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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦She said as she smiled. She wasnt fully convinced but she'll take it as she continued to apply the sun screen on Akane✦...
Akane giggled a little, "Are you done yet? I want to get a drink and it's hard to drink when laying on my stomach for some reason. I just never got used to it." She said softly.
Roman said:
Akane giggled a little, "Are you done yet? I want to get a drink and it's hard to drink when laying on my stomach for some reason. I just never got used to it." She said softly.
''yeah im all done...you'll do the same for me right?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''yeah im all done...you'll do the same for me right?''
Akane's bikini top had appeared on her body and she grabbed the sunscreen, tossing the bottle in the air and catching it. "Sure!"
Roman said:
Akane's bikini top had appeared on her body and she grabbed the sunscreen, tossing the bottle in the air and catching it. "Sure!"
...✦Arashea soon undid the knot in her top before she laid on her stomach as her back was now exposed✦...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...?Thomas simply snapped his fingers and his mana moved about, eating her own food like that was bearable, but not his damn cake. Thomas had his mana form small barriers around all the food as he glared at Lumina. This was gonna go his way, or she was done eating for the night. Clearing his throat Thomas was getting ready to talk when Lumina's words hit him, it was that she had to eat like this all the time, it was that they had to eat like this. Meaning she might finally be fine with the idea of staying with him for awhile. This chain of thought caused Thomas's face to be doubt-founded for a moment before going back to a semi-glare?...

"Lumina, first off, you don't eat cake with your hands, second, you've gotten food on your clothes eating like that. Now then, you know if you eat slower the flavor will last longer right? And finally, if you indeed stick around with me, well, i can get us three meals a day, and when the chance provides itself, snacks. However, i will ask you to not eat like a pig on a farm, understood?"

...?Lumina just raised an eyebrow at Thomas, swirling the drink in her glass. What kind of stick was stuck so far up his ass that he had to get on her case about everything? What was so bad? It's not like she cared what people thought of her, anyways. If what he said was true about the super people, then people already hated her, so what reason was there to act... civil? That wasn't how her mind worked, and it annoyed her that he was trying to get her to change. Sighing, Lumina wiped off her face and hands, rolling her eyes as she spoke and waved her hands in a childish manner?...

"Geez, what's it to you anyways? Not like you're my dad or anything. I eat how I want."

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len nodded and moved to stand beside Lilliana while looking around, sending energy to his eyes so he could look through the glamour that flooded the air. Doing so he saw some of the Fae up in the trees a bit more visibly, though their true forms were still blurred from their use of magics. After clarifying the locations of a few pairs of eyes Len looked back at Lilliana before smiling at her as he used a hand to gesture her forwards♖...
"Well, i'll keep you safe, so just count on me Lily!"

...♧Lilliana of course couldn't tell that there were any threats around, but she looked up at her brother with a trusting expression. He seemed like he knew what he was talking about, so she knew she could count on him. Her look of awe turned into a smile, and she soon nodded at his gesture. So! That meant they could explore a bit! Especially since this seemed to be their father's land, she was really excited to check it out! This was a naive thought, but what else would you expect from a curious 8 year old girl? Lilliana giggled a bit before skipping forward, looking around for the next thing to investigate. She pointed her finger in the direction she was skipping as she spoke♧...

"This way!"
Nonalaka said:
Amara nodded "Ah, alright~" she said with a smile before she thought about the question again "....Did you think I'd be...mad?" She asked curiously
Kenai thought for a bit "Well watching one at home is more comfortable, and I have plenty of food like popcorn and such..." He suggested.

Maya smiled "Well, I'm glad I can help with that in a way then" she said softly "But losing control of your true self? What exactly happens when that happens? Has it happened often?" She asked curiously, she had obviously never seen him in such a way so she wondered what exactly he was on about.

Rini looked to her then to the doll and nodded in understanding, right, that made more sense to her at least it wasn't a trick done by someone else, which was her original thinking, almost letting a sigh of relief that she could trust the doll, she then looked back to Miyaka "How do you suppose we do that?" She asked her.

Elliot then made his way through the door and walked up until he was alongside her seeing how excited she was about going brought a smile to his face as he looked over at her his train of thought stopping as she spoke "Hm? Rollercoasters? Yeah I like them as long as I haven't ate directly before going on them cause then they make me sick" he chuckled lightly "But by the time we walk there it'll have been a while since I ate so it won't be an issue" he said with a nod "What about yourself?" He asked.

