleugel

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Demon “Ala”


1] Can shapeshift in largescale natural phenomenae

2] Carries The Blight.

3] Inhuman Physical Abilities.

4] Capable of Possession.

5] Insanity Evocation.


*1* Shapeshifting is self-explanatory, but by natural phenomenae I mean events like disastrous natural events. Think tsunamis/Earthquakes/Tornados/etc. => He's only able to transform in a disastrous natural occurance once per RP - Thread/Stage/Part.

*2* The Blight can be considered as a virulent plague originating from his very being. It's not the type of plague that will kill you outright if you're healthy; But if you're a human in the same city as he is, a strong fever can evolve in a near-death experience, a virus can become the reason of your funeral. Small scratches and wounds become infected, etc. etc.

On supernatural beings the Blight loses alot of its effect and only weak preternatural beings or if in Delorian's immediate vicinity when they get wounded, are actually effected.

The Blight can not be turned off and affects both allies and foes.

*3* Inhuman Physical Abilities: Superhuman strength/speed/stamina/etc.

Possession => Self-explanatory, can affect any human but not superhuman creatures.

*5* Those who look him in the eyes, can be affected by hardcore instant delusions and insanity.

(Makes Delorian fatigued)

It can also result in him planting a seed of corruption in their mind, slowly but surely twisting their minds and perception. This power can affect both superhuman and human beings.


- Is unnaturally terrified and of eagles and dragons.

- Eagles and Dragons are immune to all his powers and their mere presence weakens him extremely.


Atypical to almost any other demon out there, in all worlds, Delorian isn’t of the

bloodthirsty kind. He isn’t a demon who’s ready to rip the beating heart out of any and all other beings.

On the contrary even, he would much rather have a discussion with anyone than fight them. But in

all honesty, that aspect of him has only come to birth because of one reason and one reason alone, a


And regardless of his disposition to mindless killing and torture, he could hardly be called a kind and

good-natured being, he isn’t above genocide to get what he wants, which are answers to his questions.

To get to the bottom of it all, he’ll go through damnation and back; Destroying all in his path.

Either way, if I really have to describe him more in-depth; He’s the calculating sort, if he thinks he has

use of you in one way or another, dead or alive, he’ll treat you in the appropriate manner. As well as

being calculating and cold-hearted, he has a soft spot for a certain type of humans. The backstabbing

type, if such a human shows that side to him, he’ll feel the love alright. The love of life as he sees it being

snatched away from him before his glazed eyes, as he realizes what just happened, as he keels over lifeless.

That pretty much sums him up, he’s a demon at heart and soul, but he has been “blessed” with a

purpose that alleviates him above his bored brethren who simply exist to slaughter.


Delorian became a demon upon passing into The Next; He stood before the gates of Heaven and its guardian, needing to answer one question before being approved or disapproved into the Creator's divine ranks. The guardian asked Delorian the question to which he needed an answer to, Delorian responded in crass honesty.

the result: Eternal Damnation.

As his very being was sent into the very essence of torment, he pleaded. Not for safety, not in remorse, but with vengeance in mind. Revenge was all that drove him throughout all these years, from the very first moments he embarked upon the journey into the afterlife, from the very last moments alive as he beheld the scene laid before him as he felt his heart turn cold, both literally and metaphorically. Fortunately for him, unfortunately for all those who crossed him from that point on, his pleadings were heard.

The Unclean One heard his laments and answered to Delorian; Not in words, but in venomous gifts.

The gift of memory.

The gift of power.

The gift of freedom.

The gift of vengeance.

Delorian was reborn, not as a mere human nor demon, but something more; Something that could not be categorized so easily. He had been given the form and powers of an Ala, but with the memory of his mortal life and as such, the memory of his desire. His reason to be "alive", his wish to exact punishment on her. It is therefor, that he is in the human realm, by the will of The Unclean One and his own. He has no longer an idea of how long he has been searching, how long he has been on his quest for revenge. Years, Decades, Eras...It all holds little meaning to him. All he knows is that still alive and that is all he needs to know to declare time. As long as she is still alive, it isn't time for anything else yet.

