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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


~ God of Perfection


Watching as Kumori squirmed under his foot, Perfect laughed, finding it funny. "This is what a real god's power feels like." Perfect said in a mocking tone. "You're seven of them... and I'm one. Gods like you deserve t-" Perfect was soon cut off by Kumori's voice. "I've brought what upon myself? Tickles? Are you going to tickle me into submission?" He asked with his evil grin on his face. He then watched Kumori do as he did, ignoring the rising amounts of energy in the area. He just figured it was Kumori again. "Trying to raise your energy again or what?" As Perfect laughed at his opponent, he took his eyes off of him for a split second only be have to quickly move out of the way, unfortunately he wasn't fast enough and well... Half of him was gone. Perfect yelled out in pain, his other arm gripping the area in which he was just destroyed... His purple blood spilling on the ground. "Y-You... You... IDIOT!" Perfect's body soon replaced the side of him that was destroyed, his yelling turning into laughter. "I should have warned you that I can regenerate." Seeing how his enemy was turned into a cat, Perfect saw no reason in fighting him any longer. "You called yourself a god... Anyways, who's next or should I destroy this place now?"


She watched as the ground vanished beneath her. She decided to concentrate her attacks into rebounding off of the falling debris as she attempted to land a blow on the strange green man. "Guh..." she said as her limited intelligence could not perceive physics or its basic concepts. All she knew was she was having fun and fighting. Every rebound off of the falling debris sent it flying into the pit's sides. She soon was up with the strange green man. "Hiya!" she greeted him with a Ryo Hazuki Iron double palm (+50 cool points if anyone gets the reference.) She wanted to fight, but her Gi was getting ripped up.

Roman Roman


She watched as the ground vanished beneath her. She decided to concentrate her attacks into rebounding off of the falling debris as she attempted to land a blow on the strange green man. "Guh..." she said as her limited intelligence could not perceive physics or its basic concepts. All she knew was she was having fun and fighting. Every rebound off of the falling debris sent it flying into the pit's sides. She soon was up with the strange green man. "Hiya!" she greeted him with a Ryo Hazuki Iron double palm (+50 cool points if anyone gets the reference.) She wanted to fight, but her Gi was getting ripped up.

Roman Roman
(((( We'll be on hold for a moment, Akira and I have some plans. ))))

C4C4 blinked, completely unsure of how to help her, he just continued holding her close to his chest. She wasn't heavy or anything and she was rather huggable so he didn't mind. However after few minutes he really started to want to mofumofu her ears and tails but resisted the urge, it didn't feel quite right, she was having such a sedimental moment and he didn't want to make her feel like he wasn't there for her, even if they were total strangers. Shifting his rear end around restlessly he tried to not disturb her and let her rest on his chest.
Arako sat there for another few moments before she let out a giggle. "You really want to feel them do you? Go ahead. Just feeling you resisting an urge for something, it's really making me laugh." She said before her tails came from under the table and swayed around.
Meanwhile, at the highschool's rooftop...

A young man, who couldn't be that much older than 18, is at peace. He has completely forgotten about the outside world and its hustle and bustle, and is simply meditating as his masters had taught him - cross-legged with his middle finger and thumb creating a loop. It was to allow the energy of the universe to flow through you properly, they said. He wasn't sure, but he assumes they the masters themselves weren't certain either. Still, it brought a peace and calmness to his face nonetheless. Not before long, however, his clothes (and eyes, but they are closed) changed from fiery red to a very dull and bland yellow - the simplicity a vast contrast from the energetic and alive colour from before. As this happens, a swirl of wind develops beneath him which lifts him almost angelically into the air, still cross-legged. Some of his classmates may recognize him as Vito, the Tibetan monk, who has the ability to change his attuned element through meditation. His trusty naginata lies on the floor beneath him.

