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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nona said:
Leia went to the surface and nodded after he spoke, a small frown on her face "Yeah...I'm sorry for asking...I know it tries to hurt you..." She said with an apologetic look
Satoshi nodded and smiled. "Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy the time we have left together." He laughed as another wave was coming and he laughed as he turned around.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon frowned a little. He couldn't tell her about their missions... Then again, he remembered something. "O-Oh yeah! I need your number. I think you forgot to give me yours." He said.
Nico laughed at herself.

"No wonder you didn't call me back,"

She said, jokingly. Nico wrote down her cellphone number on a piece of paper and gave it Drakon.

"There you go, sir.."

She said, attempting to wink. She rolled her eyes slightly before continuing to laugh again.

"You can call me anytime you want, just not on Wednesday's.."

She smiled sheepishly at him.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"You don't seem to happy about him having a girlfriend." Atrio said to her noticing the fists she was making


Evelyn sighed, "I am, thing was, he almost killed her, or, tried to, and now they are a couple, confusing as ever," Evelyn said in a bored tone again, her nails kept digging into her hands, eventually drawing blood, a drop fell from her hand to the ground, her hearing picking up on it but ignoring it, "And i wasn't allowed to even be around guys up until a couple minute's ago," Evelyn said with a small laugh.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She shook her head as she hugged him tightly not knowing what he wanted to know

"Think maybe we can head home now?" Hayate asked, sighing lightly. "The other's are probably looking for you." he said, smiling a little.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Nothing really. Just.... I kinda misplaced Akuren for a little bit." She said hesitantly
"N-no.... Just embarrassed." She told her

''Hmmm...they also said after we were done with this, we could go out. Our mom is actually giving us a priviledge to go outside by ourselves...well...we're 14 now. So that's a bit expected.''
VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn sighed, "I am, thing was, he almost killed her, or, tried to, and now they are a couple, confusing as ever," Evelyn said in a bored tone again, her nails kept digging into her hands, eventually drawing blood, a drop fell from her hand to the ground, her hearing picking up on it but ignoring it, "And i wasn't allowed to even be around guys up until a couple minute's ago," Evelyn said with a small laugh.
"That's kinda lame." He said as his ears picked up the drop of blood and he reacted. Quickly he grabed her righ hand and held it up making her fingers stop digging into her hands as a bandage appeared in his hands and he wrapped her hand up gently then did the same thing with the other hand
Roman said:
"Think maybe we can head home now?" Hayate asked, sighing lightly. "The other's are probably looking for you." he said, smiling a little.
"Course my love." She said as she took his hand and smiled lovingly at him

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hmmm...they also said after we were done with this, we could go out. Our mom is actually giving us a priviledge to go outside by ourselves...well...we're 14 now. So that's a bit expected.''
"Really??" Well let me get dressed first!" She told her as she slid to her closet quickly and found a pretty skirt and a shirt and bra and put them on happily
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Course my love." She said as she took his hand and smiled lovingly at him
"Really??" Well let me get dressed first!" She told her as she slid to her closet quickly and found a pretty skirt and a shirt and bra and put them on happily

Hayate took Thana's hand and held it tightly for a moment before letting his grip soften. "I miss doing things like that. Holding hands, hugging, kissing etc... I felt empty while I was gone. I had no friends or family there." He told her. "It sucked..."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"That's kinda lame." He said as his ears picked up the drop of blood and he reacted. Quickly he grabed her righ hand and held it up making her fingers stop digging into her hands as a bandage appeared in his hands and he wrapped her hand up gently then did the same thing with the other hand


Evelyn quickly retracted her hand and pulled off the bandage, "I'm half vampire half daemon, i can heal pretty fast," Evelyn said as she showed him her right hand, "See?" The blood was gone and nothing was left, the hand was as it was before, she lowered her hand as she grabbed the bandage from the other one off, "Why do you care?" Evelyn asked as a small pink hue started climbing onto her cheek's.
Roman said:
Hayate took Thana's hand and held it tightly for a moment before letting his grip soften. "I miss doing things like that. Holding hands, hugging, kissing etc... I felt empty while I was gone. I had no friends or family there." He told her. "It sucked..."
"I'll never let you die again." She said quietly to him as she kissed his cheek lovingly
VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn quickly retracted her hand and pulled off the bandage, "I'm half vampire half daemon, i can heal pretty fast," Evelyn said as she showed him her right hand, "See?" The blood was gone and nothing was left, the hand was as it was before, she lowered her hand as she grabbed the bandage from the other one off, "Why do you care?" Evelyn asked as a small pink hue started climbing onto her cheek's.
"Because I was shown what it is like to be cared for. And know that it hurts to not be." He told her truthfully
charleen said:
Nico laughed at herself.
"No wonder you didn't call me back,"

She said, jokingly. Nico wrote down her cellphone number on a piece of paper and gave it Drakon.

"There you go, sir.."

She said, attempting to wink. She rolled her eyes slightly before continuing to laugh again.

"You can call me anytime you want, just not on Wednesday's.."

