• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Des shrugged, there wasn't much else that he could say. "He read in search of greater truths and was willing to throw aside all dignity and godliness that embodied him in search of those truths." If he said that she would think him crazy. Shrugging once more he tilted his head. Was he being short and dissmisive with her? He wasn't trying to be, but was fairly normal for him so shrugging yet again he responded. "It's fairly normal for me."


Pizza place



Get Dinner

Interacting with:

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

She raised a brow after he answered. He was always like this? All the time? She found it hard to believe that his only emotions/expression were disinterest. Didn't anything interest him? He had a book that had whatever he wanted to know in the universe in it and yet he looked like the most bored person on the planet, she didn't get it. "Okay..." She leaned back a bit, scanning his expression before speaking again "Good to know I'm not pissing you off completely. I guess. I say completely because let's face it. I'm not the best specimen of being to spend your time with." She laughed a little before folded her arms "Seriously though, you need to work on your people skills, you know, maybe even just a little?" She said before shrugging lightly. "I mean, do you ever smile?" She asked seriously, tilting her head slightly before a worker from the pizza place had finally brought over the pizza she had asked for.

Arako looked up to C4 and smiled before giggling a bit. "Sure. I'd love that, thank you~" Arako said as she walked. She knew she didn't use her charm powers yet. Or maybe he was interested in her? Well what interested him? Arako decided to look on the bright side. Someone is offering food. Like an offering to a deity~
((Why the hell were you up at 1:17am XDD))
C4 laughed as he walked along besides Arako, he honestly wasn't expecting that to work. Was this really how normal people acted? Whatever. Walking along he kept taking discrete glances at her tails and ears as he walked along, "So what do you want to eat?"


Pizza place



Get Dinner

Interacting with:

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

She raised a brow after he answered. He was always like this? All the time? She found it hard to believe that his only emotions/expression were disinterest. Didn't anything interest him? He had a book that had whatever he wanted to know in the universe in it and yet he looked like the most bored person on the planet, she didn't get it. "Okay..." She leaned back a bit, scanning his expression before speaking again "Good to know I'm not pissing you off completely. I guess. I say completely because let's face it. I'm not the best specimen of being to spend your time with." She laughed a little before folded her arms "Seriously though, you need to work on your people skills, you know, maybe even just a little?" She said before shrugging lightly. "I mean, do you ever smile?" She asked seriously, tilting her head slightly before a worker from the pizza place had finally brought over the pizza she had asked for.

Des shrugged as leaned back in the booth and sighed, "your not all bad but I gave up on human relations about 3000 years ago. As for smiling though..." Des tried to force his lips into a smile but failed and ended up in a strange and creepy snarl. "Well how am I doing?"
((Reply with no code just to get things started))

The exhaustion was really starting to catch up to Lumina now. With the events of the party having concluded and the decision made to retire for the night, it really became apparent that the day was catching up with her. With no hesitation, she followed Kenji as he traversed the familiar pathway to his room. She spent so much time here as of late it was almost as if she was living there (as great as that would be, Lumina didn't want to push the subject). Her eyes fell on the pictures lining the walls, always promising that she'd one day stop and just spend some time looking at them but never actually following through with it. She did notice picture of her pair, just as she had every other time she walked these halls, every single time being unable to stop the smile from forming on her face. Seeing pictures of a Kenji she didn't know made her happy, as if it was some kind of glimpse into his past. Getting to know him better than anyone else was a secret goal she had, after all. Soon enough, they had made it to Kenji's room, a sight for sore eyes after the day she had. Getting lost, meeting way too many new people... Lumina was more than ready to just pass out in bed.

As much as she wanted to do that, she knew that changing into pajamas was probably a better idea. Thankfully, Kenji had allowed her a drawer to keep some clothes in, considering how much time she had been staying there as of late, it made sense. Opening the drawer, Lumina grabbed a t-shirt and shorts before noticing Kenji just changing out in the open near her. Her first reaction was a completely red face at seeing her pair shirtless, even though she knew that it was a perfectly normal thing to do in your room, in front of the person you're going to eventually marry. But even still... the phoenix couldn't help but notice that Kenji had gotten more... bold, recently. He didn't get embarrassed nearly as much, seeming to have grown up quite a lot in the time they had been together. He seemed fine with these kinds of intimate situations when before he would have been just as embarrassed. Now, that isn't to say that Lumina hadn't grown up. She too had matured, becoming more confident and okay in situations that were out of the question before, but it didn't change the fact that she was just plain inexperienced. Situations like changing in front of your significant other were still really new to her, so she couldn't help but revert back to her awkward and shy self. Trying not to gawk, Lumina blinked for a moment at the sight of a shirtless Kenji before turning her head quickly, trying to hide the blush that was overtaking her face. If Kenji saw her face like this, he'd definitely tease her... on second thought, maybe that's what he was trying to do right now. Kenji knew Lumina better than anyone, so of course he'd know just what kind of reaction she'd be having right now to what he was doing... oh god, he was totally doing it on purpose! Yeah, that was definitely what was happening.

