• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds



...♆Kuroh laughed lightly and replied as he continued to watch Himeragi, his smile remaining as he replied in a joking tone♆...

It's never too early for some good ol' soda~ 

Character Information




Interacting With



Himeragi's Home.

Getting his breakfast.



Get some breakfast.


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⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi scoffed a bit before she went to the fridge and got out a can of cola and used her shirt to clean the top part of the can. It was a habit because of how she was told to clean it off all the time because of how it was shipped. Rats' germs and stuff could be all over the lid. After she cleaned it, she set it on the table. She soon looked at Kuroh and smiled before she sat down waiting for the toaster to finish. She spoke a bit jokingly and seductively. Though it was true.

''I know that if a germ were to enter your system, it probably might be disposed of quickly. But I don't think tasting rat would be a pleasant taste. Especially if those are the lips I kiss~''

"Dirty work? Its not work. Its assistance." Nai grumbled as he landed beside Erica. "I don't know. Can you?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't mind. I would have said no, but since I live alone its okay with me." He added. "I'll sleep on a futon. You can take my bed I guess." Nai told Erica as he walked towards the door to exit the room. 

"Would you wait a second?" Erica threw her towel at Nai then got dressed in her little warrior outfit and sheathed her sword. She wore a black long jacket with a black trappless tank top and some black skinny jeans and black boots, "Now let's go... And Stay out of my mind and I'll stay out of yours... And your sleeping with me." Erica felt something between them, but she felt weird. She felt... Happy? Something about him made her feel safe and someone she could trust although he was being a ass. Erica held onto his arm and walked with him, "Are we going back to your place?"
"Would you wait a second?" Erica threw her towel at Nai then got dressed in her little warrior outfit and sheathed her sword. She wore a black long jacket with a black trappless tank top and some black skinny jeans and black boots, "Now let's go... And Stay out of my mind and I'll stay out of yours... And your sleeping with me." Erica felt something between them, but she felt weird. She felt... Happy? Something about him made her feel safe and someone she could trust although he was being a ass. Erica held onto his arm and walked with him, "Are we going back to your place?"

Nai was still looking at his phone and was caught off guard by the towel. "Gyah! What the he- Oh..." He tossed the towel and waited for Erica. "I'm sleeping with you? Erm... Okay." He said, looking at her as she held onto his arm. "Not exactly. We can though. I was just going to get some fresh air. "



Hyou made a fist and smiled, "Rambling? I was so interested in what you were talking about I wouldn't even consider rambling. To be honest, I could listen to you talk all day. I just feel that you have interesting things to say, but people are so into themselves, they don't listen." He said jokingly as he stopped by the garden and sat on the ground beside Skylar. "Continue... With what you were talking about. I'd love to hear if you want to go on."



Skylar blinked at Hyou's gesture, not expecting something like that. Then again, she had gotten used to not really expecting much of anything when it came to him, in the regard that she didn't really ever know what to expect. He was something so new from what she was used to that there was no good way to know what she could expect. But then again, that was kind of a good thing, as it meant that every day with him would be a surprise. That was something to look forward to, right? Wait, did that mean that she had some kind of expectation in her head that they'd be spending every day together? Skylar's gaze dropped away from Hyou as this thought pervaded her mind, wondering why she was thinking something so... bold. And crazy! There was no way he'd want to spend every day with her, right? He was just helping out because he felt responsible for her hospitalization. Yeah... that was it.


Her gaze was brought back to the dragon as he spoke, a small smile coming on her face. Even with her crazy thoughts, it didn't change the fact that hearing Hyou's kind words genuinely made her happy. And the fact that he wanted to hear her blathering on... well, that was just icing on the cake. "Well..." Skylar started, plucking a nearby flower and playing with it in her hands. "I guess being hospitalized really made me think about things and life and perspective and all that. Life is so fragile. One moment you're fine at school and the next you're nearly dead and waking up after a three day coma in the hospital. Life can just be taken away so easily, you know?" The blue-haired mage began pulling individual flower petals off of the flower, giving a small laugh. "That thought makes you really think long and hard about what matters and what doesn't, and making sure you give time and effort toward the things you do care about. Like really, my family didn't even visit me in the hospital. But you did. You were there." Realizing that she was going off track, Skylar blushed, clearing her throat before swiping the flower petals off her lap. "I know now just how important it is to not take life, and it's second chances, for granted. Obviously I was given a second chance at life..." Skylar's voice trailed off a little bit as she brought her gaze intentionally up to meet Hyou's. "...and I need to make the most of it. Cherish the people in it that care for me. Live a better life than I was before. Laugh more. Love harder. That kind of thing." Oh if her cheeks weren't burning before they were now.
Nai was still looking at his phone and was caught off guard by the towel. "Gyah! What the he- Oh..." He tossed the towel and waited for Erica. "I'm sleeping with you? Erm... Okay." He said, looking at her as she held onto his arm. "Not exactly. We can though. I was just going to get some fresh air. "

