The Fear principle (Accepting)

"'re alright..." Jack realizes her mistake of using her previous term and feels her cheeks flame slightly, her eyes dropping back down to her plate as she resumes pushing her food about, having no real interest in eating any of it with an audience. She was pretty sure that Jaguar was still watching her every move, and didn't need her eating habits being turned into some sort of 'why she is what she is' type crap at their next session.

She looks up only briefly when Rinji acknowledges the twins and eyes them both curiously. She hadn't really bothered to get tho know them yet. It wasn't anything personal, she just really hardly ever associated herself with the other inmates unless she had something to gain from the relationship. They seemed close enough anyways that she could hardly think of herself even being able to come between the two, although the idea did seem like fun when she thought about it and she wondered what trouble she might be able to cause with that down the line. One was an Empath, she was certain of that...but the other...

Shrugging, her eyes return to her plate and she finally picks up a piece of what she hopes is meat and pops it between her lips, chewing noisily. "Yeah? I had a rather...interesting night myself..." her body stiffens slightly at the memory then relaxes again at the thought of being able to use it to her advantage later on. Finally, she looks up and gives the blonde a huge smile.
Jaguar continues to keep an eye on Jack and Rinji, wondering what the blonde would manage to drag out of her, what Jack would tell her in return. She doubts that Jack would share with Rinji what had occurred between herself and Jaguar, and she can only imagine Rinji's reaction if she did. She suspects Rinji's reaction would be more along the lines of "ohhhh you two would be such a great couple!!!" rather than shock or disapproval. It would be interesting if she had a chance to observe such an exchange, but somehow she doubted it would occur.

"Oh, really?" Rinji chirped as Jack smiled at her. She had no food of her own, as she eschewed the cafeteria's "weird stuff," but she turns to face Jack with rapt interest at this lead. "What happened? Weren't you just in your cell and stuff? Oh, did you flirt with the guard on the way out or something? Which one was it, the hot one or the older one?"
Jack found herself smirking and tapped her lips with one finger and winked at the other girl. "Oh, I'll never tell..." she chuckled softly and cotinued to pick at her food, her stomach growling despite being fed. "God, what I wouldn't kill for some f*****g fast food or some s**H like that....would it kill these people to order us pizza, or chinese every now and then?"

Shaking her head, she pushed her plate away from her in disgust and crossed her arms over her chest. Despite herself, she finds her eyes flicking in Jaguars direction, not at all surprised to find the other Empath still watching her. "Like what ya see doc?" she calls over sarcastically, before she can really stop herself. This draws the attention of a few nearby guards but she returns their looks with one of her own before turning back to Rinji. "What is your boss's deal?" she finally asks her, curious if Rinji would be able to shed some light on what had gone down in her cell earlier.

"Someone like, kick her dog or something today?"
"Like Brittany Murphy?" Rinji questioned in response to Jack's flippant remark, going on to explain when it becomes clear that she has no idea what she is talking about, "You know, like in that movie with the hot broken leg woman? I'lllll never tellllll," she drawled out in sing-song imitation, lolling back her head and rolling her eyes before giggling and nudging Jack. "I know, that was made, like, before my grandma was born, they don't even carry those on telechips anymore. I think it was called an HVS or something, but those ancient things are still online and they're kind of neat. That was back when New York existed and stuff!"

She follows Jack's gaze when the woman calls out to Jaguar, seeing Jagur's face remain unchanging in its expression when Jack calls to her, and waves and smiles at Jagur before turning again to Jack. "Oh, she's just a worrywart. She's worried that you'll slit my throat or something if she doesn't look out for me, that's all,so she watches me,isnt that sweet?" she asked without irony.

"I don't think Jaguar has a dog, I think she's more of a cat person, which I guess fits!" Rinj muses, tilting her head to ponder Jack's question before tossing out casually, "She was in a good mood until she had a pissing contest with that new hot guy Mason. Then she had to talk to Jeremiah and Bailey said it was a thumbs down."
Jack finds herself laughing and shakes her head, almost spitting out her water at how ridiculous Rinji looks when imitating the deceased actress and quickly dabs at her mouth with the paper napkin she had been given. "It's called a VHS you dork...' she laughed again and leaned back in her seat.

"Yeah well, top b***h over there has nothing to worry about, you're throat's too pretty to slit...' she winks at the blonde then shrugs, leaning forward again on her elbows.