(open to anyone)

--Enter the Cybernetic Ninja Assasin Gir....Ruri!--

She had spent her time following Scarlett from the shadows. But the girl was heading to see her parents while they were still on campus, so Ruri felt she really did not need to tag along to that man's....lab. She knew what he was, and what he did to her, and it made her feel filthy on top of powerful. But after walljumping around she landed on a roof looking over a boy with a polearm. His aura was shifting as she watched. Was he a danger to her charge, but if he was a student, he knew better than to wield a weapon on campus. Her left arm opened as the hilt of a laser sword slid into her palm. She could take him in one strike, but she wanted to know his intentions first. She vanished. Actually shadow stepped to behind the boy, ready to deliver the coup de grace...

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald


She watched as the ground vanished beneath her. She decided to concentrate her attacks into rebounding off of the falling debris as she attempted to land a blow on the strange green man. "Guh..." she said as her limited intelligence could not perceive physics or its basic concepts. All she knew was she was having fun and fighting. Every rebound off of the falling debris sent it flying into the pit's sides. She soon was up with the strange green man. "Hiya!" she greeted him with a Ryo Hazuki Iron double palm (+50 cool points if anyone gets the reference.) She wanted to fight, but her Gi was getting ripped up.

Roman Roman


~ God of Perfection


Perfect sighed, his conscious screaming in his head to just hold off for a better fight, but he wanted to destroy this place if it wasn't going to get better any time soon. Akane wouldn't shut her mouth, and she was pointless to keep. He had enough of her energy absorbed to keep him at his current strength which seemed to be enough for the weaklings. Kumori was an interesting kid though, even if he didn't win. One person still seemed to be there. That kid. She had some immense power for someone her age, but Perfect was pretty sure he could take her on without a sweat... Well he wasn't sure. He knew. When she attacked, he simply side stepped. "A little girl should be more modest. Fix your clothes or I'll send you home." Perfect said, shaking his head. He may have been here to kill and destroy, but he wasn't here to fight a naked child. "If you need clothing of a stronger material before we fight, let me know. I'll be more than happy to beat you in battle... If you aren't naked child." Perfect then held out his hand, a large ball of energy forming in his palm. "Come at me again, this time... Try and be a little faster."

Arako sat there for another few moments before she let out a giggle. "You really want to feel them do you? Go ahead. Just feeling you resisting an urge for something, it's really making me laugh." She said before her tails came from under the table and swayed around.

C4C4 smiled sheepishly before hugging her close and gently stroking her tail and scratching behind her ears gently. They really were soft and luscious. continuing to mofumofu her for a while he pulled her close and spoke softly because she sat on his lap and he didnt want to seem like he was yelling. "I'm sorry, you were having a moment and i selfishly ruined it because i couldn't hold my urges in check."


~ God of Perfection


Perfect sighed, his conscious screaming in his head to just hold off for a better fight, but he wanted to destroy this place if it wasn't going to get better any time soon. Akane wouldn't shut her mouth, and she was pointless to keep. He had enough of her energy absorbed to keep him at his current strength which seemed to be enough for the weaklings. Kumori was an interesting kid though, even if he didn't win. One person still seemed to be there. That kid. She had some immense power for someone her age, but Perfect was pretty sure he could take her on without a sweat... Well he wasn't sure. He knew. When she attacked, he simply side stepped. "A little girl should be more modest. Fix your clothes or I'll send you home." Perfect said, shaking his head. He may have been here to kill and destroy, but he wasn't here to fight a naked child. "If you need clothing of a stronger material before we fight, let me know. I'll be more than happy to beat you in battle... If you aren't naked child." Perfect then held out his hand, a large ball of energy forming in his palm. "Come at me again, this time... Try and be a little faster."


She tossed aside her Gi, to reveal a tanktop and spats shorts. "Don't look down on me, mister!!!" she shouted as her eyes flashed red for a second and under her feet glowed. She began her counter with a hurricane kick, al la chun lee style, then flowing into a bicycle kick. She wasnt naked, but still properly dressed for a grade schooler. Her roundshell bounced and bobbed as she delivered sizzling energy kicks at the strange man.

