The Experiments [Inactive]

Ryan continued to ignore Rachel's cries, feeling as though he might throw up. He couldn't face the subjects, not now at least, so he got one of the other wardens to deliver meals down the hallway. The other warden gently tossed the paper bags inside the cells as Ryan headed to the conference room, joining Dr. Mooriales.

Arabella swallowed hard, trying to get her migraine under control. She knew that a witch from the other side (a dead witch) was trying to get her attention to show her something. Witches had tried to communicate with her before, but the message is always extremely painful and a jumbled up bunch of images, so it rarely occurs. That's how Ara knew this was serious. She knew how to soothe the headache, however, so she began mumbling a self-healing spell over and over again quietly. When the pain decreased so much that she could move again, she grabbed Jack's arm and started to run to the car.
Lira was hit by the bag due to her being curled up in a ball right by the cell door. "Ow!" She exclaimed and rubbed her head as she sat up. She opened the bag and started to consume the bread. She feared that she would be dragged out soon to be experimented on.
Rachel would wait for the wardens to leave the cell halls again and then toss her bag to Lira putting a finger to her lips in a 'shh' manner. Once she made the motion Rachel turned into her cat form, slipped past the cell bars, and quickly checked and scampered off towards the cafeteria area where the food was kept, still checking that the coast was always clear Rachel quickly and quietly made it her goal to search around the entire food area looking for the good food that she knew must be there, reserved for the wardens and the higher up people that were at the prison.

Soon enough Rachel found the good food, or at least better food then what they normally got, fumbling around a little as a kitten Rachel would put a little of the meat she had found and some grapes that she saw into a little plastic baggy and then half carry, half drag the bag back to her cell always trying to be on top of looking around her to make sure no one saw her, she had a few close calls but eventually was able to make it back to the cells going to Lira's first, giving her the baggy of food, and then heading back into her own cell turning back into a human form and looking around the cell hall from within her own cell making sure no one saw her do that.
Lira grabbed the bag of food that Rachel had tossed to her and nodded to her. She finished eating the bread and started on her beans. Aftewards, she started on Rachel's bread and beans. She saw Rachel return with the good bag of food after starting on the second can of beans and started to eat that as soon as she was finished with the beans. She felt a bit stronger afterwards but was still in no condition to fight or use her powers to their full potential. "I need more food if we're to escape." she whispered to Rachel. "I think if i get this amount of food every day, i'll be able to get us out within a week or two." She whispered again and went to stow the evidence under her wet clothes.
Rachel would nod not saying a word as to make sure they weren't caught, she had her ears perked up and scanning around trying to find our where Ryan and the Dr. went
Lira nodded back and went to lie down on her bed. She hoped that she would be left alone untill she and Rachel could escape but feared that they would be experimented on. She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before closing her eyes and drifting off into sleep.
One of the wardens on duty saw Rachel slip into her cat form and get food from the pantry, but decided it was best to wait and see what she was up to. He waited until she was back in her cell to report to the other wardens. They all decided it was best to take Rachel into an isolated containment area, so first one of the wardens went and opened her cell, while the other injected her with a tranquilizer. They took her to cell ten, which was infamous for being completely padded on the inside, and steel on the outside, with no bars.
As she is being dragged away by the guards Rachel has managed to stay focused and conscious enough thanks to a slowly building resistance to the tranquilizers. with this barely conscious ability of control in her self she changes into a cat again, and starts to crawl inside the warden's uniform, biting and scratching as best as she can at his skin still loopy from teh drugs only barely having any motor control as the resistance hasnt really builtup super highly right now.
Lira didn't hear Rachel being dragged away by the wardens due to her sleeping. "Stay away! Leave me alone! Please!" She muttered as she slept due to her dreaming about the events of the past few days.
Rachel continued her loosing battle against the guards fighting to control herself as she fought the wardens and the drugs at the same time.
The moment she pulled his arm towards the car is the moment he knew this was not good. He knew she had seen something horrific, and he knew they had to act quickly. Jack knew in his mind there was no more running, they were armed, and supplied. They needed to take the battle to the prison. During his time he waited for her to finish shopping he came across a printing shop within the mall, and found out they had an architectural lay out of the building. This already gave them an advantage over the prison staff, and especially over that devil of a doctor the others spoke of. He quickly unlocked the door of the cars, and quickly opened up the trunk throwing both her stuff, and his stuff into the trunk. Jack quickly slammed the door shut, and opened the driver door, and started the car. " Come on Ara, we are ending this tonight."
Dr Mooriales barely registered Ryan's entrance. Something was going on with the minions, something very bad. The looming arrival of The Head himself was making it difficult to concentrate on controlling them. Soon his efforts were made in vain as the room darkened.

