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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
...◇Vanille had looked around and didn't see her, and was about to go check somewhere else when she heard the others talking. This caught her attention, and her eyes widened at the realization that they were talking about Levya. She was... captured? Why...? Vanille was getting ready to leave when there were suddenly people talking to her, and she stopped, looking obviously distressed. She listened to them talk, trying to find out as much as she could, when one of them mentioned the U.N. That meant... Vanille gasped. Levya had gone back to Earth? But... why? It was then that she noticed the laptop with Levya on it, and something snapped in her mind. She felt like she couldn't think, couldn't breathe, just overtaken with emotion. Without a word she bolted outside, ripping out her spellbook of her bag. Her eyes flashed to a silver color as she drew up a portal spell to travel between dimensions, barely even needing to focus before the portal appeared, and soon she was on the other side, floating high in the air above the ground, following Levya's energy. Another spell and she was flying toward the building. Another spell and the ground was cracking beneath the building. Soon a very angry Vanille was standing in the fiery rubble of the front of the building, holding her book in one hand and holding out a hand to the side in a menacing stance, before yelling out as she walked toward it◇...

...✦Levya was looking around frightened not knowing what to do now since she was strapped to the table✦...
Lumina said:
...⊗Hearing his answer made Kanon smile, and she put down the book and immediately got up to get her shoes. There were lots of things that she had back at the ⊗...

"Thank you!"

"What are we thanking him for?"

...۞Yumi had just walked back in to the room from outside, having said her goodbyes to her friend. She was tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, walking over and taking a seat next to Achilles. This earned a smile from Kanon۞...

"Why, hello Yumi, I am taking Kanon back to the dorm to retrieve your possessions, to make this place more like home." he said smiling at Kanon and Yumi.

Roman said:
Takashi nodded and chuckled a little. He had been thinking about a family for a while now, mostly when he was resting on his mission. It wouldn't be bad to have a child... Though it would be really sad of there was something that wouldn't allow it. Bad thoughts aside, Takashi didn't just want a family with Violetta, but he'll ask that later. For now this is what he wanted to know. He then spoke, his voice light, though his last words were his sarcasm kicking in...
"Yeah... Our own little baby and all... By all I meam that one unless we end up with twins or triplets or whatever."
...₪Violetta just stared at him for a moment, letting what he was saying sink in. So... he really wanted a family... immediately her mind went to the future, running through many of the possibilities of their future together. The future of course isn't set in stone, so Violetta's mind can discern between every possible outcome of every possible action. She skipped over the... not so nice futures and eventually came across one of them with kids. In a hospital. Violetta holding a baby girl in her arms and... Takashi coming up to her bed, a small boy holding his hand and following them, looking at the baby with confusion and wonder. An overwhelming sense of happiness. Violetta blinked and she was back in the present, and she felt like she was about to cry again. Making sure she wasnt, she wiped her face just in case before looking up at Takashi, a loving smile on her face as she spoke₪...

"So. Did you want a boy, or a girl?"
Nonalaka said:
Kenai looked at her with a curious expression, really? She'd be terrified of him? He knew he was a bit bigger than most but not to an extent that he'd be scary "well, I never would, you're my friend after all and the only one I now have for that matter, so hurting you would be the last thing I'd want to do" he smiled.
"U-Uhm..." Dakota blinked as her face began to colour "... G-Going into the shower?" She said quietly as her eyes flickered a little, trying not to fluster up like she always did when he acted this way, she knew this was because of earlier.

Rini simply stared at Miyaka as she spoke, wait, why were they doing this? He certainly didn't look like the kind that would fall for it really, but she trusted Miyaka's judgement ... How was she supposed to do this? It didnt come naturally to her at all...trying her best all the dear girl could manage was a sheepish smile and and a small wave.

@Tobi Neafearn

In her mind, she was praising her friend. She was going for the shy girl flirt. But she could not lose. "Well, we were hoping a big strong mage like yourself could escort us dear maids and this angry girl to some early dinner?" She asked batting her eyelashes. *Psst..Rini, just play along, Misafune is trying to escape.* Miyaka whispered to her friend in secret, making sure to giggle and look at the mage.


@Tobi Neafearn
Roman said:
Han was looking at Apollyon through the mirror and frowned when he heard his words. "No. You're absolutely right man. I agree with you now that you tell me this... How about you and I, go there and fight on her behalf? She may have tried killing us, then giving us jail, but I don't care. She seems loyal now... "
"Maybe, but for now, lets keep her here." He suggested as he wanted to stroke her head.

