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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Mudamudamuda, yes, I can remove your demon signature. All you had to do was ask lady." He said before he touched his hand to her arm, causing a seering pain start to form as Akuma's signature came into view. He seemed to start into it in thought. "Hm... I see... You made a deal with him for your lovers sake." He muttered. "What a selfish desire." He said before he moves his hand over the signature, the pain ending as it seemed to wipe off like water or wet ink. It came off easily.

Kelsey gritted her teeth when she felt the pain, trying to ignore it. "I can be pretty selfish when it come's to him, this is nothing new to me" she said and watched it easily come off. She brought her arm up so she could look at it, relieved that the signature was gone, now she didn't have to worry about it or Akuma.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon looked around in a startled way when time froze. She soon looked back to the shadow and saw it go into the forest as the claw reached out. She soon looked at Mari and realized she was frozen. Soon, she turned back to the claw and watched it cautiously before approaching it with cautapproac

((I don't know why my phone quoted you but I cant get rid of it.))
"I-I surrender" she said, if he had something worse then this up his sleeve then it'd be better for her to give up now then regret not doing so.

Everest laughed and snuggled up against Hakuru, placing his head in the crook of her neck. Nuzzling her before whispering in her ear, "Hmm.... You're pretty comfy you know that? What do you think? Should I take a nap and use you as my pillow?"
Celia looked up at him and pouted. "Of course I'm happy you baka! Your the only one who makes me happy..." She said softly with a smile, kissing his forehead. Her green beautiful hair was weaved onto the floor due to it being kinda long.

Han laughed lightly and kissed Celia back on her cheek when his laughter died down. "You make me happy too." He said softly, hugging her a little by giving her a tight squeeze for a moment. He then loosened his grip and turned his gaze towards the ceiling. 
Han laughed lightly and kissed Celia back on her cheek when his laughter died down. "You make me happy too." He said softly, hugging her a little by giving her a tight squeeze for a moment. He then loosened his grip and turned his gaze towards the ceiling. 

Celia noticed and looked at him a little concerned. "Han-San?" She asked curiously, wondering why he was looking at the ceiling like he was trying to remember something.
Kelsey gritted her teeth when she felt the pain, trying to ignore it. "I can be pretty selfish when it come's to him, this is nothing new to me" she said and watched it easily come off. She brought her arm up so she could look at it, relieved that the signature was gone, now she didn't have to worry about it or Akuma.

Keith grunted and sighed. "That selfish nature of yours. It'll be your downfall." He said, sounding a bit cold as if something happened in his past to make him feel that way. He then began to walk away, his katana sheathed and his shades afixed to his face. Ken had stayed home because he had started to look for a job on the Internet.
Seoul Haeundae

~ Empress God Eater of Cataclysm ~


She wasn't there. Maybe since it's near dinner, she may be in the kitchen or dinning room. Or maybe even in her room.

Mari continued to search, getting a little upset with her failed attempts to find Seoul. She wonder if Rosie-San had already found her. She decided to check Seoul's room first. She knocked Seoul's door.
Mari continued to search, getting a little upset with her failed attempts to find Seoul. She wonder if Rosie-San had already found her. She decided to check Seoul's room first. She knocked Seoul's door.

Seoul Haeundae

~ Empress God Eater of Cataclysm ~


A voice was soon heard.

''Who is it?''
Celia noticed and looked at him a little concerned. "Han-San?" She asked curiously, wondering why he was looking at the ceiling like he was trying to remember something.

Han shook his head a little, his gaze returning to the green haired goddess beside him. "Y-Yeah? Something wrong?" He asked, clueless to the fact that she was actually showing worry towards him. He had got lost in thought almost immediately, as something really important to him had came up. 

Natsumi Uruseiko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi looked at all the artifacts. She wondered what was so important about these artifacts. She didn't make them, maybe the Goddess before her did. She looked into her little box and took out a book, looking through the pages of many artifacts. She soon stopped on one page that had the final artifact. She closed the book before putting it back into her box and spoke.

''Alright...I never created these things before but...I shall try. If it means stopping Akuma and his plan once and for all. For this world's sake. And Mari's...''

She said before she started to levitate as she began creating the artifact which is gonna take a minute.


Natsumi Uruseiko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi looked at all the artifacts. She wondered what was so important about these artifacts. She didn't make them, maybe the Goddess before her did. She looked into her little box and took out a book, looking through the pages of many artifacts. She soon stopped on one page that had the final artifact. She closed the book before putting it back into her box and spoke.

''Alright...I never created these things before but...I shall try. If it means stopping Akuma and his plan once and for all. For this world's sake. And Mari's...''

She said before she started to levitate as she began creating the artifact which is gonna take a minute.

"As long as we get it done." Roman said, nodding at her as he took a step back, motioning for his son to take a step back also in which he did. He was finally going to be able to rid the world of Akuma, and earn Celia some peace time. He knew how much he bothered her, and it made him feel good knowing he was of help. "Just let me know when you're done Natsumi, and thanks."
"As long as we get it done." Roman said, nodding at her as he took a step back, motioning for his son to take a step back also in which he did. He was finally going to be able to rid the world of Akuma, and earn Celia some peace time. He knew how much he bothered her, and it made him feel good knowing he was of help. "Just let me know when you're done Natsumi, and thanks."

