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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Dear oh dear. Looks like you don't really know how to use it, do you? The figure stepped out of the shadows. It was... A demon? You have a rather strange voice for a demon. I'd imagine a demon to have a low and scary voice. You sound like some sixteen year old. James taunted. The demon grabbed the book. Rückkehr aus dem Schlummer , Geist der Vergeltung! A small fissure opened and a figure climbed out. It appeared as some sort of resurrected corpse. James looked at the creature it had summoned and looked back at the demon but it wasn't there anymore. In it's place stood a young male around the age of 16. He drew a crimson red katanas (that look more like military knives) and took the creatures head clean off. He then wipes the blood off his katana and licks it off his hand. Yuck. That thing's blood tastes like trash... The boy then hands the book to Graham. James stared at the person open mouthed. Firstly, why'd you kill it. Second, weren't you a demon a few seconds ago? Please tell me I'm not just drunk...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAJXAAAAJGEzM2I0OWU5LWY3YTItNGNkMC1iZDFiLWFmNjY1YjdkODQ5Mw.jpg.a16b4bb0dd2f5d500bbf9c3e886a1db3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAJXAAAAJGEzM2I0OWU5LWY3YTItNGNkMC1iZDFiLWFmNjY1YjdkODQ5Mw.jpg.a16b4bb0dd2f5d500bbf9c3e886a1db3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs



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Evan leaned over to James as they were both watching and reminded him, "The first time we met, it nearly ended up in the destruction of the Manor. The second time we met, I almost detonated a singularity and pissed off God. Be very careful you don't spawn a third shenanigan--if I haven't already created one."

@MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs
The boy laughed to himself. Well, you guys do know, this IS the Necronomicon Tomo IIV. If what you said translates correctly, it said something about a mistress of death. Seeing as this is one of the original Necronomicons, I wouldn't be too surprised if you two idiots just summoned the Grim Reaperess. James whispered back to Evan. Are you sure one of us didn't summon that guy? Seriously, how does some 16 year old know about this book?

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs
Alex just chuckled to himself as his eyes turned back cyan as he stated, "You'd be surprised what can happen with the unknown." Then Alex turned to the demon, his eyes narrowing while turning orange, "But you... have no reason to be here. I suggest you want to play a game?"

@ANDROMADA @MrEvilMexican
Evan replied to the 16 year old who was in front of them, "I was based off the foundation of logic and science in my creation. So my knowledge of magic is rather vague."

As Evan was trying to talk it off, he couldn't shake a nagging feeling about that Mistress of Death. "James, I have seen a teenage girl dressed in all white around the area the past few days. No one else besides me seems to notice her. Any ideas on this?"

@MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs
The "demon" crossed his arms. He didn't even show any intentions on attacking. I attend this school, idiot. He then turns his attention to Evan who seemed slightly troubled. If you say so... I do remember a grim reaper-like figure attending this school... As for your sightings, I would at first say they are hallucinations. But androids don't hallucinate, do they? He asked. I would believe the figure you claim to have seen is either a lie, or is real. If you need advice, go to the mansion located in the forest known as the "Den of Demons." It belongs to Faust Windfallow. He has placed a spell on the mansion to repel any angelic beings that try to capture him... James just stared. Haha, very funny, liar.

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs
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"Yeah about that mansion..." Evan started. But before he could contonue, a different topic took priority.

"First, how did you know I am an android? Second, why would I lie about what I saw? And third, what if what I saw was worse than a reapress?"

@MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs
The demon narrowed his eyes. To answer your first question, you don't have a soul and you don't give off the same aura as a living creature. I dare say you hardly have one and you can't possibly be an undead. I'm not too sure why you'd lie about what you saw. After all, I'm not too sure if you androids are even programmed to lie. For your last question, as long as the thing you saw is something that harvests souls or something, I wouldn't be worried. After all, you don't have one.

Nona said:
((I'll get to your reply in a bit, I owe a few of them :>))
((Okay :D ))
Kaname stretched himself out, slowly sliding his body off the seat of the sofa. The movie had been great, although most of the time, he was looking at Camilla. Who was soundly beside him, all curled up against him. He was comfortable, and didn't want to move. But by the time the thought of staying where he was coursed through his mind, his bottom half had already reached the floor, with his back against the seat of the sofa in an awkward mannered stretch.
Lumina said:


Ooh this kids attitude was really starting to get on her nerves. At this rate they were going to be butting heads and she really didn't have the patience for that. All she had wanted was some freakin' juice, not a confrontation with some guy she didn't even know. His attitude made her want to punch him in the face, but she restrained herself, wanting to at least make a somewhat decent impression on people here. Before she transferred to FHS, Iris had been struggling with some.. anger issues. Letting the small things get under her skin, getting aggravated a lot more often than she should. She had promised to work on being less immature and confrontational when she left to come to school here, but this guy was slowly working away at her resolve. Maybe she wouldn't be so annoyed already if the day hadn't been going so shitty already.

As far as first impressions go, this one left something to be desired for sure. Having been laying on the ground where he tripped over her? Nice going, Avatar. With a sigh, she too stood up as the boy did, wiping off as much dirt from her back and legs as she could. She was probably covered in it, and the light color of her clothing probably showed all of it. A scowl crossed her face from feeling all the sticking on to her skin. Shitty day, indeed. As she was cleaning herself off, the boy had started to walk away, and she wouldn't have even noticed had he not said for her to follow. Iris stopped, looking at the boy, processing what he was saying. Why would she follow him? Crossing her arms, Iris thought aloud, before shrugging and catching up to him. She was kind of curious where he was going, simply due to the fact that he had said for her to follow.