Lumina said:
...☆Kaori ran her fingers through her hair, detangling any of the knots that were pertaining after the shower. As she got older, her hair got more tangled, to her annoyance. Hopefully it didn't look too bad, and she blushed at the thought of looking bad in front of Masahi. As she entered closer the smell of tea wafted into her nose, and she couldn't help but inhale through her nose to get a better smell. It was so... nostalgic. Kaori grinned at he spoke, her eyes falling on the tea he had made. His answer made her feel better about him being back so soon, and she took a cup into her hand, enjoying the warmth it gave to her hands. She took a moment to blow on it to cool it a bit before sipping it, responding afterwards☆...

"The tea is lovely, thank you. I'm glad to hear it went well. You're not hurt are you?"
...♝Masahi smiled at Kaori as she toyed with her hair, he found it rather cute to be honest. Yeah, it his eyes she would never look bad, not that she did right now. Taking a sip on his own cup of tea, Masahi listen to what Kaori said. Hurt? Not at all, even if he was he'd heal almost instantly... Though, it made him remember her treating Roman and it brought up various feelings. So he figured he'd tell semi-truth and semi-lie. But how to phrase it? Masahi knew he had a high pain tolerance, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't notice it right? Then again, there were times were he thought he may have been a goofball in his past. Well, Masahi just sighed before speaking softly♝...

"Well, i'm pretty sure i wasn't, but sometimes i over look things. So, i'm afraid i'm not sure, but feel free to check if you wish~"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas sighed while looking at Lumina, how was it that she could retain language between lives but not any form of manners? The worst case was that she had none to begin with, but still, that wasn't helping anything right now. For the moment being Thomas conjured up a handkerchief before a few mana tendrils grabbed it and extended over to Lumina, wiping off her face and hands against any protests. It was then that Thomas made the cake move over to him before the foods were uncovered again before he began to speak again♜...

"You know, i bet your dad would be discontent with how you are now. But sadly i don't know all the details about him. Now then, the platter that's still covered is finger food, it's shrimp, the tails are hard and unpleasant, so grab them by that."

...♤Lumina could tell he was displeased. Her initial reaction was to get annoyed, but thinking on it, that was good. She liked seeing the negative side of him. It made her feel good, and she kinda wanted to see more of it. From what he said, it probably wasn't something he really ever got to do. Thinking about this, a smirk made it's way on to her face as she grabbed a handful of the shrimp and just popped them into her mouth, tails and all. She didn't mind it, of course, but she knew Thomas probably would, considering she did the opposite of what he said. Lumina did it simply because she was told not to. As she ate, she made sure to look him in the eye, so he knew exactly what she was doing♤...

"Gotcha, boss."
Nonalaka said:
"U-Uhm..." Dakota blinked as her face began to colour "... G-Going into the shower?" She said quietly as her eyes flickered a little, trying not to fluster up like she always did when he acted this way, she knew this was because of earlier.
...⚒Roland chuckled before smirking and shaking his head then looking into her eyes again. Ah yes, saying of the word 'cute' always ended up like this. Even though Dakota has gotten use to his normal teasing, Roland could always think up something to make Dakota's face nice and rosy⚒...

"Well, sure, in a little bit, but..."

...⚒Roland then kissed Dakota while moving his hand down her side, soon making it wrap around her waist.⚒...

HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Levya was looking around frightened not knowing what to do now since she was strapped to the table✦...
...◇Vanille was pissed, and it was obvious. Her powers were much higher than normal, and she could cast spells that normally were out of her reach. The ground cracked beneath her heightened magic, and anybody who tried to approach her was blown back. But soon she stopped in front of one, picking him up by the collar using an enhanced strength spell, staring him down with a glare that could turn him to stone if she wanted◇...

"Where's Levya? Tell me and I'll make your death nice and quick."
Lumina said:
...◇Vanille was pissed, and it was obvious. Her powers were much higher than normal, and she could cast spells that normally were out of her reach. The ground cracked beneath her heightened magic, and anybody who tried to approach her was blown back. But soon she stopped in front of one, picking him up by the collar using an enhanced strength spell, staring him down with a glare that could turn him to stone if she wanted◇...

"Where's Levya? Tell me and I'll make your death nice and quick."
''you'll kill me anyway...so its no use...''

...✦He said before you start to hear screams that sounded like Levya's. The man only smirked and looked at the door✦...

''hmpf, looks like experimentation is starting...''
Roman said:
"Well that ideas out of the window." Alejandro said as he walked with May. "I would ask you to stay the night with me, I could just get another bed put in my room for the night, but you probably wouldn't like that." He said, as he looked at her. "Yeah... I got nothing."
"I wouldn't want to bother your parents.."