"A-ah, Kenji..." Lumina stammered, not really knowing what else to say. She couldn't deny that it wasn't a nice sight, because seeing him without his shirt was actually really great, but it was still a lot to take in all of a sudden, especially with her growing blush and the butterflies rampaging in her stomach. She held her pajamas in her hand, wondering if she should just give up and change here (which was even more embarrassing to think about) or escape to the bathroom like she was originally going to do. Would it make him sad that she felt like she couldn't change in front of him? Would he be understanding? He was already in a teasing mood so she could probably get away with it considering that he was definitely trying to get a rise out of her. After a few more moments of deliberation, Lumina went with the "fake it til ya make it" strategy, opting to change right here so as to reduce any suspicions that his goading had worked. Stripping down to her undergarments, Lumina tried to keep as straight a face as possible with the blush still ever apparent, trying very hard to seem unfazed by it.

Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

Kenji Header_zpsfpmfeleh.png


...ΨKenji had continued to get dressed when he suddenly heard Lumina speak, her tone of voice and stammering causing him to smile slightly. His plan seemed to have worked. While he was tired, he and Lumina hadn't been with each other in a while, and from what he read online, that wasn't normal. Kenji would still always be flustered when speaking of such things, so bringing it up would be tough for him. As a result he'd decided that he'd tease Lumina, in hopes that his hinting would convey what he was thinking of doing. This would be easier than just flat out saying it to his pair, or at least, that's how he saw it. Deciding to continue his act, Kenji looked around to the almost naked Lumina and spoke, his voice consisting of a teasing tone as his red irises glossed over Lumina's bodyΨ...

Yes, Lumi-chan?~ Oh, you look a bit red~ Although I must say, you're looking pretty good~

Character Information


His Bedroom.

Tease Lumina.

Interacting With:

Lumina Lumina .


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((Why the hell were you up at 1:17am XDD))
C4 laughed as he walked along besides Arako, he honestly wasn't expecting that to work. Was this really how normal people acted? Whatever. Walking along he kept taking discrete glances at her tails and ears as he walked along, "So what do you want to eat?"
i woke up?)
Arako thought about what she wanted to eat. Maybe she can eat something expensive. Or something cheap. But she knew that this would be on this guy. However something is off. He wanted to treat her out like he knew her. She was sure she didn't use her charm powers. So what's up? "Hmmmm... How about a... Steak meal? I like steak~"
i woke up?)
Arako thought about what she wanted to eat. Maybe she can eat something expensive. Or something cheap. But she knew that this would be on this guy. However something is off. He wanted to treat her out like he knew her. She was sure she didn't use her charm powers. So what's up? "Hmmmm... How about a... Steak meal? I like steak~"
C4 nodded and turned to face her. "Sure, but I'm not exactly from around here and haven't been to many of the restaurants around here, so you'll have to show me a good place. Don't worry about the price, I can handle it." Walking besides Arako he wondered how normal people act around others. He really was lost if he wasn't blowing them up.
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C4 nodded and turned to face her. "Sure, but I'm not exactly from around here and haven't been to many of the restaurants around here, so you'll have to show me a good place. Don't worry about the price, I can handle it." Walking besides Arako he wondered how normal people act around others. He really was lost if he wasn't blowing them up.
"Hmmm... Actually, let's just go to a Yakiniku place. I haven't had that in awhile. Follow me~" She said as she smiled before going ahead and taking C4 or Charles' hand as they headed to the place Arako wanted to go to. "The place is called Kaenyama Sushi and Yakiniku. There's also a bar there so we could drink as well~"
"Hmmm... Actually, let's just go to a Yakiniku place. I haven't had that in awhile. Follow me~" She said as she smiled before going ahead and taking C4 or Charles' hand as they headed to the place Arako wanted to go to. "The place is called Kaenyama Sushi and Yakiniku. There's also a bar there so we could drink as well~"
C4 blinked as Araki grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Her palm felt rather nice grasping his, so he didn't particularly mind, and to be honest it was a rather nice change of pace from getting shot at all the time. If this was what it meant to be normal, then C4 wasn't sure he would mind. Being pulled along as C4 heard about the bar he laughed, "ok then Arako, just don't take advantage of me when I'm drunk. I'm a poor innocent maiden you know!"