"Follow? Where are you...? Eh... well alright then."

no slide
no slide no slide
Duncan's gaze remained glued forward, his footsteps carrying him carefully. Though he was still sleepy, his fall had brought him to a major sense of awareness. As much as he hated it, he had to do some sort of thing to come to good terms with the first person he met. Although the situation wasn't ideal, nor was the timing, he had to work with what he'd got.

Momentarily, Duncan had the urge to turn around and face her, just to question her entire morning. After all, he hadn't found out what it was that made him get out of his room in the first place. If it wasn't for the thud against his window, he would still be sprawled out lazily upon his dorm room floor. Still, he could at least ask for her name, right?

NeoClassical said:
Han nodded. "Yeah. I understand that." He smiled. "I remember my first day." He scratched his chin. "I built a cardboard house on the roof. It was pretty lovely. It had a rose and everything." He sighed. "But then that part of the school was destroyed by a goddess so that's cool I guess." He chuckled.
"dang i ripped my skirt." stands and grabs my bag and book and runs inside and necklace lays on the ground.
JJKab said:
Gregory smirked nervously, as he swam up to Ariel, and kissed her cheek lightly, before slowly starting to swim towards the shore.
"I...'m sorry that I asked... It... Was dumb of me" He said softly, not looking at Ariel, embarrased.

(Nightie :) . )
@Nona (Seeing you're here, I'm going to spare you the trouble :) (
Emoroses said:
"dang i ripped my skirt." stands and grabs my bag and book and runs inside and necklace lays on the ground.
"Ripped your skirt?" Han tilted his head and smiled, closing his eyes. "I'm a pretty good tailor." But when he opened his eyes, the girl was gone. He frowned. Everyone disappeared so quickly. He didn't even get her name. With a sigh, he began to walk away but something caught his eye. A slight glint. He looked down at the ground and noticed a necklace. "What's this?" He asked as he picked it up, examining it. Han believed it to be the girl's. He sighed. "Great, now I gotta return this." He sighed loudly. "Where could she have gone though?" He asked aloud as he looked around.
NeoClassical said:
"Ripped your skirt?" Han tilted his head and smiled, closing his eyes. "I'm a pretty good tailor." But when he opened his eyes, the girl was gone. He frowned. Everyone disappeared so quickly. He didn't even get her name. With a sigh, he began to walk away but something caught his eye. A slight glint. He looked down at the ground and noticed a necklace. "What's this?" He asked as he picked it up, examining it. Han believed it to be the girl's. He sighed. "Great, now I gotta return this." He sighed loudly. "Where could she have gone though?" He asked aloud as he looked around.
sit behind tree face red as could be
@Roman[/URL], @AriaTheWatcher [/Column]






((( The School year has officially begun. Have your character(s) start attending their classes. )))
Fricka, Chler, Lena and Gregory slowly exited the main hall, where the principal gave out his speach. After he was finished, and they made their way down to get the timetables and map of the school:

-Lena went on to go to the gym, since her PE lesson was soon starting

-Fricka and Chler both made their way to the Healing classes, with Fricka remembering to go to the Telekinesis additionall classes.

-Gregory walked towards the pool, since his abilites were closely related to the water, with some minor fire abilities.
JJKab said:
@Nona (Seeing you're here, I'm going to spare you the trouble :) (
((Thankies :3))

~*Ariel Reaver*~


Ariel followed after him as he went ahead of her "N-No, no, it wasn't d-dumb..." She said quietly as she moved until she was alongside him "I-It was an important question...I-If...I were to ask the same question to you...what would you answer?" She asked him as the reached the shore.

Nona said:
((Thankies :3))

~*Ariel Reaver*~


Ariel followed after him as he went ahead of her "N-No, no, it wasn't d-dumb..." She said quietly as she moved until she was alongside him "I-It was an important question...I-If...I were to ask the same question to you...what would you answer?" She asked him as the reached the shore.

(Nevermind, had to make Gregory attend the principals speech. We can continue the interraction, if Ariel has classes at the pool)
Emoroses said:
sit behind tree face red as could be
Han sighed, searching for the girl. He began to wonder if the necklace was even worth it. He shrugged, hanging the necklace on a nearby tree branch and checked his watch. Classes should have been starting soon, meaning Han should get out of the hustle bustle of the courtyard. He had never liked crowds.
JJKab said:
(Nevermind, had to make Gregory attend the principals speech. We can continue the interraction, if Ariel has classes at the pool)
((Yeah I was about to say I was confused xD uhm I dunno if she would, her abilities are ice abilities which is still water but I dunno if she'd be at the pool, she'd probably be in a class more relative to her abilities involving dragons and reptiles and stuff xD ))
Nona said:
((Yeah I was about to say I was confused xD uhm I dunno if she would, her abilities are ice abilities which is still water but I dunno if she'd be at the pool, she'd probably be in a class more relative to her abilities involving dragons and reptiles and stuff xD ))
(Do as you wish, Gregory is heading to the pool. Leaving this up to you :) )
JJKab said:
(Do as you wish, Gregory is heading to the pool. Leaving this up to you :) )
((Alright, we can continue their interactions later, let them interact with others for now :P ))
Ballerina said:


@Fukushima Akira So interactions elsewhere should stop and our characters need to be at the opening ceremony?)​
((( All interactions were stopped and everyone already attended the opening ceremony. Characters should be going to class now. )))

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