"Fresh air? Oh right... I remember..." Erica smiled, "That thing... Look your stuck with me now since you interrupted my spa day... And it's up to you." Erica closed her eyes, 'Why do I feel like Ive known him forever? Are these "Memories" really mine? Or are they some one elses... Someone he knew maybe? A girlfriend? Or a close friend... Someone.' Erica opened her eyes and starred at him, "By any chance did you have a girlfriend or something...? You said scientist killed your family right? Or took them away from you? Something like that?"



Yuto saw that Noir had woken up and he went over and caught her before she fell out of bed. "Whoa, don't push yourself too hard Noir. You just fainted so rest for a bit okay?" He told her as he sat her back on the bed, showing her his sweet smile that Noir had given him. "Now um... I'm guessing you lost your memory somehow, right?" He told her. He saw her grab at her throat when she tried to speak. She must have forgotten how to speak properly too. He went and grabbed a notepad on the teachers desk along with a pen. "Here, maybe it'll help if you write out what your trying to say." He explained.


Noir could do nothing but stare at this strange man who had more concern for her than she was comfortable with. His smile was genuinely kind, but why? Was he just that nice of a person? No, he definitely seemed to act like they had known each other. Known each other and were close. Close how? Family? Friends? More than that? His behavior made sense if it was the latter option, but she didn't have feelings like that for him. Or anyone or anything, really. She just didn't really know anything. How could she when all she was really sure of was her name? She looked at him incredulously as he mentioned about losing her memory, though it did make sense. How could someone just lose their memory? Lots of ways probably. Well, if that was the case, could she get them back? Yuto handed her the paper and pen as her mind was racing with thoughts, bringing a slight sense of dizzy with it. She held her head, slightly nauseous at the feeling, hesitantly grabbing the paper and pen after a moment. Well, it did indeed seem like she couldn't speak. But why? Literally nothing about what was happening made sense. Slowly, she started to write, her hand shaky with nerves and slight fear and confusion.


"Who are you?"



Yukari took a few steps more, closing the door behind her. Haruka still was quiet. Reserved. Introverted. She was a Sanctum. Her parents wouldn't want her to feel this way, would they? They were warriors after all. Yukari had to think about it though, this girl was only a kid. That being said, of course she'd be taking it the way she is. Yukari decided to speak once more, this time hoping for a reaction, "Haruka? We have to go. I think I finally found who we came here for. If we go now, we'd most likely find him and get the answers you need... And the ones I need. So, can you please help me help you. This way we can both get what is here for us."


It was killing her. The girl was broken mentally at the moment. She barely spoke and a lot of the time she just sat there. If she were to speak now, it'd be worth celebrating, though her doubt still lingered. This was no easy task, and Yukari wasn't going to carry the girl about like a child. She eas old enough to keep going on her own. "If you don't want to speak, then at least just get up or nod... Please."



Yeah, Yukari was the kind of woman that wanted to get straight to the point. She wasn't mean in any sense, just... realistic. Straightforward. Goal-oriented. It was how a Sanctum should be, considering the status of just who they were. And normally, Haruka was too. Top of her class, always outstanding in her studies and training, get-to-the-point kind of Sanctum. If she was going to be a member of the King's army some day, which she wanted to be, then she had to be that way. And she had been secretly studying how to do so behind her parent's backs. Of course they wanted nothing better than a good life for their children, which meant something if not anything other than the life they had as King's Armymen, but she wanted to follow in her parents footsteps. She saw how proud they were to serve him, and wanted to do the same.


But that dream was gone now, gone with her parents. The image of their bodies completely destroyed on the ground would forever be burned into her memory. The sights, sounds, even the smells would never leave her mind. They lingered in the back of her mind, constantly, a reminder of everything that had happened. A reminder that she was to blame. Yukari's words momentarily brought her back to the present world, and her eyes moved back up to the older woman. Yukari was trying her best, and Haruka could tell she wasn't really used to this kind of thing. She couldn't blame her, who would want to be stuck having to take care of someone like her anyways? Her gaze stayed with Yukari for a few moments, dropping after she gave her a nod. They were here to try and get her help. Right. It'd do no good to not go along with it, so for the moment she had to. Especially if they were going to see the king. Even in her state, she knew how to be respectful. Kind of. In all reality she wanted to rot away in a hole, or go off on a quest to annihilate every last member of the race of creature that killed her parents, but neither option was plausible at the moment.
Ansom gazed at Celaena out of the corner of his eye. She seemed intrigued by the building but perplexed as well. It was a common mixture of emotions for someone seeing something new for the first time. He could only guess that the effects were multiplied as the Fae hadn't seen anything like the building before. 

