The Fight and Flight of Serendipity [Sign Up]

Border Street Explosion


Best Equivalent Explosion: MOAB Testing

So to make things easier for me, I'm going with a nice and simple 1kt. That will be the equivalent of putting out about 10^12 joules of energy. To put that into some context, the largest non-nuclear ordnance that the United States has is the MOAB. That is only capable of putting out 10^10 joules of energy. (The joules are rounded for simplicity sake.)

With the joules established, I will be able to tell you the closest estimate of the amount of damage that we can expect from the blast:

Ground Damage:

Urban areas completely levelled (20 psi) = 0.2 KM

Destruction of most civilian buildings (5 psi) = 0.6 KM

Moderate damage of civiliam buildings (1psi) = 1.7 KM


Conflagration = 0.5 KM

3rd degree burns = 0.6 KM

2nd degree burns = 0.8 KM

1st degree burns = 1.1 KM

The mushroom cloud that formed would go up to 10000 feet into the air.
By What Name Do You Answer?

Emiliana, although a lazy few have taken to Emilé…*growl*

What Creature Are You?

In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m a harpy. No bother in trying to hide myself to those that are practically blind anyways.

**Caution: Nudity/Content**

((I think the links work together, if you find any problems with correlation, asketh me))

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

Hahaha… Now, now, a girl’s got to have some sort of secrets… I’ll tell you one thing though… the myths are true.

((Flight is one of her main powers, but just like the myths have eluded, Emiliana will be able to ‘snatch’ your soul if she is able to rip your chest apart to get to it. She has sharp claws on her hands and feet for this purpose and is stronger than your average human, more so in her thighs. The harpy also has free passage into the underworld and back))

In What Guise Do You Walk?

Exactly how I look now…


((Much like the description in the first link, Emiliana has both wings on her back and second wings/human arms that have grown plumage as well as claws. Her bottom half is bird-like.))

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

I won’t lie. I only care for myself, so I do whatever keeps me alive. Even in the preternatural community there are predators.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

I’ve only lived for a short while in your human years, but I used that time to…observe the world around me. I’ve come to roost in an abandoned control tower for liberty bridge, and I hunt at night; but in my time, I’ve seen humans become as violent as my brethren.

What Age Do You Claim?

Don’t let my looks fool you; I am already 16 months of age.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

My image means little to me; folklore has already spoiled my kind as those not to be trusted.


Have you heard of a man named Caleb?

Names are not of importance to me when looking for those suitable to impregnate me. If talking otherwise… It doesn’t ring a bell.

Who do you know?

I’ve seen many on my patrols of the night sky, the only I know by name is a drunken fellow who gave me the location of my newest hideout. (I am willing to interact with whomever)

Are you willing to die?

Not particularly. I’d fight it hard if I came close.

Smells like?

Probably of birds and filth, Harpy’s aren’t ones to clean themselves on a regular basis.
By What Name Do You Answer?

Sebastian Horowitz

What Creature Are You?

Sebastian is just like any normal human, except for the beast that resides within him. Not even he knows what the exact nature it is, only that it is due to him that he is able to continue to spread his own form of justice to others.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

The being within him has endowed him with several abilities in exchange for the continued nourishment from the innocents he and eventually kill. These include enhanced physical attributes, beyond those of any normal man. In addition to the increased speed, strength and reflexes, he has been provided with the ability to inflict pain in a myriad of other ways. One of those is where he is able project images into another mind, turning one's fears against themselves.

In What Guise Do You Walk?


Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Sebastian's very existence depends on secrecy when it comes to the Preternatural community. Due to this, he has been almost fanatical with his goal of keeping the existence of him and others like him hidden from the world at large

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

There is a legend that has been largely lost in time. It tells of a man, an inquisitor during the dark ages who took too much joy from his duty. This man went form village to village and officially was searching for witches, demons and other forms of supernatural evil. But for him, it wasn't enough to find people who might have been deserving of his brand of justice. Instead, anyone he saw as good and pure were also sent to burn as well.

The reason that he sought out the innocent as fervently as the wicked, was because he saw a quality in them that he could never achieve. Despite his zealous application of the Law and quoting versus within the Bible from memory, he was in many ways than anyone he ever burned at the stake. He would often take perverse pleasure in torturing his victims before finally, mercifully ending her life. There was never a more feared inquisitor in the Church's service than Sebastian.

One day, as he was riding to “purify” yet another hapless town, there was an accident. His horse became spooked by something it saw, and threw Sebastian from the horse. He dropped down from it and snapped his neck on the ground. His life should of ended there. Were it not for someone, or something, having other plans for him.

Instead, a malevolent entity who had been stalking him for quite some time entered his corpse. Within his mind, the two of them brokered a deal; it would revive him and allow him to continue on his crusade in exchange for keeping him rejuvenated with the life force of innocence he persecuted. Of course, for it to receive that life force, he had to draw it out of the subject by inflicting great amounts of pain. The more pain, the more pure the life force that was drawn out. This was a satisfactory deal for Sebastian.

Since that day, he has wandered the earth and continued to dish out his brand of the law. And while for the most part he prefers to remain anonymous, there have been times where he has received great infamy. His purpose in life is to cleanse society of it's seedier and corrupt elements. Only by doing this, will the world become a better place. All he has to do, is occasionally sacrifice an innocent to the beast that resides within him. For Sebastian, if a few must be sacrificed to make the world better, then that is alright with him.

His most recent posting is as an agent inside the FBI. It was simple enough to get in; only requiring some subtle manipulation of the officer that recruited him. Being inside the organization now gives him the ability to keep track of the preternaturals in the country, as well allow him to continue to brandish his version of justice under the FBI. His other responsibilities, he performs on the side when he doesn't risk being compromised.

What Age Do You Claim?

While he may appear to be a man in his early fifties, he is in fact over 600 years old.

There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

A dark gift, his cane, has the ability to project pain from it at the target of his choice within line of sight. The pain is similar to that of being electrocuted, though no lighting comes from the cane.

Decide if you want your character to already know Caleb (my character) or if they have yet to meet in-story.

While the two of them have never met face to face, his scent would be very familiar with him. The last time he took in the scent. was in London in 1890's, where a man brutally was murdering prostitutes.

Are you willing to kill your character?

Sebastian is able to be killed, but cannot be done soon after the beast has been fed.

What is your scent?

The scent, that Caleb would find familiar, is that of a strange mix of sulfur, jasmine, and tobacco.

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