The "Extraordinary" Circus.


One Thousand Club
Aside from me and Ayeaye having a standard character as well as a 'mommy' character, for the time being I'd prefer if people just post one character unless your desperate for two, just incase we happen to get tons of folk joining.

After a bit people will then be able to make a second character unless weve been flooded with characters.

Some roles can happily be taken by multiple characters (acrobats etc) but bear in mind this means your characters going to be parterned up with someone elses if this is the case.

People can also have a non performance role if you wish, such as cook or first aider.

If people want a performance role as well as a secondary non performance, then thats fine.

(Secondary)- Can be a secondary, not has to be.

Potential Roles: (Don't feel limited to these, If you have an idea for an act then by all means suggest it.)

Taking tickets will likely be a rotating duty assigned by the manager, to someone who isnt performing a stage act that night.

Ringmaster: @tem502 -Lilly Darkflower

Manager: @ayezombie Drago

Claravoyant: @ayezombie - Vineres Mae Lune

Magic mirror/impersonator: @tem502-Florence

Acrobats (Up to 2): @jewlia -India Wilde

Clowns (Up to 2):

Dancers (Up to 2): @jewlia -India Wilde

Singer (1 Main): @tem502 -Lilly Darkflower (On occasion.)

Cook (Secondary, unlimited):

Medic (Secondary):

Construction (Secondary, unlimited):

Assistant (Secondary):


Animal Tamer (Secondary): @ayezombie - Vineres Mae Lune


Magicians assistant (Secondary): for occasional 'traditional' acts @tem502 - Florence

Stage hand (Secondary):

Ticker Master:

Potion Brewer:

Fire Juggler/breather:

Trained wild animal/ 'Wild-man': @WasBroken77 - Koa Domnitus

Meditation Classes: @tem502 -Lilly Darkflower

Again, this isnt a comprehensive list, if you have a role you'd like by all means say so.

Even if its not necesarily a *traditional* circus role. 
Character Sheet



Age (appearance/actual):


Orientation (Optional):



Peforming role (Optional):

Secondary position (Optional):

History before circus:

History in circus (Unless just joining):




Performing appearance (if wanted):


Characters will be approved by me or @ayezombie .

Feel free to direct questions to either of us.
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I'll have mine up in a little bit! My mums using my laptop aha
(Haha, No worries :P )

Name: Florence (No second name)

Nickname: Flow

Age (appearance/actual): 17

Sex: Female

Orientation (Optional): Unknown

Species: Naiad, a greek kind of water spirit/monster.

Powers: Made entirely of water, can morph her shape and size, change her colouring, and control water.

While relaxed her hair is always flowing like a waterfall, and it can only be changed to seem like normal hair whilst mimicing someone else, with great concentration.

She can reduce her self entirely into a puddle of water, and also absorb and to a degree, control water.

Whilst virtually impervious to harm she is vunerable to extremes in temperature; heat starts to evaporate her, cold freezes her up, humidity caused loss in solidity.

They can temporarily absorb other water, but can also keep water from their source water.

Naiad's are all born female, and rely on travellers for progency.

They do not die from age, so their is however no great desperation for this.

Peforming role (Optional): On stage she performs a routine where she subtly changes her features, and changes her voicebox to be able to impersonate others. She mixes in comedy with the routine.

This performance is generally performed right before the big act of the night, to get the crowd in a positive, energetic mood.

Off stage, she performs in a 'magic mirror' where she copies peoples appearance and acts like a reflection, but a reflection that does things the viewer doesnt (like sticking her tongue at them) to create the illusion of a reflection that moves independantly. The mirror is actually clear class with an identical room on the other side.

Secondary position (Optional): Helps out as a magicians assistant in magic shows when more traditional performances are being done, where she performs the illusion of vanishing and reapearing by turning into liquid and seeping through the floor, and reassembling elsewhere; or is 'cut in half' by serperating herself.

She often helps out with chores such as cooking, and dances and sings to entertain the family (but never on stage, as her dancing blatently shows her powers.

She is also semi officially one of the protege's of the ring master.

History before circus: Naiad's are a universally peaceful species, who generally have little interest in leaving the bodies of water their families come from.

However, her water source is greatly secluded.

Once upon a time many travellers came from great distances to visit Naiad springs, but with time they have been largely forgotten, and consequently recent births such as Florence have developed a normally uncharacteristic wanderlust.

