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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Ilaani blinked, he actually tried to talk? Thank God. She thought she'd have to take the food and run, his weird silence was incredibly awkward to her so she was somewhat glad that he was making some sort of attempt. She glanced over at him "I've been going to FHS for the past two years" she paused for a moment "I assume since you have your magic book there you're used to that kind of thing, so it's okay to tell you that" she said with a shrug.
Des blinked, FHS? ah.... he remembered now. that was the nickname the humans gave to the Euphorian Highschool for the Empowered that was in the area... Well Des could certainly understand why they would just call it the Fantasy Highschool because Euphorian Highschool for the Empowered was a real mouthful. either way, thinking back Des seemed to remember that FHS was the school he was "attending", not that he had ever shown up. honestly he had perfect control over his abilities, but figured that if he attended, then perhaps he could make use of the schools information networks and faculty but to be honest he found them rather mediocre. then bringing his mind back to the present conversation Des shrugged. This book was something that had landed into his possession after a long chain of events, but even before that Des was a god so he had plenty of experience with the supernatural. "ya, I suppose you could say something like that."
Des blinked, FHS? ah.... he remembered now. that was the nickname the humans gave to the Euphorian Highschool for the Empowered that was in the area... Well Des could certainly understand why they would just call it the Fantasy Highschool because Euphorian Highschool for the Empowered was a real mouthful. either way, thinking back Des seemed to remember that FHS was the school he was "attending", not that he had ever shown up. honestly he had perfect control over his abilities, but figured that if he attended, then perhaps he could make use of the schools information networks and faculty but to be honest he found them rather mediocre. then bringing his mind back to the present conversation Des shrugged. This book was something that had landed into his possession after a long chain of events, but even before that Des was a god so he had plenty of experience with the supernatural. "ya, I suppose you could say something like that."

Ilaani nodded before her eyes examined him breifly again "So... This book of yours." She started, a curious expression present on her face as she spoke "What exactly do you do with a book with all that information in it?" She asked tilting her head a little "You know...Other than reading doujinshis from it" she flashed a cheeky smile at him "Yes. I saw that earlier. But your 'secret' is safe with me" she jokingly tapped her nose. She obviously didn't see a problem that he read them, she just found how quickly he tried to cover up the book when it happened amusing.
Ilaani nodded before her eyes examined him breifly again "So... This book of yours." She started, a curious expression present on her face as she spoke "What exactly do you do with a book with all that information in it?" She asked tilting her head a little "You know...Other than reading doujinshis from it" she flashed a cheeky smile at him "Yes. I saw that earlier. But your 'secret' is safe with me" she jokingly tapped her nose. She obviously didn't see a problem that he read them, she just found how quickly he tried to cover up the book when it happened amusing.
Des sighed. He knew she was just teasing him, but honestly it wasnt his fault. he couldent control what the book decided to put before him if he wasnt searching for something specific. besides, the last time he had felt some thing as primal and mundane as lust, had been several centuries ago, but viewing such stuff in public could bring him far more trouble than he wanted to deal with. sighing once more at her question he tilted his head and shrugged, "I read it and i protect it."

Asuka Fukushima
~Witch turned Sanctum

To think it had been months since she had set foot on the school grounds. She didn't intend to leave so abruptly, but something came up and she had to leave in a hurry. Trying to find a good enough substitute for her classes was a little tricky, but luckily it didn't take too long. Mr. Norman had seemed more than well capable in teaching her classes, possibly more then she was. Asuka had only been teaching for a little over 4 months and had at least a good amount of knowledge about teaching to get a teaching credential, but that was just barely. This guy had seemed way more qualified than she was. Of course, she wouldn't give up her job because of it. Though she would be a good word for him in if there was a teacher needed here, not that she really thought there would be. He seemed to be more intent in being a substitute as it was, which was completely fine. After explaining to Mr. Norman that she was leaving for a couple months, Asuka informed him that there was a binder full of lesson plans for the next couple months were in her backroom and that he could change them if he so chose too. So long as the students were learning something about magic and not just goofing around in class she was fine with it. Once the whole explanation was done, she bid him ado and was off on her way. Asuka had already told her students that was would be leaving the day prior and had left them with a worksheet to hand into the sub tomorrow.

With her bags backed and everything ready to go, she departed from her home, but not without bidding her family a heartfelt goodbye. She acted as if she was leaving forever, when in fact she was only leaving for a couple months to take care of a family matter. She flew across the country to a place she was once familiar with and had called home. The trip took a little longer than expected, but she was glad once it was done. Luckily it wasn't anything too tough for her to handle. Returning home had been like a breath of fresh air and she was more than happy to be back were she felt like she belonged, rather than in a place that was now foreign to her. It was good to be back. Hopefully the next time she would leave, it would be for a vacation with her family rather than having her own personal matter to deal with. So here she stood, right at the entrance of the school in a turquoise colored blouse, paired with white pants and beige flats looking more formal than casual on her day back. The sunglasses the covered her eyes did kind of help her look a little more casual, but not by much. Asuka only had to stop by here briefly to grab a few things from her classroom before heading back home. It was just to grab the lesson plans, wand, and spell book from the backroom. The last two things were locked in a drawer, so she wasn't worried about them not being there.