Futaba Level UP.

Level 1 --> Level 2

Str +2
Con +1
Will +3
Psyche +1
Int +1
Wis +1
Luck +2


Energy blows: She can now manifest energy blasts in her feet and fists to multiply the damage and strength of each blow.
Smooth Yet Hard: Her skin is still supple like a childs, but can now resist more damage.
Growing Pains: Her bones are reinforced with more calcium, at the cost of extra pain during growth.
Booby Sensor: She can now sense the presence of nice breasts from a quarter mile away.

(Im going to rp her development as an rpg character as I feel this would be more entertaining.)

Roman Roman

He was badly beaten. He needed help, and fast. His arm was twisted wrong and his knee was numb. He tried to breathe, but it hurt like fire. He could only squeak out a help before passing out from the pain again.

Lumina Lumina
Nona Nona
Presuming that shadow stepping is silent, Vito doesn't hear her since he is in deep meditation and continues meditating. However, after another few minutes of a deep calmness, Vito's clothes change once again to a deep blue colour. As he starts to slowly lower to the ground, the air grows cooler and small snowflakes start falling in the immediate proximity around him. He has changed his attunement once again to Water. The naginata remains still on the floor, still sheathed.

Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu

C4C4 smiled sheepishly before hugging her close and gently stroking her tail and scratching behind her ears gently. They really were soft and luscious. continuing to mofumofu her for a while he pulled her close and spoke softly because she sat on his lap and he didnt want to seem like he was yelling. "I'm sorry, you were having a moment and i selfishly ruined it because i couldn't hold my urges in check."
Arako just giggled as she rested on C4. "Well, I like being scratched behind the ears so this isn't bad." She said as her tails swayed happily. She had only 7 tails at the moment as her claws began to retract. Same with her fangs since she was less upset than a while ago. She was enjoying C4's warmth.
Last edited:
((No code for a bit because I'm working on stuff))
Ilaani sighed softly, he seemed to think she was denying that those things had happened or that she was trying to justify their reasons for doing so. She wasn't infact, the humans did what they did for the exact same reason he was slating the whole human race for. Assuming they were all the same. She was just pointing out the fact that he was stereotyping, she herself didn't want to be thought of in that way "I know that. I'm not trying to defend the humans for starting that war or any war. All I'm saying is not everyone agreed so they shouldn't all be thought of the same. I certainly didn't agree, I supported non-humans and I got chipped just like every other being with abilities, much to my annoyance since it wasn't like I was going to hurt anyone" she said as she glanced out the window as well, she had missed the police car completely.

DesDes sighed as he stared at her. Her views were very focused, and she didn't even realized how what she just said was a contradiction to her sentiment. She was saying that not all people wanted to fight, yet immediately followed up by explaining how she supported the resistance during the civil war. Humans had an innate desire to fight and shed their own blood. Just as he was thinking these thoughts, the door to the pizzaria's kitchen was kicked open and a canister was thrown into the room erupting in a bright flash of light and sound. Standing, his eyes completely unaffected by the humans mundane attempts at subduing him Des watched as armored soldiers poured in and shouldering their weapons, aiming at him, yelling at him to surrender and get on the ground. Ignoring their voices Des raised his arm causing a pale green wall of energy to appear before him. The soldiers then began to open fire however much to their disapointement the bullets only fell harmlessly to the floor at the foot of the wall. Turning back Des glanced at ilaani he sighed and gestured with his other hand towards the soldiers. "I rest my case."
Arako just giggled as she rested on C4. "Well, I like being scratched behind the ears so this isn't bad." She said as her tails swayed happily. She had only 7 tails at the moment as her claws began to retract. Same with her fangs since she was less upset than a while ago. She was enjoying C4's warmth.

C4C4 laughed and smiled as he felt the claws that had been slightly digging into his tough skin recede. Happily he pushed his face against one of her tails and enjoyed it's fluffiness. However at this time he noticed a few tougher more hoodlum like characters walking into the shop and had an annoying prenomination.