"This new Mason guy...what's he in for?" She wondered how bad he had to be that Jaguar would be taken off his case, and was curious if maybe the inmate and good ol' doc had crossed paths before.
"Whatever, I got all the right letters in there, anyway," Rinji shrugged, unbothered both by Jack's laughter and her light mocking of her. She ran her fingers through her hair, then reached out to touch Jack's too with a critical eye.

"Your hair is dry, you know. You really could have gorgeous silky hair if you'd use the right stuff. I guess they won't let you though, huh? That's too bad because it could really be nice if you would. Maybe you should try to earn privileges and stuff and then they would! I'd just give you some except I know they'd take it away and not let me and it's not like you can wash your hair right here. Well, I guess you could like with the water from your drink but that probably wouldn't be enough, you think?"

Rinji considers this for a moment before nodding decisively, "No, it wouldn't...I don't know about Mason though, why he's here. I just know that Jaguar had to talk to Jeremiah and she was pretty grumpy and Bailey was kind of jumpy when they left him...ooh that rhymed!" she giggled, distracted by her own self, before continuing off handedly. "Yeah, he probably killed someone or something like most people here."

As though this is no big deal to her; for Rinji, it truly isn't.

Watching them both, Jaguar continues to keep a light read of everyone's general emotional states but especially Jack's; she is extremely curious as to what Rinji is saying to her to cause her to look so relaxed, almost genuinely happy, and especially what she is saying every time Jack looks back at her. Whatever it is Rinji is doing, though, it looks like she's helping rather than hurting, so Jaguar allows her to continue.
Bailey leaves Dakota's cell once she's finished with the meeting and lets out a breath. The girl will be a challenge, of course, but one that Bailey thinks she can meet easily enough. Maybe if Jaguar calms down and isn't too overwhelmed with her work load, she'll be able to seek out advice on how to continue educating her. She spares a brief glance at the clock, wondering if it would be worth it to join the others in the cafeteria, or if she should just go into her office and eat the apple slices and container of yogurt she had packed for herself that morning.

Having decided it probably won't be worth it, she sits down at her desk and munches silently on the apple slices. She reaches out with her mind to locate everyone and sees that they're mostly in the cafeteria. It's not that she is lonely, really, the quiet and distance from everyone else is a comfort just then, and gives her time to really think about what it is she can do to help Dakota with her progress, since the girl's first impression of her wasn't the greatest.

However, she isn't so much concerned with whether or not she will like Bailey - while it would certainly make her job easier, it isn't a requirement and she knows that - it is more that she's concerned that she won't be any use to Dakota. Letting out a breath, she loads up Dakota's telechip and reads through the girl's file quietly, still stirring her yogurt.
The meal time passes by quickly enough, without great incident of importance between prisoners, guards, Jaguar, and Rinji, and in fact, it seems to Jaguar that Rinji has been of great service, her presence enough to calm several prisoners and prevent problems through their amusement with her, especially with Jack in particular. Each time Jaguar looked towards the women, she saw that Jack was smiling, even laughing, more relaxed than she had witnessed of her so far, and that she seemed to genuinely be enjoying Rinji’s company.

Was it possible that Jack’s fear of intimacy could be cracked open and dealt with more effectively through Rinji, a woman with no training or conscious knowledge whatsoever, than with Jaguar herself? If this was the case, Jaguar wouldn’t knock it. Anything to help her out with reaching a woman she had already badly screwed up with.

The work day drew to a close soon enough, but for once Jaguar did not choose to stay overtime to wrap up loose ends. It had been a long day, and if she was meeting Rinji for dinner as she had indicated, then she would give herself time to prepare. Going home, she showered, changed her clothing, and gave herself a space of time to prepare for an onslaughter of Rinji-dom before meeting up at the bar/restaurant the woman had indicated. Only when she was walking through the front door and saw Rinji already sitting at the bar did she remember with wry amusement that the girl was only 20 and certainly had a fake ID.

“Hi Jag!” Rinji greeted her, swiveling her barstool and swinging out legs that were decked in four inch platforms Jaguar had been certain were no longer made as she waved. She had clipped brightly colored feathers in her hair and was wearing a rather low cut lime green shirt with lightning bolts painted across it, as well as an extremely short skirt imprinted with small blue rain clouds and pink fishnet tights.