"Mr. Ryan... Do you believe in Gods and Devils and all that malarkey?" The Doctor asked with an uneasy tone, ignoring the change in scenery.

The doctors watched from a nearby rooftop, the local law enforcement were already speeding to apprehend the 'Wanted fugitives' loose in their fare city. They could feel something wrong with the underlings, and the absence of their master was not bolstering their confidence. Ahh, there they are.

The police vehicles soon blocked the roads leading out of the commercial zone, cops with their weapons raised quickly spotted the vehicle via an anonymous 'tip'. One of them procured a blow horn, which he then used to call out to the fugitives.

The warden screamed as Rachel clawed at him and fought with all of the power she could muster, being drugged. "Shoot her again!" He yelled at the other wardens, but they were seemingly out of tranquilizers. The warden finally took the cat against his body and slammed himself against the wall, knocking Rachel out. "You damned monster. You're next for experimentation." The wardens threw her in the special cell and closed and locked the iron door. On their way back down the hallway, the other warden spit on Lira.

Ryan turned to Dr. Mooriales, "I'd hardly call it malarkey. And yes, I do believe in it." He scratched his head nervously.

Arabella got into the car, breathing heavily. The images were coming on stronger than ever now, but she still couldn't put them into a full vision yet. The witches on the other side must not be aware of the pain they were causing her. She gasped for air as an image was thrown into her head of her second day at the prison, when she was first experimented on. The memory, however, was not of being experimented on, but the after effect. She laid there on the metal table, as wardens cleaned the blood from her back and the floor. STOP. Arabella blocked the vision far from her mind, this memory being too horrifying. She subconsciously rubbed at a scar on her chest that resembled the shape of a man's hand and fingernails. Ara looked at Jack, wide-eyed, as the police yelled.
Jack thought for a moment, and looked at Arabella reading the fear within her eyes. Several plans went through his head, and most of them seemed extremely hazardous to her health more than his. Then something came into his head, but it wasn't going to be risky. He had nothing more to live for, but he wasn't letting the cops simply beat him this easily. He gently placed his hand onto Arabella's head, and gently forced her head down. " You ned to get as low to the floor of this car as possible. They are going to shoot at us, and I don't need you getting shot." He said that he placed his hand on the center console, and put the car into reverse, and floored it. The floor lurched backwards, and nearly ran over two officers. As he did he shifted the car into drive her let out a deep breath, and floor the accelerator gunning it out of the parking lot. He knew the car tires were especially bullet proofed for a situation like this. However he didn't have the time to have Bulletproof glass installed. He drove the car to the highway heading west towards the coast.
Dr Mooriales sighed and stood up, behind him the wall was being replaced by a rapidly growing door made of onyx and gold.

"There are two things in this god-forsaken world that actually scare a sick madman like me." he said with look of stone cold sincerity.

The police instantly entered their cars and pursued the fleeing fugitives. They radioed in to HQ and several helicopters were dispatched an eye on the suspects from the sky. Hanging on the underside of one of these was one of the undead doctors. His brother was trying to check on what was upsetting the minions so. The police followed with about eight squad cars in pursuit and four more already radioed in to block the highway while they scrambled more interceptors.