Asuka walked through the gates of the school, humming as she want along. It didn't seem like anything had changed since she had been gone, aside from the fact that there were new students she had never seen before. She waved to a few as she walked by, stopping to have a small chat with a few that she already knew and were in her class. From what the sub had told her, the students were well behaved, except for the one or two trouble makers that she knew she'd have to have a talk with. Keeping that note in mind, she walked across the courtyard to her classroom. Asuka was glad it was close to the entrance and not so far away that she'd end up getting lost because knowing her, that would most likely happen. She spotted Akira and Han's not to far from where she was, wanting to go over there and greet them. But she wasn't that far away from her room and they looked like they were talking anyway, so she could do it on her way back. So she continued on her way, disappearing inside the classroom for a couple minutes and coming out with her book in hand.

Asuka turned, locking the door behind her before making her way back to the courtyard towards her husband and Han's. She lifted the shade's off of her hands and rested them on the top of her head when she reached them before speaking, "Hey honey. Hi Han's."

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School Yard



Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira
Roman Roman


Yumi Eru

She couldn't believe she did it... it was unheard of that she took such a long break from school. Heck even if she had a choice, Yumi would never have left school for months on end for a simple vacation, but her family insisted (more like forced) on her going. If she had had it her way, she would have stayed in school so homework wouldn't pile up on her when she got back. Her mother wanted a nice family vacation, saying that her daughter was far to stressed out about school more than she should be and needed to take a break. A couple weeks would have been fine with her, but months was just taking it too far. At least it was in her opinion. Though her mother was just trying to do what she thought was best, so Yumi couldn't blame her for that. It was just a little frustrating, that was all. Even though her mother meant no harm, she was still a little mad about being taken out of school. It wasn't all that bad though. It was a relatively nice place they went to, a cabin that they had rented in the woods. The cabin was a decent size and even had a Jacuzzi outside in the backyard, but didn't really get used all that much. Yumi had used it only two, maybe three times during her stay. She had spent most of her time outside the cabin with her family, going on hikes or swimming in a lake that was nearby. But she did also secretly do homework from her laptop when no one was around, or at least she thought she was being secretive about it. Her mother had known the whole time, she just didn't want her spending her whole time doing the work. Which Yumi didn't since she didn't want to get 'caught' and get scolded by her mother.

Once the vacation ended, she was brought back to the school with two luggage's in one hand and waving goodbye to her parents with the other. "Bye! I'll see you guys at dinner on Friday." Yumi stated with a grin, waving at her parent's one last time as their car drove away before turning around and dragging her luggage with her. They were both pretty heavy, but she could handle it.. sort of. She kept having to take breaks every so often because she was getting really tired. The dorms were a little ways away from where they had dropped her off and with how fast she was walking, Yumi could say she was a little more than halfway there. "Ugh... why did I shove months worth of clothes into two bags.. A third one would have helped, but.. probably made it harder." She huffed, stopping again to take another break. She really needed to start working out or something to gain more stamina and stop getting tired so quickly. She put that on her check list of things to do when she had time. Who knew when, really. With her nose either buried into a book or homework, there wasn't much time on her hands. Unless it was to play with her small robotic cat, Oreo, who she had accidentally left at her dorm. It was just made of metal and didn't seem to need the same attention an actual animal needed, but Yumi was still worried about it. Hopefully Oreo was okay, which he probably was.

Picking up her luggage again, she started for the girl's dorm. She breathed out a sigh of relief once she reached the main doors of it, whispering a quiet thank goodness before slugging her way inside. It took her a while to reach her dorm, but when she did, Yumi threw open the door and tossed her luggage inside as best she could. Neither went far, considering they held a lot of stuff in it, so Yumi kicked them out of her way to get through the door. Unpacking those monsters would have to be later, she did not want to deal with that at all right now. She'd save it for later tonight.. or tomorrow. Whenever was best really. She would rather check up on Oreo and see how he was doing, finding that he was charging. Everything was pretty okay and dandy, aside from her now messy room, so she placed him inside her jacket pocket and grabbed a good book before heading out of her dorm room. It was a little too stuff in their for her liking, though she could have solved that problem by opening up a window. To lazy to turn back and do it, Yumi continued on her way outside and once out, finding a nice bench to sit on to read.