((I feel like beating some thugs could be fun. You game?))

C4C4 laughed and smiled as he felt the claws that had been slightly digging into his tough skin recede. Happily he pushed his face against one of her tails and enjoyed it's fluffiness. However at this time he noticed a few tougher more hoodlum like characters walking into the shop and had an annoying prenomination.

((I feel like beating some thugs could be fun. You game?))
(Guess so)
Arako just giggled at C4 enjoying her tails. She didn't notice the new characters who walked in until a few moments. She frowned slightly wondering what they were up to. Hopefully they don't do anything that would disrupt them. It likely was gonna happen. "Is it me or did some annoying kids walk into the restaurant?"
(Guess so)
Arako just giggled at C4 enjoying her tails. She didn't notice the new characters who walked in until a few moments. She frowned slightly wondering what they were up to. Hopefully they don't do anything that would disrupt them. It likely was gonna happen. "Is it me or did some annoying kids walk into the restaurant?"

C4C4 laughed as he scratched behind Arako's ears and nodded, he hopped they wouldent cause any trouble because that would be rather annoying. Smiling he placed his mouth near her ears and gently blew air across them, watching how the fur swayed with his breath. Then looking back over at the two hooligans giving the man at the counter a hard time he sighed. They really did kill the mood. Sighing he set picked arako up off his lap and set her besides him. "I'll be right back." Walking up to the two men he sighed and spoke "can't you two see you're ruining the mood?" Then without any warning he punched the closest of the two in the gut causing him to double over trying to suck in air. Then grabbing the man's head he quickly raised it up before swinging it back down and bringing his knee up to meet it. With a crunch that was clearly the man's nose breaking, the man slumped to the floor unconscious. C4 judged him to have a severely broken nose, and a concussion oh well, he was ugly even before the broken nose. then turning towards the second man his leg shot out like a whip and slammed into the side of the man's head,causing his eyes to roll back and him drop to the floor just as the first man had. Wordlessly C4 then grabbed the two by the collars of their shirts and unceremoniously dragged them to the door before throwing them out. Walking back to the table he smiled and leaned up against arako before speaking teasingly "When I have to pay hell for that later you'll protect me right?" At that moment the waiter walked up and expressed thanks saying that whatever they ordered was on the house. Graciously accepting C4 smiled and leaned back over wrapping his arms around Arako. "Well now that that's done, we don't have to hold back."

C4C4 laughed as he scratched behind Arako's ears and nodded, he hopped they wouldent cause any trouble because that would be rather annoying. Smiling he placed his mouth near her ears and gently blew air across them, watching how the fur swayed with his breath. Then looking back over at the two hooligans giving the man at the counter a hard time he sighed. They really did kill the mood. Sighing he set picked arako up off his lap and set her besides him. "I'll be right back." Walking up to the two men he sighed and spoke "can't you two see you're ruining the mood?" Then without any warning he punched the closest of the two in the gut causing him to double over trying to suck in air. Then grabbing the man's head he quickly raised it up before swinging it back down and bringing his knee up to meet it. With a crunch that was clearly the man's nose breaking, the man slumped to the floor unconscious. C4 judged him to have a severely broken nose, and a concussion oh well, he was ugly even before the broken nose. then turning towards the second man his leg shot out like a whip and slammed into the side of the man's head,causing his eyes to roll back and him drop to the floor just as the first man had. Wordlessly C4 then grabbed the two by the collars of their shirts and unceremoniously dragged them to the door before throwing them out. Walking back to the table he smiled and leaned up against arako before speaking teasingly "When I have to pay hell for that later you'll protect me right?" At that moment the waiter walked up and expressed thanks saying that whatever they ordered was on the house. Graciously accepting C4 smiled and leaned back over wrapping his arms around Arako. "Well now that that's done, we don't have to hold back."
Arako watched in silence before C4 wrapped her arms around her. She giggled a bit before looking at him. "I think we should eat now, don't you think?" She said as her stomach growled a little since the smell of food was constantly in the air. Even the sounds of food being chowed down on and the sounds of glasses, silverware and plates clanking. Her stomach growled a 2nd time after a few moments which made Arako blush a little but she smiled a bit sheepishly. However, "we don't have to hold back?" Is that what she thought it sounded like?