Dakota smiled when he poked her nose "Well, yeah, but your cuddles are still the best when you aren't warming yourself too~" she said happily as she eventually pulled out an outfit for herself as well.


"I love them! Their so exhilarating and fast that it makes me happy~ even if I eat before going on one, I never throw up or anything. Which is a plus for me because I like eating too. If it's slow, their not as fun, but I still like it." Yumi said hapily, clapping her hands together. She was like she rollercoaster fanatic when it came to going to amusement parks or just about anywhere that had rollercoasters in it. She had always loved them when she was smaller and was never really tall enough to be able to get on most of them, but the few that she could go on she liked. Once Yumi was tall enough to get on the larger rollercoaster, instead of thinking it would be somewhat scary, like some kids would, she was ecstatic and felt a rush of adrenaline when on the ride. It was hard for her to express how much she liked rollercoasters, because what she thought of wasn't always a great description of how she was feeling. "I probably sound weird with how much I like them, but they just give me such a rush that I can't help but like it. My life is usually boring because of all the homework I do, but with rollercoaster, I get this kind of excitement and rush that other people get doing stuff they like or doing sort of extreme things. Take skydiving or dirtbiking, like those kind of things."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi had gotten settled in once Kaori had walked off to shower, having taken off his coat and shoes and storing them away inside the Kamui dimension while pulling out a normal t-shirt and sweatpants to change into later. Really, Masahi was worried that Kaori might of connected some dots while speaking to Roman, but it seemed that his tengan had done the job. While waiting for Kaori, Masahi decided to make some tea, it wasn't that he was thirsty or anything of the sort, it's just that he had the urge for it. He wrote it off as something he couldn't remember from his childhood, a habit that he may have had that was resurfacing because of his time with Kaori. Anyways, he did in fact make the tea with little problems, pouring two cups of it as he figured Kaori would be done in the shower soon. After that he went and sat cross-legged on the couch while setting the two cups on the coffee table, It was then that Kaori walked into the room and asked Masahi her question, one that he had actually thought of an answer for while making the tea♝...
"Well, that was the time projected for normally moving around, but you know my one ability, it allowed me to finish the mission sooner. After that i was good to go, so i came back here and well, you were gone. Now then, i made tea, hopefully it isn't horrible."

...☆Kaori ran her fingers through her hair, detangling any of the knots that were pertaining after the shower. As she got older, her hair got more tangled, to her annoyance. Hopefully it didn't look too bad, and she blushed at the thought of looking bad in front of Masahi. As she entered closer the smell of tea wafted into her nose, and she couldn't help but inhale through her nose to get a better smell. It was so... nostalgic. Kaori grinned at he spoke, her eyes falling on the tea he had made. His answer made her feel better about him being back so soon, and she took a cup into her hand, enjoying the warmth it gave to her hands. She took a moment to blow on it to cool it a bit before sipping it, responding afterwards☆...

"The tea is lovely, thank you. I'm glad to hear it went well. You're not hurt are you?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...You began to hear voices and it seemed serious...
''it seems that UN got another one...white hair and horns...''

''white hair and horns? i thought i saw a figure like that walking around the mansion...Natsume, you know anything of this?''

''huh...did she have really big boobs?''

''...yeah it says so..''

''ah shit, its the girl that i offered hospitality to. she mustve left to find that other girl but she went to the most wrong place...oh...you here..''

...☫Natsume said after she saw Vanille. Seol and Neo was there too before they looked up and looked at her but in a casual way. Not mad. Just a bit confused. Natsume spoke again before she crossed her arms. If you looked passed them, there was a laptop with what appears to be a figure that looked like Levya strapped into a table unconscious☫...