Yumi Eru

She couldn't believe she did it... it was unheard of that she took such a long break from school. Heck even if she had a choice, Yumi would never have left school for months on end for a simple vacation, but her family insisted (more like forced) on her going. If she had had it her way, she would have stayed in school so homework wouldn't pile up on her when she got back. Her mother wanted a nice family vacation, saying that her daughter was far to stressed out about school more than she should be and needed to take a break. A couple weeks would have been fine with her, but months was just taking it too far. At least it was in her opinion. Though her mother was just trying to do what she thought was best, so Yumi couldn't blame her for that. It was just a little frustrating, that was all. Even though her mother meant no harm, she was still a little mad about being taken out of school. It wasn't all that bad though. It was a relatively nice place they went to, a cabin that they had rented in the woods. The cabin was a decent size and even had a Jacuzzi outside in the backyard, but didn't really get used all that much. Yumi had used it only two, maybe three times during her stay. She had spent most of her time outside the cabin with her family, going on hikes or swimming in a lake that was nearby. But she did also secretly do homework from her laptop when no one was around, or at least she thought she was being secretive about it. Her mother had known the whole time, she just didn't want her spending her whole time doing the work. Which Yumi didn't since she didn't want to get 'caught' and get scolded by her mother.

Once the vacation ended, she was brought back to the school with two luggage's in one hand and waving goodbye to her parents with the other. "Bye! I'll see you guys at dinner on Friday." Yumi stated with a grin, waving at her parent's one last time as their car drove away before turning around and dragging her luggage with her. They were both pretty heavy, but she could handle it.. sort of. She kept having to take breaks every so often because she was getting really tired. The dorms were a little ways away from where they had dropped her off and with how fast she was walking, Yumi could say she was a little more than halfway there. "Ugh... why did I shove months worth of clothes into two bags.. A third one would have helped, but.. probably made it harder." She huffed, stopping again to take another break. She really needed to start working out or something to gain more stamina and stop getting tired so quickly. She put that on her check list of things to do when she had time. Who knew when, really. With her nose either buried into a book or homework, there wasn't much time on her hands. Unless it was to play with her small robotic cat, Oreo, who she had accidentally left at her dorm. It was just made of metal and didn't seem to need the same attention an actual animal needed, but Yumi was still worried about it. Hopefully Oreo was okay, which he probably was.

Picking up her luggage again, she started for the girl's dorm. She breathed out a sigh of relief once she reached the main doors of it, whispering a quiet thank goodness before slugging her way inside. It took her a while to reach her dorm, but when she did, Yumi threw open the door and tossed her luggage inside as best she could. Neither went far, considering they held a lot of stuff in it, so Yumi kicked them out of her way to get through the door. Unpacking those monsters would have to be later, she did not want to deal with that at all right now. She'd save it for later tonight.. or tomorrow. Whenever was best really. She would rather check up on Oreo and see how he was doing, finding that he was charging. Everything was pretty okay and dandy, aside from her now messy room, so she placed him inside her jacket pocket and grabbed a good book before heading out of her dorm room. It was a little too stuff in their for her liking, though she could have solved that problem by opening up a window. To lazy to turn back and do it, Yumi continued on her way outside and once out, finding a nice bench to sit on to read.

More Info


Sitting on a bench outside the dorm



Nona Nona


School courtyard



Greet Yumi

Interacting with:

WeirdPrincess WeirdPrincess

~Elliot Rillas~

Sighing lightly, Elliot left the bags of groceries he was carrying on the coffee table in his dorm, clearing some space to make room from them as the table was covered in books and other junk. He was supposed to take the food he had bought to his sister's dorm but when he arrived, she wasn't there. He found it a bit odd that she was gone since she was nearly always at homing napping around this time or...any time really. Grabbing his phone out of his pocket he sent her a text telling her about the food he had left her, she had a key to his room anyways, she'd get there by herself.

After doing so, he stepped outside his dorm deciding to take a walk around the school grounds. He had been trying to force himself to leave his room more as of late, although he was actually attending classes now after some persuasion from Elaena and Yumi threating to drag him out of his dorm if he didn't all that time ago, he still had a the habit of not leaving his room after he would finish classes for the day. Now leaving the male dormitories, he began for the courtyard, it wasn't that late in the day at all so it was still pretty bright outside and there was quite a few students wandering around, not nearly as much as there would be when classes were on but there were still a few groups wandering here and there. His eyes scanned the area to see who was there, thinking maybe he'd spot Elaena but who he saw instead caused him to pause, then look twice. It was Yumi...And of course her face was stuck into a book, Yumi being Yumi, what other way would she be? A smile grew on the boy's face at the sight of his friend, after all she had been gone for quite a while, months actually and without warning too, so of course he'd be glad to see her again.

