How troublesome...
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Ribbon turned and glared at him before her expression turned into a pout,
"I thought I told you not to throw me..."
"I'm sorry." Perfect said as he looked around trying to find a painting to hang up in their place. "It was just... I don't know.. Sounded like fun I guess." he told her. "Anyways, I told you I'd teach you how to fly when we get back home, so I'll teach you and you won't have to worry about being thrown. Oh and can you grab that statue? The one that looks as if he's thinking."
"I thought I told you not to throw me..."
"I'm sorry." Perfect said as he looked around trying to find a painting to hang up in their place. "It was just... I don't know.. Sounded like fun I guess." he told her. "Anyways, I told you I'd teach you how to fly when we get back home, so I'll teach you and you won't have to worry about being thrown. Oh and can you grab that statue? The one that looks as if he's thinking."