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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
Lena slowly kissed Shuu's lower lip, pecking on it, as her hands made circular motions on his back, giving him a soft massage. She was beginning to blush as well.
Shuu kissed her back, playfully nibbling on it as he let out a soft moan after a while, his face now red.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu kissed her back, playfully nibbling on it as he let out a soft moan after a while, his face now red.
Lena froze there, as she heard Shuu moan. After few seconds, the massage returned, now twice as soft. She was practically brushing her hands against his skin, all the while kissing his neck playfully, sucking it really gently.
JJKab said:
Lena froze there, as she heard Shuu moan. After few seconds, the massage returned, now twice as soft. She was practically brushing her hands against his skin, all the while kissing his neck playfully, sucking it really gently.
Shuu moaned a little louder as he felt his body locking up, just tilting his neck so the area around his neck was more open. He blushed really badly and was trying to keep himself together but he couldn't.
TheDragoon said:
Satoshi sighed. "I didn't know what size to get you so I just got you a large hoping it would fit. I'm sorry." He said, blushing a lot from embarrassment. "Let's go, shall we?" He asked her before going through the front entrance.
Leia stared at him, Saria was the tallest of the two sisters where Leia stood only about 4" 11 at the most and her weight was pretty average. A sensitive person would possibly take getting a size large as an insult but Leia assumed that he knew nothing about women's sizes. Which was probably right, so she didn't get offended really. "I'm a small..." She said quietly. Before waving her hands gently "Don't worry about it though, I can fix it to the right size with a spell, I'm a witch after all" she answered softly "And yes, let's" she said as she followed behind him.
JJKab said:
Gregory soon came back, and sat down on the ledge of the pool, waiting for Ariel. He did not see her coming, as he was deep in thought.
Ariel watched Gregory for a moment as he thought. He looked spaced out or something. So Ariel went ahead and sat next to him, kicking her feet gently in the water "Something on your mind, Greg?" She asked curiously.
Nona said:
Leia stared at him, Saria was the tallest of the two sisters where Leia stood only about 4" 11 at the most and her weight was pretty average. A sensitive person would possibly take getting a size large as an insult but Leia assumed that he knew nothing about women's sizes. Which was probably right, so she didn't get offended really. "I'm a small..." She said quietly. Before waving her hands gently "Don't worry about it though, I can fix it to the right size with a spell, I'm a witch after all" she answered softly "And yes, let's" she said as she followed behind him.
Satoshi took his own stupidity as a shot to the chest cause he knew he might not get another chance at making friends so he felt really bad. "Y-Yeah... Let's..." He said as he kept going, seeing the beach after a few minutes of them walking. "Hey look, there it is." He said.
TheDragoon said:
Satoshi took his own stupidity as a shot to the chest cause he knew he might not get another chance at making friends so he felt really bad. "Y-Yeah... Let's..." He said as he kept going, seeing the beach after a few minutes of them walking. "Hey look, there it is." He said.
Leia walked along quietly, noticing his change in mood, maybe he felt bad about the swimwear thing? There was nothing to feel bad about in her opinion since she had told him it was all okay. She wasn't an ace at social interaction but she decided that maybe she wouldn't bring it up again and his mood might improve itself. As they arrived at the beach Leia's eyes danced over the view, her eyes shimmering with awe since she had never actually been to a real beach before "...Its pretty..." She mummered to herself as she looked all around.
(((( I don't usually do this anymore, but is anyone open? xD ))))
VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn's face was pale but she had a happy expression on, "I and my brother where cursed, we can see what eachother see's, it comes in handy but it also fucking hurt's, he's currently sucking Amber's face off is the best way i can describe it." Evelyn said as he lips twitched.


Zac smiled slightly before he quickly pecked her on the lip's, his arm's tightened around Amber causing there to be no room for them, "Well? What do you think," Zac asked as he moved his head back down to Amber's neck leaving kisses up and down.
Rosalie blinked before smiling sheepishly "Oh dear...that's awkward and unfortunate" she let a silent laugh "Though I don't think hitting your head off a tree would help..." She began, shaking her head.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/6597421610376905947.jpg.def068fa7ca5d249da483c1148d86671.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/6597421610376905947.jpg.def068fa7ca5d249da483c1148d86671.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fantasy High Teacher

-Health Class-

Thetis Sat at her desk as the bell rang. What could she do to leave a favorable impression on her students to the point of taking and keeping interest in the subject matter? Well a slightly mischievous idea came to her. She turned off the air conditioning. Of course she could remote control the thing back on, or just power the room to a cool seventy degrees. However, this first lesson will positively leave them on the edge of their seats. She returned to the podium where her notes and books were and began to prepare, as the students started to file in.

