The "Extraordinary" Circus.

Great :)

Yeah @ayezombie , I dunno about Aileen, she'd probably like to stay alone, but if someone for some reason wants her as their roommate, it's perfectly fine.
Gotcha:) for now I'll leave the commons/rooming tents in a general place. Later on in the rp I'll make another more detailed map
That sounds awesome Ayeaye, nice one :)

Also im going to do an introductory post and 'officially' start the rp off now.

We've sort of made it so people will have to dig through 6 pages worth of stuff just to find 6 character skellies, so...we should probably stop talking here now x3.

This doesnt mean stop talking about random junk, i'd love people to carry on with that throughout, but if folk'll move it into the OOC tab from now on unless you're specifically commenting on a character someone posts, I would appreciate it.

Lets gooooooo~
((i was wondering if i could reserve a spot as a cook and the trainer? I'll get my character sheets up tonight!))
Name: Red Suki Uchiha.

Nickname: Crim

Age.: 17.

Gender: Male.

Orientation: Straight.

Species: Experiment.

Powers: Darkness

Performing Role: Clown

Secondary Position: Construction

History Before Circus: Once a young man that journeys around the world, he wanted to try something new to his life. With his skills of surviving many dangerous things, he can be able to do extreme deadly stunts, but also wanted to make it a laugh. As well as using his powers as a joke around him as well. He was trying to find new friends and find new skills but finds a unique circus. After watching all their stunts and such, he wishes to join them.

Personality: A fun loving guy that loves to do almost any dare that people can throw at him. Though he may be a nice guy, he tends to keep his past a secret as he does not like to explain it unless he trusts somebody that can keep it a secret. He wishes to be a clown as his performing role for his funny ideas and personality and as well as a construction worker to build up muscle for extreme funnier ways.

Likes/Dislikes: Loves to eat food and have fun, as well as drinking any beverage, preferably sprite as well as learning new things and making new friends. Dislikes losing a friend and vegetables.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/WIN_20140122_162025.JPG.dd7d60a543ec95196661a911fed2be6d.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/WIN_20140122_162025.JPG.dd7d60a543ec95196661a911fed2be6d.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Red would tend to study on ancient things such as dark arts to use his dark powers on his free time as well as practicing stunts for his next routines.



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Hey Red, just a few things need working on before your character can be accepted.

1) You need what performing role your characters going to take part in, and how it uses their powers (Even though he's just joining and wont have a starring role immediatly, I still need to know to put you on the list and such.)

2) Your powers mentions fire, darkness, and teleportation, but then your history mentions immortality? Which, isnt in your powers list.

3) This is the main thing, really.

Everyone so far really only has one power or several abilities that stem from what is ultimately just creative use of one power (water, for me, etc).

If you are going to have multiple powers they really need to have a specific general theme rather than being several unrelated ones ( @Chiryu is a good example of this, charms and potions go hand in hand as witchcraft, and potions is more a skill than a power.)

@Wateryes already has fire, so it wouldnt really be fair for you to also have fire, as well as other large powers and diminish her character, particularly since your characters a newbie and untrained in the context of this rp.

Im sure in the context of his own story multiple powers fits him perfectly, but for the sake of the rp i'd prefer he only has the major power that he's using for his act, and any abilities that directly stem from that. (And if it's immortality i'd prefer very hard to kill than straight up unkillable.)

Dont worry, it's not anything wrong with the character themself specifically, it's just a case of tinkering with himto fit in with the rp's world, and to be fair to other roleplayers and so he doesnt stick out from the world or dwarf other characters.

I know this is a bit to work on, but ultimately it'll improve your enjoyment of the rp as much as anyone elses, so please don't let this put you off joining.

And forgive the length, I just wanted to fairly explain the reason the changes need making, rather than just saying change it because I say so.

(( Semi-related: I'll just go ahead and say to everyone now, the manager/ringleader are going to be pretty powerful, but thats because they're the bosses and they're very old and it makes sense, and they need to be able to manage and look after the family. And they're still only going to have the powers/abilities relavant to species, and are semi-secondary characters anyway.

Just like you'd expect a headmaster to be in a fantasy acadamy roleplay.))
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Oh ok then I will change that and I was hoping that he just uses his fire powers for cooking and his teleportation for like leaving or other funny business but now that I think about it, I believe that he can use the dark powers for both if that is all right
Excellent, thanks very much for the understanding @RedUchiha , all thats fine now.