Consequently her Mother arranged with the manager for her to come along with their circus, so she could travel in a group, and with safety from bias.

History in circus (Unless just joining): Joining the circus two years ago, she quickly integrated herself into the family. She started her performances with the magic mirror booth, but has recently started to participate in the stage act with her impersonation routine.

Personality: A warm, happy girl, willing to make friends with people of all kinds and almost always peacable in tempramant.

Compassionate and caring, and pacifistic in nature.

Almost the exact opposite of what you might expect from a 'monster'.

Almost always honest and open with people, almost impossible not to find endearing.

Helps out with any task that requires a helping hand, by most in the circus she is viewed as either a 'big sister' for her willingness to listen and help people out with problems without judging them, or as a 'little sister' for her youthful exuberance, enjoyment of hugs, and tendancy to give people silly nicknames.

Is innocent to the point she is quite gullable, and has little experience of the world outside of the place she grew up or within the tent.

Instantly trusting of almost anyone, and never gives up on people.

Has shown a recently developing talent for reading a crowd, and getting them excited.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes Water features, chatting to people, dancing, performing, friends and family.

Dislikes lies, hostility and rudeness.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea833f87_Florencedisneyfied.png.6d1fe631469005676866056e4668b007.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bea833f87_Florencedisneyfied.png.6d1fe631469005676866056e4668b007.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Performing appearance (if wanted):
Whenever shes within a public area of the circus, she piles up her hair and covers it with a hat, or a shawl.

In the magic mirror she takes a great amount of concious effort to make it seem like normal hair, and consequently needs semi regular breaks to rest her mind.

Other: n/a



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Name: Vineres Mae Lune

Nickname: Vinnie or Vi. Her closest friends in the circus call her the Vampyre playfully.

Age: Looks about 17, is about 359.

Sex: Female

Orientation: Lesbian,but doesn't act on any of her brief crushes. Over the past few decades of traveling with the circus, she has learned to distance herself.

Species: Vineres is of witch and vampiric decent, her mother having been a full-blooded witch from France and her father a Energy Vampyre from Romania. He had traveled on business, and met Mrs. Mae on the job. Soon after the two fell in love and she went back to Romania with him pregnant with Vineres.

Powers: Vineres can preform small spells, but is most popular for her ability to see into someone's mind and read their memories, along with seeing their auras. The curse to her powers in the prolonged life, and need to feed. She can eat normal food but that can only keep her for a couple months at a time. After that, she has no choice. The circus always keeps plenty of plants on hand. Yeah, you read right. Plants. Vampyres of her father's species don't feed on blood, but life forces. Hence why they're called Energy Vampyres. She doesn't like harming small animals or people, so instead she feeds off plants on a regular basis. Blood feeding vampyres are those who for some reason couldn't siphon energy, and had to go to the next best thing. She can also feed off of this just like any other vampyre, but is only ever tempted to if someone smells especially strong.

Preforming role: Clairvoyant performer. During this act, the lights are often dimmed. On Halloween shows she is actively chained to a chair, but otherwise music of her choice is played and a spotlight is used. Completely random members of the audience are brought up to her if they dare and have things read out to them their they only know, or bit of their past she has no possible way of knowing.

Secondary position: Being a witch, Vineres is extremely in tune with all living things and can easily communicate or control animals. For this act she assists with either the acrobats, ring masters, or magicians. Really whomever wants creepy creatures in an act. This includes manipulating scorpions and spiders or dancing with venomous snakes.

History before circus: Vineres was raised by her mother and father until she began to be affluent of her abilities. There was an accident with a human child when she grew hungry from being very sick and attacked child. This was about 60 years ago. Her parent's had her hid away for another decade before deciding it wasn't safe for her anymore and needed to be traveling with people more capable of taking care of her. The ringmaster had been a friend of her Father's, so he took Vineres in. She was 307 at the time. Since then she's become a huge part of the family and has seen other members come and go.

History in circus: Her first couple years were miserable as she took regular doses of Anconitum to heal her sickness. The side effects were extreme mood swings and horrible cramps, but "Mother" took good care of her until she was healthy again and had no risk of attacking another. Since she has used nearly all of her free time either entertaining locals and writing about her travels. She's a huge help to the circus cooks as she uses her abilities to aid plants in growing, and has picked up a couple of tips and recipes over the centuries.