He made his way over to the bench she was sitting at until he was standing infront of her. Smiling lightly he tilted his head a little "Good to see you back, Yumi." He said after a moment or two.

Chiharu held on to Rini for dear life, scared that she might go away if she did. Her mind had completely reverted to her actual age, being 5 years old, so logic in terms of walking off and getting lost hadn't applied until she realized she couldn't just get back the same way she came. The adrenaline from being found helped the small girl keep her grip on the elder of the two as she precariously made her way down the structure. Of course, she knew nothing of what was happening with Misafune or the thugs who wanted to blow up the building. As of right now, she knew that Rini had found her and that she wasn't alone anymore.

Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu Nona Nona
Des shrugged as leaned back in the booth and sighed, "your not all bad but I gave up on human relations about 3000 years ago. As for smiling though..." Des tried to force his lips into a smile but failed and ended up in a strange and creepy snarl. "Well how am I doing?"


Pizza place



Get Dinner

Interacting with:

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

She reeled back a bit when he attempted to smile, laughing somewhat sheepishly before clearing her throat to speak "Yeah... You'll uh...need to work on that a little bit, that right there would make a baby cry" she said as she sat up straight again "But, you're almost there" she said giving a small thumbs up "So...3000...Just how old are you anyways?" She paused "Is that rude to ask? You don't need to answer" she said quickly after, waving her hands a little "and why stop interacting with humans?" She ask curiously, she fell silent after this, realising she was showering the boy in questions, she opted to taking a slice of pizza to eat instead before she ended up dropping more questions on him.

C4 blinked as Araki grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Her palm felt rather nice grasping his, so he didn't particularly mind, and to be honest it was a rather nice change of pace from getting shot at all the time. If this was what it meant to be normal, then C4 wasn't sure he would mind. Being pulled along as C4 heard about the bar he laughed, "ok then Arako, just don't take advantage of me when I'm drunk. I'm a poor innocent maiden you know!"
''I doubt it when you look so big and strong~" Arako said as she giggled. They eventually arrived at Kaenyama by sun down. When they reached the doors, Arako kept holding his hand without even realizing and ordered a table. They were shortly given a table in a special area. They were given a table on the second floor and along the walls in a corner. As you walked by, there were friends and lovers having a wonderful time eating together and drinking together. Eventually, Arako let go of C4's hand to take a seat. The seats weren't chairs but a long block of soft wood that were elevated near table level. You could sit on it whatever way you wanted. Arako sat on it like how an average person would sit on a chair and crossed her leg over the other. C4 could sit next to her or across from her. Arako sat nearest to the wall just in case C4 wanted to sit next to her. That and she liked to lean on something when she was full. Specifically a corner so she can lean back and not worry about balance.


Pizza place



Get Dinner

Interacting with:

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

She reeled back a bit when he attempted to smile, laughing somewhat sheepishly before clearing her throat to speak "Yeah... You'll uh...need to work on that a little bit, that right there would make a baby cry" she said as she sat up straight again "But, you're almost there" she said giving a small thumbs up "So...3000...Just how old are you anyways?" She paused "Is that rude to ask? You don't need to answer" she said quickly after, waving her hands a little "and why stop interacting with humans?" She ask curiously, she fell silent after this, realising she was showering the boy in questions, she opted to taking a slice of pizza to eat instead before she ended up dropping more questions on him.

Des blinked as she began to question him. He really wasn't good at reading with rapid fire questioning, but taking them one at a time he began to respond as he dropped his "smile", speaking with a dead pan voice he replied "I see. If I ever need to ever frighten a baby then I shall smile. As for how old I am........." Tilting his head Des seemed to be pondering for a moment before responding anticlimactically "I dont remember." Then in response to her third question Des briefly glared at all the occupants of the pizzeria. Even though it was only for the briefest of moments his gaze was filled with such hatred and killing intent that many of the patrons would have felt a strong sense of fear and dissuasion. In fact a number of them even stood up and left the building. Then turning back to ilaani, his gaze easing up a bit he responded. "Because humans are disgusting, violent, miserable creatures who only desire the destruction of their own race."
''I doubt it when you look so big and strong~" Arako said as she giggled. They eventually arrived at Kaenyama by sun down. When they reached the doors, Arako kept holding his hand without even realizing and ordered a table. They were shortly given a table in a special area. They were given a table on the second floor and along the walls in a corner. As you walked by, there were friends and lovers having a wonderful time eating together and drinking together. Eventually, Arako let go of C4's hand to take a seat. The seats weren't chairs but a long block of soft wood that were elevated near table level. You could sit on it whatever way you wanted. Arako sat on it like how an average person would sit on a chair and crossed her leg over the other. C4 could sit next to her or across from her. Arako sat nearest to the wall just in case C4 wanted to sit next to her. That and she liked to lean on something when she was full. Specifically a corner so she can lean back and not worry about balance.