Accepted, and I will add you to the list.

Welcome to the family!
Name: Lilly Darkflower

Nickname: No one except her sister dares address her by one, even Florence.

Age (appearance/actual): Its impolite to ask of a lady and she's never revealed her exact age to anyone, but she remembers a time when castles were commonly lived in. When the manager of the circus met her in early adulthood she seemed very youthful, so it is assumed she is around the same age as him.

Sex: Female

Orientation (Optional): Straight, but she very rarely goes as far as even flirting with anyone.

Species: Some legends refer to her as an angel, some a grim reaper, and there are even old texts that reference a figure strikingly similar as a demi god. In several respects she bears resembalance to a Yukki-Onna, a japanese snow spirit, though she has Eurasian features and is solid rather than being a spectre. There are no other creatures on the planet exactly like her to have a species name, and she may well be the only person who truly knows.

If pushed for an answer as to what she is she simply replies a lady, and suggests the line of questioning be dropped.

Powers:Ice/Cold. Lilly has the ability to appear in a flurry of snow, or vanish just as quickly. This is not actually teleportation, but the wind carrying her as snowflakes.

She can also transport other things with her control of the breeze.

People have only seen her moving small objects such as cups and items with this power, though whether or not that is actually her limit isnt known.

She can create shards and pillars of ice and freeze things within a radius of where she stands, and when exceptionally angered the weather reflects her mood with snow, sleet, hail, or blizzards, depending on the severity of her outrage.

Peforming role (Optional): As Ringleader Lilly is responsible for selecting which acts will perform on a night and on what order, and for overseeing the performers. She checks their acts are coming along well in practise, assesses their suitability, and helps with any problems that may occur.

On a very rare occasion she will actually take to the stage and perform herself, but this is generally only on special dates such as haloween, or for final nights of notable locations.

Her performance consists of singing ancient songs and occasionally dancing. The songs have a slightly meloncholy, beautiful regal tone to them and are almost hyptnotic, but actually involve none of her powers. It is simply built on centuries of elegance, history, and a heart that has experienced unfathomable levels of love and joy, sorrow and regret.

Secondary position (Optional): Lilly hosts classes of meditation and art an evening a week which help the circus residents to expand their powers and learn to control them better, and also to supress their more animalistic urges better. This is not actually directly tied to helping with improving acts, and is just for individual betterment.

Her and the manager also on occasion need to take care of any more feral monsters in the area they settle.

History before circus: In her youth Lilly travelled the world singing for small crowds, travelling alone and without any specific purpose beyond spreading joy and protecting people.

While noone has ever seen her fight towns that she visited with a violent monster problem found dead monsters encased in pillars of ice when she visited them and the trouble stopped, and almost every area in the world that still remembers its history has tales of an enchanting figure who sang the darkness away.

Persecuted monsters and witches who lived in fear of being hunted have stories much the same, but with them being protected from the opressors.

Whilst travelling she met the manager of the circus as he was with his wife.

Together they discussed how they might not just save monsters, but actively give them a safe haven.

Lilly had absolutely no head for planning or management but a talent for peformance and bringing out the potential of others, and so they formed the circus together.

History in circus (Unless just joining): Since its conception the two of them managed the circus together as it moved from being a small operation to the vast performance it is today, and Lilly gradually took a back seat from performance as their numbers grew.

Personality: Lilly is extremely intelligent both from several lifetimes of knowledge and study, and also from a naturally sharp intellect. Whenever she meets someone she studies them for minute details out of habit and almost as a game, more than out of any distrust.

She has a rich, delicate voice full of grace, and is exceptionally polite and reserved when talking to someone.

Before making any decision she always ways up every outcome, and rarely acts on impulse.

When someone starts to irritates her she retains her politeness and ettique, but a slightly hidden dangerous tone enters her voice and her comments become barbed, and she rarely ever raises her voice or looses her calm.

The one situation she will display a fiery loss of temper is if one of her dresses is torn or ruined, which can result in furniture being broken and china smashed.

Her tone and reserved nature can make her seem slightly distanct or cold, but looking in her eyes or studying the results and the work she has done the love she feels so strongly for the family, and for all of nature is evident.

She also has a maternal role within the circus, and commonly members will come to her to discuss problems in private, or for advice, in which she will always tell them the truth about what she feels, and not just what they want to hear.

