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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
"You know... I always wondered how you tasted li..." Gregory said, but soon began laughing as his attempt to flirt with Ariel
"That... Was horrible... Sorry..." He exclaimed, giggling, lightly coughing.







Having Lunch



Interacting with:




~Ariel Reaver~

Taking another bite of her food, she looked up to Gregory and swallowed her food as he spoke. Ariel began staring at him as he flirted, or, well, attempted to..."What?" her lips curled into a smile. This caused her to burst into giggles. "I have to admit..yeah...it was pretty bad. she said as her giggling quieted down "Better luck next time I suppose" she said as she smiled over at him. "How have you're classes gone so far?" she asked "Y'know, the ones that I'm not in along with you for" she asked tilting her head curiously

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Eating Lunch



Interacting with:

Moonstone and Junchi


@The Royal Keen


~Elliot and Elaena Rillas~

Elliot looked at them both witha curious and confused expression when they explained about how Junchi got expelled from their own school....It wasn't pg? Elliot waved his hand a little "Im fine with not knowing then." he said laughing somewhat sheepishly.

Elaena lifted her head from the table and picked up her sandwhich "Im not." she said shaking her head "Im curious to know what it was" she said with a bright smile.

Elliot rolled his eyes before he shook his head causing Elaena to pout "You can find out later maybe" he said with a nod before pokingat his food, thinking about Moonstones question. "Ehhhh...It wasn't aschool for supers, so we were treated less than nice but I guess it wasn't all bad..." he answered eventually. "You're lucky to be homeschooled, I would have rathered that"

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NeoClassical said:
Hakosu shrugged. "I don't know." She looked around at more artifacts before touching an orange stone. She frowned. "Momma. I feel weird at the bottom of my stomach...."
"Hmm? What do you mean? Are you alright, Hakosu?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
oh xD ))
''Yeah...it was a short notice, my mom wanted mto to come here quick as I could.''

...?He said as he smiled before she kissed Helena's forehead?...

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane had left out of the kitchen and made her way to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door. "Aselia? Are you okay in there? I had found your ring on my way back home. It was outside where we fought Perfect." She explained. Helena smiled and looked up at him, "I see. I was out just getting some stuff to drink... By that I mean liquor." She giggled. "Why did she call you? Are they going out tonight?" She asked.

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Calm

Status: Trying to get Aselia out of the bathroom

Objective: Get Aselia out of the bathroom

Interacting with: Helena, Azusa, and Aselia

Tags: @

Silvercat said:
(Ok ^_^ )
Sylvia watched Arrow swimming, she made it look so easy but how?

Sylvia stood there nervous as could be, she never did care much for the water. She touched a toe into the water and then sat on the edge of the pool looking down into it.

"I-it's kind of cold...and deep...you sure about this Arrow?"
Arrow swam over to the edge of the pool " O' We aren't going right here silly! I'm going to teach you in the shallow end for the first few times!" Arrow held out her hands for Sylvia to grab and looked at her expectantly "Its really not that hard Sylvia, And I'll be here to drag you out of the water if you start to drown....oh.....um... I'll always be here for you I meant!" she chuckled at little " Nah you won't drown on my watch, You'll become the best swimmer ever!"
Roman said:

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour


Akane had left out of the kitchen and made her way to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door. "Aselia? Are you okay in there? I had found your ring on my way back home. It was outside where we fought Perfect." She explained. Helena smiled and looked up at him, "I see. I was out just getting some stuff to drink... By that I mean liquor." She giggled. "Why did she call you? Are they going out tonight?" She asked.

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Calm

Status: Trying to get Aselia out of the bathroom

Objective: Get Aselia out of the bathroom

Interacting with: Helena, Azusa, and Aselia

Tags: @

...?When Aselia heard Akane's voice, she smiled?...

''Huh? Oh. Yeah I'm okay and......I've been looking for that ring everywhere...''

''She called me over for something urgent.''
JJKab said:
Lena's sleep was now comfortable, as she nudged closer to Shuu. After at least few hours, first signs of her waking up could be seen, as she began to lightly purr, her embrace on Shuu's body tigtening lightly.
Shuu let out a slight yawn as the morning approached. He opened his eyes and looked down at her, brushing her hair softly before slipping out and getting up. He of course, didn't want to wake her.
NeoClassical said:
Hakosu rubbed the very bottom of her stomach. "No. I feel...weird. It's not bad just....weird."
Haiiro gave Hakosu a strange look. "Hmm...maybe you should sit down or something, so we can figure out why you're feeling weird." Haiiro says, snapping her fingers and causing a chair to appear next to Hakosu.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Haiiro gave Hakosu a strange look. "Hmm...maybe you should sit down or something, so we can figure out why you're feeling weird." Haiiro says, snapping her fingers and causing a chair to appear next to Hakosu.
Hakosu nodded and sat down on the chair. "I told you it doesn't hurt."
NeoClassical said:
Hakosu nodded. "Oh okay. I see...."
Haiiro glances over at the orange stone Hakosu had touched. Admittedly she couldn't remember what it did. "Are you sure you aren't just hungry? I could make you something to eat if you want."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Haiiro glances over at the orange stone Hakosu had touched. Admittedly she couldn't remember what it did. "Are you sure you aren't just hungry? I could make you something to eat if you want."
"No...it's not exactly my stomach..." Hakosu frowned. "It's further down than that...."
Roman said:
Alex sighed, figuring out that Yuki wasn't staying in one spot at all. "Shit..." Alex took one sniff and the smell of blood filled his nostrils. "What the fuck?" He asked before running at full speed in that direction, seeing a dead doe... And Yuki. "Yuki?"
Yuki turned towards Alex and started snarling at him. She licked some of the blood off her muzzle.
Roman said:
(((( One Han coming right up :D ))))

