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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Evan stood with the rocket launcher in his hands debating whether or not to either help James or lynch Ari for blowing up his pad. But it had appeared that the bigger threat had taken the cake of the decision.

Evan loaded a rocket in and extended the tube. He took aim and fired it at Hallow's magical barrier.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller
Roman said:


Cecil Patel

~ Humble and Sweet


Cecil smiled and washed the dishes, soon sighing in relief as he put the few coffee mugs and plates that he had collected from that table. He put them in their rightful place after drying them and then went to Maya. It was good to know everything was going well on her side too. He hopped up and took a seat on the counter where Maya was.

"Business is going well~ Also... I was thinking about something... Maybe thinking we could move in together."



More Info


His and Maya's cafe


Happy, but not slightly nervous




See if Maya would want to live together

Interacting with: Maya Radkov

Tags: @Nona


~*Maya Radkov*~


Maya blinked a few times as he spoke the second time. Living together? Well that did make sense to her. They had been in a relationship for well over a year for a start and she was well aware that she wanted her future to be with him an no one else. Not to mention that she'd always be visiting his place and visa versa anyways, so why not live together? A bright smile spread across her face as she looked over at him, excited at the thought "Yeah, I'd like that~" she said happily.

Extra Info


Their café


Talking with Cecil




Answer Cecil's question

Interacting with:



Gregory still was waiting for Ariel, a bit worried about what her parents would tell her. He didn't want her to come out sad. Hopefully, she was okay.

Quoire sighed "this is gonna be a bit messy I better stop them" he said as he grabs another one of his inventions which looks like some kind of a tiny gun he points it up at the sky and fires, at first snow falls down from the sky and after five seconds all of the snow became spikes and the rooftop suddenly grew Ice crystals from the ground and the temperature became cold "this might not be enough but I guess this might work".

@MrEvilMexican @ANDROMADA @HimeragiSeiker @Cowkiller
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"Alright time to find the worthless fuck that did that." Ari says while activating her active camouflage. She pulls out her thermal camera and starts scanning the area. She finds a girl how looks like she was enjoying herself look towards the roof. She grabs here radio "I need a cruise missile at vector Charlie Zulu. I will be lazing the target." A man answers back, "Copy t minus seventy seconds till impacted."

@ANDROMADA @MrEvilMexican @WeirdisFun
James who had recovered from all those plasma bolts began firing his flamethrower at Bella. Needless to say, Hallow blocked it all but the heat was enough to melt all the ice. You don't want to hurt my sister or things will get uglier than what you can handle... Bella, who was now bored actually decided to fight, pulling out the giant greatsword and driving it through Evan's chest. Interesting... You have no soul. What exactly are you? Oh, I know. A worthless, lifeless android. I wonder how disappointed your comrades will be if they learn that you have abandoned them. She taunted before pulling out another blade, this time black and driving it into Evan's neck. I wonder... Do you feel any pain, robot?

@ANDROMADA @WeirdisFun
JJKab said:
Gregory still was waiting for Ariel, a bit worried about what her parents would tell her. He didn't want her to come out sad. Hopefully, she was okay.

~*Ariel Reaver*~


Kissing her parents on the cheek and giving them a hug each, she smiled happily "I'll be back later~" she chimed before leaving the room. She happily made her way to Gregory, smiling up at him as she pulled some hair from her face to tuck behind her ear "Ready to go?~" she asked him.

Extra Info


Her home


Walking to Gregory




Go on a walk

Interacting with:

Her parents and Gregory


@Daniel reaving ((I moved Ariel along so jjkab could join in again :'3 ))


"and he melted it all in just one go" Quoire said with a sigh and just puts back his cursed sword since it was actually unecessary to the fight he focused his mind and slowly walks to Bella to stop her from killing Evan, his ability triggered and making a very threatening aura

that might means death around himself as he slowly walks to the girl, the aura became bigger in every step.
Evan stared at Bella blankly.

"Ma'am, I choose to feel pain. And I would waste a second of that energy for a bitch like you. Although I would watch your back. That red headed stepchild that you threw overboard has a little surprise for you in the shape of a BGM-109 Tactical Tomahawk Cruise Missile. I love being able to detect these things. Oh and, don't try and run, you'll just die tired."

Evan gestured in the air as he jumped out of her grasp and over the railing. "Impact in 10 seconds!" Evan yelled as he was running off.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller
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Nona said:

~*Ariel Reaver*~


Kissing her parents on the cheek and giving them a hug each, she smiled happily "I'll be back later~" she chimed before leaving the room. She happily made her way to Gregory, smiling up at him as she pulled some hair from her face to tuck behind her ear "Ready to go?~" she asked him.