His path has guided him to Praesul at this moment; He can feel it, something worthwhile is bound to reveal itself here; Something that will lead him closer to his goal, he'll search every haystack for every needle, until time comes...

Please read the entire post.

I am going to update the initial template so that future posters will answer the following questions. For those of you who already have sign-ups, either update your CS, post again in this thread, post in the
Info thread, or PM me asap, please.

1) Decide if you want your character to already know Caleb (my character) or if they have yet to meet in-story.

2) Does your character know any other characters at the start?

3) Begin deciding where and how you would like to introduce your character and who else you would like to intersect story lines with; coordinate with them accordingly. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, consult with me, or I can supply a thread for your character. I have a wild card event written out for every character.

Are you willing to kill your character?

Note to All: Do NOT allow your character to act or react based on your knowledge of the deceptions that are unraveling without in-story justification. This seems self-evident, but I see this story being capable of intense duplicity among the characters, and want to make the following as clear as possible. This is your only warning; if it happens, Caleb will eat your character’s heart in the next post.

The following need to clarify if their characters are for or against revelation:

~ [MENTION=4511]Darktanion[/MENTION] – Reorganize your
Sign Up as well to follow the template, please.

~ [MENTION=32]Carl[/MENTION] – We discussed other things that needed to be changed in your
Sign Up.

Good to go:

~ [MENTION=2424]ErisianDialects[/MENTION]

~ [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] – We discussed your shifts being limited to organic only; please reflect that in your
Sign Up.

~ [MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION] – I love your character, but would you consider being locked in a form that is partly monstrous or fully inhuman?

~ [MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION]

~ [MENTION=3672]Ixidor92[/MENTION]


~ [MENTION=2753]CaterpilAli[/MENTION]

Are there any questions anyone has yet? Put them in the
Info thread. I plan to launch this RP Friday, 03/22, at which point sign-ups will be closed to general enrollment, however I am open to referrals.
1) Decide if you want your character to already know Caleb (my character) or if they have yet to meet in-story.

I have not met the one known as Caleb, no.

2) Does your character know any other characters at the start?

Lest they be one who has chanced upon a glance of me, I can no, of any of the names here, I know none. My hosts live only shortly after I am finished with them, and I do not make kind with those who wish to harm me

4) Are you willing to kill your character?

Am I willing to die? Things die every day, why should my fate be any more blessed than another?
1) No. I am not aware of anyone by the name of Caleb

2) I am separated from others outside my pack. Should they have met me at some point, I will remember them, but I do not hold any special relationships at this point.

4) Death may shave near me many times, but it shall not have me until such time as nature gives up on me. I will not fall in battle.
Do you know Caleb?

"Who,or what,is a Caleb?"

Who do you know?

"I know many by sight,but none by name."

Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the cause?

​"Only if there's no other option. The cause cannot be served if there's no one left standing to support it."
"Do you know of Caleb?"

Caleb? I dare not say yes but is he of importance?

ese names I have mentioned, Do you know of them?"

Repetitive are you not? Well...Of these name I know none.

"Are you ready to die for this cause?"

It depends...Is it worth my death? Well if it is worth my time it is worth a sacrifice.

So it has become clear to me that no one is interested in coordinating with other players outside the RP before it begins; so we all have to go through the meet-and-greets.
I was going to have my character be after one of the others, but i havent had a chance to discuss it with anyone yet, so i didnt want to risk it xD

My other charrie~

By What Name Do You Answer?

To you mere mortals, the subjects of my art, I am known simply as The Harlequin. My real name is Nathaniel. No one must know the two are connected.

What Creature Are You?

