The Fight and Flight of Serendipity [Sign Up]

By What Name Do You Answer?

Uh, you can call me Ventus, or Vent for short if you prefer.

What Creature Are You?

I'm a sylph, a spirit of the air. I'm a bit of an oddity though. Usually sylphs are female. But I don't exactly have all the required parts for that designation....

If you have any other questions about sylph culture or anything after you finish reading this little blurb, I'd be happy to answer for you... I mean, we're not a terribly complicated race or anything...

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

I can control and manipulate the air and wind. It's a pretty flexible power, I've grown to like it a lot. Along with this comes the ability to communicate with the wind, almost like a sensory power.

I also have green, ethereal wings that sprout from my shoulder blades, that I can hide to blend in perfectly as a human. It's considered pretty weird to have giant flashy wings of green light coming out of your back in their world. But, when I don't have my wings out, my powers and connection to the wind are practically cut in half.

In What Guise Do You Walk?

I've got the green eyes all sylphs have, as you can see.

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

I don't believe the humans are ready for us yet.... Unless it's proven to me that their mindsets have changed drastically, I'm all for the concealment of the Preternatural Community. And that's the opinion of sylphs in general.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

It was strange growing up in a society of women, as the only male sylph. Apart from the strange legends about my destiny and all, you learn a lot about what a man should and shouldn't be, but from women. Women who'd only ever interacted with men sparingly. Sylphs don't usually get out much. Er, get down much. But not in the way humans think of it, like dancing, I mean like from up high. Because, we're spirits of the air, right?

You know what, forget it.

What Age Do You Claim?

In human years, I'm only about twenty something, I think? Sylphs have a poor sense of time, especially in the long run. Years tend to flash by. I'm practically still an infant in our time.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

I don't think so? I mean, I dunno for sure.... What else do you want?

Do you know Caleb?

Yeah, actually. He's the valravn that hangs around on the rooftops and stuff. I talked to him once or twice. He's kind of surly.

Who else do you know?

Uhm, nobody else really...

Are you willing to die?

I would sound cool here, but no. I'm not willing to die. Isn't it a scary idea to not exist? You can call me a coward, or say I have no conviction, but what's wrong with wanting to make it out of a problem alive?
By What Name Do You Answer?

"Swarm. I kin' call m'self Swarm. Kinda' fitting, ayuh?"

What Creature Are You?

"What'm I? Good question. From what I gather, I'm a experiment gone awry. Signed up fer' some kinda' medical test, got grabbed up by some sorta' lab coat wearin' prick that wanted to play God. A real sob story, I tell ya'.

From things the white-coats said, an' from what I heard when I got out, they tried to fuse my DNA with some kinda' mutated insect. I know... sounds like a lame-ass comic book, dunnit? Either way, they changed me into somethin' not human."

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

"Heh. Powers. Yea', guess ya' could call it that. I'm a lot stronger, that's for damn sure. Kin' take a few hits and deal 'em back just as rough, yanno? Somethin' with this bug stuff... kinda' a blue 'shell' that's been pushing up outta' my skin. Pain in the ass.. have to wrap parts of myself up to hide it. Feels like it's pushing outta' my fingertips lately.

And, how I eat... there's a reason I hide my face. I think it looks normal most the time, but I can split my chin open down the god-damn middle. Snap out this feeding tube thing or just snap at people with my jaws. Hell, that's how I ended up paralyzin' ya'. Sorry, but... fun is fun and done is done, yea'?

Oh! An' I got these wings now. They're new. Can't really fly much, but can kinda' glide an' hover. Makes getting around all sneaky-like pretty damn nice, I tell'ya."

In What Guise Do You Walk?

"I'm pretty damn good at lookin' like a normal guy. Well, a normal, homeless som'bitch. I was tall before, now I'm huge - 'bout seven foot I bet. Hard to find clothes that fit when ya' need to stay outta' sight. I scrounge for stuff, leaves me looking pretty worse for wear. Don't mind it, though. People stay away and that's what's good for 'em.