This would be an interesting evening, all right.
Bailey ran her fingers through her hair nervously as she stepped onto the curb in front of the bar. She had gone home and changed, not going for anything fancy, just a tank top and a pair of jeans, really, which she was sure Rinji would have something to say about. Just standing outside, she could feel the life within the building pulsing hard, almost threatening to knock her back into the street.

She paused for a moment and cleared her throat, sucking in a deep breath. Flashing her ID to the bouncer, she stepped in, allowing her mind to do the searching for Rinji for her. It was overwhelming, at first, much as it had been outside of the bar, but she managed to reign herself in and focus solely on finding the energy of the Eyes of Man's secretary. It didn't take long for the girl's energy to stand out, and Bailey couldn't help but smile weakly at the feel of her. As always, she was in good spirits.

The energy next to her, however... was very distinctly Jaguar.

Bailey'd been tricked. By Rinji no less.

"Well, I'll be damned." She muttered under her breath, eyebrows inching upward in amusement as she stepped forward. Bailey had to admit... it had been some tricky thinking on Rinji's part. Not only to get them both to agree to go out with her, but to also somehow get it around them that they would be together.

Plastering a small smile on her face, she sat down next to Rinji and took a deep breath, "What did I miss?"
Jaguar, in contrast to Rinji's complex outfit and Bailey's simple one, was wearing a sage green dress with very thin straps, low-cut in front, partly open in the back, flowing and loose in the skirts but clingier up top. She crosses one leg over the other, ordering her first drink, and then turns toward Rinji, meaning to tease her about her "legal status", but then Rinji looks over her shoulder, her face brightening.

"Hi Bailey! We're right here!"

Jaguar's muscles tense, and she turns her head slowly, her skin already heating with dread as she follows Rinji's gaze. Sure enough, Bailey is indeed coming towards them, and it seems obvious from Rinji's entirely too pleased look and giggle that she has deliberately set this up.

Jaguar had honestly not thought the girl capable of such deception, but apparently even Rinji had hidden depths.

"Well, isn't this a surprise," she muttered, forcing a polite smile and nod towards Bailey that clearly didn't meet her eyes as she recrossed her legs, taking a large swallow of her drink as it was placed before her.

"I know, right?!" is Rinji's response before turning to Bailey, swinging her legs to make her stool swivel back and forth. "Nothing! We just got here! We should totally go dance though, you and me and Jaguar!"
It's immediately obvious that Jaguar is just as, if not more, unamused than Bailey is. She draws in another breath and orders a drink, something strong enough to give her a little more confidence with her surroundings. She takes in Jaguar's halfhearted smile and returns it as she slides a tip across the bar to the bartender when he hands her her drink.

Raising the drink to her lips, she takes a long swallow and reminds herself that she has to be careful. While her wild streak when she was younger had never progressed into what anyone would call an addiction, Bailey still approaches any sort of alcohol as though it were a bomb ready to go off in her hands. This is in the spirit of being social, after all, and she can't be very social if she's so drunk she can't speak.

"Maybe in a little bit, Rin." She says finally, wondering if it would be worth it to order anything to eat. It can wait, she decides, and manages another sip of her drink. "How was the rest of your guys' day?"
"Surprisingly uneventful," is Jaguar's terse reply as she too takes another swallow of her drink, her eyes trained on Bailey's over the glass before she lowers it. "It seems that a person maxes out at two betrayals a day, and from that point it can't get that much worse."

She knows how bitter she sounds, but at the moment she does not care. Bailey had messed with something she didn't understand, couldn't possibly have understood, and her efforts had resulted in Jaguar losing control of the situation, losing face, losing privacy...her efforts could very well mean the difference between successfully dealing with Mason, and failing. Her efforts could mean the difference between learning who he was and why he did what he had done to her, between earning his respect, and never doing so, ever.

She couldn't forgive that easily, even if Bailey had no understanding of why.

"Betrayal? Oh Jaguar, you're so melodramatic!" Rinji rolled her eyes, lightly nudging her, as she let her feet swing into Jaguar's thigh gently. "Come on, we're here to have fun! Drink some drinks, dance some dances, maybe even braid hair because we mentioned that. That and nails. Oh, shoot, I forgot my polish and hair stuff though, maybe later tonight?"

She sips at her drink, having rather surprisingly barely made a dent in it so far, and grins at the bar tender, who seems to be hanging close. "We work at Eyes of Man! We just got off," she announced, and he backs away quickly, a strained expression now on his face. Great wariness surrounds the program with the general public, who continue to have leeriness of empaths and partly blame them for the Killing Times; Rinji, however, doesn't seem to make this connection.