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Sitting on a bench outside the dorm



Nona Nona

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Asuka Fukushima
~Witch turned Sanctum

To think it had been months since she had set foot on the school grounds. She didn't intend to leave so abruptly, but something came up and she had to leave in a hurry. Trying to find a good enough substitute for her classes was a little tricky, but luckily it didn't take too long. Mr. Norman had seemed more than well capable in teaching her classes, possibly more then she was. Asuka had only been teaching for a little over 4 months and had at least a good amount of knowledge about teaching to get a teaching credential, but that was just barely. This guy had seemed way more qualified than she was. Of course, she wouldn't give up her job because of it. Though she would be a good word for him in if there was a teacher needed here, not that she really thought there would be. He seemed to be more intent in being a substitute as it was, which was completely fine. After explaining to Mr. Norman that she was leaving for a couple months, Asuka informed him that there was a binder full of lesson plans for the next couple months were in her backroom and that he could change them if he so chose too. So long as the students were learning something about magic and not just goofing around in class she was fine with it. Once the whole explanation was done, she bid him ado and was off on her way. Asuka had already told her students that was would be leaving the day prior and had left them with a worksheet to hand into the sub tomorrow.

With her bags backed and everything ready to go, she departed from her home, but not without bidding her family a heartfelt goodbye. She acted as if she was leaving forever, when in fact she was only leaving for a couple months to take care of a family matter. She flew across the country to a place she was once familiar with and had called home. The trip took a little longer than expected, but she was glad once it was done. Luckily it wasn't anything too tough for her to handle. Returning home had been like a breath of fresh air and she was more than happy to be back were she felt like she belonged, rather than in a place that was now foreign to her. It was good to be back. Hopefully the next time she would leave, it would be for a vacation with her family rather than having her own personal matter to deal with. So here she stood, right at the entrance of the school in a turquoise colored blouse, paired with white pants and beige flats looking more formal than casual on her day back. The sunglasses the covered her eyes did kind of help her look a little more casual, but not by much. Asuka only had to stop by here briefly to grab a few things from her classroom before heading back home. It was just to grab the lesson plans, wand, and spell book from the backroom. The last two things were locked in a drawer, so she wasn't worried about them not being there.

Asuka walked through the gates of the school, humming as she want along. It didn't seem like anything had changed since she had been gone, aside from the fact that there were new students she had never seen before. She waved to a few as she walked by, stopping to have a small chat with a few that she already knew and were in her class. From what the sub had told her, the students were well behaved, except for the one or two trouble makers that she knew she'd have to have a talk with. Keeping that note in mind, she walked across the courtyard to her classroom. Asuka was glad it was close to the entrance and not so far away that she'd end up getting lost because knowing her, that would most likely happen. She spotted Akira and Han's not to far from where she was, wanting to go over there and greet them. But she wasn't that far away from her room and they looked like they were talking anyway, so she could do it on her way back. So she continued on her way, disappearing inside the classroom for a couple minutes and coming out with her book in hand.

Asuka turned, locking the door behind her before making her way back to the courtyard towards her husband and Han's. She lifted the shade's off of her hands and rested them on the top of her head when she reached them before speaking, "Hey honey. Hi Han's."

More Info


School Yard



Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira
Roman Roman

Akira Header 2_zpszwsjbam7.png

ezgif.com-gif-maker 85_zpsa25br53n.gif

...♅Akira had continued to speak with Han while his thoughts drifted off to his wife. She had been gone for a few months on a personal trip, so it was only normal that he'd worry about her. Sure enough, he caught sight of his wife returning out the corner of his eye, and saw her go into her classroom. It was clear that the immediate area around Akira warmed up slightly, even more so than the day's heat. He continued to talk with Han as he watched Asuka exit the classroom and come closer to them, talking to both Akira and Han as she stopped just a few feet away. Akira's face lit up with a large smile as his eyes made contact with his wife, shortly before he spoke to her, his body leaning in and giving her a small kiss on the lips, something that was appropriate for the situation. If it was just the two of them, Akira would've greeted her with a different type of kiss♅...

Hey Suki-chan!~ How was your trip?~

Character Information




School's Courtyard.


Talk with Asuka and Han.

Interacting With:

Asuka and Han.


WeirdPrincess WeirdPrincess , Roman Roman .


Des sighed. He knew she was just teasing him, but honestly it wasnt his fault. he couldent control what the book decided to put before him if he wasnt searching for something specific. besides, the last time he had felt some thing as primal and mundane as lust, had been several centuries ago, but viewing such stuff in public could bring him far more trouble than he wanted to deal with. sighing once more at her question he tilted his head and shrugged, "I read it and i protect it."

Ilaani stared at him for a moment "That's a pretty vague answer" she said with a shrug "But Whatever, I'm sure you have your reasons" she continued as she glanced towards the counter to see how her pizza was coming along, shoving her hands in her pockets. Her eyes slowly drifted in his direction again "So. Des. Are you always this short and dismissive with people? Or am I just pissing you off that much" she asked after a moment or two of silence.