JackJack sighed as he walked down the street.the people in this town were no fun, and strangely not many people wanted to get involved in illegal activities. Walking down the street he sighed and decided he could use a drink. Not that he ever really got thirsty, but he was bored, it was a thing to do and fuck it. Walking into a near by burger joint jack walked up to the counter and ordered a drink and small fries. Walking out of the shop with his drink and fries he sighed and hoped no one ran into him, that would be rather inconvenient.

((I don't know! I'm bad at starting! T_T))

Akira Header 2_zpszwsjbam7.png

ezgif.com-gif-maker 85_zpsa25br53n.gif

...♅Akira had continued to speak with Han while his thoughts drifted off to his wife. She had been gone for a few months on a personal trip, so it was only normal that he'd worry about her. Sure enough, he caught sight of his wife returning out the corner of his eye, and saw her go into her classroom. It was clear that the immediate area around Akira warmed up slightly, even more so than the day's heat. He continued to talk with Han as he watched Asuka exit the classroom and come closer to them, talking to both Akira and Han as she stopped just a few feet away. Akira's face lit up with a large smile as his eyes made contact with his wife, shortly before he spoke to her, his body leaning in and giving her a small kiss on the lips, something that was appropriate for the situation. If it was just the two of them, Akira would've greeted her with a different type of kiss♅...

Hey Suki-chan!~ How was your trip?~

Character Information




School's Courtyard.


Talk with Asuka and Han.

Interacting With:

Asuka and Han.


WeirdPrincess WeirdPrincess , Roman Roman .


Asuka Fukushima
~Witch turned Sanctum


Asuka's cheeks turned as red as a cherry from the slightest sign of affection from her husband, visibly embarrassed by a small kiss in front of someone she knew. It could have been because she wasn't really use to things like that (she probably should have been) or just thought it was plain weird, the latter being the least likely option. There was a little of it around school, from what she saw. Not that she was really trying to see what students were up to in her spare time, Asuka would accidentally stumble on to it while either going to her classroom or heading towards the cafeteria. She'd get embarrassed seeing that and would just immediately tell them to break it up, turn around and pretend like she never saw it. It was always awkward whenever she walked into something like that. It didn't happen to often, thankfully. Just thinking about it made her cheeks redden even further, if that was even possible. Nevertheless, she brushed off her embarrassment with a nervous laughter and used her hand in attempt to cover up her face. "Akki, please. Not in front of other people." Though no sooner than her words were spoken, Han had informed them that he had other business to take care of and was off on his way. Waving goodbye, she angled her body towards Akira as her redden cheeks started to return to normal.

Asuka let out a huff, thinking back to her months long trip. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at the tree past her husband thinking about the people she had encounter and how rude most of them had been. "Stressful, there was too much to do and tons of paperwork to fill out. The least fun trip I've had so far, but I guess it was more for business rather than fun. It was okay for the most part, but the people their just made it more stressful than it should have been. I'm glad it's over and I don't have to go back." At least she hoped she would never have to go back, unless there was either no other option or someone really needed her help. Asuka would have rather sent someone else, but knowing it had something to do with her parents and the house she had once called home she couldn't send someone else do deal with her problems. She'd feel bad about it and throwing someone into something they knew nothing about, wasn't exactly what she wanted to do. They had been her family after all, not that she consider him one. It was all just a giant mess that she was glad was over and done with. Letting out a sigh, she shifted her gaze back to Akira, her eye's softening and no longer holding anger inside of them.

