The "Extraordinary" Circus.

Yea, lol. It kinda the only odd ball language that my school offers. And personally I didn't feel like learning spanish, German, Latin, French, or Chinese 
by the way @tem502 apparently someone posted within the actual "Rp" section, you probably should check that out.
I learn French myself, and it's kinda my worst subject, so I really don't like it. But isn't Norwegian like really hard to learn? I don't know, I just got the impression that foreigners think it's hard..
For me personally it was interesting, more than difficult. But then again I can fluently speak Hungarian, so languages aren't that difficult for me to learn.
Oh right! I still had a qeustion I wanted to ask. Where do the people working in the circus stay? Do they have their own wagon or small house that they stay in? And does the circus move or is it situated in one location?
No worries, ask away!

Circus'll be nomadic; so it'll stay in one location for a while, then once business starts to die down or if they think people might be starting to suspect there's something odd about it, they'll pack up and move along.

The manager'll have a planned route with locations ready for when they have to move, and generally of planned roughly how long they'll be staying, but if business is unexpectedly good they might stay longer.

As for accomadation there'll be a part of the circus tent that's magically sealed off with an eating area and rooms, communal areas etc divided up, and on the road people'll be in wagons etc.

If people want to have their characters share rooms with a bunk mate, or have their own space, I'll leave up to them.

Once we start if there's an area of the circus you think there should be that hasnt been mentioned, by all means bring it up.

If I have a spare minute I might draw a tent map.
Mendaian said:
For me personally it was interesting, more than difficult. But then again I can fluently speak Hungarian, so languages aren't that difficult for me to learn.
That's awesome :)
So Wateryes; theres absolutely no rush with making a character, take as long as you want, but do you have any particular role/performance in mind?

Just so if you do have something specific I can put your name on the role list, to stop someone ending up taking a role you were thinking of in the meantime.

If you havent thought of one yet then thats cool too, just dont want you to end up having to rethink a character haha.
I wish I knew more languages, almost no one outside Norway speaks Norwegian :P

And, yeah, I have the most basic stuff for my character, so I'll just put it out and add the rest later :)
Alright, cool. Yeah that sounds good.

And throwing my two cents into the language chat; I can read and speak old-anglish, and old latin.

So basically dead languages haha.

Im alright with french, spanish, and japanese, but not by any means fluent.

And Norwegians awesome.

Im from England but from the more rural area, and from my accent some people (I'll be honest, mainly Americans) refuse to believe that Im not Norweigan or Icelandic haha.

I cant speak a word of it, though.
Name: Aileen. Her surname was Anderson, but she dropped it after joining the circus, so now it’s only Aileen.

Nickname: Some call her Lena.

Age (appearance/actual): 17

Sex: Female

Orientation (Optional): Mainly straight.

Species: Human, but with traces of demon-blood. (I don’t know, haha)

Powers: Aileen can control fire to a certain degree. She can make fire with her bare hands, and she is almost entirely immune to heat.

Performing role (Optional): Fire dancing. She makes choreographies involving making shapes with fire and also “breathing” fire and juggling flares.

Secondary position (Optional): She helps with whatever is needed, including working as an assistant for magicians, but she prefers performing on her own.

History before circus:

Aileen’s background story is a rather tragic. When she was only a kid, she sat her house on fire, even though it was an accident . She was already adopted without knowing who her parents were. Her new family was quite all right, but she never got the feeling of belonging before she was picked up by the circus. The fire started with her playing near the fireplace and somehow the carpet took fire, and eventually the whole house burnt down. Police later said it was just an awful accident, but Aileen is certain it was her fault the fire started in the first place. Aileen got out safe with her adoptive parents, but the house couldn’t be saved. After that, Aileen ran away and she has never seen her former family again.

History in circus (Unless just joining):

Aileen has been living at the circus for four years, so she’s very attached to the people there and the circus itself. All though she knows most of her new family well and loves them very much, she has always been the one to stay in the back, glad that they accept it.


Aileen is not a very outgoing person at all, but can’t be describes as shy. She takes everything as it comes and is not scared of a challenge. Even though, she dislikes too much change because the chaos that affected her childhood.