Personality:Vineres is a naturally kind to anyone she meets, only showing anger or negative acts is provoked. When around girls though, she can become shy out in public, very different as compared to her smooth demeanor when around the circus campground or performances. She's also very sympathetic, and keeps random mementos from her travels and history.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Southern Gothic music, raves, rainbow gatherings, myths and legends from different cultures, finding old spell books to send back home to her mother, experimenting with her abilities, and training and helping others in the circus. Dislikes: Wolve's-bane, people who bad talk her fellow circus members, books about vampyres.


Performing appearance: Veneres usually wears either a white Southern Gothic styles dress or an outfit of black tights and a loose flowing white shirt, paired with her beads.

Other: N/A
Name: Jack Grimle Froude

Nickname: Grim, Bonehead, Knucklehead, Jack.

Age (appearance/actual):Looks about 19/ is actually 138


Orientation: Straight.

Species:Baykoks are mortals who may shed their flesh, and become a skeleton with wings. Most Baykoks prefer shedding their flesh than actually being held within it. This belief originates from the Native American Ojibwe tribe.

Powers: Baykoks, are not limited by anything which hinders them from hiding within a human society. They can shed their skin, and muscles to take their skeletal form. When in his form they gain wings, and are able to fly. Most Baykoks enjoy staying within their skeletal form, as it allows them to get out of more situations. The only hindrance of a Baykok is that when you are not in your skeletal form, your skin is constantly creating the feel as if it is crawling, and moving.

Peforming role (Optional): Magician. Jack is a bit different than the average magician, in ways which would cause other magicians to hang up their hat, and cloak. He openly allows spectators from the audience, and skeptics to be in his acts, and performances. On some days he even allows his assistant to take the reins of the show. This was something his mentor had allowed him to do once a month. His mentor had believed that if you trained your back-up to be as good as you are then, you are doing your job correctly. However at the end of every performance his finale his always his most daring, and dangerous performances.

Secondary position (Optional): Due to Jack's overwhelming time on the fourth rock from the sun known as Earth. He has developed a skill in most positions which are often open within the circus. He personally prefers to be around the stage area, or within a kitchen cooking a mean for any of his circus family.

History before circus:

Jack was born in the spring, on an Ojibwe reservation in the northern part of Michigan. His mother was a member of the Ojibwe tribe, while his father was a traveling Catholic minister preaching the word of a supreme being known as "God". As his mother's tribe believed that her child would be cursed, and be a monster. However despite the urge of her tribe she kept the child who was born in the mid winter. Jack's father had run after the act of conception, and would rather become a b*stard than be around such "violent, and devil worshipping people". As Jack grew up it quickly became evident that he was different that his mother's people. His skin was white as an European, his hair golden blonde, and his eyes a shade of dark green. This had immediately put a large target on his back for being bullied, and laid down the ground for his future ostracizing from his mother's tribe when he was the age of 16.

From that day on he never spoke,nor saw his mother. Jack had moved to city of New York where he became a banker under J.P Morgan during the industrial supremacy age of the United States. After about fifteen years of service towards the major banking company Jack had accrued well over 1.3 millions dollars, and climbed to the position of Head manager of one of the largest banks in the New York area. With this came power, and plenty of business friends. However the life of indulging in alcohol, and smoking had become boring to him. At the ripe age of 31 mortal years old, he still looked not a day older than 18. He never had the time to hold a relationship with anyone of significant emotion, nor did anyone know of what he did at night. When the word of war spoke across the seas in the heart of Europe came out, and began to grow. Jack quickly began to support an effort to go to war, and help the allies of the US. He saw this as a chance to get away from the United States, and see the world.

Jack soon realized something quite "Special" about his curse. He couldn't die, which completely baffled him. This became apparent to him when he was attacking the German forces in a trenches raid in the last winter of 1919, and was shot 28 times, and still didn't die. It even baffled his friends in the platoon he was in. When the war ended in June of 1919 Jack made his way back home a war hero, and enjoyed his time of bathing in the spot light. This feeling led him to work even harder. When the Roaring 20's had been ushered him Jack quickly followed in. He left his job with the banking business, and became a Saxophone player for a popular Jazz band. The money was good, and the parties were mesmerizing, but later as the Great depression hit Jack seemed to not be affected as harshly as everyone else. The way he had stayed afloat during such a catastrophic time of the US's history was that he had connections in the banking world, and also had a savings which could make any man blush.