I'm Sidhe (pronounced Shee). I do not skip around in fairy rings, i do not drink nectar from your garden but I have known some of my kind to steal your children from you. Just a fair warning.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

As part of my Sidhe blood, I have two hands of power. The hand of air, which allows me to remove all air from a room or to manipulate it wherever i wish, and the hand of Old Blood. This allows me to cause old wounds to reopen. Of course, I am limited. I'm stronger at night than I am at day, and my skills aren't as honed as they used to be, due to years of continued disuse. Every time I use my abilities my physical wellbeing deminishes a little more, and it can sometimes take days to recover. I am not immortal, But i have a rather long lifespan and if you were to try and kill me, I wouldn't go easy on you. I also possess the ability to communicate using mirrors and the wind, I can glamour my appearance so i look human and I am able to perform minor wards. I do not abuse my abilities. As I said, i generally refrain from using them. Why should I, when the mundane physicalities and skills are so much more appealing?

In What Guise Do You Walk?

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Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Honestly, I don't really care much. I suppose if I personally were to be exposed I'd be a little annoyed, as i couldn't continue my work. But other than that, I'm okay with the others being exposed. As I said, as long as my work isn't affected I'm pleased.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

I have killed. I am not remorseful about it. We all have killed. It isn't my fault that you mortals are so beautiful when silent. My work is far from over, know this and remember it.

What Age Do You Claim?

My outward and 'legal' age is 36.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

I am loyal to myself and only to myself. I'm not one to play it so that the other person wins. I like to keep options open, keep all my opponents in veiw and take them out one by one.

(added questions)

Are you in aquaintance with Caleb?

Yes, I've heard his name often in the last few months, and I've been doing a little digging, but no one can tell me much of him. I worry that he may be a rather formidable foe.

Who do you know?

I keep tabs on many people in the preternatural society, who they are, what they're doing. I've already picked out my future subjects. I'm sure that Ellemea Thornes will be a wonderful addition to my collection, I just hope that no one tries to intervene. She won't see it coming. None know who i am, but I know them, or at least i like to think so.

How strong is your will to live?

I refuse to die until my task is complete. I will fight to the end. (i dont mind if he dies, but i want him to live his fair course out xD he was originally created to be dramatic and die with a flourish)
By What Name Do You Answer?

"Eoin" He would reply in the melodic accentuated tone of the irish, his grin infectious as he held his glass in the air. Then like a song; "Ee-oh-Aye-En. . . That's like Owen but Eoin. . . see? Ee-Aye-Oh. . . Wait. . . "

What Creature Are You?

A Clurichaun. Though you would not get that from him first try, his finger waggling in the air in a now-now fashion, that smile becoming a pout.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

"Yes. . . Why?"

- Invisibility

- Self-sustenance (his diet may consist mainly, if not purely of alcohol,)

- Magic (Such as the moving of small objects, illusions, liquid manipulation* opening locks and some slight reality warping** etc.)

- Confusion inducement (via illusion & liquid manipulation, spiking fluids with alcohol.)

- Glamour (between hume and fae form)

On a side note, and although not considered a 'power' as such, whilst Eoin does of course possess a pot of gold, his gold is his liqour, and he has no need for teasures, though this being said, he is able to point out the exact location of many a trove, these troves are naturally protected by monstrous beasts and guardians of incredible power, things of legend.

When forced into combat, he is a quick little blighter, dagger in hand.

* He is capable of turning mundane fluids such as water into alcohol, whether traceable or not.

**His glass is never empty. . . nor his bottle, which he seems to produce seemingly from thin air.

In What Guise Do You Walk?

View attachment 14007


Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

More legend than myth, he would perhaps argue twenty five percent for, twenty five percent against, his alignment neutral, "though perhaps more a of 'chaotic' value" as Eoin's race is exposed as it is already, with pint o' luck aiding to keep them hidden this long.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

"Nothing you don't know already."