"That was sort of rude of him...maybe someone spilled their drink."
At the word 'betrayal', the cold pit in her stomach resurfaces and Bailey manages another drink, hoping the alcohol will warm it at least a little bit. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't, but she refuses to lower her eyes from Jaguar's, refuses to let something like this ruin what is supposed to be a good night. She can't help but blame Rinji a little bit for her feeling this way. If she hadn't set up her and Jaguar, if it had just been herself and Rinji, it might have been fun. It probably would have been. But now, it just feels awkward.

Bailey hopes that Jaguar has gotten the worst of it out of her system, though on some level, she doubts it. She had been angry enough earlier to show that this is not something that she'll allow to just slide off of her back. Whatever.

When Rinji speaks, she looks away from Jaguar and smiles weakly at the girl when she mentions hair braiding and painting each others' nails. "If not tonight, then some other time for sure."

From the corner of her eye, she sees the bartender, and has to fight not to cringe when the blonde beside her tells him where they work. While she understands that Rinji's grasp on why exactly The Eyes of Man is not an occupation that one should really want to broadcast, it's still not easy for her to refrain from snapping a little at the girl. She doesn't, but... how could she be so oblivious sometimes? It's a trait that is both endearing and maddening to her.

Maybe someone spilled their drink? Really?

Bailey takes a deep breath and a smaller sip from her drink and nods, "Could be." She says finally and re-situates her bar stool so she can get a better look at the patrons, her eyes scanning the crowd more out of curiosity than paranoia or anything else. They all seem to be so wrapped up in their own lives, most of them young, with little grasp on the kind of people that reside in the city, locked away to keep all of them safe.

It's a strange thought, one that occurs to her in the more random moments, like when she's grocery shopping or trying to enjoy a drink as she is now. It's moments like these that make her wish she was more normal, more ignorant to what people are really capable of, but now isn't the time for those thoughts, either, and she tries to force them down.

"So what do you say one more drink and then we dance?"
Jaguar takes some satisfaction in the obvious discomfort that Bailey is receiving from the situation. The other woman is avoiding her eyes, focusing on Rinji and her drink, and Jaguar toys with the idea of sinking her claws in further, of really setting her at ill ease. She would enjoy to some small extent watching her squirm in her seat some more, even if it made her feel no better about the situation.

What would really sink the knife in for Bailey would be were she to know the full extent of what she had done to Jaguar, and why Jaguar found it so terrible. But that was something Jaguar refused to allow, so instead she skimmed the surface of Bailey's thoughts, even as she spoke to Rinji alone.

"Yes, I'm in the mood to move forward, that is for sure." This is in answer to Bailey's suggestion of dancing, but it is of course carrying hidden undertones that Bailey can interpret as she wishes.

"Sounds good to me," Rinji replied, cheery as ever, and she finishes her drink quickly, then stands, extending her hands to both. "Come on!"
This time, at Jaguar's words, Bailey refused to even acknowledge that she'd spoken. Frankly, she was over the entire thing and just wanted to forget about it. Tossing the remainder of her drink back, she placed her hand in Rinji's and followed the other two women onto the dance floor.

The music, though not exactly Bailey's taste, was good and easy to move to. The bass line thrummed loudly in her body, providing her with the rhythm she needed to move her hips and step her feet to the music and keep time with the drums and overall melody. She would never call herself a good dancer, though she did have enough rhythm to carry herself through a song and not look incompetent.

Every once in a while, she would catch Rinji's eye and smile, surprising even herself when she realized that she was, indeed, having fun. Perhaps this hadn't been such a bad idea after all.
She might not want to be with Bailey, or around her, but if she wanted to escape her own thoughts and feelings, burying herself in music and putting herself out on a dance floor was the best way to go. Jaguar had always felt at home with music and motion; to her it was almost a religion, something sacred, raw, yet pure, even when conducted within such crude noise as that in the bar. Jaguar herself had learned to sing with full voice from the time she was very young, had danced with her grandparents as well, and now she moved with fluid ease among the crowd, feeling the music as though it were her own blood running through her veins.