''where did you go anyway? your friend left to go find you but looks like she got captured by the UN...''
...◇Vanille had looked around and didn't see her, and was about to go check somewhere else when she heard the others talking. This caught her attention, and her eyes widened at the realization that they were talking about Levya. She was... captured? Why...? Vanille was getting ready to leave when there were suddenly people talking to her, and she stopped, looking obviously distressed. She listened to them talk, trying to find out as much as she could, when one of them mentioned the U.N. That meant... Vanille gasped. Levya had gone back to Earth? But... why? It was then that she noticed the laptop with Levya on it, and something snapped in her mind. She felt like she couldn't think, couldn't breathe, just overtaken with emotion. Without a word she bolted outside, ripping out her spellbook of her bag. Her eyes flashed to a silver color as she drew up a portal spell to travel between dimensions, barely even needing to focus before the portal appeared, and soon she was on the other side, floating high in the air above the ground, following Levya's energy. Another spell and she was flying toward the building. Another spell and the ground was cracking beneath the building. Soon a very angry Vanille was standing in the fiery rubble of the front of the building, holding her book in one hand and holding out a hand to the side in a menacing stance, before yelling out as she walked toward it◇...

Roman said:
Nai had kissed Fricka back, but soon pulled away. "We seem to be very well compatible." He said as he held on to her. "Almost like a married couple already, aren't we?" He asked laughing lightly.
Fricka giggled, as she nodded, slowly slicing the loaf in half, humming quietly
...⊗Hearing his answer made Kanon smile, and she put down the book and immediately got up to get her shoes. There were lots of things that she had back at the ⊗...

"Thank you!"

"What are we thanking him for?"

...۞Yumi had just walked back in to the room from outside, having said her goodbyes to her friend. She was tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, walking over and taking a seat next to Achilles. This earned a smile from Kanon۞...

Roman said:
Takashi chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. When she had said she loved him, he smiled and placed a thumb on her cheek, soon wiping the tear. She may not be looking at him, but he knew she was crying. It made him laugh lightly once more as he placed his hand on her arm, and patted it a few times...

"Our bond is strong enough to the point where I can feel the slightest change in your emotions. Don't hide it."

He then stood up and walked to the other side of the bed, getting ln his knees so he was able to see her face without looking down. He felt as I'd that would be too much, and plus he still wasn't dressed.

"I just wanted to tell you how I felt. How I remembered that there was something important I had to go when I got back. How there was SOMEONE waiting for me... To think after all those years of being alone, you barge into my life all reckless like and become one of the most important people in my life. Violetta.. You're great... And even more."

Takashi stood up and grabbed his clothes out of his closet and smiled. As he put them on.

"I... Also want to talk to you about something that's been on my mind for awhile now. When I was gone, I just couldn't stop thinking about starting a family... Now that I'm back here with you I can finally hear your opinion."

Takashi's hand was soon placed on the same arm he had patted not to long ago.

"So? What do you say?"
...₪Violetta had gotten all snively and weepy to her own dismay, so when Takashi kissed her cheek and wiped away her tears, she went wide eyed for a moment, not expecting the gesture. She wasn't the type to be all emotional aside from happy or angry, so she wasn't sure how he'd react to her being this way. So of course she'd be surprised at his caring gesture. Perhaps it was just the fact that he was doing the gesture at all Tha surprised her. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who was into letting people see his soft side, but sometimes assumptions can be wrong, and Takashi was no exception. As he got dressed, Violetta began to sit up, wiping the remaining tears from her eyes when Takashi brought up his question. This caused the goddess to stop and stare at him, repeating the question to get it straight in her mind₪...

"Start... a family? Like... kids?"
LunaCrosby said:
Asako smiled, "I got hypnotized to where i'm not afraid to act the way I do now, I know it might be a bit of a dumb thing to do but I wouldn't be able to look you in the eye without tearing up afraid you'd hurt me" she said.
Kenai looked at her with a curious expression, really? She'd be terrified of him? He knew he was a bit bigger than most but not to an extent that he'd be scary "well, I never would, you're my friend after all and the only one I now have for that matter, so hurting you would be the last thing I'd want to do" he smiled.

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...⚒Roland smirked before grabbing Dakota's hand again and opening the door to the bathroom and guiding her in before closing the door behind them. Roland then brought his face intimately close to Dakota's before speaking softly yet playfully⚒...

"Can you guess what i'm thinking about now Dakota?"

...⚒Roland then smiled before letting go of her hand and bringing his now free hand to Dakota's cheek⚒...

"U-Uhm..." Dakota blinked as her face began to colour "... G-Going into the shower?" She said quietly as her eyes flickered a little, trying not to fluster up like she always did when he acted this way, she knew this was because of earlier.