Hansuke Ishida

~ One of the Five Archangels


Han had came home for the day, standing on top of the mansion with his combat gear on. It had been a few days since he was given the title of archangel by the big man himself. It made Han happy to know even one of the greatest beings approved of him even if he carried the powers of a demon. Han scanned over the area of the mansion, his eyes falling on the garden. He seen his daughter and this made his smile grow brighter as he watched her. He was usually busy helping Roman with family stuff or work to spend any real time with his daughter or wife, and it made him upset. After watching Mari for a few moments, Han jumped off the roof of the mansion, landing on the ground behind Mari. "Hey... I see you're enjoying yourself." He said happily.

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Happy

Status: Sneaking up on Mari

Objective: Talk with Mari

Interacting with: Mari


Mari yelped lightly in surprised when she heard her dad land behind her. "D-Dad! I didn't see you! Where have you been?" She asks curiously before she gasped. "Whoops! I forgot to answer your question." She laughed. "Yes, I'm having a lot of fun." She said happily.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☆When Aselia heard Akane's voice, she smiled☆...
''Huh? Oh. Yeah I'm okay and......I've been looking for that ring everywhere...''

''She called me over for something urgent.''

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour

Akane laughed lightly and made the ring appear on the sink. "It's in there, just grab it on your way out I guess. Oh and, Azusa's girlfriend is here. And...I'm sorry for... Y'know being captured and eaten by that freak." She said. "I was sort of tired out..." she added. "Urgent? I hope everything is okay." Helena said softly. "Anyways, when were you planning on heading back home?"

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking to Aselia

Objective: Talk with Aselia

Interacting with: Aselia, Helena, Azusa


NeoClassical said:
Hakosu frowned and had her hand right over her groin area. "Oh well. Let's just find another."
Haiiro shrugs. "Alright. Oh, and, maybe if you touch the same stone again whatever happened will go away? Sometimes it works that way, but sometimes all it does is increase whatever you touched's effect."
Roman said:

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour

Akane laughed lightly and made the ring appear on the sink. "It's in there, just grab it on your way out I guess. Oh and, Azusa's girlfriend is here. And...I'm sorry for... Y'know being captured and eaten by that freak." She said. "I was sort of tired out..." she added. "Urgent? I hope everything is okay." Helena said softly. "Anyways, when were you planning on heading back home?"

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking to Aselia

Objective: Talk with Aselia

Interacting with: Aselia, Helena, Azusa


''Oh, no need to apologize...I mean if you were tired out, it was....inevitable right?''

''Well...I dunno actually. My mom said I have new little sisters and being the big brother I should be to them...well...have to protect them and take care of 'em y'know?''
kk1243 said:
Arrow swam over to the edge of the pool " O' We aren't going right here silly! I'm going to teach you in the shallow end for the first few times!" Arrow held out her hands for Sylvia to grab and looked at her expectantly "Its really not that hard Sylvia, And I'll be here to drag you out of the water if you start to drown....oh.....um... I'll always be here for you I meant!" she chuckled at little " Nah you won't drown on my watch, You'll become the best swimmer ever!"
"o-ok" Sylvia said quietly as she took Arrows hand and slid off the edge of the pool into the water. She dunked under for a second and freaked out.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Haiiro shrugs. "Alright. Oh, and, maybe if you touch the same stone again whatever happened will go away? Sometimes it works that way, but sometimes all it does is increase whatever you touched's effect."
Hakosu shook her head. "I don't know. I kind of like the feeling...."
Roman said:
Perfect blinked when he seen Ribbon skipping around him in circles. He then chuckled a little before it died down into just a smile. When given the price, Perfect was pretty surprised. It was pretty cheap. He had took out someof themoney he found earlier and dropped it on the counter before taking his knives. "Keep the change." He said before looking at Ribbon. "Ready to go kill and steal?" He asked.
Ribbon laughed and gave a little twirl before her ribbons snake out from under her dress, rearranging themselves into more viciously looking barbed points,


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