((Sorry for short replies, I'm working on my bbcode c': ))
C4 sighed as he walked down the street flipping a quarter as he went wondering what to do with his day. Recently orders had come from above that all CROSS operatives were to effectively "lay low" for the time being as there was far to many police sectors that were cracking down on illegal crime. Walking aimlessly he looked for something to do.
CasualTea CasualTea
Ilaani stared at him for a moment "That's a pretty vague answer" she said with a shrug "But Whatever, I'm sure you have your reasons" she continued as she glanced towards the counter to see how her pizza was coming along, shoving her hands in her pockets. Her eyes slowly drifted in his direction again "So. Des. Are you always this short and dismissive with people? Or am I just pissing you off that much" she asked after a moment or two of silence.

((Sorry for short replies, I'm working on my bbcode c': ))
Des shrugged, there wasn't much else that he could say. "He read in search of greater truths and was willing to throw aside all dignity and godliness that embodied him in search of those truths." If he said that she would think him crazy. Shrugging once more he tilted his head. Was he being short and dissmisive with her? He wasn't trying to be, but was fairly normal for him so shrugging yet again he responded. "It's fairly normal for me."
C4 sighed as he walked down the street flipping a quarter as he went wondering what to do with his day. Recently orders had come from above that all CROSS operatives were to effectively "lay low" for the time being as there was far to many police sectors that were cracking down on illegal crime. Walking aimlessly he looked for something to do.
CasualTea CasualTea
Anime KitsuneGirl.jpg
+ Arako +
~ Exploring Around ~
Arako was sitting on a tree near a cosplay convention wearing a mask. It made her look like she was one of the cosplayers. She soon removed her mask and placed it on the side of her belt as it hung from her waist before she jumped down from the tree. Then she stretched a little before she decided to go for a walk. However, her first turn made her bump into C4. She didn't bump into him as hard so he didn't really fall but stumble a little bit. Arako leaned on his arm for support when she lost her balance during the collision before looking up at him and blushing a slight pink before backing up quickly soon bowing her head lightly and multiple times as a gesture of apology, her ears folded down as well and her tail hanging around. "Sorry about that sir! I didn't see where I was really going and I bumped into you! Sorry! Sorry sorry..."
~ Exploring Around ~
Arako was sitting on a tree near a cosplay convention wearing a mask. It made her look like she was one of the cosplayers. She soon removed her mask and placed it on the side of her belt as it hung from her waist before she jumped down from the tree. Then she stretched a little before she decided to go for a walk. However, her first turn made her bump into C4. She didn't bump into him as hard so he didn't really fall but stumble a little bit. Arako leaned on his arm for support when she lost her balance during the collision before looking up at him and blushing a slight pink before backing up quickly soon bowing her head lightly and multiple times as a gesture of apology, her ears folded down as well and her tail hanging around. "Sorry about that sir! I didn't see where I was really going and I bumped into you! Sorry! Sorry sorry..."
((Btw C4 has a fluffy complex XD also he is a big dude (as in tall and fit. ))
C4 blinked as he was knocked back slightly when turning the corner. It appeared as if someone had ran into him, however looking straight ahead he only saw slight Tufts of fur. Looking down a little bit he saw a girl with long fluffy wolf or possibly fox like ears on her head. His first thought was instinctively to call in a team to come pick her up before remembering that CROSS was supposed to lay low for a while. Then his second thought was "I wonder how soft he ears are..." Before realizing how rude his thoughts were. Blushing slightly as he focused on her ears intently he stabbed out "a-ah no it's fine, I wasn't watching where I was going either."

Kumori S. Fuzen ~ The Misutikku Akuma. (Disguised as "Kumi")
(Location: Tournament, Japan. )(With: Perfect )(Chaotic Neutral)

Perfect struck the look of someone who was in no disposition to play around, could you blame him? He was anticipating only to clash against fiercest of foes and this is what he got? A condescending God that was toying with him instead of giving it his all, what a horrendous insult not to mention it was just wasting his time. “Ah, I see.” Kumori anxiously pouted after recognizing Perfect’s lack of forbearance. Nervousness took over his will not due to the fact that he had been mocked nor was it because of Perfect’s sudden disappearance, Kumori’s full-potential was a bit of a gamble, divulging such a prodigious quantity of power in a short time would most certainly have dire consequences, Perfect’s re-appearance beside him was enough to bring Kumori’s morale descending as he had only two choices to choose from. He could either keep pursuing Perfect and use a strategy to defeat him or take to things seriously and ascend his power to a greater height, ultimately risking death and being sealed! His adversary;s comments on sparing him was enough for him to make his final decision as did his quick-landing sucker punch that connected with the side of Kumori’s cheek, that was something he was not prepared for but when it came to the kick, luckily he had enough time to engender the plasma lingering off of him to his midsection, promptly hardening and lightening the blow but still making him stumble backwards, catching himself on his heels.