Extra Info


Her home


Walking to Gregory




Go on a walk

Interacting with:

Her parents and Gregory


@Daniel reaving ((I moved Ariel along so jjkab could join in again :'3 ))


Gregory smirked, as he planted a small kiss on Ariel's lips.

"Sure, sweatie" He said, slowly walking towards the exit of Ariel's house
Nona said:

~*Yuna Yelil*~


"Gullible?" Yuna looked at him and puffed out her cheeks a little "I-Im not gullible!" She muttered quietly as her cheeks coloured a light pink. She was pretty gullible really. She knew that too, though it didn't mean she wanted to except that.

Extra Info


School grounds






Reacting to being called gullible

Interacting with:



.:Kien Raven:.

He smirked knowingly-- she was even cuter when she tried to deny her flaws.

"What do you say we grab a quick bite to eat before class starts?" He asked her with a much more sincere smile.

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School Grounds (Math Corridor)
Yuna (@Nona )

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Graham suddenly bursts out of a vent coughing with smoke billowing out behind him, "Um... what the hell is going on here?! I was taking a nap for crying out loud! I decidedly don't like parties much..." Graham coughed out, and once he recovered he made his way towards Evan as quickly as he could in hopes of getting a firm grasp on the latest party and cruise missile...

Meanwhile, Alex was casually strolling towards this school that he had heard so much about, when he saw smoke in the direction of the school not too far away, so he decided to check it out and ran towards the source.

@ANDROMADA @Cowkiller @MrEvilMexican @WeirdisFun
Bella laughed. Not an evil one. A genuine one. Android, I can survive being struck with an antimatter orb. What gives you the idea that a missile will kill me? Anyways, it's you guys that are posing the biggest threat to the school. The missile to be exact. She stares at Evan, overloading his sensors in an attempt to shut him down. So, how does it feel being shut down? Is it like sleeping? Or does it feel more like death? She asks. Looks like we have more visitors!~ She giggles and telekinetically flings both Graham and Alex onto the roof. And who are you two lovely people?~ Hallow was fighting a giant creature... Stalker? He hits it in the head with his scepter and it suddenly turns into dust, leaving only a dry and very clean skeleton. James looked in horror. Who the fuck are these people? And why is Faust helping us?

@UnknownRawrs @ANDROMADA
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Imperius Vi Euphoria

~ The King Of Euphoria ~

...♅Through the use of Akira's Omnipresence, not only was he able to be by his wife, Asuka's side, but he was also able to simultaneously attend the annual meeting of the Old Gods, which included every God and Goddess from every religion. Akira sat in a throne that towered over all other chairs. Directly infront of all of the occupied chairs was one large round table. As Akira waited for the remaining Gods to take their seats, he patiently and slowly tapped the arm rest of his golden coloured throne. When the Gods and Goddesses were settled, Akira began the meeting by calling out to all of them♅...

Welcome to the Banquet of Gods. We are gathered here today to discuss your recent.. plans for Earth, and how they are very inconvenient to myself and all of Mankind.

Zeus: “ Your Highness, we- ”

Quiet. You break the rules I bestowed upon you, and I punish you. It's as simple as that.

Odin: “ We had no intention to actually proceed with our plans, Your Highness. ”

Idun: “ Precisely. We were only- ”

It isn't the fact that you plotted such a thing, it's the mere fact that you're lying to my face in this pantheon. I had shown you all benevolence by setting up these meetings, as a way for you all to speak your mind. Today, this is a disciplinary meeting.

Thor: “ Mankind are simply a destructive prototype. They should be dealt with before- ”

Odin: “ Quiet, Thor! Let His Majesty talk! ”

Loki: “ Thor speaks the truth, father. Mankind are self destructive and petty. They continue to build weapons of war in hopes to better destroy their enemies. They constantly fight amongst themselves over selfish reasons, and wage war over idiotic matters. ”

Zeus: “ While we may not see eye to eye, I do agree with Loki. The Humans aren't worthy of our love. In order to preserve the Earth's natural inhabitants- ”

The natural inhabitants of Earth are all lifeforms on Earth, including Humans. You claim that Mankind aren't worthy of your love, yet you were ruthless to Humans and were abusive. I saw what you did first hand. The best way to describe you is a shape shifting rapist. You speak of wisdom, with no clue of what respect is. You have no right to talk about love, Zeus, so shut your mouth.