At the same time she is both a loving, caring Mother to the circus in personal matters, and a stern, critical, tough love sort of boss within her professional role.

Whilst she has a very upper class sort of demeanour to her and an appreciation of finer things, she is never snooty or dismissive towards others, and works hard and gets stuck in just like the rest of the circus troop, and never judges others for their looks of attire.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Expensive teas (both oriental and English), polite conversation, all artistic pursuits such as art or dancing, kindness and generousity. Dislikes uncouth behaviour, fast food, brutish people, paperwork. Broken art or torn clothes.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beab0193b_Lillydisneyfied.png.d8938dc54e01a2341e5ccb3ed94a30be.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beab0193b_Lillydisneyfied.png.d8938dc54e01a2341e5ccb3ed94a30be.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Performing appearance (if wanted):
She performs in exactly the same sort of elegant attire as she generally wears.

Other: She takes an almost beautific delight in combing other peoples hair, or helping them dress smartly.

(Phew! Sorry its so long, guys!)



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I'll get mine up for the ring leader tonight! Currently working on getting some stitches:P 
Name: Dragos Teluric

Nickname: Does not go by one, but is perfectly fine with simply being called Dragos

Age (appearance/actual): 453

Sex: Male

Orientation (Optional): He did hold a human wife when he was still within human ranges of life, but has never held another after her, nor does he seem to want one.

Species: Dragos is a Leshy, although he does not find leading travelers astray as entertaining as his brothers. A Leshy is a male wood spirit from mostly Slavic myth, that while they can shape-shift, often hold the appearance of a tall man with place skin and dark green eyes. Some have beard made of living grass and vines, and are often shown to have animistic traits such as hooves or horns. They tend to hold extremely close bonds with all forms of animal life.

Powers: Leshies can shape shift into any form of plant or forest animal, big or small. They may also hold a human form. Dragos can communicate with all types of life, and may often will the forest's plants and the earth's dirt for his bidding. His emotions may not play as largely a role on his powers, but the trail of florals behind him does. Weeds sprout up when he is troubled, but flowers and sprawling merry-golds in higher moods.

Performing role (Optional): Dragos does not often preform, only when someone is in need of his assistance. If they do, he often helps by standing behind stage, and spawning flora for the dancers before the guest's eyes or using his abilities for transmutation acts, where the place him as a tall man in a large box, but crumple it down upon him once he has assumed the roll of a mouse.

Secondary position (Optional): As the Manager, he is always working humans on new places to go and preform, renting the lands they will be staying on, dealing with the money, and of course, over seeing all performances and making sure that things go smoothly. If they do not, or a rouge monster is found to be occupying any area they travel to, Lilly or he are the ones to go and speak to them about joining the circus, and if they still refuse, actions are done to make sure humans are not harmed.

History before circus: Dragos was born in 1561, and lived in a forest somewhere on the borders of Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary. Around 1582 though, he found his way into the towns of Romania where he met his wife, and Vineres' father. As he was traveling Europe with his wife, the pair met Lilly, and the ideas of a safe place for reformed monsters to go sprung ahead. Still though after all this time, there are many legends drifting about the Satmar area of Romania of the Forest man who fell for the human woman.

History in circus (Unless just joining):
His wife Annalise was always jovial when working with the monsters, especially Lilly as she was always eager to learn about all of the different places the woman had traveled. She died a couple years later as she grew sick, but from a human disease. Anna decided to not use any magick or spiritual remedies despite his pleas and eventually succumbed to it. For a couple years, those around him found it difficult to ever catch him in a jovial moment as the Leshy was constantly in his work, and his office fell into nature's sprouts around him. Lilly eventually knocked some sense into him. and the show slowly grew as years passed. Once again more time went on until the old friend who had introduced him to his love asked for a favor, more specifically a place to room their daughter. It took time to warm up to the girl as she held many of Anna's attributes, and he found similarities in everything straight down tot he voice. Now though he is a very happy man and treats the girl as his own daughter.

Dragos is often seen as the goofy, hard working old man. He has learned to see the brightest in things. Acting as the father for the reformed creatures under their care, he spends his free time roaming the grounds to give advice and help when needed. He often can be found meandering around, simply laughing to himself and the flower's blooming in his hair. It's not that he's dirty, but nature simply over takes him so quickly that it's literally in his body.