The other Doctor had his work cut out for him. While he and his brother were viewing the escapees it appears the runners have gone missing. And for some reason he couldn't trace them. He scanned the city searching for where those idiotic grunts could've gone. There were traces of their antics, trashed convenience stores and a large amount of graffiti. But the little monsters seem to have gone off the grid.
Arabella thought for a moment and then got down as low as she could, below the glow compartment. She then swallowed hard and began quietly chanting in a language that seemed to be some form of Latin. The chanting got a bit louder and a bit more forced at parts, and she seemed to be repeating the same phrase over and over again. A hazy, light purple light begins to appear around the car. (A force field.)

Ryan coughs, "And what are those two things?"
Jack easily out maneuvered, and outdrove the police before they could even stop his way out. He knew it wouldn't belong before major back up would be called after him. Not to mention how fast they would close down the highway, he needed to get ditch the cops, and quick. He began swerving through every lane of traffic, and eventually made it onto the highway, as he began looking for anyway out. Then he saw it right as traffic was getting thick due to the lunch rush. He swerved through the traffic and made his way into the tunnel which split into 4 separate tunnels. With the fact that he now lost the cops, Jeff let out a sigh of relief as he turned into the far right tunnel, and then into a maintenance tunnel.
Dr. Mooriales smirked solemnly "You're about to meet one of them sonny."

He sighed and turned back to the door, it slid open revealing a featureless white expansive void. He stepped inside and began walking, gesturing for Ryan to follow. Far off from the door was unoccupied and featureless desk which contrasted greatly with the white canvas background. He then stood in front of the desk with a blank look on his face.

One Doctor cursed at the foolish humans for losing the targets so easily. It didn't matter, Interpol already had their faces and was currently sending them off to everywhere from government agencies to the occasional small time sheriff. So at least they had all public places covered. But Christ there were so many underground systems they could get lost in. He flew away from the mess that the police had created with their high-speed chase.

His brother was not having a good day. The runners went rogue, that's all he really has to say on the matter. They followed the live news broadcasts and had instantly seethed towards the nearby tunnels like starving toddlers looking for their next fix. Those idiotic small time corpses think they can gain favor if they catch those disgusting run-aways on their own. He was basically seething with disgust at the sheer stupidity that his own forces were showing. He must castrate himself immediately upon return to the prison. He stood atop the edge of an old train tunnel that had been left abandoned for years. Those ingrates had split up in un-proportioned, unorganized, and messy groups before descending into the tunnels at random. Oh yeah they were sure to find them. But for god's sakes they'd be easily destroyed. A kindergartener could destroy them when unorganized like this. To emphasis this he spat on the ground next to him. The castrations must be more severe.

One particular group of these so-called idiotic corpses were currently loitering inside a maintenance tunnel. Wielding completely trashy melee weapons crafted out of an old ladies lawn garden. They were able to escape before she noticed them. One particularly stupid one was hopping along the spaces on the ground, distracting himself. The others however noticed the lights heading towards them. Like the simple-minded fools they are, they charged completely disregarding the odds of them against a speeding vehicle. Easy to say that when the vehicle did not retreat from their "Amazing," and "Completely Threatening" charge, they completely ignored it. The vehicle crashed into them, sending several flying in broken heaps. Two of them were unlucky enough to be dead center with the vehicle. They both were crashed into before rolling over the front hood of the vehicle and having the intense burn of the magic shield sear them before they fell off the back. The distracted one, which was ironically the last of them at the time, gave a loud snarl before tossing a bent gardening shovel directly through the windshield before he too was mulched under the over-excessive force of the vehicle.
Lira sat up and was covered in a cold sweat. "It was just a dream.Just a dream." she told herself before getting spat on by the warden. She sighed and wiped the spit from her face. She got up and walked towards the cell door. She saw that Rachel wasn't there. "No!" She gasped in horror. She believed Rachel was in terrible danger. "I'm going to regret this." She commented as she walked over to her wet clothes. She absorbed the water from them to give her more energy. At first, it tired her out but as the water entered her system, she felt a bit better.The clothes went from being completly soaked to a bit damp. The energy she got from doing this was just a small amount and that would fade within an hour's time. She put te clothes on over the uniform. They wouldn't affect her due to her resistance..