@Tobi Neafearn





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...?Kristako had walked in the room in one of her forms that specialized in making robots. She noticed that the AC was off so she made herself a cooling robot to give herself AC?...
After practising some spells in the library with Misafune before grabbing a bottle of water, Rini now pulled out her timetable to check her final class. Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, she smiled at the words she had read. "Health class" She read aloud. She had been waiting on this one all day and was happy it was finally time to attend. After all, it was the class most beneficial to her future plans. With an energetic look in her eyes she glanced to Misafune "Let's get going shall we?" She said softly before headed off in the direction of the Classroom.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
Nona said:
After practising some spells in the library with Misafune before grabbing a bottle of water, Rini now pulled out her timetable to check her final class. Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, she smiled at the words she had read. "Health class" She read aloud. She had been waiting on this one all day and was happy it was finally time to attend. After all, it was the class most beneficial to her future plans. With an energetic look in her eyes she glanced to Misafune "Let's get going shall we?" She said softly before headed off in the direction of the Classroom.
@Jofune Tsurabisu
Misafune, of course followed. Beguiled, bewitched, and bedazzled by the deer girl. He enjoyed teaching her some magic, and he hoped she enjoyed it too. He escorted her to the class. "So, afterschool, what are you up to?" he asked doefully.

"Hm?" Rini snapped out of thoughts as Misafune spoke her gaze moving in his direction "After school?" She repeated before smiling lightly and shaking her head "Nothing that I've planned anyways Im nit in any clubs or anything...So If I have nothing else to do, I'll probably just go home..." She said, smiling sheepishly as she hugged her notebook she was holding to her chest. "What about you?" She then asked him with a curious expression.




https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/@Fukushima Akira


Mei Junchi

Their fur and feathers were still damp from their shower, but they knew it would dry off soon enough. They didn't care much for their fur being wet, but their wings they knew would cause a problem. Not because they would leave a wet trail, which luckily their fur, hair, and feathers didn't, but because they couldn't fly. Sure, their flying capabilities weren't the best out there, especially in their species, but it helped them move around quite a bit. Added with the fact their legs were sort of wet and they were a slow moving person.

Something helped get Junchi's mind off of their fur and feather issues though, and that was health class. They wondered what the class would be like, and if Moonstone would even show up. Considering Moonstone's enjoyment of skipping classes they had no interests in, Junchi hoped dearly that this class was interesting enough to keep them in their seat for at least five minutes. If they didn't come though, it didn't matter to Junchi, they would just go to their class and deal with their own issues.

Soon enough Junchi entered the class, and was lucky enough to have their wings and fur not be too wet by that time. By the time they entered they were mostly dry aside from their slightly wet wings, but there was nothing they could do about that. Junchi wondered where they would sit, and decided to just sit on a random chair. If there were assigned seats, they could easily just move to a new one. If there were none and someone tried to push them out, they'd stay seated and tell the person to go away.

Viewing the teacher Junchi couldn't help but make a slight whistle. She was curvy in all the right places with glasses that added to her attractive features. She looked so young too, and may have mistaken her as a student if she wasn't obviously preparing for her class. Junchi couldn't tell if they were feeling hot cause of her, or because of the lack of air conditioning in the room. This made Junchi wondered why there was no air conditioning, and how that was supposed to help students with their studying. They figured maybe she was one of those less intelligent teachers who could only look good but not think.

Extra Information


Health Class




Seated in class


Wait for class to begin, Hope that Moonstone attends class

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Nona said:
Rosalie blinked before smiling sheepishly "Oh dear...that's awkward and unfortunate" she let a silent laugh "Though I don't think hitting your head off a tree would help..." She began, shaking her head.

Evelyn sighed before she had a smirk on her face, "Oh, i know how to get back at him, this is going to do wonder's," Evelyn said with a chuckle. ZAC!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU IF I HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THIS!!! She said through mind link knowing it would hurt him slightly, "I am going to make a bet he'll be here in oh, 25 minutes?" Evelyn said with a mischievous grin.

Sixxx said:
( omg his sister xD )
She smiled and blushed twisting her fingers in his hair leaning her neck back for him " well i certainly am glad " she said softly

Zac gave a quiet laugh as he moved back slightly to look at Amber, "Me too," Zac said before he placed his lips on Amber's again. ZAC!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU IF I HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THIS!!! Zac whinced slightly as the words sounded like gongs in his head, his hand tightened around Amber slightly.
Nona said:
"Hm?" Rini snapped out of thoughts as Misafune spoke her gaze moving in his direction "After school?" She repeated before smiling lightly and shaking her head "Nothing that I've planned anyways Im nit in any clubs or anything...So If I have nothing else to do, I'll probably just go home..." She said, smiling sheepishly as she hugged her notebook she was holding to her chest. "What about you?" She then asked him with a curious expression.