The Mayhemic God had read about Faes before....or he should say Fiona read to him about Fae. But, it had been quite some time since he heard lore about the beasts of nature. He did remember getting them mixed up with fairies and pixies but he eventually realized they were different.

Ansom was brought out of his thoughts by a single question asked by the girl. "Well....I wouldn't say that malls cover the world. They more so....dot the planet....in a lot of places." He nodded slightly. He definitely hadn't been to many different malls, but he doubted other parts of the world were actually covered in them. They were simply too massive-scale and budget inducing for companies to sprout them anywhere. 

Celaena nodded as her question was answered. They had reached the doors of the mall. Well, this was strange. There were no handles on the door. More... strange architecture she had never seen before. Her eyes scanned over the automatic doors, trying to figure out what was going on with them when a patron of the mall decided to exit, and the doors opened on their own and the patron exited. Celaena took a step back, a worried look on her face as she tried to process what was going. Doors that predicted when someone would walk through them?! "W-what kind of magic is this??" She asked aloud, looking over at Ansom with a scared and intrigued expression.



Years ago, it was during a life of Lumina's where she was normal. No murderous, fiery intent. Nothing but a normal girl. Reborn at the age of 18, like the current Lumina. It was during the time that her parent's had her locked away in fear of what her unpredictable life might bring. This one life in particular they had made a special exception, as it was the most normal life Lumina had been reborn into in such a long time. Especially considering the state of the girl, having woken up in a place she didn't recognize, in a jail cell surrounded by strangers who only looked at her with fear and disgust. Her parent's rule as King and Queen of this particular group of Phoenixes ruled with an iron, yet just fist. So, they thought that letting Lumina out and letting her experience a life might do some good. Perhaps if they treated this life kindly than they had the last few, then maybe she'd continue to be reborn as peaceful lives. The fact that she retained no memories of prior lives helped with this transition, as Lumina knew nothing other than waking up inside a secure prison cell.


Confused and scared, the phoenix was much more timid than her family and the rest of the phoenixes expected. For the last ten or twenty lives, it was nothing but a constant fight to keep the world from her wrath. Sometimes it meant killing her as soon as she revived. But not this time. She actually seemed... normal? Of course, her family was hesitant to let her out at all. But, they decided to take a chance, relieved to finally have a break for once. In total, this was perhaps her thirtieth life within the span of a few years, so everyone was glad to finally have a break for once. But even though she was allowed to have freedom, it was not without heavy surveillance. One misstep in the direction that her previous lives had taken would mean immediate termination, on sight if necessary. But that never came, and she lived a long, happy life.


That was the life she first met Kenji.


It was the first adult life that Lumina was sane enough to meet someone on what would be considered normal terms. She had been reborn as an adult, with no memories just like all the previous times, and was at the age and mental/body state to where the pair bond could initially be activated. Of course, Lumina had no idea of what this would mean for the future of Kenji and herself, but she knew that some part of her life that seemed to always have been missing. The part of herself that seemed to fall back in place when they met on accident in the market in Rome, which her family had ordered her to live to see if a change in scenery might prolong a series of peaceful lives. The way his eyes seemed to look straight into her, the way his heat seemed to mend perfectly with her own. The way his hair matched the hue of her feathers. Now, she could get a chance to talk to him she was whisked away by her escorts back to the estate that her parents had set up for them. Her brother was set to meet with her today, so it was imperative that they return home with the things she had wanted to purchase for him. But the sight of the redheaded boy never left her mind. His face was burned into her memory as hot as her own fire. Her thoughts were consumed with the desire to see him and meet the boy officially face to face.


Imagine her surprise when the boy showed up in the garden the next day. The way he looked at her from the other side the gate, it was like he somehow just knew where she was, without actually knowing, like something had drawn him to her. A few moments were spent just staring at him, and just as she was about to approach to speak the guards came out and ordered him to leave, despite her protests. But this meeting proved that there was something special about him, something that was making her drawn to him. She plotted to sneak out the next day, and followed through with a plan. She felt compelled to go back to the market where she first laid eyes on him, and to her fortune he was there, with a soft smile that hinted that he knew she was coming, regardless if they did or not. The way his name fell of her tongue was sweeter than any honey she would ever taste. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking before she heard the sounds of the guards searching through the market for her. With a hesitant smile, she bid her goodbyes, promising that she would see him again. And thus began her first life with Kenji, growing old with him in a peaceful life.