Soon after the 30's, The years began to just fly by Jack. He never aged, and just went along with the times. He had participated in the second world war, Korean war, Vietnam conflict, and every war following suit. However with each war he had used a fake name, to hide that fact his was older than dirt. When the year of 2012 came rolling around, he came across an article which told of a circus for the Odd balls of society, but not like a freakshow, but a circus of the supernatural.

History in circus (Unless just joining): During his tenure with the "Extraordinary" Circus, began as an errand boy. Doing simple, and mindless tasks wasn't such a big deal to Jack, it allowed him to meet the circus member, which soon became his only form of family. Within five months of his stay with the circus it was discovered that he had a gift for magic, and performance. So he was moved to stage hand, then to magician's assistant. From there Jack immediately studied, and took every waking minute of everyday to master as many tricks, as he could. He knew his simple street magic wouldn't work everyday, and defiantly could please a crowd everyday. After eleven months after he had joined the circus the magician decided to just leave, leaving only Jack. He quickly took over the job of being the "head" magician. At first the first week or so was bumpy which was to be expected. However he quickly learned to accept the spotlight, and to just do what the crowd wanted. So far in his eight month tenure as the "head" Magician he hasn't "seriously" harmed an audience member in one of his acts. Though he did have one man vanish, and never decided to reappear.

Personality: Jack considers himself more or less a trickster off the stage, and a crowd pleaser on the stage. When on the stage, he does whatever he feels will please the audience. Though at most times this end up with him in the ringmaster's office. A trait which he feels defines him is his willingness to defy command if it means keeping his audience yearning for more. Some say he only is so defiant because he enjoys being chewed out by the ringmaster, but Jack has never openly admitted it. However off the stage he enjoys more of a hands off role when it comes to the circus. He helps where ever he can, but he personally enjoys going off into the nearby forest, and reading up on different topics.

Likes: ||Any type of metal/rock music|| Magic|| Reading|| The ocean||

Dislikes: ||Righteous ignorance|| Religious talks|| Speculators|| People how attack his friends|| Closed tight area's|| Overly loud area's||


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/keepout.jpg.5cb4fa319e11ca79de4a380bebbc951d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/keepout.jpg.5cb4fa319e11ca79de4a380bebbc951d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Performing appearance: He wears a green button down shirt, with a darker shade of green tie. Over his shirt he wears a white silk vest with a red handkerchief in left pocket. He wears a simple pair of black slacks, and black formal shoes.

Other: Jack is a smoker, and when in his "Human" form he has both of his arms sleeved with tattoos.



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I like it! The Ojibwe bit was very important as well I grew up in native American culture and was ecstatic to see someone use this little bit of legend. Accepted!
Yeah thats great, Mendaian.

I love the use of a relatively obscure monster (for me, anyway, being England bound.)

Im always excited when people use a less common bit of lore.

Ginny Green-teeth, anyone?

I'll add your name to the list.

And thanks for joining!


Ayeaye, do you want the ringmaster or the manager?

Im happy with either.
Name: Malane Riat Lilith (from the Lilith household)

Nickname: Maria (a mixture of Malane and Riat)

Age: She looks 19 and she is in fact 19 (their appearances ussualy get stuck around 22)

Sex: Female

Orientation: Due to her playfull nature, and due to the fact that she sees all things as a friend of nature, she's pan-sexual, thus loving both male and female.

Species: She's a witch of the Lilith household. Due to the widespread use of the word witch, there have been many different definitions for the word witch, so using their household name is not uncommon. However, it's always true that they stand close to nature.

The Lilith household is known to be seductive and very playfull. However, they have earned a very bad name among the witches, as they both live with humans, as well as pestering them.

Powers: The Lilith household is a household which primarily creates and uses potions and has the power to cast charms. The uses of the potions vary a lot.

Peforming role: She acts as one of the dancers, using charms in her dances to make people feel enticed by her every move. She peforms these charams by drawing patterns in the sand, making paticual gestures or a combination of movements or possibly potions. She is also often using a 'mystic' atmosphere in her dances.

Secondary position: She often tries to help out the magician's of the show by creating potions for them, even if they don't ask or require them. She does this because she enjoys brewing different potions, but also because she fancies magicians. She also always puts herself up available as a magician assistant.

History before circus: Maria was born in a family where both her parents were witches. Being of the Lilith household, her mother was supposed to use her powers to seduce a man, but rather relied on her love for another male witch. She was seen as a shame by most of her family and decided to go and live far away.