C4C4 laughed as he was dragged along, eventually, not minding that she held onto his hand the entire time. It didn't feel bad so he didn't mind at all. In fact he was rather sad when she let go of his hand, but what he was even sadder about was that when she sat down her fluffy tail was hidden when she sat down. sitting across from her, C4 once more admired he very cute and fluffy ears. He would have sat next to her, but honestly they had just met and that would have felt incredibly awkward for him. Actually this whole situation was kind of awkward when he thought about it, after all he just asked her if she wanted to get something in the spur of the moment. Blushing he spoke up, "So ya... I uh kinda just asked you if you wanted to get something to eat in the spur of the moment, so I don't really have any ideas of what to talk about..."


C4C4 laughed as he was dragged along, eventually, not minding that she held onto his hand the entire time. It didn't feel bad so he didn't mind at all. In fact he was rather sad when she let go of his hand, but what he was even sadder about was that when she sat down her fluffy tail was hidden when she sat down. sitting across from her, C4 once more admired he very cute and fluffy ears. He would have sat next to her, but honestly they had just met and that would have felt incredibly awkward for him. Actually this whole situation was kind of awkward when he thought about it, after all he just asked her if she wanted to get something in the spur of the moment. Blushing he spoke up, "So ya... I uh kinda just asked you if you wanted to get something to eat in the spur of the moment, so I don't really have any ideas of what to talk about..."

"Hmmm... It's because my ears and tail sort of attracted you huh? I could tell that you were in a positive mood when I was holding your hand and feeling sad when I let go. I can read one's feelings if I wanted." She said as she took a glass of water from the table and took a sip. Maybe this guy was a loner. Or perhaps, a soldier with no time to have a relationship. She then let out a breath when she finished sipping her drink and set it back down on the table gently. She spoke before leaning forward on the table in a seductive manner but staring at him seriously. "You seem like the type of person to experience a lot of combat like a soldier. Is that accurate?"
"Hmmm... It's because my ears and tail sort of attracted you huh? I could tell that you were in a positive mood when I was holding your hand and feeling sad when I let go. I can read one's feelings if I wanted." She said as she took a glass of water from the table and took a sip. Maybe this guy was a loner. Or perhaps, a soldier with no time to have a relationship. She then let out a breath when she finished sipping her drink and set it back down on the table gently. She spoke before leaning forward on the table in a seductive manner but staring at him seriously. "You seem like the type of person to experience a lot of combat like a soldier. Is that accurate?"

C4C4 laughed and smiled as she tried to analyze him leaning back against the wall as she spoke. "Well I won't deny that your ears and tail look very soft and touchable, nor will I deny that your hand is very comfortable, but your wrong on the combat part though." C4 laughed and he looked at her. It couldn't really be considered combat when it was one sided annihilation now could it? Laughing he leaned forwards so his eyes were staring down hers, cold and calculating, showing a depth far surpassing his age. "So is it my turn to psychoanalyze you yet? After all, I can tell a software designer from his tie and an airline pilot from his left thumb"

C4C4 laughed and smiled as she tried to analyze him leaning back against the wall as she spoke. "Well I won't deny that your ears and tail look very soft and touchable, nor will I deny that your hand is very comfortable, but your wrong on the combat part though." C4 laughed and he looked at her. It couldn't really be considered combat when it was one sided annihilation now could it? Laughing he leaned forwards so his eyes were staring down hers, cold and calculating, showing a depth far surpassing his age. "So is it my turn to psychoanalyze you yet? After all, I can tell a software designer from his tie and an airline pilot from his left thumb"
"Then guess who I am then~ I wanna see what you know." Arako said as she stared back at him.



It had been one hell of a week. Now that Alejandro was back, they had gotten into a daily regimen. Training, spending time together, growing closer as partners, the stuff they should have been doing right from the get-go. But, it began with a rocky start, just like their friendship. With their immediate dislike for each other to Blue landing in the hospital, to nearly getting molested, it was crazy to think just how much had happened since they met. Taylor had assigned them to spend a full day together to get to know each other, and it was kind of funny to think that only recently were they able to complete that assignment. She hoped he was okay with late work, but somehow she had a feeling he wouldn't mind too much. Training was fun, to say the least. Astrid's powers were all based on weapon manipulation, so with Alejandro's help she quickly mastered using a sword. They made quite the pair when they were both using a sword against their opponents. Even some students had tried to challenge them just for kicks, having heard rumors of the "fire and ice" duo that happened on the first day. This was all the more appropriate as Astrid found that some of her attacks took on a flame attribute, complete opposite of Alejandro's ice. Training went well, leading them to today... where Astrid was passed out in her room.