Sadly, her next life was not so peaceful.


These were memories long locked away, fighting to come to the surface. Millennia of memories were making their way back to Lumina's mind, though the process was a slow one. She hadn't even made it to the life before the current one. And besides, she was more concerned about the current one anyways, as they had just made it to the restaurant. Lumina looked up at the outside decor of the building, noting how fancy the place was. She turned her head and smiled up at him, the slightest blush on her face. "This is a really nice restaurant~ You really went all out, didn't you, Kenji?~"

⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi scoffed a bit before she went to the fridge and got out a can of cola and used her shirt to clean the top part of the can. It was a habit because of how she was told to clean it off all the time because of how it was shipped. Rats' germs and stuff could be all over the lid. After she cleaned it, she set it on the table. She soon looked at Kuroh and smiled before she sat down waiting for the toaster to finish. She spoke a bit jokingly and seductively. Though it was true.

''I know that if a germ were to enter your system, it probably might be disposed of quickly. But I don't think tasting rat would be a pleasant taste. Especially if those are the lips I kiss~''



...ΨKenji remembered the time he'd first met Lumina. If he remembered correctly, he was sent to the markets to buy some groceries for his younger sister, Marica. He didn't really like going to the markets, as it was a common sight to see men, women and children being sold into slavery and being beat for disobeying within the sandy streets of Rome. A few times he wanted to interfere, however he remembered what his older brother Akira had told him. He wasn't to show any powers, nor attract any attraction to their presence. From the way the Romans acted, they seemed to be heavily religious, so the usage of powers in an era where no powers were common occurrence, would result in them seeing Kenji as a divine being, which would create a whole multitude of problems for the life he'd wanted. Most of the time they'd create their own food with their powers, however both Kenji and Marica understood that they'd need to make an appearance at the markets every now and again, as to avoid suspicion. While looking over the exotic meats that was being sold, his gut told him to look up, to which he did, only to be met by a blonde haired phoenix who was staring at him. His red irises seemed to be drawn to the phoenix's oceanic blues, as if an invisible force was trying to bring them closer. He felt that irresistible heat radiating from the girl and mixing with his own in a perfect symbiosis. His stomach exploded into butterflies, figuratively, not literally, and he felt an unknown feeling. One which he'd never felt before. His head began to rapidly think of ways he could approach the girl, and when he'd finally worked up the courage to go to her, she was gone in a group of escorts. His head was swimming with the thoughts as to who she was, like a puzzle he couldn't wait to piece together. Deciding to purchase his groceries and head home, he spoke with his younger sister, to which she'd advised that he go to this special girl. He used his power of heat manipulation and triangulation to locate the girl's heat, and with a reassuring smile, plotted to set out to meet the girl the next dayΨ...

...ΨAll throughout the night, Kenji was thinking of different ways to approach the special girl. He was thinking of how to greet her and how to keep the conversation going, he did, after all, want to get to know her. When day broke, Kenji left his home in search of the girl. It took a good few hours for Kenji to reach the girl's home, mostly due to his rule of no teleporting, as he never knew who could be watching, and the distance between his home and her's. Not knowing the customs of the era too well, Kenji climbed over the large gate and stood on the garden, looking through the second set of gates which split the garden from the courtyard, where the girl's heat was originating from. Usually you'd think this was a bad idea, however Kenji hailed from a royal family within Euphoria, and as such, was usually welcomed with smiles and praise wherever he went. He hadn't been on Earth for two long at this point, possible a few hundred years, so he was still adjusting to early man's habits. Nevertheless, he'd stood on a few plants and flowers which had been grown for decoration, however he hadn't paid too much attention to that as the girl was so close to him. His red irises were fixed on the beautiful girl, and his mind had gone blank of stuff to say and he was stuck in the standing position, his red eyes once again staring into the girl's blues, who at this point seemed aware of his presence. Just before he began making his way to the girl, a voice rang out to him, telling him to leave or the guards would arrive to imprison him, despite the girl's protests. Kenji, knowing that it would be best to leave quietly, did as the male voice said and climbed back over the gate without a word of protest. It wasn't until he was halfway home where he'd realised that he must've looked like a creep. After all, this world didn't have location services, nor did it have Euphorian customs. Not to mention the fact that he snuck into her garden and just stared at her without saying a word. To her, it must've seemed like he'd followed her home. Hitting himself over the head for being so stupid, he continued the walk homeΨ...