When I'm not all covered up, though, I kinda' look like I've got a skin condition. Pieces keep falling away, making room for the hard shell. When I fly, the wings just kinda' push outta' my back.

The eyes are another damn problem. Gotta' keep on sunglasses all the time. First time I looked in the mirror about kilt' me. Yellow eyes, floatin' in blackness ain't exactly what you want to show off to normal folk."

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

"I kin' really see benefits to both. I'd like to be able to walk around without hidin'... be normal again. But, on the other an' more important hand... I don't think I COULD go back to normal society, accepted or not. I'ma freak in the freak kingdom. Even other inhuman types stay away."

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

"Not much to share that I kin' remember. I was a normal guy once. William... somethin'. It's all fuzzy. Comes back in pieces. All I know is that I sure wasn't living in the gutter... but I wasn't a rich bastard either. Did drug trials and stuff, easy money.

I'll admit, though, it didn't take long bein' in the shadows to notice some of the other 'not-so-normal' types. Some were accepting, some just wanted to be left alone. I get it. Funny, though, how quick ya' fall into a whole other world by just shuttin' out the other."

What Age Do You Claim?

"Not really too sure on exact numbers... fuzzy memory, remember? I DO know I'm in my thirties, though. Don't seem to age much anymore, just get uglier. Keheh."

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

"Just one more thing: I'm sorry. Yer' just trying to get home tonight, I'm sure. If ya' live through this... what I'm about ta' do, you'll be okay. Won't remember us talkin' either. It's fer' the better. Trust me."

Do You Know Caleb?

"I know a lot've names. Heard that name before... never talked to any of 'em."

Who DO You Know?

"I keep to myself. If folks wanna' talk, I'll talk'n listen. I'd lie if I said I didn't want some company... but I know my place."

Are You Willing To Die?

"I s'pose I don't think about it. What has ta' be, has ta' be. I'll tell ya' this, though: I'm gonna' try my damn best to keep kickin' until I figure out just what I am. Or what the hell I'm becoming."
By What Name Do You Answer?

My current host prefers to be called Erin, Erin Blake

What Creature Are You?

Over the ages, my past incarnations have been known by many names: To the polish I am known as Zar ptak, to the ancient Persians I was known as the Simurgh. Whether it be Fenghuang, Ho-oh, kerkes, I have always been the Phoenix.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

There are certain powers that are common no matter the form I use. The first common denominator pertains to my dominion over Light, both in it's supernatural as well as mundane forms. This includes the ability to enhance any given source of light, up to the point of temporarily blinding the subject. The supernatural form, pure sunlight, provides the ability to to damage those creatures of the night that are vulnerable to such.. Also, no matter my form, I am able to manipulate fire to extinguish, manipulate, or ignite a variety of flames.

Finally, in all the forms except for the last one, it is impossible to kill me. You may successfully destroy my host's body, but I will then assume a new host and begin again. The same cannot be said for when I am in my true, incarnate form. Were someone to actually manage to kill me in that form, I would be permanently dead. For this reason, I haven't used that form for four hundred years.

My other abilities depend greatly on the form I am at the moment:


Mundane form, or what I am when I allow my host full control, is the weakest of all my forms. Nevertheless, some of the unique abilities available to my host I have found can be quite useful under the appropriate circumstance. For example; the ability to resist forms of fire is reduced to only being immune to minor burns, no greater than second degree by human standards, can still be very useful for someone out for a swim.

Also, it is only in this form that my host is able to use my healing abilities, both to aid another or herself. This healing ability is capable or repairing all ailments and injuries, up to the point of a person being dead. However, if the subject that is being healed has been deprived of oxygen for more than ten minutes, I may be able to restore the physical body, but the essence of who the person is would be lost. If it happened to by my host that is in need of mending, I am able to assist her in this process, effectively giving her the ability to regenerate.


The fire-walker form is the form that blends my host with my essence, allowing a true symbiosis. While in this form, the skin is covered in a coat of fire from head to toe. So intense are the flames that anyone within three yards of me and my host, began to suffer from progressively worsening burns.