HimeragiSeiker said:
''an Intoner''
"I've never heard of that, I'm a leviathan.."
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina could tell he was displeased. Her initial reaction was to get annoyed, but thinking on it, that was good. She liked seeing the negative side of him. It made her feel good, and she kinda wanted to see more of it. From what he said, it probably wasn't something he really ever got to do. Thinking about this, a smirk made it's way on to her face as she grabbed a handful of the shrimp and just popped them into her mouth, tails and all. She didn't mind it, of course, but she knew Thomas probably would, considering she did the opposite of what he said. Lumina did it simply because she was told not to. As she ate, she made sure to look him in the eye, so he knew exactly what she was doing♤...
"Gotcha, boss."
...♜Thomas couldn't help but sigh at Lumina's actions before getting an idea, it felt like it was influenced by the abundance of Siegfried's will, but he didn't care. So Thomas pulled out the ring from earlier and made a fist around it before holding up said fist with his hand at an angle from his forearm. Thomas then cleared his throat, knowing he had already fireproofed the entire room he was prepared for any out-lash that Lumina could offer. Opening his hand up, Thomas showed the ring while staring Lumina down♜...

"Now then, Lumina, would you like to eat like a civilized person; or would you rather have this in you face twenty-four seven?"
JJKab said:
Fricka giggled, but moaned quietly, as rambling could be heard in her stomach
"Man, i'm hungry... let's get some food..." She stated ,releasing Nai, and walking up to the table, where all the D-I-Y ingridents were. She sat down, and proceeded to prepare herself a sandvich, whistling.
Nai nodded in agreement and made his way over to the table after cutting the loaf of bread. When he was sitting down, he thought carefully about what he wanted to put on his sandwich. "So... Fricka? What do you plan on doing after this?"
Roman said:
Nai nodded in agreement and made his way over to the table after cutting the loaf of bread. When he was sitting down, he thought carefully about what he wanted to put on his sandwich. "So... Fricka? What do you plan on doing after this?"
"I don't know.. maybe escort you home" Fricka stated, giggling a bit, as she started to put some butter on the bread, and after that, she took the knife in her hand.
Nonalaka said:
Kenai smiled at her "I'm glad, I don't want you being scared of me" he said with a laugh "Anyways, my house isn't far from here, so we're almost there"
Asako nodded "alright, though I don't think I would have been scared for long, since your so nice" she said and smiled.
JJKab said:
"I don't know.. maybe escort you home" Fricka stated, giggling a bit, as she started to put some butter on the bread, and after that, she took the knife in her hand.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll probably come visit tomorrow or the day after. I have a few school assignments that are gonna have me busy for a while." Nai said laughing lightly.
Roman said:
"Sounds like a plan. I'll probably come visit tomorrow or the day after. I have a few school assignments that are gonna have me busy for a while." Nai said laughing lightly.
"Good..." Fricka stated, looking at Nai, as she was doing something with her knife, and accidentally cut her finger. She hissed loudly, dropping the knife, and grabbing her finger

"Yeouch!" She hissed loudly, grasping it. Some blood was dripping from it.
JJKab said:
"Good..." Fricka stated, looking at Nai, as she was doing something with her knife, and accidentally cut her finger. She hissed loudly, dropping the knife, and grabbing her finger
"Yeouch!" She hissed loudly, grasping it. Some blood was dripping from it.
Nai looked up from his food and immediately stood up once he saw the blood. "That's not good. Let me help." He said, walking over to her.
Roman said:
Nai looked up from his food and immediately stood up once he saw the blood. "That's not good. Let me help." He said, walking over to her.
"W-W-Wait.." Fricka said, as she looked at Nai, smiling lightly

"I'll... i'll take care of this" She added, looking at her wound, as she closed her eyes, concentrating on something. She started mumbling something, as she opened her eyes a bit, them giving out a purple light. She was trying to heal her wound, and actually, blood disappeared, and soon, the wound was slowly sealing up. Fricka started to pant a bit, though, as some sweat appeared on her forehead.
JJKab said:
"W-W-Wait.." Fricka said, as she looked at Nai, smiling lightly
"I'll... i'll take care of this" She added, looking at her wound, as she closed her eyes, concentrating on something. She started mumbling something, as she opened her eyes a bit, them giving out a purple light. She was trying to heal her wound, and actually, blood disappeared, and soon, the wound was slowly sealing up. Fricka started to pant a bit, though, as some sweat appeared on her forehead.
Nai watched as Fricka healed her wound, though once she finished, she looked pretty worn out. Nai then placed a hand on her back, "It looked like that took a lot out of you... How're ya feeling?"
Roman said:
Nai watched as Fricka healed her wound, though once she finished, she looked pretty worn out. Nai then placed a hand on her back, "It looked like that took a lot out of you... How're ya feeling?"
"G-Good..." Fricka stated, looking weakened at Nai, as she slowly leaned on him, breathing slowly.

"I'm t-t-tired.." She mumbled.

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