Rinji, in contrast, has no grace and little dignity about her moves at all. Pretty much, the woman flails her arms and wiggles her body like an eel, showing no rhythm but much enjoyment. Seizing both Bailey's and Jaguar's hands in hers, she laughs and tries to get them to move in closer, towards her, towards each other, and by now Jaguar has relaxed enough to do so.

"See, I said it would be fun!" she hollers, and Jaguar does not disagree. It would be difficult to feel anger or to think of Mason under the circumstances.
Bailey let out a laugh and allowed herself to be pulled closer to the blonde, whose dancing bordered on dangerous for anyone close by. But, like most other things concerning the girl, the enthusiasm that she went at it with was infectious and she couldn't help letting out another laugh and moving closer to the girl. Bailey bumped her hip lightly against Rinji's and threw her hands over her head when the song changed and bounced on the balls of her feet briefly.

After three more songs passed, Bailey stopped dancing, her lungs aching for air, cheeks flushed with both laughter and exertion. She tugged briefly on Rinji's hand and leaned in so that she could be heard. "I need another drink, I'll be right back!" She called over the sound of the music, her tongue nearly sticking to the roof of her mouth and she turned, approaching the bar.

She ordered another drink and rested her elbows against the bar, running a hand over her forehead to mop up some of the sweat. She turned and leaned against it holding her drink to watch Rinji and Jaguar dance, a small smile creasing her lips. Maybe Rinji's plan hadn't been so horrible after all.
Rinji has no such intention of leaving the dance floor, and barely seems to notice when Bailey leaves. She holds onto Jaguar's hand, occasionally stepping on her toes or awkwardly knocking her hip or elbow into her, but still Jaguar is able to deflect and enjoy herself, to feel connected not only to the music, but to Rinji, to every other person in the room, even Jaguar. She keeps a surface read on everyone's emotions and feels them swell within her, heightening her own enjoyment, and half closes her eyes, a smile playing at her lips.

She shrugs off any attempts by male strangers to dance with her or cut in, though normally she would accept. This is not the aim tonight. Tonight is about herself, with no space allowed for others to distract, even if she does happen to be with others.

Rinji, however, accepts several guys asking to dance with her and a few girls too, and each drink they offer her. Before long she's obviously tipsy at minimum, and Jaguar tries to keep a closer eye on her, moving to the outskirt of the dance floor. Her eye is still directed towards Rinji partly as she finally leaves the floor entirely, moving to sit on the bar. Her face flushed, she orders another drink, then bites the bullet, speaking to Bailey without full hostility for the first time.

"Help me keep a read on her," she nods towards Rinji. "Something tells me she doesn't know her limits, and I'm sure there's some law about me allowing her to drink when she's underage. Jeremiah has enough stacked against me as it is."
Jaguar's sudden presence and voice beside her startles Bailey, who's been surveying the crowed over her drink with such focus she hadn't even seen her co-worker approaching. It takes her a moment to even realize what Jaguar is asking of her, but when it clicks, she nods and turns her gaze back toward where she had been dancing with them.

If anyone of the trio is having a good time, it's her. Jaguar had good reason to be concerned, by Bailey's wager, since she was obviously at some stage of inebriation. Focusing hard on the blonde, she pushes her mind out to just barely touch hers and lets out a low whistle. "Maybe we should cut her off. Or just get her virgin drinks or something from now on."

It seemed ridiculous, especially since most people would taste the difference, though she wasn't sure that Rinji would. The girl is far too busy dancing with anyone who asks her, and she's easily the life of the party. Bailey's own hips move ever so slightly to the beat as she sips at her drink, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spreading in her chest. She is far from drunk, though the spirits have taken off just enough of the edge to loosen her up and allow her to do what felt natural.

Eyes still trained on Rinji, Bailey clears her throat, ridding some of the rawness from the alcohol with a strange kind of ease and inhales deeply. "You're a really good dancer, by the way."
"How are we going to cut her off or get her virgin drinks when every time she turns around, some guy in too-tight pants or some girl wearing a napkin as a skirt is handing her a shot?" Jaguar asked with some irony as she waved a hand towards the still-gyrating younger woman. "I can pretty much predict her response to that."

She put on a voice that was considerably higher than her usual tone, mimicking Rinji. "Oh that's okay, Jag and Bay! Oooh that rhymed! But it's totally okay and I'm totally fine, I'm not drunk at all! Never mind me falling down, it's just because I'm wearing really big heels and a really short skirt!"