Likes/Dislikes: Like: All types of nature, vegetarian foods, teaching the young ones about science and biology, helping those who need it, green tea, spending time with the performers. Dislikes: industrialization, having to do unnecessary forms of math, when rabbits try eating his beard made of grass.

Unlike Lilly, he shows signs of aging although they onset much slower.

Other: He often gifts carved wooden medallions or charms for good luck to those he cares about (everyone in the circus) such as these, plays a flute pipe, and has his "Hair" braided often.

Name: Rei Nyx

Nickname: Has many but doesn't particularly care for nicknames...Usually is just called Rei

Age (appearance/actual): 18/16

Sex: Male

Orientation (Optional): Rei doesn't really understand love... so uh, straight?

Species: He's a genetically modified human to resemble an ancient race called the 'Emposia', a vampiric hybrid of an angel and a magician. It was said to be the ultimate race at one point in history and as such, humans wanted to recreate it and use it as a weapon.

Powers: Although Rei was meant as a weapon to the army, he did not gain much power much to the scientist's dismay. Instead, he has only been known to be able to drink blood, control basic forms of darkness, and sprout demonic wings. The darkness he controls is the shadows, being able to manipulate and create shadows anywhere he desires despite where the sun shines. It isn't very useful to him on a day to day basis. He also has an uncanny ability to talk to animals though it is uncertain if this power sprouted from the experimenting or not. He can also sprout wings! ...But he can't fly well with them well so it's pretty useless.

Peforming role (Optional): Rei is a trainer hired somewhat recently (about a year ago) by the circus

Secondary position (Optional): Rei is an astounding cook. Though he was never officially hired as the cook, he wants to give back to the circus in any way he can so he generally prepares the meals for everyone.

History before circus: Before the circus, Rei was not much more than an average city boy. He had very close friends, a family, and big hopes for a future with all of them. Though he may have suffered a lot of stress from his parents back then, he particularly loved his friends he was close too so he was able to cope with the severity of his parents pretty well. Close to two years prior to his joining the circus, a few scientists had rounded up everyone in the city for a blood test. A small trace of blood was extracted from each person in the city into a small tube where then the scientists slipped the blood under a scanner of some sort and would nod the person off and they would continue on their way. Why this may have seemed like a strange procedure, each of the city-folk went along with it and gave some blood.

When Rei came up to let some of his blood for the scientists, the scientists examined him closely. They conversed among themselves nodding to each other and staring at him as they quickly collected his blood and ran it under the scanner. "What's this? They didn't do this for anyone else..." he thought looking to his friends who just shrugged. The scanner made a loud beeping noise as the scientists jumped back astounded. They immediately ran towards Rei, who was at this point terrified, and pinned him down. He looked up to his friends and screamed, "Help me, someone!" as he struggled and was gagged by the scientists. One of his friends jumped out to help him but was immediately stopped by more of the scientists. She shouted, "Rei, remember the circus! The Circus!" she shouted before she was tranquilized. Rei, angry, escaped the clutches of the scientists and ran for the girl but was soon detained and knocked unconscious.

The scientists then dragged him off and locked him in a cell. They then explained to them their intent to experiment on him, as he had a type of blood that might be compatible with the experiment. They explained what the emposia were, an ancient, perfect race that he might become. He would achieve immortality and he would also be the strongest weapon in the world. Unfortunately, the experiment failed. Rei did become a hybrid of emposia but unfortunately did not inherit much of it's powers. Also, he lost all memory of his past as he was released from experimenting. There was only one phrase that resounded in his head as he was kicked out of his cell at the laboratory: "The Circus". "The Circus," he thought... It did not take him too long to find the Extraordinary Circus where his new home would soon be.

History in circus (Unless just joining): It had been just about a year since he had joined the Circus and found his home as the trainer there. He is consistently trying to repay his debt to the circus for letting him join and likes to do whatever he can to help out those around him. He is constantly worried about being judged by others at the circus but as far as he knows, no one there really seemed to dislike him. He continues to try and be as helpful as possible to this day.

Personality: Rei is a very passive boy and tends to focus on others before he thinks of himself. At the same time, he is also a very depressed person even though he does not often like to show it. Though he might have a few screws loose as well, he is a very kind boy as well and gives wholly of himself for others. He is also an intuitive strategist who thinks to himself quite a lot. He seems very exhausted in his speech and can come off as rude or lazy to some.