Misafune Seimei

The Onmyouji


"Just meditation and magic practice. Maybe some divination or summoning practice." he said blandly. "Although..." he said looking at her thoughtfully. "Maybe you would be up for some extra lessons?" he asked happily.

no slide no slide

VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn sighed before she had a smirk on her face, "Oh, i know how to get back at him, this is going to do wonder's," Evelyn said with a chuckle. ZAC!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU IF I HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THIS!!! She said through mind link knowing it would hurt him slightly, "I am going to make a bet he'll be here in oh, 25 minutes?" Evelyn said with a mischievous grin.


Zac gave a quiet laugh as he moved back slightly to look at Amber, "Me too," Zac said before he placed his lips on Amber's again. ZAC!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU IF I HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THIS!!! Zac whinced slightly as the words sounded like gongs in his head, his hand tightened around Amber slightly.
Do wonders? What was? Rosalie watched her curiously as she grinned "25 minutes?, why? What did you do?" She inquired, wondering did she ruin his date or something, after all, she wasn't aware that they shared thoughts either.
Jofune Tsurabisu][centerblock=70][bg=#A9A9A9][bORDER= 5px double #696969][centerblock=70] [CENTER][SIZE=36px][FONT='IM Fell DW Pica SC']Misafune Seimei[/FONT][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [FONT=Codystar][COLOR=#FFFFFF]The Onmyouji[/COLOR][/FONT] [/centerblock][Divide][/divide] [CENTER][IMG]http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t680/Fukushima_Kenji/The%20New%20Horizon/105347325_zpsdmqcgjpj.png[/IMG][/CENTER] "Just meditation and magic practice. Maybe some divination or summoning practice." he said blandly. "Although..." he said looking at her thoughtfully. "Maybe you would be up for some extra lessons?" he asked happily. [FONT='Dancing Script'][accordion]{slide=center | [bg=#708090][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B][COLOR=#FFFFFF][SIZE=18px]More [FA]fire[/FA] Info[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][FONT='Dancing Script'][/bg]}[Row][/Row][/accordion][/FONT][accordion][Row] [CENTER] [FONT='Dancing Script'][Column=span2][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B]Location:[/B][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] walking to health class[/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [/Column][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [Column=span2][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B]Mood:[/B][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] happy[/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [/Column][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [Column=span2][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B]Status:[/B][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] cool and lovely[/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [/Column][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [Column=span2][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B]Objective:[/B][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] N/A[/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [/Column][/FONT] [/CENTER] [/Row][FONT='Dancing Script'][divide][/divide][Row][/Row][/FONT][Row] [CENTER] [FONT='Dancing Script'][Column=span4][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B]Interacting with:[/B][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'] Rini[/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [/Column][/FONT] [FONT='Dancing Script'] [Column=span4][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'][B]Tags:[/B][/FONT][FONT='Dancing Script'] [/FONT][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14559-nona/ said:






Rini listened, nodding lightly at his words before he suggested extra lessons for her. The thought put a smile on her face, going home would mean sitting alone until whatever time her siblings arrived home at which wasn't exactly what she wanted to do. But she would never say no to spending time with Misafune so she definitely didn't hesitate with her answer "Of course I would be. I'd love that" she said softly, smiling brightly at him.
JJKab said:
"Alright. I'll get something." Leon said, smirking slyly, hearing that she was slightly stuttering. He walked towards the ordering place, and ordered for himself the plate of cooked meat, and some mashed potatoes. For Nico, he ordered what she wanted, and soon, he came back to her, sitting beside her
"Aight, they will call me once it's ready." He exclaimed, leaning on the chair, and yawning lightly
"Thank you.."

She said, smiling softly.

"What about the drinks..?"

She asked curiously. Nico decided that she should get the drinks since Leon already ordered for them.

"Actually just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you.."

She said, looking back at him. Nico was already off her chair.
Nona said:
Do wonders? What was? Rosalie watched her curiously as she grinned "25 minutes?, why? What did you do?" She inquired, wondering did she ruin his date or something, after all, she wasn't aware that they shared thoughts either.

Evelyn gave a smile, "Well, we have a mind link, i can talk to him through it, and it hurt's because it is so loud, that's why we usually talk to eachother in person," Evelyn said with a small grin then a laugh as she sat down.

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