They had trained for quite a while during the day, a sparring match between the two of them. Alejandro really wanted to be sure that Astrid knew how to handle a sword, despite her continued insistence that she was more than fine at it. So, he challenged her to a dual. Though Astrid's powers did help, Alejandro still beat her, which made sense considering that his main weapon of choice would always be a sword. In that sense, he probably would always have a slight upper hand against her. But, since they were partners, that kind of thinking didn't really do much good. She'd kick his ass if it were guns though. Either way, after the mock battle, Astrid had spent more hours than she expected poring over books about swordsmanship, trying to see what it was about Alejandro's use of the weapon that made him triumph over her in the end. It was long past bedtime when she finally went to bed, and the last thing that she expected was an early-morning call from Alejandro. Being a light sleeper was crucial to surviving where she was from, but that didn't mean that she was a morning person. Astrid loooooved her sleep, so waking up to her ringtone blaring was the last thing she wanted. Astrid groggily lifted her head to look at her phone, blinked as she saw the name "Blue" on caller ID, and groaned before answering the call just before it ended, sleep lacing her words that slogged out of her mouth. "...what do you want, Blue...?"


Skylar hadn't been seen in three days.

Extra Info

Her dorm


Waking up, talking to Alejandro

Wake up

Interacting with: Alejandro
Tags: Roman Roman




Well, this wasn't exactly how Isuzu thought her day would go. Honestly she expected to just spend the rest of the night alone, probably watching Netflix or something like that. It wasn't that she was unsocial, things like hanging out with people just never seemed to be something that happened to her. But apparently, today, fate had other ideas, as now she had met her new next door neighbor and making a meal with him. Isuzu did enjoy company on the rare occasions she did have it, so it was a pleasant surprise for sure. Dutifully and gracefully, she spread the ingredients in her bag that would be useful in the stir fry on the counter, setting the other food aside. Maybe she'd just stuff it in the fridge when they were eating so the food didn't spoil sitting out. Now came the part where she'd need her new friend's help, as she didn't know where anything was in his apartment to actually make the food. With a tilt of her head, Isuzu looked over at her neighbor with a friendly smirk. "So, ya gonna show this girl around the kitchen or am I gonna have to dig my way around to find what I need?"

Extra Info

Neighbor's apartment


Getting ready to make dinner

Cook dinner

Interacting with: Neighbor (totally forgot his name, I'm so sorry D: )




So Haruka was going to meet the king. She knew why this was, because she apparently had some ability she should not be able to have, but it seemed like a bit much. Meeting the all-powerful king over something she did? It seemed a bit far-fetched in her opinion. Was the ability that she had really all that great? In the moment that her ability awakened, all she could feel was a rush of emotions - pain, suffering, loss, grief, anger, sadness. All of them, all at once, and then a surge of some kind of power she didn't recognize. And ever since then, she hadn't dared try calling upon it again. Truthfully, she wasn't actually sure how to do it. Or what the ability even was. She had heard rumors that the royal family had certain powers that ran in their bloodline, but those were only rumors, and it's not like the rumors gave much information anyways. So it left Haruka in the same spot - clueless, guilty, scared, and confused. It was the king of all people, of course it'd be terrifying. Not many people got the chance to meet someone in such a powerful position, much less be asked to specifically go see him. At the moment, all she could do was follow the older Sanctum until they met the king, occasionally glancing up at Yukari for reassurance.

Extra Info

With Yukari


Walking with Yukari

Meet the king??

Interacting with: Yukari
Tags: Roman Roman




It had been one hell of a week. Now that Alejandro was back, they had gotten into a daily regimen. Training, spending time together, growing closer as partners, the stuff they should have been doing right from the get-go. But, it began with a rocky start, just like their friendship. With their immediate dislike for each other to Blue landing in the hospital, to nearly getting molested, it was crazy to think just how much had happened since they met. Taylor had assigned them to spend a full day together to get to know each other, and it was kind of funny to think that only recently were they able to complete that assignment. She hoped he was okay with late work, but somehow she had a feeling he wouldn't mind too much. Training was fun, to say the least. Astrid's powers were all based on weapon manipulation, so with Alejandro's help she quickly mastered using a sword. They made quite the pair when they were both using a sword against their opponents. Even some students had tried to challenge them just for kicks, having heard rumors of the "fire and ice" duo that happened on the first day. This was all the more appropriate as Astrid found that some of her attacks took on a flame attribute, complete opposite of Alejandro's ice. Training went well, leading them to today... where Astrid was passed out in her room.

