The "Extraordinary" Circus.

Name: India Wilde

Nickname: Indie

Age: 19 (She's really 19, but will stop aging at age 21.)

Sex: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Indie's father was an angel, and her mother was a witch, so Indie has witch blood in her. She was born an angel, but now lives as a fallen angel.

Powers: Indie can recite incantations to cast spells, although her magic isn't very strong. (She gets headaches and nose bleeds after too strong a spell.) She can fly with her wings, and turn to stone. She has the ability to turn others to stone, but she has never used it.

Performing role: Acrobat- She uses long pieces of fabric strung from the ceiling to perform her acts, but may also use the trapeze.

Secondary position: Dancer- She's graceful when she dances, but is not good enough to be lead.

History before circus: Indie was born an angel, but when the other angels found out about her father's affair with a witch, they threw her and her father back to Earth. Her father soon after died, leaving her, only 8 years old, alone, scared, and a freak of nature. She learned to hide her wings quickly, and she lived on the streets for a few years, until she was 14, when a man caught a glimpse of her wings. Luckily, he was kind, and knew of the circus, which he sent her to. She's lived with them ever since.

History in circus: India began as an errand girl, shoveling the animal waste, feeding them, but then she and the others realized her talent for grace and poise. She was a natural-born dancer and acrobat, but more of the latter.

Personality: India is shy and quirky, but speaks her mind when passionate. She loves to flirt, with both boys and girls, and likes to make others laugh. She's a bit rebellious, not used to authority in her life, and spontaneous. When faced with a problem, she tends to run away from it.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes- Girls, boys, dancing, acrobatics, raves, parties of all sorts, flirting, dying her hair.

Dislikes- Homophobes, people obsessed with themselves, attention-seekers, conflict of any kind, etc.



Performing appearance: N/A

Other: Her usual outfits are oversized t-shirts/hoodies and shorts.

{She has a thin chain choker with a silver heart that she never takes off, and several bracelets/anklets.}

Could someone PM me and give me a summary of what's happened so far?
Sweet, accepted indeed! And it's...not gonna be a particularly long summary.

We sort of havent done all that much really!...I'm not selling this very well, am I?

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