She smiled sheepishly at him.
Drakon blinked a few times then rose an eyebrow. "What's on-" He said before he started coughing a lot again. "What's on Wednesday?" He asked her curiously.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'll never let you die again." She said quietly to him as she kissed his cheek lovingly

"Thanks... But I still feel like I'm missing something... No I am missing something. Karuma... That's how i died. Someone took Karuma from me, and it did a number on my body." Hayate said, remembering the mask the man who had did this had on. His ehe had resembled Roman's... This only made Hayate even more suspicious of the person though.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Because I was shown what it is like to be cared for. And know that it hurts to not be." He told her truthfully


Evelyn pulled her hand closer to herself, "Wish i could say the same," Evelyn said in a low whisper as she lowered her head, her hair covering her face, she moved a bit closer to Atria (?) and sighed, she gave a humourless laugh, "My brother wants to kill someone for hearing something, he grabs her by the throat and almost kills her body, but. There now together, how does that work?" She said to herself and to Atria (? Plz post namu more ;- ;) and sighed at the end.

Lena yawned, slowly putting on her clothes.

"Alright... We'll go to the beach.." Lena said softly, slowly making her way towards the exit of their house.
Roman said:
"Thanks... But I still feel like I'm missing something... No I am missing something. Karuma... That's how i died. Someone took Karuma from me, and it did a number on my body." Hayate said, remembering the mask the man who had did this had on. His ehe had resembled Roman's... This only made Hayate even more suspicious of the person though.
"Big brother wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't." She told him knowing her brother would never do something like that to hayate

VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn pulled her hand closer to herself, "Wish i could say the same," Evelyn said in a low whisper as she lowered her head, her hair covering her face, she moved a bit closer to Atria (?) and sighed, she gave a humourless laugh, "My brother wants to kill someone for hearing something, he grabs her by the throat and almost kills her body, but. There now together, how does that work?" She said to herself and to Atria (? Plz post namu more ;- ;) and sighed at the end.

"The world works in mysterious

Ways." Atrio replied to her question before gently patting her head then continuing to walk towards the main building knowing she would follow him
TheDragoon said:
Drakon blinked a few times then rose an eyebrow. "What's on-" He said before he started coughing a lot again. "What's on Wednesday?" He asked her curiously.
"I usually napped on Wednesdays, so I don't like getting disturb on that day,"

She giggled, sticking her tongue out slightly. Nico handed him the water bottle.

"Maybe you should take a nap right now.."

She suggested, propping her elbows and blinking a few times.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]

"The world works in mysterious

Ways." Atrio replied to her question before gently patting her head then continuing to walk towards the main building knowing she would follow him

-(Evelyn)- ((Tanku))

Evelyn just stood there for a few moment's, she walked the opposite direction heading toward's the girl's dorm's, "It does.... Doesn't it?" Evelyn said as a smirk appeared on her face, her eyes turning into slits, as she continued walking, she ignored the small voice in the back of her head saying, "Go back," She kept ignoring it, her heart hurting slightly and she coughed, she held her hand to her mouth and blood was soaked into the glove, "Shit," She said to herself in a low tone as the blood dripped off her hand as she picked up her pace.
VenomSlayer said:
-(Evelyn)- ((Tanku))
Evelyn just stood there for a few moment's, she walked the opposite direction heading toward's the girl's dorm's, "It does.... Doesn't it?" Evelyn said as a smirk appeared on her face, her eyes turning into slits, as she continued walking, she ignored the small voice in the back of her head saying, "Go back," She kept ignoring it, her heart hurting slightly and she coughed, she held her hand to her mouth and blood was soaked into the glove, "Shit," She said to herself in a low tone as the blood dripped off her hand as she picked up her pace.
Atrio noticed she didn't follow and frowned before dissapering into shadow and reappearing by her side. "You alright?" He asked her softly as he walked with her noticing her quick pace and blood on her glove. He became worried and gently grabed her arm. "Hey you ok?" He asked
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Big brother wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't." She told him knowing her brother would never do something like that to hayate

"The world works in mysterious

Ways." Atrio replied to her question before gently patting her head then continuing to walk towards the main building knowing she would follow him

"Yeah... You're right... But whoever it was possessed the same ocular ability as him." Hayate responded. "He's the only person I know with that ability, but at the same time I know he wouldn't attack me."
Roman said:
"Yeah... You're right... But whoever it was possessed the same ocular ability as him." Hayate responded. "He's the only person I know with that ability, but at the same time I know he wouldn't attack me."
"We can find him." She told him softly
charleen said:
"I usually napped on Wednesdays, so I don't like getting disturb on that day,"
She giggled, sticking her tongue out slightly. Nico handed him the water bottle.

"Maybe you should take a nap right now.."

She suggested, propping her elbows and blinking a few times.
Drakon nodded slowly and literally after eating his soup and stuff, began to wobble. "Just remember... To give me... Your phone... Number..." He said before he passed out. A book on the shelf fell as his body slammed against the bed. It read- "Diary." It was probably Drakons.
JJKab said:
Lena yawned, slowly putting on her clothes.

"Alright... We'll go to the beach.." Lena said softly, slowly making her way towards the exit of their house.
Shuu followed her with his swim trunks on with a bag with a change of clothes in it. "Hope Az is alright." He told her.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"We can find him." She told him softly

"We cant. He's above us somehow. He was just like Roman, a power unbelievable... And to believe there are beings stronger than him out there." Hayate said, shaking his head. "If we ever do find him, we wouldn't stand a chance."

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