Also, the fires serve as a defensive shield for my host; the subject is immune to most forms of fire and energy based attacks of a non supernatural form including (but not limited to) flamethrowers and incendiary based grenades. In addition, attacks that have a matter base also suffer; normal melee attacks and most small arms aren't able to defeat the barrier without extraordinary effort or repetition. If a supernatural attack is launched that isn't fire based, than it is unaffected by the barrier.

Lastly, it is in this form that I am able to project fire in the form of either jets, spheres, or waves at a target. These temperature of these fires can by manipulated as only to provide warmth or, with enough exertion, to melt steel.


Rarely used, this is the ultimate expression of my form. Once in this form, I transform into an eagle of pure fire; forty feet tall and with a wing span of over fifty feet. If I happened to be underground or within a structure at the time the transformation occurs, than I will burn my way through the obstacle and immediately take flight.

Many of the traits of this form have a lot in common with the aforementioned fire-walker form, if only to a greater degree. For example, instead of it being within three yards that a subject begins to burn, it is now within fifteen yards of me. As well, the flames I project are naturally of greater intensity, to the point that I am able to reduce a two ton car to the molten slag within seconds. Also, as I am in a form of pure energy, attacks that rely on a matter base are rendered useless towards me.

To be able to enter this form isn't very easy though. For starters, my host must be near death or dead. If I'm able to heal my host, than the body is lifted up with me, trapped in an impenetrable cocoon of energy as I work to heal the host. In this case, I am only able to remain in this form for as long as my host is unconscious or ten minutes, whichever is shorter. If the host is beyond my ability to heal, than his body is consumed in fire and I am released.

There is one greater downside to this form, one which is the reason that I haven't used this ability in several centuries. While it is extremely difficult to do so, it is only in this form that I am able to be permanently destroyed. At any other time, when the host is beyond my ability to heal (or when his time has come) I will release myself from him and find a new host.
In What Guise Do You Walk?

Just as you would expect from a popular cheerleader, Erin is a red head bomb shell; standing at 5'6", 120 lbs and well built. (Will supply pic later)

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?

Erin leads a happy life, she is the head of a cheer leading squad and is very popular within her school. She fears what others may do or say if it were to come out the secret she holds inside.

Of Your Past, What Would You Share?

If you are asking of my past, than you should know that it is immeasurable. I have existed since the very beginning of the universe. And because of this, it would take more time to enlighten you on my history than you will be alive. Because of this, it is best that you look to my current host, as much of my personality is affected by the host I'm currently residing within.

Compared to myself, Erin has only been around for a blink of the eye. She was born to less than noble beginnings. The unwanted daughter of a whore, she was discarded into a dumpster the moment the mother had cut the cord. Erin would of died in that dumpster were it not for the union that I formed with her. It didn't take long for a caring couple to find the child in the trash, waddling in a discarded pizza box.

The young couple took the child and loved her like it was their own. And despite the fact that they weren't very wealthy, they provided for her the best that they could. And I was quite pleased with the development of the young girl as I watched quietly from within her.. Her parents would often wonder why the child rarely cried, or why her wounds would heal so quickly. They would never know, but it was I who cared for the young girl when her parents weren't around, calming her and nurturing her, waiting for the time that she would be ready for me to reveal myself to her.

That moment came much sooner than I expected. It was late on a cold December night. She was staying in the house alone as her adopted parents had gone a second honeymoon. Unbeknownst to either Erin or her parents, there was a ticking time bomb underneath their home; the pipes that led the gas into the home had formed a crack and it was slowly leaking into the house. When a brief power surge came, it sparked off the line.. I only had moments to protect the young girl, as the house detonated in a fiery inferno. When the fire department arrived to the scene of the accident, they found a girl huddled up next to the wall, curled up with her blanket.

This occurred only two week ago. She's right now trying to forget what happened, push it to the back of her mind. I've tried to talk to her, but she just ignores me. When she asks her mom, she just tells her it's stress. I need to find a way to communicate with her, at the moment I just don't know how...

What Age Do You Claim?

I am immortal, if you prefer to know Erin's age, it is sixteen.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say?

Nothing of consequence, I have said all that needs to be said for now.