They had trained for quite a while during the day, a sparring match between the two of them. Alejandro really wanted to be sure that Astrid knew how to handle a sword, despite her continued insistence that she was more than fine at it. So, he challenged her to a dual. Though Astrid's powers did help, Alejandro still beat her, which made sense considering that his main weapon of choice would always be a sword. In that sense, he probably would always have a slight upper hand against her. But, since they were partners, that kind of thinking didn't really do much good. She'd kick his ass if it were guns though. Either way, after the mock battle, Astrid had spent more hours than she expected poring over books about swordsmanship, trying to see what it was about Alejandro's use of the weapon that made him triumph over her in the end. It was long past bedtime when she finally went to bed, and the last thing that she expected was an early-morning call from Alejandro. Being a light sleeper was crucial to surviving where she was from, but that didn't mean that she was a morning person. Astrid loooooved her sleep, so waking up to her ringtone blaring was the last thing she wanted. Astrid groggily lifted her head to look at her phone, blinked as she saw the name "Blue" on caller ID, and groaned before answering the call just before it ended, sleep lacing her words that slogged out of her mouth. "...what do you want, Blue...?"


Skylar hadn't been seen in three days.

no slide
no slide

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


With everything that was going on, Hyou and Alejandro were both slightly on edge. After being told that Skylar had been missing, he could help but worry about, Astrid... That's one reason why he called. He had to make sure she was okay and nothing had happened to her. "Hey, did she pick up, Alejandro? I'm about ready to go in there myself." Hyou was frustrated, there was no denying that. The girl he love just up and vanished with no word and so did some of the major cities. If she wasn't on campus, then she was probably killed along with those people... Or consumed. Whatever happened to them, as the news didn't go into detail on it. Alejandro was about to respond to Hyou when the ringing stopped and Astrid answered. For a short moment, a smile graced his face, hearing her voice and knowing she was okay, but then he realized that she knew nothing of what was going on. She was a little too calm. "Hey Astrid. I know it's earlier, but I wanted to talk to you. Hyou and I are outside and we wondered if we could come inside... If it isn't too much to ask. There's something you should hear."

Hyou didn't understand why he just didn't tell her from the jump, but he wasn't going to question it. As long as he got what was promised to him, he'd be fine. "Probably would have been best to get her out here so we could just tell her on the way, don't you think?" Alejandro shook his head, looking at Hyou. "No. If there's someone like him out there, I want her safe at all cost." He said, covering the phone's speaking so she wouldn't hear him. Hyou raised a brow, Alejandro's words causing him to become curious. He seemed to worry about her now. "I'm sorry if I seem a little bit too overprotective... I don't even want you out here, but I can't tell you want to do anyways. I want us all somewhere where we can just hide out, but someone has to take this guy out and find our friend." Alejandro explained. "Don't get me wrong, Alejandro. I'm not here to save everyone else. Just my girl. If she isn't there after this is over, I'm not coming back until I find her or die trying." Hyou meant it. Every ounce of him was going into finding Skylar. "...She's lucky to have you." Alejandro told him. Hyou simply looked to the distance, sighing light, "Is she really?"

"Then guess who I am then~ I wanna see what you know." Arako said as she stared back at him.

C4C4 laughed as he stared at Arako and scanned over her with his eyes, taking in as many details as possible, analyzing all of their past interactions. Although he was in charge of an assault division, he wasn't a CROSS general for nothing, analyzing one little girl shouldn't be an issue. Smiling he thought about the facts for a brief moment before speaking. "Well lets start with the basics. Your
ears and tail are blatantly of canine origin. This is Japan, most likely of vulpine decent, so you likely have some form of youkai blood in you. Then next is the age. As having youkai blood could severely extend the lifespan of the body that is neigh on impossible to tell, however judging from the bright attire and non formal wear, along with the time of day still being during normal business hours, that suggests young, likely 16 to 17 range. That age span suggests a student. There are a number of schools for "gifted" persons in the area, but you hold yourself with pride, an elitist, you likely go to the euphorian school. That pride runs deep, likely a family of graduates from this elitist school. Such strong pride suggests a proud family, likely either your father or mother hold themselves to be above humans. From the fact that you hold little fear of men and that you are instinctively trying to be seductive with that sitting posture we can deduce that you likely have ties to either carnal desire or lust, however that doesn't seem right.... ah I see, those traits were more likely distorted by a chaotic element. im guessing the father. your mother likely has strong ties to the emotion lf love. Im guessing a cupid, cherub, or muse, while the father has a darker element, something like a demon or shade. Well? how did I do?"
sitting there C4 stared at Arako expectantly.