Natsumi Uruseko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

''Do not thank me. Do it after Akuma has been destroyed. I'm relying on you to finish him. Because I too, want him taken out. You better destroy him, or else this time line will come to an end, and my adoptive daughter and Celia's blood daughter, Mari, will become his personal slave. I really don't want that for Mari. I bet Celia would think the same way.''

She said as she continued creating the artifact. It was taking awhile but it seemed 67% done.

Natsumi Uruseko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

''Do not thank me. Do it after Akuma has been destroyed. I'm relying on you to finish him. Because I too, want him taken out. You better destroy him, or else this time line will come to an end, and my adoptive daughter and Celia's blood daughter, Mari, will become his personal slave. I really don't want that for Mari. I bet Celia would think the same way.''

She said as she continued creating the artifact. It was taking awhile but it seemed 67% done.

Roman put his hands in his pockets, chuckling lightly, "You say this like he stands a chance. He may be strong, but he isn't on my level at all. If you forgotten already, I surpass even the strongest of gods and goddesses. I'm like... A super god... Wait no... That's a terrible way to put it." Roman said, obviously not taking it seriously. He had already knew what he was going to do. Pound Akuma's face in and then seal him away in wherever those artifacts put him. 
Roman put his hands in his pockets, chuckling lightly, "You say this like he stands a chance. He may be strong, but he isn't on my level at all. If you forgotten already, I surpass even the strongest of gods and goddesses. I'm like... A super god... Wait no... That's a terrible way to put it." Roman said, obviously not taking it seriously. He had already knew what he was going to do. Pound Akuma's face in and then seal him away in wherever those artifacts put him. 

[SIZE= 20px]Natsumi Uruseko[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]~ Goddess of Creation ~[/SIZE]

Natsumi puffed her cheeks as she heard Roman brag about his power. She let out a sigh as she continued to create the artifact.

''Even if he doesn't have a chance, don't give him the chance to actually have a chance. If you're gonna stop him, just do it.''
Roman put his hands in his pockets, chuckling lightly, "You say this like he stands a chance. He may be strong, but he isn't on my level at all. If you forgotten already, I surpass even the strongest of gods and goddesses. I'm like... A super god... Wait no... That's a terrible way to put it." Roman said, obviously not taking it seriously. He had already knew what he was going to do. Pound Akuma's face in and then seal him away in wherever those artifacts put him. 

[SIZE= 20px]Natsumi Uruseko[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]~ Goddess of Creation ~[/SIZE]

Natsumi puffed her cheeks as she heard Roman brag about his power. She let out a sigh as she continued to create the artifact.

''Even if he doesn't have a chance, don't give him the chance to actually have a chance. If you're gonna stop him, just do it.''

[SIZE= 20px]Natsumi Uruseko[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]~ Goddess of Creation ~[/SIZE]

Natsumi puffed her cheeks as she heard Roman brag about his power. She let out a sigh as she continued to create the artifact.

''Even if he doesn't have a chance, don't give him the chance to actually have a chance. If you're gonna stop him, just do it.''

"I won't. I've got some unfinished business with this little jerk off." Roman said. "If he even thinks about going anywhere, he best hope I don't freeze him and smash his body into millions of little ice cubes." He said, clenching his fist. "In simpler words, I'll destroy him."
"I won't. I've got some unfinished business with this little jerk off." Roman said. "If he even thinks about going anywhere, he best hope I don't freeze him and smash his body into millions of little ice cubes." He said, clenching his fist. "In simpler words, I'll destroy him."

Natsumi Uruseiko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

''That's all I wanted to hear...''

She said before the artifact was finally finished. It levitated in mid-air before Natsumi held it and presented it to Roman.

''Now. Do what you said you'll do.''
Han shook his head a little, his gaze returning to the green haired goddess beside him. "Y-Yeah? Something wrong?" He asked, clueless to the fact that she was actually showing worry towards him. He had got lost in thought almost immediately, as something really important to him had came up. 

Celia pouted and squished his cheeks. "You were zoning out!" She said before sighing. "Do I have to read your mind for you to tell me something?" She asked. "It's something important isn't it."
Seoul Haeundae

~ Empress God Eater of Cataclysm ~


''Come in.''

Mari opened the door to see Seoul. "So umm... Hey, me and Rosie-San have a date tonight so I was wondering if you could take care of the baby while we were gone. Is that okay?" She asked her hopefully.
Mari opened the door to see Seoul. "So umm... Hey, me and Rosie-San have a date tonight so I was wondering if you could take care of the baby while we were gone. Is that okay?" She asked her hopefully.

Seoul Haeundae

~ Empress God Eater of Cataclysm ~

''Baby sitting? Guess I can do that. You gonna pay me?''

She asked jokingly. Though she would baby sit the baby while they were gone.

''Did you guys name the baby yet?''

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