Decide if you want your character to already know Caleb (my character) or if they have yet to meet in-story.

(Am Open to it)

Does your character know any other characters at the start?

(Am Open to knowing characters, pm me to discuss)

Are you willing to kill your character?

While the mortal shell that I inhabit may die, I assure you that it will not be with ease. And as far as myself, I welcome you to try.
Updated Template.

Active RPers:

Darktanion – Valer the vampire

ErisianDialects – Victor the mundane

Riddle – Aenor the Changling

HeartBrokenIceQueen – Ellemea the Efinime

Esme – Meido

CaterpilAli – Jace the mundane/Nathaniel the Sidhe

Evicted for Inactivity:

Aria Rising – Ene the Neko

ninbinz – Tipua the Taniwha

Carl – Delorian the Ala


Ixidor – Dropped on Request

Gemini – Eoin the Clurichaun: Approved

ZipperBear2 – Xanthos and Zeke the Lightning dragons: Approved

Coro – Ventus the sylph: Approved

Mr. Grin – Swarm the mutant: Approved

Aeradom – Erin the Phoenix-possessed: Approved; please do not forget that I hope for her to become burnt-ugly

As reality has demonstrated, this is not a fast paced RP and I doubt it ever will be; if I end up RPing with one other person, I do not intend to let it fade to nothing. Those evicted had minimal impact, but I’m making you aware that if you drop out or disappear without explanation, I may take over your character for execution purposes. It won’t be without [MENTION] warnings.

The Scoop: If your character reveals the preternaturals the gig is up for everyone else. You don’t need my permission to do this, I just need to know ahead of time if you intend to so I can coordinate plot stage two appropriately. This doesn’t mean running around in front of a camera in a solitary post. You must be interacting with another player.

This has been your friendly neighborhood PSA.
By What Name Do You Answer?I have had many names throughout all of time, but as of now people simply have labeled me as one called Jack.

What Creature Are You? I am a creature of the cosmos a granter of desires, in all the time that I have been around I have helped man acquire. A Genie of the lamp, a Djinn you see, but now i am free from the shackles laid on me.

Does Your Nature Lend You Any Particular Power or Capabilities?

I grant wishes of all earthly desires, be it power or war and all that you require.

But Love I can not bend for you to apprehend, the person of your dreams for it is a folly thing. To sway and woo a heart for you

Death I confess it can not be. For my magic to change fate for thee. I can not make the bones of old rise and shake for it shall leave a massive quake, for eternity and so shall it be to keep the dead from waking you see.

For those still interested shall it be known that there is a cost for all the silver and gold. Because magic is not what it seems to be, it always comes with steep price even for me. I can change your status but not your mind take heed of that and you might do fine.

War's are waged and cities are sunk, My magic is all but a trump. A way for man to get their desires I haven't grown old but become oh so tired.

My powers are bold for man and even for me.

I cast and create and it is froth with calamity.

My bonds are broken i am free from this cage but my magic has seen such better days.

Those clasps they channeled and flowed all that magic I could ever hold.

My magic has become what they call a tyrant and all i want is to be a humble migrant.

Search the world for my place. as my magic seems to make things out of place.

A wish is what you want from me? That request of yours means nothing to me. I am free from my cage and my skin is raw from the old clasps that did hold them for far to long.

In What Guise Do You Walk? <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Flower.jpg.7912de3f8eb197c8691a708d8ddf45e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Flower.jpg.7912de3f8eb197c8691a708d8ddf45e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I have taken the form of my last master you see who died of an illness at the age of 15.. He coughed an he wheezed but never wished to get better. He uttered the words your free instead of make me better... I cried a tear for the youth as he died in my arms alone and forsook.

One of my appearances that was ordained, by Alibaba to make me this way, it was not a wish but was a desire I indulged him in what he required. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8d4900d_djinn3.jpg.5d432a3679adfe97dbab48dcf971c701.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8d4900d_djinn3.jpg.5d432a3679adfe97dbab48dcf971c701.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Where Do Your Intentions Lie in Exposing or Concealing the Preternatural Community?I wish to live a life of meaning, So as a man I will stay and have no intention of leaving. I shall remain hidden and wish to do so...