Likes Tea, blood, smiles, soap operas, sleeping, sarcasm, strategy games, cooking, animals, others, dreaming

Dislikes: suffering of others, rules, insensitive people


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Other: Rei doesn't use his powers often. He considers them a burden. Also he has quite the interesting fashion sense, huh? O.o "



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Accepted, welcome to the family :)

Red's already using darkness, but since you seem to be using it in a fairly different way and your characters job roles dont rely on powers anyway i'll accept it.
Name: Koa Domitus

Nickname: Kitty or Kitten to some if they are close to him.

Age (appearance/actual): 18

Sex: Male

Orientation (Optional): Straight

Species: Shape-shifting, also known as transformation and transmogrification, is a change in the form or shape of a person, especially a change

from human form to animal form or a change in appearance from one person to another.“Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore- legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men.”

Powers: Koa can change his appearance to any animal he's seen. He can change his individual human features to animal features as well as change his whole form. He can also change the animals gender. His main form is a black

Performing role (Optional): Trained animal or a freak-show act. He could be the large "wild" animal that the trainers have do tricks. He could also change his features to animals features in front of the crowd.

Secondary position (Optional): Anything needed. Koa can also speak to other animals and has animal strength to lift heavy things.

History before circus: Not much is known of Koa’s birth parents or who they are. He was born the quickly abandoned at the steps of an orphanage one cold December night. At two and a half years old, Koa was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Domitus. He was raised by this couple as a normal child unknown to anyone that some day he would become a monster. That day happened near his ninth birthday. He tried to keep his shifting ability a secret but his family eventually found out, after that moment things began to spiral downwards. His once loving parents began to abuse him and keep him chained in the basement. Each day was a new kind of torture and they became very creative with his punishments. The couple went on a vacation giving Koa the opportunity to escape which he did. He found the circus a few weeks ago while passing through a


History in circus (Unless just joining): Joined two weeks ago. He's currently being kept in a large cage so the Ringmaster can judge if he can live

safely with the circus crew because of his past and personality. (If this isn't okay I can have him stay separate from the rest of the crew for a time.)

Personality: Koa is mean, rude, and aggressive, but this is only to keep people out and to guard himself. He also builds walls around himself for the same reason. Once past his walls and front personality he can be sweet, caring, and gentle. A lot of noise at one time can cloud his senses and make him bolt from the situation. Koa is very independent, cunning, brave, protective, distant, and cautious. He fiercely protects loved ones, friends, and the innocent/defenseless to the death.

Likes: Hot chocolate, when people run their hands over his fur or ears, jokes, reading (he taught himself), rock music, people accepting him, and performing or rather the applause the crowd gives him afterwards. All his life people have abandoned him or thought him to be worthless. He strives hard to show people that he is worth something and can be valued.

Dislikes: People pitying him, loud noises to an extent, sarcastic people, sudden movements, weapons (knives, fire, brands, etc. They were used to torture him in his past.)

Appearance: Koa has black, shaggy hair that match his commonly green eyes. He is tall, with slight muscles, and broad shoulders. Across his body are scars, burn marks, branded symbols, and even a few bite marks from dogs sent to kill him. His right ear has a notch taken out of the top. His main animal form is a large, male black leopard. All of his animal forms have a notched right ear and glowing green eyes.

Performing appearance (if wanted): If in human form, Koa will often wear a dark red jacket over a black button up shirt and black pants. If in animal form he will often have a dark red collar around his neck or foot. 
Koa's leopard form:

Koa's human form:*aMvej*civlbexwB/KaengerIlike.jpg
I like it, awesome :)

I'd prefer if you change it ever so slightly so he can change into every kind of animal but not different people since thats my characters main performance talent, but if you really want to keep that too then it's fine.

And as for the cage thing it's not really in the ringmasters nature haha, but he can have a seperate tent and a closer eye kept on him, be in sort of a trial period type thing.

Regardless, accepted and welcome to the family :)
Okay thanks. Then his forms will be the black leopard and a huge black bear. And thank you for accepting us.
No worries. And you can literally have every king of animal on the planet haha; it's the other human faces that clashed a little :P
Koa can't transform into other humans or change his features to another human's features. he can only shift into animals. If that is what you're referring to.
If folk want to make a second character now were into it and properly not gonna get anymore folk then feel free, but you are by no means obligated to do so.

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