Kumori found acceptance in the decision that he made, he figured that he had gotten himself in over his own head and either way its was a life or death situation and the only way he could get out of it is by pure luck, he was going to have to raise his level of strength but beat him as fast as possible. “You know.. You’re right about one thing Perfect.” Kumori frowned, straightening his stance and furrowing his brow with a grimace consuming his expression as he shot a fierce look at him. “I’m not a God.” He lowered his head in great distress as his magnitude of power commenced its enduringly long climb, with only a slight raise of his arms towards his sides it escalated briskly even to the point where his appearance gave ‘birth’ to a magnificent shine of bright white light that surrounded his body only stopping at his face which oddly enough had feline characteristics. “I’m seven of them!” He roared, only take a minor step before arriving directly in front of Perfect already, his foot-step alone was enough to transition a war-torn arena into an absolute mess as it had now been splintered all the way down to its base with each tile effected by the sheer amount of force. Kumori’s arm was lowered momentarily only to raise it to his chest merely less than a femtosecond, delivering a devastating blow with his fist as the knuckles joined his center of his chest whilst staying completely still as the environment around him did the exact opposite, shredding winds, seismic waves, and precipitation from water vapor heating up around him, it was a spectacle of power that lasted only moments. “Here’s what you wanted! I’m only just getting warmed up!” Kumori snarled aggressively, the countdown had started he needed to finish this and fast!

( @Roman ~ Perfect, probs gonna conclude this fight once Fukushima's character comes, its only right if he gets to take the glory :P )


~ God of Perfection


Perfect could only look at his opponent in disbelief. In one move, it looks as if Perfect had broken his spirits and destroyed him already. After attacking and making distance, Perfect said, "Don't let me down. You don't want to be the reason I turn this place into space dust now do you?" Perfect asked, hoping it'd boost his morale back to how it was and return all that bravado he brought into the fight in the first place. Raising his own power level now, a yellow aura surrounded, Perfect, lightning surging around him as he let his power leak, though it still wasn't even half. Perfect obviously was holding back if that was the case. When Kumori recovered from the attack, Perfect looked at him with a pleased smile. "There you do kid. I can say, I was expecting to kill you in that one punch. Guess you aren't weak, but my kick didn't land."

"What's this? Are you raising your power?" Perfect watched, a smile on his white black face. So Perfect was right, Kumori was nothing in comparison to the Perfect being himself... Until he caught Perfect's attention again. "Seven gods you say? That's impressive, but my potential is limitless when I put my mind to it. Give me the fight I've longed for, boy. Maybe you won't have to die by the hands of a true god if you do." Perfect watched as the single step of this powered up Kumori destroyed his arena. "Pity. It took me awhile to come up with the design." Perfect was then met by the presence of Kumori who stepped in front of him and sent a punch at his chest, and much to his surprise, it wasn't some half-assed punch. Perfect had actually dodged it, only to show his dominance on the battlefield. Now above Kumori, Perfect swung his elbow down into Kumori's head and immediately kicked him in the stomach, following it up with a stomp on his head to put him down in what was the arena.
"I'm assuming you let me hit you, or are you really just that weak. Makes me believe that all the strong people just up and left. Get up. Give me more... Because man... If you don't, I'll be one pissed off god... And no one... Likes a pissed off god... I think you should know that by now." Perfect took a step back, turning around and seeing that a girl had shown up on his battlefield. "I didn't plan on fighting a brat. Where's your guardian, or are you one of those lolis people are so infatuated with these days?" Perfect said to Futabu, laughing a little at the thought of a little girl trying to fight him.
Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne , Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu , Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

(((( Obsidian, much more will be happening before he arrives so the fight can last a bit longer. ))))
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Asuka Fukushima
~Witch turned Sanctum

To think it had been months since she had set foot on the school grounds. She didn't intend to leave so abruptly, but something came up and she had to leave in a hurry. Trying to find a good enough substitute for her classes was a little tricky, but luckily it didn't take too long. Mr. Norman had seemed more than well capable in teaching her classes, possibly more then she was. Asuka had only been teaching for a little over 4 months and had at least a good amount of knowledge about teaching to get a teaching credential, but that was just barely. This guy had seemed way more qualified than she was. Of course, she wouldn't give up her job because of it. Though she would be a good word for him in if there was a teacher needed here, not that she really thought there would be. He seemed to be more intent in being a substitute as it was, which was completely fine. After explaining to Mr. Norman that she was leaving for a couple months, Asuka informed him that there was a binder full of lesson plans for the next couple months were in her backroom and that he could change them if he so chose too. So long as the students were learning something about magic and not just goofing around in class she was fine with it. Once the whole explanation was done, she bid him ado and was off on her way. Asuka had already told her students that was would be leaving the day prior and had left them with a worksheet to hand into the sub tomorrow.