Her family wasn't a very traditional 'witch' family, not teaching her any strange ethics other than that they are and always will be closer to Nature. She grew up having a pretty normal life. Except for the fact that her family tried to bring the legacy over to her and taught her all kinds of witchcraft. And she'd always fool around with it, showing it off to other kids or even play with them. This got her to have a lot of arguments with her family, as her family didn't want anyone to know she was a witch. However, Maria loved entertaining people and didn't want to hide this ability.

When she reached the age of 17, she got in such a huge fit with her family that they threw her out and said they'd only accept her back if she'd stop publically using witchcraft. They'd hoped she'd return wiser, but instead she ran away in search of a place where she would be accapted and where she could use her ability. Eventually stumbling upon a circus.

History in circus: She joined quiet recently. Only 1 and a half year ago. When she first joined, she originally wanted to be a magician (because she loved tricking people and magicians in general), but heard the position was already taken so she gave it a thought and came up with the second best position: Dancer. She knew she could easily charm people this way and play with them and entertain them as well. So she was still happy with the position.

She has come to know and get familiar with most of the people there. And at first, the people thought her weird and strange, but came to accept her. And even though she had a reputation of being strange, she still felt like part of the family.

Personality: Maria is a very kind and helpfull person, but also has a strangely playfull nature. She likes fooling around with people as well as entertaining them. She's also playfull in a relationship sense, as she likes to flirt about quiet a bit, though due to strange habits, this doesn't always seem to work. She's very peacefull and tranquil but loves to talk nonetheless. However, only 80% of the things she says, makes sense to others as she does have a bad habit of talking in a very peculiar way. She's also very stuborn and easily addicted to things. But at the same time she never will try to hurt anyone or anything. Intentionally at least.

Likes: Hallucinatic herbs // Potion brewing // Magicians // Folk music // Entertaining // Peforming // Circus // Cheese

Dislikes: Harsh reality // Pain (towards all kinds of organisms) // Death metal // Blood related family // Science // Cabbage



This is her stage appearance. She ussualy wears her stage apppearance outside the actually show though, however, when she's not in the show she wears a cape around herself, giving her a mysterious look.

Other: Maria is 'addicted' to hallucinatic herbs. Ones she uses for her potions. It is often speculated it's the reason she talks the way she does, however, it's only 1 of the reasons. She likes to take them to escape reality.

(Hopefully this OC is okay ;w;)
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Thank you! Glad to be part of this unique family. c:

It's fun to see a combination of unique creatures together~!
Yeah, hopefully should be fun. Florence might want to learn dancing from Maria at some point haha
Maria would love to help out Florensce with her dancing, because Florensce is a odd mythical creature who closesly seems to resemble the water element, she's much older and they both occasionaly help the magician. So I imagine she has a lot of respect towards Florence. Haha.
Tem, I would honestly be okay with either. Since Florence is a protégés of the ring master, would you like to play them? I can pretty easily do the managers.

And Chiryu, I'm honestly very excited to have another witch c: maybe sometime along in the story, they could teach each other their different forms of magick.
Alrighty:) and if later you decide that you prefer it the other way, that's fine too.
Haha, yeah.

Im not really fussed either way either haha.

Just needed to know which role to design the character around it x3
I'm glad to hear that Ayezombie! I'm excited to see how they will interact with one another and maybe bond. And she could learn from and grow to be a more adult witch from Vi too. c:

I'm interested to see how this roleplay will go~
This will defiantly be interesting, especially with the group of people we have right now. As of right now we don't have any of the "Common" Legends/ supernatural creatures.
Yeah, it seems to have created a bit more creative folk, which is nice, so thank you all very much for that!

With regards to starting the roleplay itself; I reckon once me and Ayeaye get the ringleader and manager up, while the roleplay'll remain open for other people to join we probably have enough people to get started, if people are wanting to.
I'd really like to join with a character, but my English is not that good, considering it's not my first language... Is it okay if I throw in a role anyway?
Fine with me! What is your first language might I ask?

If there's anything you aren't quite sure of, you're more than welcome to say it in your first.
Norwegian is my first language, but don't worry, I'll most likely be able to aks stuff in English, thanks ;)
Finally someone else who can speak/type Norwegian, I knew taking Norwegian wasn't a waste of time xD

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