"It's fine now, everything's done and completed. How were things over here? Are the kids doing okay?" Asuka couldn't really help, but worry about her children. In her defense, she hadn't so much as seen them in months and didn't really have the time to check up on them during her trip. It was more than likely that she would worry about them.

More Info


School coutryard


Akira Fukushima

Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira


JackJack sighed as he walked down the street.the people in this town were no fun, and strangely not many people wanted to get involved in illegal activities. Walking down the street he sighed and decided he could use a drink. Not that he ever really got thirsty, but he was bored, it was a thing to do and fuck it. Walking into a near by burger joint jack walked up to the counter and ordered a drink and small fries. Walking out of the shop with his drink and fries he sighed and hoped no one ran into him, that would be rather inconvenient.

((I don't know! I'm bad at starting! T_T))
((Whoops almost forgot WeirdPrincess WeirdPrincess ))
Arako watched in silence before C4 wrapped her arms around her. She giggled a bit before looking at him. "I think we should eat now, don't you think?" She said as her stomach growled a little since the smell of food was constantly in the air. Even the sounds of food being chowed down on and the sounds of glasses, silverware and plates clanking. Her stomach growled a 2nd time after a few moments which made Arako blush a little but she smiled a bit sheepishly. However, "we don't have to hold back?" Is that what she thought it sounded like?

C4C4 laughed as he pulled close to Arako and called over the waiter over, wrapping his arm around Arako's waist he addressed the waiter. "I've never been here before, so I'll be leaving the ordering of food to this beautiful young lady right here." Saying this C4 indicated to Arako happily.

C4C4 laughed as he pulled close to Arako and called over the waiter over, wrapping his arm around Arako's waist he addressed the waiter. "I've never been here before, so I'll be leaving the ordering of food to this beautiful young lady right here." Saying this C4 indicated to Arako happily.
Arako just giggled before the waiter gave her a paper than were mostly in japanese characters and english names faded under the japanese characters. Arako began to check off certain boxes next to the names of the food. A few minutes later, she gave it back to the clerk and they both nodded. Arako just sat in C4's lap again facing her before she rested in his chest a bit more as her tails swayed around.

Asuka Fukushima
~Witch turned Sanctum


Asuka's cheeks turned as red as a cherry from the slightest sign of affection from her husband, visibly embarrassed by a small kiss in front of someone she knew. It could have been because she wasn't really use to things like that (she probably should have been) or just thought it was plain weird, the latter being the least likely option. There was a little of it around school, from what she saw. Not that she was really trying to see what students were up to in her spare time, Asuka would accidentally stumble on to it while either going to her classroom or heading towards the cafeteria. She'd get embarrassed seeing that and would just immediately tell them to break it up, turn around and pretend like she never saw it. It was always awkward whenever she walked into something like that. It didn't happen to often, thankfully. Just thinking about it made her cheeks redden even further, if that was even possible. Nevertheless, she brushed off her embarrassment with a nervous laughter and used her hand in attempt to cover up her face. "Akki, please. Not in front of other people." Though no sooner than her words were spoken, Han had informed them that he had other business to take care of and was off on his way. Waving goodbye, she angled her body towards Akira as her redden cheeks started to return to normal.

Asuka let out a huff, thinking back to her months long trip. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at the tree past her husband thinking about the people she had encounter and how rude most of them had been. "Stressful, there was too much to do and tons of paperwork to fill out. The least fun trip I've had so far, but I guess it was more for business rather than fun. It was okay for the most part, but the people their just made it more stressful than it should have been. I'm glad it's over and I don't have to go back." At least she hoped she would never have to go back, unless there was either no other option or someone really needed her help. Asuka would have rather sent someone else, but knowing it had something to do with her parents and the house she had once called home she couldn't send someone else do deal with her problems. She'd feel bad about it and throwing someone into something they knew nothing about, wasn't exactly what she wanted to do. They had been her family after all, not that she consider him one. It was all just a giant mess that she was glad was over and done with. Letting out a sigh, she shifted her gaze back to Akira, her eye's softening and no longer holding anger inside of them.