Of Your Past, What Would You Share? I have known all creatures who have lived longer then a century.For my work is to glamorous and proud to go unnoticed changing fate and war they all but are sure to notice.

I am a fantasy to man and that's what i'll be

But to the supernatural I am a trifled being.

What Age Do You Claim? The start of man, I was forged with life.

Millions of Years of so I recite, but being a captive of my own device. I could not tell you of the outside world you see so everything is that of new for me.

Is There Ought Else of Import You Wish to Say? I am free and that's the way it shall be, you can utter my name if you do so know me. Call me Baal if that if that is better than my guise


1) Decide if you want your character to already know Caleb (my character) or if they have yet to meet in-story.Caleb is a friend of mine the wars I started did give him a feast for a time

2) Does your character know any other characters at the start?All those who can remember me over 100 years or more it would have to be. My presence my aura has not changed for me. They may not know my name or traits but they know my work since it would be out of place

3) Begin deciding where and how you would like to introduce your character and who else you would like to intersect story lines with; coordinate with them accordingly. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, consult with me, or I can supply a thread for your character. I have a wild card event written out for every character. (I am up for anything. Whether it is heading to meet a familiar friend.)

4) Are you willing to kill your character?

That is all I want for me to sleep and be apart of the dream for all of eternity.

But alas fate has decreed that it does need much more of me...

(Im going to leave this here.)

Anybody looking to collaborate? If so, drop me a message. I'm going to be posting tommorow, so I'd like to know something tonight or tommorow afternoon.
Hatchet, I was curious if I could make an alternate character.

Whenever we do move past the night and onto the morning, there will have been three fires set last night. Due to this, I was thinking of making an FBI like character, just a normal human who comes in to investigate and discover the source of the fire. This may also serve as an avenue to push towards chapter 2.
Would you go for local law enforcement, Aeradom?

Ninbinz's participation is renewed, Humor is accepted.

I have something else for you to consider for your character, and rather than update the SU, post again below. (Could link the post back to your SU for convenience if you want, though.)

My character is very sense driven, so rather than track each of you down for question as I participate with you, I would like you to consider what your character smells like and share it below. We have a vampire, we used to have a werewolf and we have a couple of other bestial creatures that might benefit from knowing.

Think about what kind of shampoo they use, perfume or cologne, laundry detergent, the environments they're often in; consider if their supernatural side produces its own scent, an whether or not they can be scented by an average human in close enough proximity, or only something heightened like a dog or rabbit; note if they smell different in different forms.
Funny you mention that, I think mimi talked to me about having another mundane character for that purpose.

As well as the smells, since I'm using it for my following post; Xan and Zeke know each others' scent (has yet to determine what that is, exactly.)
Victor usually smells of petrichor. But he's working on a way to completely mask his scent. Hooray for paranoid mad scientists.
Vampire actually semm;s like flowers, because he is often found in patchs of flowers sleeping ;P
Tipua smells like a clean river with notes of Damp wood, moss and sewage, beneath these scents is the salty tang of the sea.
You already know Jace's scent of cloves and vanilla, Harley/ nathaniel smells of Sandlewood and pine needles.
Hmm Smelly moments here....Ellemea smells of a mix between damp wood, moss, salty sea water and fresh clean water; Because of her extreme travelling to rain forests, jungles and the sea! :P
Meido tends to smell like damn moss and blood. On the occasions she's been around her "hideout" her scent shifts more towards a funeral parlor (given that the place is an old funeral parlor).
Damn, not damp. XP It's a local thing, it smells like rotting oranges and pine needles. It's like, weirdly pretty yet repulsive at the same time.
Swarm smells of old, musty clothing; stale alcohol; cigarettes and various other smells from living in the alleyways of the city. There is also a biting smell underneath - something strong and slightly acidic. It is a smell some insects produce. Not overbearing or that notable, but under the surface of all else, it lingers.

He does NOT however, smell of human body odor. Though he only bathes when he is lucky enough to find a way, his mutation has all but eliminated most human smells.

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