Her lips quirked at her own imitation, and she shook her head as she finished off her own drink, turning to watch Rinji. She almost doesn't hear her when Bailey compliments her dancing, but as she does, she turns towards her slowly, assessing her, before nodding. "It's something I've always done."

She says nothing further, not initiating conversation, but not entirely closed off to one either.
The imitation, while maybe the slightest bit cruel, still triggered a small laugh from Bailey. Jaguar did have a point. There was no way to really get Rinji to stop drinking. Taking a long drink from the one in her hand, she mulled over her options quietly. They could always leave, of course, that would mean surrendering the good time they were having, and while Bailey doubted that Rinji would have trouble finding fun outside of the club, she wasn't so sure that Jaguar and herself would be so lucky.

"I'd say we could coax her out with something to eat, but she'd probably wind up throwing it up before the night is over, so that's out."

Bailey's eyes stayed glued to Rinji, though, a little worried that someone might get her to leave with them, or something else might happen if they aren't paying close enough attention. Ditzy and overly trusting though the girl may be, she didn't deserve to have that ruined by one sleaze at a bar.

"We could always just... I don't know, my only suggestion is to just say that we're tired. But that doesn't really mean that she'll leave with us." Glancing briefly over at Jaguar, Bailey finished her drink and let out a breath. "She did want to do hair and nails, though."
"Let's nix the food idea," Jaguar agreed, giving a short nod. "I'm sure someone else here will show their stomach contents at one point, so it would be best if we tried to make sure it wasn't Rinji."

She keeps her eyes on Rinji, not even glancing towards Bailey as she continues to talk to her, sorting the possibilities. "One of us could feign being sick, I suppose. Or tell her that we have an amazing idea planned for later...she probably wouldn't question it until we were already in the car, and by then we would only have to tell her it was doing hair and nails. I suppose one of us should drive her home, the last thing we need is for her to be arrested for driving under the influence while she is also underage."

She can see that Rinji is dancing with a guy who looks pretty touchy-feely, his hand snaking over her chest, and her jaw tightens. Rinji seems to be perfectly willing to this, laughing and rubbing against him, and Jaguar has to admit that she would likely do the same while perfectly sober. Still, she stands, calling over to Bailey as she heads towards her, "I think it's time to go."
Bailey notices the man Rinji is dancing with at almost the same time as Jaguar. Granted, it looks like she's having fun and not necessarily minding it, but still. There's something about it that just doesn't sit right with either of them, and she does not argue when Jaguar calls out that it's time to leave. Quickly, Bailey pays their tab and follows Jaguar out onto the floor.

"Rinji!" She calls out, forcing a smile in place while avoiding the gaze of the guy she's dancing with. Taking her hand, she finally meets the man's eye, "We're going to snag her from you just for a minute." She leads her away from the boy, hoping that this isn't going to start a confrontation. It's not Rinji that she's worried about. It's the boy she was dancing with.

When Bailey is sure they've gotten a decent distance from the dance floor, and that they're far enough away from most of the speakers that they'll actually be heard, she smiles again at the girl and comes to a stop. "So, Jaguar and I were thinking that we should head out of here. It's getting pretty crowded. But we're not ready to ditch you yet! You should come with, we can do something."
"Hey Bay!" Rinji greets her as Bailey takes her hand, pulling her away from the guy she had been dancing with. At first he seems to protest, reaching a hand towards them and making a noise of dissent, but he shrugs it off quickly as he sees that Jaguar is staring daggers at him, grabbing hold of the closest girl next to him, who doesn't seem to mind.

Jaguar follows behind Bailey, listening to her talk to her without yet commenting. Rinji is giggling, leaning heavily against Bailey with one arm looped around her neck, and she turns her lips close to Bailey's cheek as she replies.

"We ARE doing something, two are so silly, you shouldn't stop dancing at a dance place!"

She gives a soft burp and giggles again, covering her mouth with a few fingers. "Oops...hey, where we going?"

" is messy," Jaguar tries, grabbing hold of Rinji's free arm as she steers her out the door. "We should...fix it?"

As she had hoped, Rinji agrees to this easily, letting them maneuver her. "Oh, okay...I'm sort of both smell really good, you know that? You're both really would totally go good together, I always thought that."

Jaguar can't help but meet Bailey's eyes, trying to hide her smirk. Bailey would have to be embarrassed by that one.

(few more posts then skip to tomorrow?0

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