This kind of family atmosphere that Lilliana was in was one that she definitely cherished. Her old life with Ken and her parents seemed to have fallen apart, and being the kind of kid she was, Lilliana needed that family atmosphere. Specifically, she needed a dad. That wasn't to say she didn't love her mother or Ken, of course she did, but there was something about having a dad that was different. Maybe it was because she always felt like an outcast, and her father was the only one who understood how she felt because they shared the same dark exceed genes. Nobody else could understand that, so it led to Lilliana having a strong attachment to the father figure in the household. Which is why, when her biological family fell apart, she couldn't help but cling to the only other fatherly figure in her life - Ayen, who she happened to meet some time ago. And now here she was, about to have her first holiday dinner with family ever. Just as Len had, Lilliana too had jumped up from the couch and ran over to see the food being pretty much done, getting just as excited about it as she had been about the buns. With a smile, she glanced at the food before turning and giving her father a smile. "It looks good, papa! Can we eat it now?"

Extra Info



Looking at the food

Have dinner

Interacting with: Ayen and Len


C4C4 laughed as he stared at Arako and scanned over her with his eyes, taking in as many details as possible, analyzing all of their past interactions. Although he was in charge of an assault division, he wasn't a CROSS general for nothing, analyzing one little girl shouldn't be an issue. Smiling he thought about the facts for a brief moment before speaking. "Well lets start with the basics. Your
ears and tail are blatantly of canine origin. This is Japan, most likely of vulpine decent, so you likely have some form of youkai blood in you. Then next is the age. As having youkai blood could severely extend the lifespan of the body that is neigh on impossible to tell, however judging from the bright attire and non formal wear, along with the time of day still being during normal business hours, that suggests young, likely 16 to 17 range. That age span suggests a student. There are a number of schools for "gifted" persons in the area, but you hold yourself with pride, an elitist, you likely go to the euphorian school. That pride runs deep, likely a family of graduates from this elitist school. Such strong pride suggests a proud family, likely either your father or mother hold themselves to be above humans. From the fact that you hold little fear of men and that you are instinctively trying to be seductive with that sitting posture we can deduce that you likely have ties to either carnal desire or lust, however that doesn't seem right.... ah I see, those traits were more likely distorted by a chaotic element. im guessing the father. your mother likely has strong ties to the emotion lf love. Im guessing a cupid, cherub, or muse, while the father has a darker element, something like a demon or shade. Well? how did I do?"
sitting there C4 stared at Arako expectantly.
"You missed the first few targets but your accuracy picked up a bit in the end." She said before she sat on the table as her tail sort of teased it self under C4's chin. She smiled at him before correcting his missed-targets.
"I am not a Youkai. These ears are from my mother's distant side, the Goddess of Love and Heartbreak. My kitsune-like instincts probably were influenced by my adopted sister who is a kitsune. My father is a God of Destruction. Brother of the Goddess of Creation and the Goddess of Balance. And I wear this mainly because my sister gave them to me. I do attend the school. And I hold little fear because I have confidence that I can defend myself. This is just the way I act, to trick people to think I am a kitsune. But..."
Arako then gave a serious stare before vanishing and appearing sitting on his lap, her body facing his. "With that reading, I'm surprised you missed a very blunt and critical piece. I want you to guess again. This time, you better not miss." Arako sounded serious as if something from the past troubled her. Her arms seemed to tremble a little. "For someone who can see many things... You sure are clueless..."
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"You missed the first few targets but your accuracy picked up a bit in the end." She said before she sat on the table as her tail sort of teased it self under C4's chin. She smiled at him before correcting his missed-targets.
"I am not a Youkai. These ears are from my mother's distant side, the Goddess of Love and Heartbreak. My kitsune-like instincts probably were influenced by my adopted sister who is a kitsune. My father is a God of Destruction. Brother of the Goddess of Creation and the Goddess of Balance. And I wear this mainly because my sister gave them to me. I do attend the school. And I hold little fear because I have confidence that I can defend myself. This is just the way I act, to trick people to think I am a kitsune. But..."
Arako then gave a serious stare before vanishing and appearing sitting on his lap, her body facing his. "With that reading, I'm surprised you missed a very blunt and critical piece. I want you to guess again. This time, you better not miss." Arako sounded serious as if something from the past troubled her. Her arms seemed to tremble a little. "For a member of CROSS... You sure are clueless liar..."
(( So how would she know about CROSS? The general public doesn't know they exist, and arako could at most sense emotions like her, but theres nothing relating to mind reading, so how would she know he's part of CROSS?))

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