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]

The man had found out Misafune's gamble. Now he was closing in for the kill. So she grabbed Rini's hand and ran up to the man. "Um..so like..Hi." she said as she turned on the flirting to overdrive, every action dripping with the charms and seductions she could manage. "So..um..like you use magic? That is totes cool." she said flipping her hair back..


@Tobi Neafearn

Rini simply stared at Miyaka as she spoke, wait, why were they doing this? He certainly didn't look like the kind that would fall for it really, but she trusted Miyaka's judgement ... How was she supposed to do this? It didnt come naturally to her at all...trying her best all the dear girl could manage was a sheepish smile and and a small wave.

@Tobi Neafearn
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WeirdPrincess said:


"I love them! Their so exhilarating and fast that it makes me happy~ even if I eat before going on one, I never throw up or anything. Which is a plus for me because I like eating too. If it's slow, their not as fun, but I still like it." Yumi said hapily, clapping her hands together. She was like she rollercoaster fanatic when it came to going to amusement parks or just about anywhere that had rollercoasters in it. She had always loved them when she was smaller and was never really tall enough to be able to get on most of them, but the few that she could go on she liked. Once Yumi was tall enough to get on the larger rollercoaster, instead of thinking it would be somewhat scary, like some kids would, she was ecstatic and felt a rush of adrenaline when on the ride. It was hard for her to express how much she liked rollercoasters, because what she thought of wasn't always a great description of how she was feeling. "I probably sound weird with how much I like them, but they just give me such a rush that I can't help but like it. My life is usually boring because of all the homework I do, but with rollercoaster, I get this kind of excitement and rush that other people get doing stuff they like or doing sort of extreme things. Take skydiving or dirtbiking, like those kind of things."
Elliot blinked "Wow, you really do like rollercoasters, I guess suggesting the amusement park was a good idea" he said with a small chuckle "You're lucky I'm not freaked out by them so we can go on as many as you want" he said with a nod. "Anyways, I was meaning to ask, how's Oreo?" He asked curiously.
Nonalaka said:
Kenai looked at her with a curious expression, really? She'd be terrified of him? He knew he was a bit bigger than most but not to an extent that he'd be scary "well, I never would, you're my friend after all and the only one I now have for that matter, so hurting you would be the last thing I'd want to do" he smiled.
"U-Uhm..." Dakota blinked as her face began to colour "... G-Going into the shower?" She said quietly as her eyes flickered a little, trying not to fluster up like she always did when he acted this way, she knew this was because of earlier.

Rini simply stared at Miyaka as she spoke, wait, why were they doing this? He certainly didn't look like the kind that would fall for it really, but she trusted Miyaka's judgement ... How was she supposed to do this? It didnt come naturally to her at all...trying her best all the dear girl could manage was a sheepish smile and and a small wave.

@Tobi Neafearn
Asako smiled, "good, I'm happy to hear you say that" she said and nodded.
JJKab said:
Fricka giggled, as she nodded, slowly slicing the loaf in half, humming quietly
As Nai watched Fricka cut the bread, his mind still wondered what the words she had mumbled was, so he decided to ask. "Hey.. I was wondering what it was you whispered. Can you tell me? If you don't mind though.."
Roman said:
As Nai watched Fricka cut the bread, his mind still wondered what the words she had mumbled was, so he decided to ask. "Hey.. I was wondering what it was you whispered. Can you tell me? If you don't mind though.."
Fricka blushed heavily, worried that Nai might ask her about the thing she whispered

"Uhm... s-s-s-sure... b-b-but p-p-p-promise y-y-you won't laugh" She asked, looking up at Nai.

"I said... uhm... that i would like to h-h-h-have... childr...en with.... y-y-you" She mumbled, looking away right after she spoke that.
Lumina said:
...₪Violetta had gotten all snively and weepy to her own dismay, so when Takashi kissed her cheek and wiped away her tears, she went wide eyed for a moment, not expecting the gesture. She wasn't the type to be all emotional aside from happy or angry, so she wasn't sure how he'd react to her being this way. So of course she'd be surprised at his caring gesture. Perhaps it was just the fact that he was doing the gesture at all Tha surprised her. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who was into letting people see his soft side, but sometimes assumptions can be wrong, and Takashi was no exception. As he got dressed, Violetta began to sit up, wiping the remaining tears from her eyes when Takashi brought up his question. This caused the goddess to stop and stare at him, repeating the question to get it straight in her mind₪...
"Start... a family? Like... kids?"
Takashi nodded and chuckled a little. He had been thinking about a family for a while now, mostly when he was resting on his mission. It wouldn't be bad to have a child... Though it would be really sad of there was something that wouldn't allow it. Bad thoughts aside, Takashi didn't just want a family with Violetta, but he'll ask that later. For now this is what he wanted to know. He then spoke, his voice light, though his last words were his sarcasm kicking in...