...ΨThe next day, Kenji left his home to return to the market as he'd forgotten a few things, such as the vegetables which he was meant to pick up. This made Marica angry, as not only had he forgotten about some of the groceries, he hadn't even spoken to the girl he was so intent on talking to. When he reached the markets, he quickly picked up the vegetable and began to make his way home, or at least, that was the plan. When he'd paid for the food, his irises was drawn to the same gut feeling which'd occurred two days ago. The girl who he'd felt unusual feelings towards. It looked like she'd just arrived, and an uncontrollable smile found it's way onto his face as they locked eyes. His mind threatened to go blank, but Kenji thought it'd be best to just let the conversation flow naturally. Making his way to the girl, he introduced himself. After talking with one another all afternoon, they both gave their goodbyes and promised they'd meet one another again some time soon. And so began his first life with Lumina. His mind returned to the present just in time to hear Lumina talk, to which his irises took another looked at the interior of the restaurant. He replied to his pair as the waiter showed them to their table, a nice window view of the night river and city lightsΨ...

 Of course~ You deserve nothing but the best, my love~ 

Character Information




Interacting With




On a date with Lumina.



Go on a date with his pair.



...♆Kuroh looked at Himeragi as she spoke, shortly before he uttered a small, quiet laugh. He replied in a playful tone as he raised his eyebrows♆...

Well, aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself~ I'm not sure you'd be able to restrain yourself to only kiss me with the way my scent is affecting you right now~ You could dare to take a chance~ 

Character Information




Interacting With



Himeragi's Home.




Get breakfast.


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...ΨKenji remembered the time he'd first met Lumina. If he remembered correctly, he was sent to the markets to buy some groceries for his younger sister, Marica. He didn't really like going to the markets, as it was a common sight to see men, women and children being sold into slavery and being beat for disobeying within the sandy streets of Rome. A few times he wanted to interfere, however he remembered what his older brother Akira had told him. He wasn't to show any powers, nor attract any attraction to their presence. From the way the Romans acted, they seemed to be heavily religious, so the usage of powers in an era where no powers were common occurrence, would result in them seeing Kenji as a divine being, which would create a whole multitude of problems for the life he'd wanted. Most of the time they'd create their own food with their powers, however both Kenji and Marica understood that they'd need to make an appearance at the markets every now and again, as to avoid suspicion. While looking over the exotic meats that was being sold, his gut told him to look up, to which he did, only to be met by a blonde haired phoenix who was staring at him. His red irises seemed to be drawn to the phoenix's oceanic blues, as if an invisible force was trying to bring them closer. He felt that irresistible heat radiating from the girl and mixing with his own in a perfect symbiosis. His stomach exploded into butterflies, figuratively, not literally, and he felt an unknown feeling. One which he'd never felt before. His head began to rapidly think of ways he could approach the girl, and when he'd finally worked up the courage to go to her, she was gone in a group of escorts. His head was swimming with the thoughts as to who she was, like a puzzle he couldn't wait to piece together. Deciding to purchase his groceries and head home, he spoke with his younger sister, to which she'd advised that he go to this special girl. He used his power of heat manipulation and triangulation to locate the girl's heat, and with a reassuring smile, plotted to set out to meet the girl the next dayΨ...

...ΨAll throughout the night, Kenji was thinking of different ways to approach the special girl. He was thinking of how to greet her and how to keep the conversation going, he did, after all, want to get to know her. When day broke, Kenji left his home in search of the girl. It took a good few hours for Kenji to reach the girl's home, mostly due to his rule of no teleporting, as he never knew who could be watching, and the distance between his home and her's. Not knowing the customs of the era too well, Kenji climbed over the large gate and stood on the garden, looking through the second set of gates which split the garden from the courtyard, where the girl's heat was originating from. Usually you'd think this was a bad idea, however Kenji hailed from a royal family within Euphoria, and as such, was usually welcomed with smiles and praise wherever he went. He hadn't been on Earth for two long at this point, possible a few hundred years, so he was still adjusting to early man's habits. Nevertheless, he'd stood on a few plants and flowers which had been grown for decoration, however he hadn't paid too much attention to that as the girl was so close to him. His red irises were fixed on the beautiful girl, and his mind had gone blank of stuff to say and he was stuck in the standing position, his red eyes once again staring into the girl's blues, who at this point seemed aware of his presence. Just before he began making his way to the girl, a voice rang out to him, telling him to leave or the guards would arrive to imprison him, despite the girl's protests. Kenji, knowing that it would be best to leave quietly, did as the male voice said and climbed back over the gate without a word of protest. It wasn't until he was halfway home where he'd realised that he must've looked like a creep. After all, this world didn't have location services, nor did it have Euphorian customs. Not to mention the fact that he snuck into her garden and just stared at her without saying a word. To her, it must've seemed like he'd followed her home. Hitting himself over the head for being so stupid, he continued the walk homeΨ...