With her bags backed and everything ready to go, she departed from her home, but not without bidding her family a heartfelt goodbye. She acted as if she was leaving forever, when in fact she was only leaving for a couple months to take care of a family matter. She flew across the country to a place she was once familiar with and had called home. The trip took a little longer than expected, but she was glad once it was done. Luckily it wasn't anything too tough for her to handle. Returning home had been like a breath of fresh air and she was more than happy to be back were she felt like she belonged, rather than in a place that was now foreign to her. It was good to be back. Hopefully the next time she would leave, it would be for a vacation with her family rather than having her own personal matter to deal with. So here she stood, right at the entrance of the school in a turquoise colored blouse, paired with white pants and beige flats looking more formal than casual on her day back. The sunglasses the covered her eyes did kind of help her look a little more casual, but not by much. Asuka only had to stop by here briefly to grab a few things from her classroom before heading back home. It was just to grab the lesson plans, wand, and spell book from the backroom. The last two things were locked in a drawer, so she wasn't worried about them not being there.

Asuka walked through the gates of the school, humming as she want along. It didn't seem like anything had changed since she had been gone, aside from the fact that there were new students she had never seen before. She waved to a few as she walked by, stopping to have a small chat with a few that she already knew and were in her class. From what the sub had told her, the students were well behaved, except for the one or two trouble makers that she knew she'd have to have a talk with. Keeping that note in mind, she walked across the courtyard to her classroom. Asuka was glad it was close to the entrance and not so far away that she'd end up getting lost because knowing her, that would most likely happen. She spotted Akira and Han's not to far from where she was, wanting to go over there and greet them. But she wasn't that far away from her room and they looked like they were talking anyway, so she could do it on her way back. So she continued on her way, disappearing inside the classroom for a couple minutes and coming out with her book in hand.

Asuka turned, locking the door behind her before making her way back to the courtyard towards her husband and Han's. She lifted the shade's off of her hands and rested them on the top of her head when she reached them before speaking, "Hey honey. Hi Han's."

More Info


School Yard



Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira
Roman Roman

Akira Header 2_zpszwsjbam7.png

ezgif.com-gif-maker 85_zpsa25br53n.gif

...♅Akira had continued to speak with Han while his thoughts drifted off to his wife. She had been gone for a few months on a personal trip, so it was only normal that he'd worry about her. Sure enough, he caught sight of his wife returning out the corner of his eye, and saw her go into her classroom. It was clear that the immediate area around Akira warmed up slightly, even more so than the day's heat. He continued to talk with Han as he watched Asuka exit the classroom and come closer to them, talking to both Akira and Han as she stopped just a few feet away. Akira's face lit up with a large smile as his eyes made contact with his wife, shortly before he spoke to her, his body leaning in and giving her a small kiss on the lips, something that was appropriate for the situation. If it was just the two of them, Akira would've greeted her with a different type of kiss♅...

Hey Suki-chan!~ How was your trip?~

Character Information




School's Courtyard.


Talk with Asuka and Han.

Interacting With:

Asuka and Han.


WeirdPrincess WeirdPrincess , Roman Roman .


(((( Just gonna a helpful little noodle :D ))))