Zeus: “ How dare you! I'm not going to sit here and take verbal abuse from some entitled child! ”

...♅Akira watched as Zeus and the other Greek Gods stood up and walked away. Akira sighed and suddenly two golden spears formed beside him. He spoke as he motioned his head towards Zeus. Suddenly the spears shot forward and impaled him, causing an explosion. When the dust cleared, all that was left was a small pool of blood, and the tatters that was once Zeus' cloak. The Greek Gods and Goddesses returned to their seats with an expression that matched the other Gods and Goddesses that hailed from all the different religions; frightened♅...

This ‘entitled child’ can kill all you Gods and Goddesses, along with your creations without breaking a sweat, so remember that before you storm out of one of my meetings. If you continue conspiring against the Humans, I'll induce what the Greeks called ‘Ragnarok’. That is, the death of all you Gods and Goddesses, much like Zeus there.


...♅Akira investigated all of the Gods and Goddesses' expression, shortly before he turned around and began walking away. He spoke, shortly before he vanished into a flurry of golden particles♅...



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Evan ignored the attempt to shut him down. As long as they couldn't get through to his core, he was safe. He came back to her for a second thought. He wasn't about to get caught in the blast of a cruise missile, but if that doesn't kill her, maybe matter annihilation will. Evan walked up to her.

"Alright bitch, I'll fight you then." Evan asserted as he fired up a ball of pure fusion in his hand "I'm going to make you glow in the fucking dark!"

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller
"Time to play distraction~" Graham sang to himself as he distorted Bella's senses to make it seem as if Graham had made hundreds of clones that surrounded her and flung themselves at her.

Alex just jumps out of they fray and decides to watch until he has a better understanding first, while playing commentator. Alex's eyes soon turn sea-green as he says, "Seems we have quite a few spry ones here!"

@ANDROMADA @Cowkiller @MrEvilMexican @WeirdisFun
Bella laughed at their attempt to destroy her. Fools! I am the Princess of the Limbo! You can't even hope to destroy me! The air around them begin to change. Everything becoming a blackened husk. They soon find themselves in a dark and desolate place. Just ground and darkness. WELCOME, TO LIMBO! She shouts. All lighting systems seem to not work in this place. Fools, I am the mistress of my domain. Here, I am more powerful than what you hope! NOT EVEN A GOD SHALL STAND AGAINST ME! James looked extremely confused. This place... It's composed of purely ethereal antimatter... FORGET IT! LET'S TAKE CARE OF BELLA FIRST! He shouts before open firing upon her.

@ANDROMADA @WeirdisFun @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller @HimeragiSeiker
Artemistel said:

.:Kien Raven:.

He smirked knowingly-- she was even cuter when she tried to deny her flaws.

"What do you say we grab a quick bite to eat before class starts?" He asked her with a much more sincere smile.

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School Grounds (Math Corridor)
Yuna (@Nona )

~*Yuna Yelil*~


She looked up at him as he asked about getting something to eat, firstly pouting a bit before her expression went back to normal. Yuna could never say no to food, despite her small stature, she could eat quite a bit. So she nodded, agreeing with him "Sure, we have enough time to do that..." She said as her ears stopped twitching.

Extra Info


School grounds


Thinking about food


Still slightly huffed


Discussing getting some food

Interacting with:



Quoire suddenly feel a bit bad "yep time to fight" he said as he dashed to Bella his dash was so fast that it almost seen like a teleport and tries to hit her with a kick, he keeps kicking and in each kick it keeps getting faster and stronger, even though he keeps kicking, he's still very cautious "now let's see if you're really a god" this time he does an axe kick but this kick has an abnormal amount of power that can split whatever he kicks in half.

@MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs @ANDROMADA @HimeragiSeiker @Cowkiller
"See this little light in my hands? This is the same thing that fuels the sun and the base power of black holes. What would happen if I let this go right in front of your face? You think you're indestructible? Are you indestructible to 350,000,000° Celsius of obliteration? Let me explain something to you. Your body is still made of atoms and molecules. I can simply fissile the very body you stand in! What will you do without a body? You seem significantly less terrifying without that."

Evan stood back and put the ball of light away, not willing to blow up the entire county and irradiate half the country. "What would you do without your magic? Answer that question mindfully, as you may be forced to answer it very soon."

@MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller @WeirdisFun
Faust, who had been observing for so long finally spoke. While in Limbo, we can't kill her. He threw his chain, circling around Quoire and wraps him up. Faust then pulls it back, taking Quoire with it, right before Bella fired an antimatter sphere which would have hit him in the head. James, who had realized what the dimension was made off was hastily working on his antimatter blaster. How do we defeat her?! James screamed. Faust thought for a while. Evan, stand back. He whispered as he grabbed James' antimatter rifle and grabbing Evan's energy sphere, somehow not burning himself. You said they can make blackholes, right?

@WeirdisFun @ANDROMADA

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