...ΨThe next day, Kenji left his home to return to the market as he'd forgotten a few things, such as the vegetables which he was meant to pick up. This made Marica angry, as not only had he forgotten about some of the groceries, he hadn't even spoken to the girl he was so intent on talking to. When he reached the markets, he quickly picked up the vegetable and began to make his way home, or at least, that was the plan. When he'd paid for the food, his irises was drawn to the same gut feeling which'd occurred two days ago. The girl who he'd felt unusual feelings towards. It looked like she'd just arrived, and an uncontrollable smile found it's way onto his face as they locked eyes. His mind threatened to go blank, but Kenji thought it'd be best to just let the conversation flow naturally. Making his way to the girl, he introduced himself. After talking with one another all afternoon, they both gave their goodbyes and promised they'd meet one another again some time soon. And so began his first life with Lumina. His mind returned to the present just in time to hear Lumina talk, to which his irises took another looked at the interior of the restaurant. He replied to his pair as the waiter showed them to their table, a nice window view of the night river and city lightsΨ...

 Of course~ You deserve nothing but the best, my love~ 

Character Information




Interacting With




On a date with Lumina.



Go on a date with his pair.



...♆Kuroh looked at Himeragi as she spoke, shortly before he uttered a small, quiet laugh. He replied in a playful tone as he raised his eyebrows♆...

Well, aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself~ I'm not sure you'd be able to restrain yourself to only kiss me with the way my scent is affecting you right now~ You could dare to take a chance~ 

Character Information




Interacting With



Himeragi's Home.




Get breakfast.


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⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi giggled a bit before she went up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. She spoke in a playful as well as seductive tone.

''Is that a challenge?''

⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi giggled a bit before she went up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. She spoke in a playful as well as seductive tone.

''Is that a challenge?''



...♆Kuroh smirked and replied in his playful tone as he leaned closer to Himeragi♆...


Character Information




Interacting With



Himeragi's Home.

Getting his breakfast with Himeragi.



Eat breakfast.


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"Fresh air? Oh right... I remember..." Erica smiled, "That thing... Look your stuck with me now since you interrupted my spa day... And it's up to you." Erica closed her eyes, 'Why do I feel like Ive known him forever? Are these "Memories" really mine? Or are they some one elses... Someone he knew maybe? A girlfriend? Or a close friend... Someone.' Erica opened her eyes and starred at him, "By any chance did you have a girlfriend or something...? You said scientist killed your family right? Or took them away from you? Something like that?"

"You interrupted my usual routine. I'm not complaining though." Nai said, simply shaking his head. As they continued walking, Nai didn't say a word. He felt it would be best that way. When asked if he had a girlfriend, he thought about his last one. He loved her. But then something happened and he did something that kept him from ever being able to fix it. "I did." He said, sighing lightly. "I have a large family. No members of the largest part was killed, but they were still killed and taken. The images of that still haunts me... B-But why are you asking me this stuff? What makes you care?"

...♆Kuroh smirked and replied in his playful tone as he leaned closer to Himeragi♆...


Character Information




Interacting With



Himeragi's Home.

Getting his breakfast with Himeragi.



Eat breakfast.


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⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi blushed a little before she planted her lips gently on Kuroh's lips and began to kiss him. The fragrance did get a little too intense but she continued to restrain herself.

"You interrupted my usual routine. I'm not complaining though." Nai said, simply shaking his head. As they continued walking, Nai didn't say a word. He felt it would be best that way. When asked if he had a girlfriend, he thought about his last one. He loved her. But then something happened and he did something that kept him from ever being able to fix it. "I did." He said, sighing lightly. "I have a large family. No members of the largest part was killed, but they were still killed and taken. The images of that still haunts me... B-But why are you asking me this stuff? What makes you care?"

"No reason." Erica looks down, 'If Im right... Then that means I have her memmories... Or at least the important ones... Thats not good... He can't know.' Erica clossed her eyes and focused on her memories from her head and the ones she took from Nai's head, 'I just have to not say anything that would make him put two and two together... I can do this.'



Skylar blinked at Hyou's gesture, not expecting something like that. Then again, she had gotten used to not really expecting much of anything when it came to him, in the regard that she didn't really ever know what to expect. He was something so new from what she was used to that there was no good way to know what she could expect. But then again, that was kind of a good thing, as it meant that every day with him would be a surprise. That was something to look forward to, right? Wait, did that mean that she had some kind of expectation in her head that they'd be spending every day together? Skylar's gaze dropped away from Hyou as this thought pervaded her mind, wondering why she was thinking something so... bold. And crazy! There was no way he'd want to spend every day with her, right? He was just helping out because he felt responsible for her hospitalization. Yeah... that was it.