Han looked down at his watch only moments before Asuka showed up, remembering he had something to go and take care of. "Ah dang it... Guess I gotta go." Han looked at Asuka with a smile, waving his hand, "Hey Asuka. He's all yours, I was just about to leave." he said as his Shihakushō replaced his current outfit and his blade on his back. "Take care you two, I'll see you both later!" Han then jumped up into the sky and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.
Scarlet blinked as she watched him return with two other book's from the series, deciding to just let Logan do his thing. "As far as I know, they're probably making more." She said and smiled, watching the cashier scan the books. "That'll be 25$" The cashier said, glancing at them both from the screen in front of him.
"I'll be sure to get them for you then." Logan said, smiling as he turned back to the cashier, watching as he scanned the books. When the price came up, Logan chuckled a little. "Wow, that's how much books cost now... Well I never knew how much they costed in the first place." Still smiling, the pink haired boy took out his wallet and took out three ten dollar bills, handing them to the cashier. Only a moment later was he handed a bag that held Scarlet's books but also a five dollar bill as change. "Here you go." Logan said, handing the bag to her.
((Btw C4 has a fluffy complex XD also he is a big dude (as in tall and fit. ))
C4 blinked as he was knocked back slightly when turning the corner. It appeared as if someone had ran into him, however looking straight ahead he only saw slight Tufts of fur. Looking down a little bit he saw a girl with long fluffy wolf or possibly fox like ears on her head. His first thought was instinctively to call in a team to come pick her up before remembering that CROSS was supposed to lay low for a while. Then his second thought was "I wonder how soft he ears are..." Before realizing how rude his thoughts were. Blushing slightly as he focused on her ears intently he stabbed out "a-ah no it's fine, I wasn't watching where I was going either."
could I have a picture of how he looks like?)
Arako looked up when C4 stopped talking. She then began to examine his face a little bit. Almost as if he seemed familiar as her yellow slit eyes pierced into him. "You look... Sort of familiar... H-Have we met before...?"
could I have a picture of how he looks like?)
Arako looked up when C4 stopped talking. She then began to examine his face a little bit. Almost as if he seemed familiar as her yellow slit eyes pierced into him. "You look... Sort of familiar... H-Have we met before...?"
C4 looked at the girl below him and tilted his head while looking at her quizzically. He didn't recall ever meeting this girl before and he was fairly certain he would remember such cute and fluffy ears. shaking his head he quickly ran through his aliases before selecting one and replied, "I'm sorry, I don't believe we have. My name is Charles Forswain, perhaps you have me mistaken for someone else."
C4 looked at the girl below him and tilted his head while looking at her quizzically. He didn't recall ever meeting this girl before and he was fairly certain he would remember such cute and fluffy ears. shaking his head he quickly ran through his aliases before selecting one and replied, "I'm sorry, I don't believe we have. My name is Charles Forswain, perhaps you have me mistaken for someone else."
Arako blushed a dark red before she laughed nervously as she smiled. "Y-Yeah... Guess I did... Sorry about that. Well, since you've told me your name, I guess it's fair to introduce myself as well. I'm Arako."
Arako blushed a dark red before she laughed nervously as she smiled. "Y-Yeah... Guess I did... Sorry about that. Well, since you've told me your name, I guess it's fair to introduce myself as well. I'm Arako."
C4 blinked as he shrugged while facing the girl, "Why, do i look like someone you know?" then thinking about it, he supposed he shouldn't refer to her as girl anymore, as she said her name was Arako. Or at least he assumed she was telling the truth as most people dont instinctively give aliases when asked for their name.
C4 blinked as he shrugged while facing the girl, "Why, do i look like someone you know?" then thinking about it, he supposed he shouldn't refer to her as girl anymore, as she said her name was Arako. Or at least he assumed she was telling the truth as most people dont instinctively give aliases when asked for their name.
"Dunno... I guess some people look similar or have a double. Anyway, sorry for bothering ya." She said before she turned away and began walking. C4 could notice a fox-like tail hanging from behind Arako as it swayed naturally. It also looked quite soft and fluffy.
"Dunno... I guess some people look similar or have a double. Anyway, sorry for bothering ya." She said before she turned away and began walking. C4 could notice a fox-like tail hanging from behind Arako as it swayed naturally. It also looked quite soft and fluffy.

C4 stared at Arako as she turned to walk away wondering what that was all about before noticing the soft and fluffy tail that was swaying behind her as she walked. staring at her tail intently C4 decided fuck it and dug out a quarter. He was supposed to lay low right? that meant acting normal right? Flipping the coin he caught it, revealing the coin to be heads, deciding once more fuck it, he chased after Arako and caught up to her and walked besides her, "hey do you want to go grab something to eat or something?"


~ God of Perfection


Perfect could only look at his opponent in disbelief. In one move, it looks as if Perfect had broken his spirits and destroyed him already. After attacking and making distance, Perfect said, "Don't let me down. You don't want to be the reason I turn this place into space dust now do you?" Perfect asked, hoping it'd boost his morale back to how it was and return all that bravado he brought into the fight in the first place. Raising his own power level now, a yellow aura surrounded, Perfect, lightning surging around him as he let his power leak, though it still wasn't even half. Perfect obviously was holding back if that was the case. When Kumori recovered from the attack, Perfect looked at him with a pleased smile. "There you do kid. I can say, I was expecting to kill you in that one punch. Guess you aren't weak, but my kick didn't land."

"What's this? Are you raising your power?" Perfect watched, a smile on his white black face. So Perfect was right, Kumori was nothing in comparison to the Perfect being himself... Until he caught Perfect's attention again. "Seven gods you say? That's impressive, but my potential is limitless when I put my mind to it. Give me the fight I've longed for, boy. Maybe you won't have to die by the hands of a true god if you do." Perfect watched as the single step of this powered up Kumori destroyed his arena. "Pity. It took me awhile to come up with the design." Perfect was then met by the presence of Kumori who stepped in front of him and sent a punch at his chest, and much to his surprise, it wasn't some half-assed punch. Perfect had actually dodged it, only to show his dominance on the battlefield. Now above Kumori, Perfect swung his elbow down into Kumori's head and immediately kicked him in the stomach, following it up with a stomp on his head to put him down in what was the arena.
"I'm assuming you let me hit you, or are you really just that weak. Makes me believe that all the strong people just up and left. Get up. Give me more... Because man... If you don't, I'll be one pissed off god... And no one... Likes a pissed off god... I think you should know that by now." Perfect took a step back, turning around and seeing that a girl had shown up on his battlefield. "I didn't plan on fighting a brat. Where's your guardian, or are you one of those lolis people are so infatuated with these days?" Perfect said to Futabu, laughing a little at the thought of a little girl trying to fight him.

Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne , Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu , Wicked Jester Wicked Jester

(((( Obsidian, much more will be happening before he arrives so the fight can last a bit longer. ))))
(oh this is gonna be fun.)