"Yeah... Our own little baby and all... By all I meam that one unless we end up with twins or triplets or whatever."
JJKab said:
Fricka blushed heavily, worried that Nai might ask her about the thing she whispered
"Uhm... s-s-s-sure... b-b-but p-p-p-promise y-y-you won't laugh" She asked, looking up at Nai.

"I said... uhm... that i would like to h-h-h-have... childr...en with.... y-y-you" She mumbled, looking away right after she spoke that.
"If you really want children, then we can. I think it's a nice idea." Nai said, smiling softly at Fricka. "We can try for kids after our marriage. We have a long time to plan on this stuff. So whatever other ideas you have I'd love to hear them."
Roman said:
"If you really want children, then we can. I think it's a nice idea." Nai said, smiling softly at Fricka. "We can try for kids after our marriage. We have a long time to plan on this stuff. So whatever other ideas you have I'd love to hear them."
Fricka gave out a sigh of relief when she heard Nai.

"Thanks..." She said quietly, slowly putting the knife away, and putting the prepared bread on the plate, ready to serve.

She turned around, looking into Nai's eyes.

"I love you so much" She whispered, hugging him gently, laying her head on his chest.
LunaCrosby said:
Asako smiled, "good, I'm happy to hear you say that" she said and nodded.
Kenai smiled at her "I'm glad, I don't want you being scared of me" he said with a laugh "Anyways, my house isn't far from here, so we're almost there"
Jofune Tsurabisu]"I am thinking we keep her. The company that owns her would have no qualms about killing her for failing her task. And I cannot bear to let someone die like that." he said solemnly. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
Han was looking at Apollyon through the mirror and frowned when he heard his words. "No. You're absolutely right man. I agree with you now that you tell me this... How about you and I, go there and fight on her behalf? She may have tried killing us, then giving us jail, but I don't care. She seems loyal now... "
JJKab said:
Fricka gave out a sigh of relief when she heard Nai.
"Thanks..." She said quietly, slowly putting the knife away, and putting the prepared bread on the plate, ready to serve.

She turned around, looking into Nai's eyes.

"I love you so much" She whispered, hugging him gently, laying her head on his chest.
Nai looked back into Fricka's eyes and smiled happily at her. When she said she loved him, he poked her on the forehead like he always does. "I love you too."
Roman said:
Nai looked back into Fricka's eyes and smiled happily at her. When she said she loved him, he poked her on the forehead like he always does. "I love you too."
Fricka giggled, but moaned quietly, as rambling could be heard in her stomach

"Man, i'm hungry... let's get some food..." She stated ,releasing Nai, and walking up to the table, where all the D-I-Y ingridents were. She sat down, and proceeded to prepare herself a sandvich, whistling.
Lumina said:
...?Lumina just raised an eyebrow at Thomas, swirling the drink in her glass. What kind of stick was stuck so far up his ass that he had to get on her case about everything? What was so bad? It's not like she cared what people thought of her, anyways. If what he said was true about the super people, then people already hated her, so what reason was there to act... civil? That wasn't how her mind worked, and it annoyed her that he was trying to get her to change. Sighing, Lumina wiped off her face and hands, rolling her eyes as she spoke and waved her hands in a childish manner?...
"Geez, what's it to you anyways? Not like you're my dad or anything. I eat how I want."

...?Thomas sighed while looking at Lumina, how was it that she could retain language between lives but not any form of manners? The worst case was that she had none to begin with, but still, that wasn't helping anything right now. For the moment being Thomas conjured up a handkerchief before a few mana tendrils grabbed it and extended over to Lumina, wiping off her face and hands against any protests. It was then that Thomas made the cake move over to him before the foods were uncovered again before he began to speak again?...

"You know, i bet your dad would be discontent with how you are now. But sadly i don't know all the details about him. Now then, the platter that's still covered is finger food, it's shrimp, the tails are hard and unpleasant, so grab them by that."

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