Her gaze was brought back to the dragon as he spoke, a small smile coming on her face. Even with her crazy thoughts, it didn't change the fact that hearing Hyou's kind words genuinely made her happy. And the fact that he wanted to hear her blathering on... well, that was just icing on the cake. "Well..." Skylar started, plucking a nearby flower and playing with it in her hands. "I guess being hospitalized really made me think about things and life and perspective and all that. Life is so fragile. One moment you're fine at school and the next you're nearly dead and waking up after a three day coma in the hospital. Life can just be taken away so easily, you know?" The blue-haired mage began pulling individual flower petals off of the flower, giving a small laugh. "That thought makes you really think long and hard about what matters and what doesn't, and making sure you give time and effort toward the things you do care about. Like really, my family didn't even visit me in the hospital. But you did. You were there." Realizing that she was going off track, Skylar blushed, clearing her throat before swiping the flower petals off her lap. "I know now just how important it is to not take life, and it's second chances, for granted. Obviously I was given a second chance at life..." Skylar's voice trailed off a little bit as she brought her gaze intentionally up to meet Hyou's. "...and I need to make the most of it. Cherish the people in it that care for me. Live a better life than I was before. Laugh more. Love harder. That kind of thing." Oh if her cheeks weren't burning before they were now.



Hyou listened to every word, Skylar said. She was truly interesting in his opinion. He wasn't the best when it came to this sort of thinking, and rarely understood this stuff at all, but when Skylar told him what was on her mind as they looked at these flowers, and the rest of the garden, it made sense. He himself was realizing how important all of what she said is. Hyourinmaru had a family now, maybe not blood related, but they took care of him and he was even trusted with watching over someone from time to time. That only made him happy, but something else was lingering on his mind. The idea of love itself. Maybe it was Skylar. Hyou didn't deny the thought this time. He actually allowed his feelings in this time. He... Loved Skylar. 


Hyou stared back into Skylar's gaze. As she finished speaking, he looked at her blushing face. He held up his hand and began speaking himself, "I too cherish life. This most likely isn't my second nor first. But... I can say it's the first time in a long time that I've experienced love. Not just the love of a family, but the love of an individual I want to be with. Skylar, what I'm saying is, I... Love you. I was hoping that you could be a part of my life, not just as a friend anymore." That very moment he knew he should have thought about his word choice. He sounded like an idiot. In his own opinion at least. 
"No reason." Erica looks down, 'If Im right... Then that means I have her memmories... Or at least the important ones... Thats not good... He can't know.' Erica clossed her eyes and focused on her memories from her head and the ones she took from Nai's head, 'I just have to not say anything that would make him put two and two together... I can do this.'

Nai had long ago stopped reading Erica's minf and sighed lightly. He wondered what she had been thinking, but he didn't want to upset her anymore. He then began heading toward s his apartment where he was going to take Erica. He would've taken her to his real home, but he still attended school so he wasn't planning on traveling that far. Around 15 minutes of walking, Nai stopped. "Here we are. I live inside thid building here." He said, pointing at the apartment complex in front of them. It looked nice. Obviously the owner of this place invested a lot of money into the place. "Don't break or touch anything. I spent a lot of money on my belongings."
Nai had long ago stopped reading Erica's minf and sighed lightly. He wondered what she had been thinking, but he didn't want to upset her anymore. He then began heading toward s his apartment where he was going to take Erica. He would've taken her to his real home, but he still attended school so he wasn't planning on traveling that far. Around 15 minutes of walking, Nai stopped. "Here we are. I live inside thid building here." He said, pointing at the apartment complex in front of them. It looked nice. Obviously the owner of this place invested a lot of money into the place. "Don't break or touch anything. I spent a lot of money on my belongings."

"I won't." Erica smirked then walked inside the house, "Now for some sleep." Erica let go of his arm then stopped by the bed as flashes of memmories of his girlfriend pop in her head again. This time it was the memories of Nai and his girlfriend having sex for the first time, "Ugh not again." Erica fell to her knees and shook her head closing her eyes, 'MAKE IT STOP!'
"I won't." Erica smirked then walked inside the house, "Now for some sleep." Erica let go of his arm then stopped by the bed as flashes of memmories of his girlfriend pop in her head again. This time it was the memories of Nai and his girlfriend having sex for the first time, "Ugh not again." Erica fell to her knees and shook her head closing her eyes, 'MAKE IT STOP!'