She looked at the creature man puzzled. "Guard...wha?" she asked as she tried to think of what he was saying. This fight looked intense and fun. So she assumed her fighting stance. "I came to play too!" she shouted as she vanished. She ran to where the two of them were fighting. "My dad says fighting is bad, but it looks like I can fight here without him knowing." she said as she launched a flurry of blows at the closest opponent.

Roman Roman
(I do not know who else is in this fight, but just assume i tagged you all.)
(oh this is gonna be fun.)


She looked at the creature man puzzled. "Guard...wha?" she asked as she tried to think of what he was saying. This fight looked intense and fun. So she assumed her fighting stance. "I came to play too!" she shouted as she vanished. She ran to where the two of them were fighting. "My dad says fighting is bad, but it looks like I can fight here without him knowing." she said as she launched a flurry of blows at the closest opponent.

Roman Roman
(I do not know who else is in this fight, but just assume i tagged you all.)
((I don't think he's going to be willing to fight 2 people at once though, which is why I'm holding off on bringing in suuy, but I have 3rd fight reserved.))
((Reply with no code just to get things started))

The exhaustion was really starting to catch up to Lumina now. With the events of the party having concluded and the decision made to retire for the night, it really became apparent that the day was catching up with her. With no hesitation, she followed Kenji as he traversed the familiar pathway to his room. She spent so much time here as of late it was almost as if she was living there (as great as that would be, Lumina didn't want to push the subject). Her eyes fell on the pictures lining the walls, always promising that she'd one day stop and just spend some time looking at them but never actually following through with it. She did notice picture of her pair, just as she had every other time she walked these halls, every single time being unable to stop the smile from forming on her face. Seeing pictures of a Kenji she didn't know made her happy, as if it was some kind of glimpse into his past. Getting to know him better than anyone else was a secret goal she had, after all. Soon enough, they had made it to Kenji's room, a sight for sore eyes after the day she had. Getting lost, meeting way too many new people... Lumina was more than ready to just pass out in bed.

As much as she wanted to do that, she knew that changing into pajamas was probably a better idea. Thankfully, Kenji had allowed her a drawer to keep some clothes in, considering how much time she had been staying there as of late, it made sense. Opening the drawer, Lumina grabbed a t-shirt and shorts before noticing Kenji just changing out in the open near her. Her first reaction was a completely red face at seeing her pair shirtless, even though she knew that it was a perfectly normal thing to do in your room, in front of the person you're going to eventually marry. But even still... the phoenix couldn't help but notice that Kenji had gotten more... bold, recently. He didn't get embarrassed nearly as much, seeming to have grown up quite a lot in the time they had been together. He seemed fine with these kinds of intimate situations when before he would have been just as embarrassed. Now, that isn't to say that Lumina hadn't grown up. She too had matured, becoming more confident and okay in situations that were out of the question before, but it didn't change the fact that she was just plain inexperienced. Situations like changing in front of your significant other were still really new to her, so she couldn't help but revert back to her awkward and shy self. Trying not to gawk, Lumina blinked for a moment at the sight of a shirtless Kenji before turning her head quickly, trying to hide the blush that was overtaking her face. If Kenji saw her face like this, he'd definitely tease her... on second thought, maybe that's what he was trying to do right now. Kenji knew Lumina better than anyone, so of course he'd know just what kind of reaction she'd be having right now to what he was doing... oh god, he was totally doing it on purpose! Yeah, that was definitely what was happening.

"A-ah, Kenji..." Lumina stammered, not really knowing what else to say. She couldn't deny that it wasn't a nice sight, because seeing him without his shirt was actually really great, but it was still a lot to take in all of a sudden, especially with her growing blush and the butterflies rampaging in her stomach. She held her pajamas in her hand, wondering if she should just give up and change here (which was even more embarrassing to think about) or escape to the bathroom like she was originally going to do. Would it make him sad that she felt like she couldn't change in front of him? Would he be understanding? He was already in a teasing mood so she could probably get away with it considering that he was definitely trying to get a rise out of her. After a few more moments of deliberation, Lumina went with the "fake it til ya make it" strategy, opting to change right here so as to reduce any suspicions that his goading had worked. Stripping down to her undergarments, Lumina tried to keep as straight a face as possible with the blush still ever apparent, trying very hard to seem unfazed by it.

Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

C4 stared at Arako as she turned to walk away wondering what that was all about before noticing the soft and fluffy tail that was swaying behind her as she walked. staring at her tail intently C4 decided fuck it and dug out a quarter. He was supposed to lay low right? that meant acting normal right? Flipping the coin he caught it, revealing the coin to be heads, deciding once more fuck it, he chased after Arako and caught up to her and walked besides her, "hey do you want to go grab something to eat or something?"
Arako looked up to C4 and smiled before giggling a bit. "Sure. I'd love that, thank you~" Arako said as she walked. She knew she didn't use her charm powers yet. Or maybe he was interested in her? Well what interested him? Arako decided to look on the bright side. Someone is offering food. Like an offering to a deity~

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