Perpetually drunk, Eoin despite his habit does not drink in excess and is for all his cheer otherwise is in general a rather a nasty drunk when he does; the type to destroy cellars, break furniture and smash bottles and just in general getting into trouble. He has lived many years, many lives, and his is quite a simple lifestyle, finishing the chores of the day to go out for a drink of a night. He also has an animal companion, a racoon he affectionately and quite simply calls Racoon.

What Age Do You Claim?

Five-hundred and forty five thousand, twelve hundred and six? Who knows. Eoin certainly doesn't, his kind semi-immortal as his faery kin.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

"Oh~, a~ sailor went to sea sea sea, to see what he could see see see. . . ~"

Do You Know Caleb?

"Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe not at all?" He said with a grin.

Who Do You Know?

"Who don't I know?" Eoin knows a legend or two.

How strong is your will to live?

"A what now?"

Karl, Gemini, update your posts and you're approved to go; Ali, your second character is approved as well. Make an unholy alliance with someone.

I reopened this thread because I have a feeling I'm going to be killing off some inactive players soon enough.


By What Name Do You Answer?

Xanthos Ohm. It's a pleasure.

What Creature Are You?

I am a dragon. None which you're familiar with I'm sure.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

For the record, I am no firebreather. I emit electricity and sometimes attract it, If my condition is, how you say, grounded? I can fly, reaching as high as breaking the stratosphere if need be. Taking that into consideration, my sight and depth perception are impeccable. I can also take another form, somewhat. It's supposed to be a human form, I assume, yet I still look quite like a dragon. Still, I assume it's a less intimidating approach.

In What Guise Do You Walk?

This is how I look in my shifted* form, though this is a very old picture (Assume shifted form has scales in place of skin.) Here is my true* form. For the record, never trust Ezekiel with a camera, especially when you're trying to eat.

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

While being able to go throughout my day without hiding would be a great burden off my wings, I cannot imagine how the mundane would react to such creatures. If anything, it could be even more of a burden.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

?My past isn't of any remarkable information. Since birth Ezekiel and I have simply done what we can to survive, while remaining by each others' sides. We were born together, and it ought to stay that way until one of us falls.

What Age Do You Claim?

I have counted up to twenty-seven winters.

Do You Know Caleb?

... I may have seen him once. Next question?

Who Do You Know?

I would say not many outside of my brother, though there has been some small strange man I've been seeing recently, apparently someone Ezekiel knows.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

Nothing else I can think of.

By What Name Do You Answer?

Hey there, I'm Zeke. Zeke Ohm, ironic huh?

What Creature Are You?

Lightning dragon, baby. Y'know, hence the irony.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

Oh yeah. For one, I can breathe lightning, way better than some boring fire. With this I can make fire and then some! As well as your run-of-the-mill dragon stuff. Oh, and I can look like a human; I was actually the first to do it! I bet Xan didn't mention that!

In What Guise Do You Walk?

Here's me as a
Human,* sort of, we don't have it entirely down. By the way setting your hand on fire is awesome; I don't care what anyone says! And this is me as a dragon.* Too bad I can't chill on a freeway all the time.

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Expose away! I'd like to walk down the street without someone being scared about how I look one of these days.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

When I was born, the first person I saw was my brother, so just imagine a day in the life of twin dragons-- that's us. Flying over cities and towns, hunting for food, sleeping in random places- oh, and fighting, though mostly in good sport. When done in the sky, it's easy to mistake us for a storm.

What Age Do You Claim?

Xan wants to say 27, but I like 30. It's an easier number to count from, if I ever decide to start counting.

Do You Know Caleb?

Name doesn't ring a bell to me, so it's not like I'll remember this guy right off the bat. I do remember seeing Xan scratched up pretty bad after a tussle, it couldn't have been from some prey...

Who Do You Know?

Oh, there's this old chap, damn I for get his name; it's not like he remembers it either, but he's a good time. Doesn't seem to be able to hold down his alcohol though.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

Do you like dragons?


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