"It's fine now, everything's done and completed. How were things over here? Are the kids doing okay?" Asuka couldn't really help, but worry about her children. In her defense, she hadn't so much as seen them in months and didn't really have the time to check up on them during her trip. It was more than likely that she would worry about them.

More Info


School coutryard


Akira Fukushima

Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

Akira Header 2_zpszwsjbam7.png


...♅Akira laughed lightly as Asuka's face lit up, along with her embarrassed tone in which she spoke. He always loved it when his wife got embarrassed, it was cute to him. As his laughter began to die down, he spoke as he poked her cheek. He continued to watch Asuka as she replied to his previous question, her soft voice being vastly different in contrast to the glare she was giving the helpless tree. In truth, this was the first time Akira had ever seen his wife, and pair's eyes take on anything close to an angered look, of which caused Akira to worry slightly. He'd only ever seen love and happiness come from her eyes, and he didn't think they'd be able to form into any negative emotion, yet here it was. He didn't want to think of what sort of things happened on her trip that would cause her gentle personality to disappear, if only for a moment. As he listened to Asuka's words, his eyes darted from her beautiful silver eyes, down to her lips, then back to her eyes. As she explained that the trip was stressful, he slowly wrapped one of his arms around Asuka's shoulders and pulled her close, replying to his loving wife as his mouth curled into a grin. While he spoke, his cheek rested gently on the top of her head and his hand gently caressed Asuka's arm as a sign of comfort♅...

Sorry, not sorry~ I'm glad you're back~ If there's a next time, maybe I can go with you, help split the stress load~ As for the kids, they're fine~ Hika and Koko-chan have been at their studies and have been helping Haru-kun with his. I held down the fort well~ They'll of course want to see you, so whenever you're ready, we can head home~

Character Information

School's Courtyard.


Talking to his wife.


Interacting With: Fukushima Asuka.



SoraSora sighed as she woke up in the middle of a bush her legs sticking out. Last night was the full moon and she supposed she got a bit wild. Well when you're a witch full moons meant going a bit crazy. Looking down at her legs her head started spinning and she sighed before dropping it back down and closing her eyes. She didn't know where she was, but she hoped no one tripped over her feet or reported a dead body.

TheDragoon TheDragoon

SoraSora sighed as she woke up in the middle of a bush her legs sticking out. Last night was the full moon and she supposed she got a bit wild. Well when you're a witch full moons meant going a bit crazy. Looking down at her legs her head started spinning and she sighed before dropping it back down and closing her eyes. She didn't know where she was, but she hoped no one tripped over her feet or reported a dead body.

TheDragoon TheDragoon
Keith Brando

Keith was keeping an eye on Akuma, former time and space demon when he heard some rustling in the bushes. He then shook his head and decided maybe it wasn't best to startle such a strong being. Regardless he kept up with his tough guy attitude. "Muda muda... Is that a witch I smell in the bushes?" He asked before chuckling. "Sora, correct?"​
Arako just giggled before the waiter gave her a paper than were mostly in japanese characters and english names faded under the japanese characters. Arako began to check off certain boxes next to the names of the food. A few minutes later, she gave it back to the clerk and they both nodded. Arako just sat in C4's lap again facing her before she rested in his chest a bit more as her tails swayed around.

C4C4 laughed as he held Arako to his chest enjoying her fluffiness as he waited for their food. Rubbing her back gently he smiled and whispered in her ears, "so when those thugs from earlier come after me are you gonna protect me?"

C4C4 laughed as he held Arako to his chest enjoying her fluffiness as he waited for their food. Rubbing her back gently he smiled and whispered in her ears, "so when those thugs from earlier come after me are you gonna protect me?"
"Hmmmm... I don't like fighting. But I'm sure they wouldn't mess with a guy as big as you~" She said as she giggled a bit. "How are my tails?"

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