To many, Aileen may seem a bit mysterious due to her withdrawn person and often emotionless expression. She never starts a conversation herself just to have a chat, but if you are interesting to her, you may get to know things about her that no one else does.


Likes: She simply loves chocolate, so if you want to get her at her good side, you should offer her some. She'll probably be happy. Also, music, dancing, playing with fire (literally) and listening to stories are some of the few things that make her smile.

Dislikes: Annoying, stuck-up or arrogant people. Also, she hates being cold.

Appearance: Aileen has very dark hair with eyes almost as black. She is a bit short, but you should not underestimate her as weak, which would be very wrong. She usually wears a dark hoodie and a dark, long coat when she’s off stage, which makes her even more mysterious at first sight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images.jpg.3c3a536c5e94d21addaf9994ac1aa5eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images.jpg.3c3a536c5e94d21addaf9994ac1aa5eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Performing appearance (if wanted):

While performing she uses dark clothing as well, often short tops and skinny, black pants.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Fire-Poi-Jazz.jpg.79ddf65cca6c716a15b7de0ff0082ccb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Fire-Poi-Jazz.jpg.79ddf65cca6c716a15b7de0ff0082ccb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hope it's okay that I added fire dancing as a performance :P



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Neato, thats great!

~Accepted~, welcome to the family :)

And yeah thats fine haha.

I thought of it but then entirely forgot to put it on the list haha. 
Ooh, and obligatory while mentioning language, does anyone know the Welsh word for microwave?

Its like the most awesome word ever.
Yay, I'm looking forward to starting :)  
Yes, I've heard it before, and I know it's super awesome, but I can't remember xP
I just looked it up and hahaha. That's a ridiculous word.

I expected it to be something simple like 'foodwarmer' or something, but this is way better. Haha.
Yeah, basically me and ayeaye just need to sort out manager and ringleader together since theyve going to have semi shared history, then we can start.

And yeah haha, Popty Ping is amazing.

It's even better completely untranslated though.

Actually written in Welsh It's 'Poppa-da-Ping!'

And technically spelt incorrectly if the exclamation mark isnt there haha.

I cant not laugh when I say it.
We can start whenever Tem feels were adequate on starting members. I'm currently on the road using my phone, so I won't have anything for the manager up until i get home in about an hour. And with the map, I can draw it out if you'd like and upload it from my phone. It won't be a digital, but a drawing. Up to you, aha.

definitely cool character, Watereyes. I'm really excited to have a fire dancer in the mix!
Yeah I reckon we have enough people to start ayeaye, unless you vehemently disagree ;)

And if you'd like to do a map, that would be fantastic! :)

For starting, I'll give it up to a vote.

We can either: 1; Start now with a bit of down time in the afternoon before the circus is open to get into the swing of it, and have ringleader/manager in their 'offices' unvailable until we get them up, or 2; just wait until they're done :P

Im quite happy to get started now if people like~
Tem, that's the best thing I've heard in days haha. I can't stop laughing right now.

Aye, you actually made a map? Because that is pretty awesome I have to say. c:

Watereyes, I like the idea of the fire dancer. It's a nice addition to the group we have now. ^^

Also, in general, being a newbie on this site, a random question again:

Is it actually normal for a lot of OOC talk to go into Character Sign Up area? Or is it

Aaaand I vote both. c: I don't care honestly haha.
It's...not protocol to talk in character sheet, is quite common haha, at least while the rp actually starts.

There is actually an OOC tab, but honestly the character creation regularly takes its place haha.

...We should probably move to the OOC tab once the rp actually starts though :P

Generally what happens (Exactly like what's happened here) is someone makes a comment about a character skelly, which in turn devolves into random discussion haha
Yeah haha. I don't mind either. I might be a little slow on replys but that's alright. Does anyone have a roommate idea now while I'm drawing it?
No you have to stay and post tonight.

Nah haha, of course you can :P

Just post whenever you can.

Obviously a healthy amount of posting is encoraged, but no ones going to get booted out for missing a day or anything like that.

Me and Ayeaye are benevolent overlords rp runners.

Oh and @ayezombie , Florence is very much the sort of person who would like a roommate, but only if someone else wants one too.

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