"I'm coming for you, just hang on." She muttered as she blasted the cell lock with a beam of water. She hoped the pressure caused by the water would cause the cell door to open.
Jack groaned as he saw the group of minions, and continued to floor it on the accelerator. "These things aren't that smart…" As spoke to himself, he watched, and herded as the runners went flying over the car, and wear seared to death by the force field. Once the final runner came into view he watched as it threw the shovel, crashing through the force field, and being lodged in the windshield. Once the last runner was mulched he quickly floored the accelerator, and continued down the service tunnel. After a sigh of relief he pulled out a cell phone, and dialed a number. He needed his friend to pick up right now. This was urgent, and he needed help now.

Jack knew his phone line was a secure line which the government couldn't tap since he was during a satellite phone. " Hey Iggy, Ireally need your help right now. " After a few minutes the conversation continued on between him, and the kid whom he called Iggy. " Ya, that'll do. Look I don't care what color, It can be pink for all I car. I just need it to be fast. Ya I know I still have to deal with your girl problem, I'll take care of it once the heat is off my back. Look you know I always pay well, just get this done Now." Once her finished his sentence, and closed the phone. He had told Iggy exactly where he needed his next ride. Now the problem was actually making it to the location.
Making the force field was easy for Arabella, as it was a weak force field used only for giving them some time, and it did its job well. Arabella stopped chanting, feeling a surge of dark magic throughout her veins, and a rush of adrenaline to the head. She loved reciting incantations, as they gave her a wonderful feeling afterwards, almost as if she was flying, or high, without the side effects of drugs. She listened to Jack speak to the person on the phone, and wondered who it was, as they drove to their location.

Ryan's eyes widened. Dr. Mooriales is scared of this man? He followed the man to his desk.
Once Ryan took his spot next to the Doctor, an image seemed to be burned into the blank space on the other side of the desk. It was as if light itself had blurred into the shape of a transparent silhouette. The silhouette cocked it's head at the two.


The voice seemed to echo from the void around them. Dr. Mooriales tried his best not to cringe.

"It appears you've made a mess for me."

The Doctor prepared to say something, but with a swift wave of the Head's transparent hand, his mouth blinked out of existence. The Doctor pawed at the space of flesh were his mouth was with blatant annoyance and a hint of fear.

"One imbecile at a time" The Head said with that loud echo in the air before his silhouette turned to Ryan "You speak first."
Waking up in her human state Rachel rubbed her head where the guard no doubt left her with a very nice outside bruise, maybe even a concussion. "oh god... D*mn b*sterd..." Sitting up and looking around Rachel's ears fell down to the side/on top of her head as she saw her new solitary confined home. "great nice going Rachel.." She would hear Lira breaking out of her cell and start to perk up a bit slowly moving to the door banging on it calling out to Lira hoping she could get her out and they could make their escape now. "In here! Help! Hurry!"
One of the wardens spotted Lira, and with astonishment, watched her begin to break out of her cell. "Hey!" He called, and approached her cell, reaching into his pocket for the tranq gun. "Stop!"

Ryan tilted his head, "Well sir, we've had a few incidents this week..." He cracked his knuckles nervously, "One attempted escape, from the beast, a few attempted escapes from the Neko girl, and.." He lowered his voice, "Two subjects escaped."
"Ok." Lira said as she raised her hands and unleashed a blast of water at the guard. She hoped the door would cave in soon but hoped that she could deal with the single guard using her powers.

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