Nai was in the kitchen, getting himself a glsss of ice water. When he heard Erica scream, he quickly put the glass down and walked to her. He then began to read her mind, watching the memories that she saw. So they were his. That was one of favorite memories, but she was no more. He stopped reading her mind and helped Erica up. "Come on. You should really get some sleep. I don't know you're seeing my life, but you are." He told her as he carried her to the bed and laid her down. 
Nai was in the kitchen, getting himself a glsss of ice water. When he heard Erica scream, he quickly put the glass down and walked to her. He then began to read her mind, watching the memories that she saw. So they were his. That was one of favorite memories, but she was no more. He stopped reading her mind and helped Erica up. "Come on. You should really get some sleep. I don't know you're seeing my life, but you are." He told her as he carried her to the bed and laid her down. 

Erica opened her eyes as they glowed. She was feeling everything she felt and she was seeing everything through her eyes. Soon they started to shift to look like her eyes too. Erica clenched her fists and bit her lip trying not to show what was REALLY going on.
Erica opened her eyes as they glowed. She was feeling everything she felt and she was seeing everything through her eyes. Soon they started to shift to look like her eyes too. Erica clenched her fists and bit her lip trying not to show what was REALLY going on.

Nai didn't know exactly how to help Erica, so he decided to wait it out. That being said, he'd ask questions later. He turned around just as her eyes started to glow, missing that entire part. When he turned around, he plopped down on the bed and began looking at the ceiling before using his phone. 
Nai didn't know exactly how to help Erica, so he decided to wait it out. That being said, he'd ask questions later. He turned around just as her eyes started to glow, missing that entire part. When he turned around, he plopped down on the bed and began looking at the ceiling before using his phone. 

Erica sat up and closed here eyes, "I can't do this..." In a second Erica faced the opposite way of Nai and was off of the bed and close to he wall, "Stop... Messing with my head!" Erica punched the wall after a few minutes her eyes went back to normal and she turned back around facing Nai panting heavily, "If I tell you this... Please don't be mad." Erica walked towards the bed again and held Nai's hand, "Just don't be mad for what Im about to do."  Erica sighs and closes her eyes then from her knowledge she shapeshifts into Nai's girlfriend slowly but maturely.
Erica sat up and closed here eyes, "I can't do this..." In a second Erica faced the opposite way of Nai and was off of the bed and close to he wall, "Stop... Messing with my head!" Erica punched the wall after a few minutes her eyes went back to normal and she turned back around facing Nai panting heavily, "If I tell you this... Please don't be mad." Erica walked towards the bed again and held Nai's hand, "Just don't be mad for what Im about to do."  Erica sighs and closes her eyes then from her knowledge she shapeshifts into Nai's girlfriend slowly but maturely.

Nai frowned when she punched the wall, "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled as he hopped out the bed. "I told you not to do that kind of stuff!" Nai was then stopped by Erica who grabbed his hand. She told him not to be mad and well he was already mad. As she began to transform Nai watched in confusion. When it was over, he simply stared at her before yanking his arm away. "I don't love her anymore. She was the reason I am the way I am now, so I suggest you not look like her."
Nai frowned when she punched the wall, "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled as he hopped out the bed. "I told you not to do that kind of stuff!" Nai was then stopped by Erica who grabbed his hand. She told him not to be mad and well he was already mad. As she began to transform Nai watched in confusion. When it was over, he simply stared at her before yanking his arm away. "I don't love her anymore. She was the reason I am the way I am now, so I suggest you not look like her."

"Im sorry but I can't do that... I have her memories! I get flashes and momentos... And I can feel everything." Everything that Erica looked like was now different. Her eyes, her hair, her body, all of it was in the shape of Nai's girlfriend, "That's not the case... I saw eveverything and I bet that if I changed into every girlfriend you EVER had? You woulf have been feeling something." Erica walked close to Nai and put her hands on his chest and kissed his lips then let go, "You can't tell me you don't feel anything."
"Im sorry but I can't do that... I have her memories! I get flashes and momentos... And I can feel everything." Everything that Erica looked like was now different. Her eyes, her hair, her body, all of it was in the shape of Nai's girlfriend, "That's not the case... I saw eveverything and I bet that if I changed into every girlfriend you EVER had? You woulf have been feeling something." Erica walked close to Nai and put her hands on his chest and kissed his lips then let go, "You can't tell me you don't feel anything."

"I feel betrayed. Lied to." Nai said, pushing Erica away. "That relationship was everything a guy could have wanted. Perfect almost until some other guy showed up. I'm not the same person I was before anyways. So, how about I make you... You again. Before you became the one person I didn't want to see again."

(((( Not the best idea to be that person he was with before. He isn't very fond of her at all.  ))))

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