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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''thats cuz you never did. Neruka told me that too. cmon, we'll go to a night club i know and we can chow on some good food there. i can get us a VIP room''

''well...nothing really. just talking to Miltia and Melanie...well, thats what Lucia and Lucelia's middle names were...they rather go by those names than their originals. the originals only during their true appearance''
...❆A night club? Didn't you have to be over 18 or something to get in? That's what Rini's grandparents told her anyways. Thinking for a moment, she shrugged and spoke. As long as she got something to eat, she would be okay❆...

"A night club? Sounds cool."


...❤︎Celia with a little confused by the other names, wondering who Melanie and Miltia were but then Zenya had said two names that sounded familiar to her. So they just changed their names? She preferred there regular names over those, but if they wanted to be called that, then alright❤︎...

"We should go out and do something then! Since you didn't do much here and all."
Lumina said:
...♒Elyse was sleeping soundly, not having been awakened by Kili getting out of bed, but her eyes flew open at the sound of the explosion. Sitting up, she was about to reach over and wake up Kili when she noticed that he wasn't there. As she walked out of the room, she smelled something... off. Curious, and concerned, she made her way to the kitchen, not knowing what to expect♒...
Kili flew out into open space of the fairly spacious kitchen, a serious expression on his face until he heard that most beautiful voice call out his name. Kili turned to Elyse's voice, and his expression softened immediately, before glowing red with embarrassment.

"Oh! G-good morning, Ellie. I hope you slept well." He called out, smiling softly at her before a large tentacle wrapped itself around him and attempted to pull him away. He grasped a counter to stop himself from being dragged off, and fired a bolt of lavender lightning somewhere out of view, eliciting a shriek from...something.

"I'll be done here in just a moment, love. Don't move that beautiful body of yours an inch, okay?" Kili flirted as he regained his balance in the air.
With a grunt, he flew back out of sight, where more screeching and crackles of electricity could be heard.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Kili reappeared in front of a spectating Elyse, smiling even while covered in ash and slime, the young demon fixing his disheveled appearance as he kissed his beloved in the forehead. "I didn't wake you, did I?"


Lumina said:
...☆Kaori smiled at Masahi as he walked over to the bed and sat down, taking the box with the pill from his hand. She noticed there was more in the bag, so she grabbed it to inspect what was inside. She noticed the other package, and couldn't tell what it was until she had taken it out, finding it to be birth control. Really, she was mostly surprised to see that he was able to obtain it so easily, but she was grateful at the action. And of course, there were condoms. She didn't need to take them out for her to know what they were. Placing the two boxes back into the bag, Kaori placed a hand on top of Masahi's, smiling softly☆...

"Well that's good to hear. Also... thank you."
...♝Masahi smiled back Kaori, relieved that she didn't see his actions as selfish or something else that was bad. Getting the pills hadn't been hard at all, in fact, it had been rather easy because he asked the pharmacist, and they pointed out everything to him, telling him that he must of been brave to just come out and ask for such things. As Kaori spoke Masahi turned his hand then interlaced his fingers with hers before raising the back of her hand to his non-scarred cheek and slightly leaning his head against it. Really, there was no need to thank him, it was atleast half his fault they ended up in this situation, so it was only natural to him to do what he did♝...

"Hey, i'd do anything to keep you happy, so you don't need to thank me."
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina froze upon his words. She stared at him with a face as pale as a ghost. His sudden statement about her wings took her by surprise, and it scared her that he would know about them. Looking at this man, Lumina backed up another step, toward the hospital, though she wasn't sure if she was too far away to make a run for it. Trying to regain some composure, she cleared her throat before speaking again, though her eyes showed elements of fear at the man before her♤...
"W-what are you talking about? E-even if I did, it's not like creatures like that a-are uncommon. T-the world is used to supernatural creatures."
...♜Thomas chuckled to himself before staring at her like a lion might look at another predator in it's territory, another predator that it knew in could kill or just scare off. He knew he had options and he took a stance, just slightly shifting the way he stood, that said he was in control and was willing to and ready to do anything he had to♜...

"Oh? You must also know the disdain normal humans hold for those with powers, i work for them and have a squad to back me up, and if you try running i can ensure every human in this city will become your enemy, all i need to do is do away with the back of your shirt."

...♜Thomas then offered his hand while staring at her with his pale green eyes, trying to let her know going with him was truly the easiest way through this situation, they may both have powers, but he was a tool for the UN, like their attack dog, she was just some stray on the loose, no one to keep her in line, if she resisted he could and would use force, but again, he would only do that if necessary♜...

"So, you can either come with me now, or have the humans know what you are as i hunt you down like a dog."

...♒Elyse blinked as she looked at Kili as he flew into the kitchen, wondering what was possibly going on, and just stared at him as he spoke. Though, her eyes widened and she let out a sound of surprise as a tentacle wrapped around him, and she was about to grab the nearest metal thing and go qfter it when he started flinging magic at whatever the hell it was that had grabbed him. So she just stood in the kitchen, in her pajamas, until he returned, covering in bits of things that she wasn't sure if she wanted to know what they were. After he kissed her forehead she just looked up at him, talking in a confused and very concerned matter♒...

"...Kili...what the hell just happened?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This is my friend mama." She said happily as she ran to neo and hugged her happily
"God have you not listened?" He asked with a chuckle. "The humans passed a law that all supernatural a must have a chip implanted into there heads to make them human." He explained

(waiting for Kitty to reply xD )
WeirdPrincess said:
...❆A night club? Didn't you have to be over 18 or something to get in? That's what Rini's grandparents told her anyways. Thinking for a moment, she shrugged and spoke. As long as she got something to eat, she would be okay❆...

"A night club? Sounds cool."


...❤︎Celia with a little confused by the other names, wondering who Melanie and Miltia were but then Zenya had said two names that sounded familiar to her. So they just changed their names? She preferred there regular names over those, but if they wanted to be called that, then alright❤︎...

"We should go out and do something then! Since you didn't do much here and all."
''okay. lets go now then?''

''alright. what should we do?''
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi smiled back Kaori, relieved that she didn't see his actions as selfish or something else that was bad. Getting the pills hadn't been hard at all, in fact, it had been rather easy because he asked the pharmacist, and they pointed out everything to him, telling him that he must of been brave to just come out and ask for such things. As Kaori spoke Masahi turned his hand then interlaced his fingers with hers before raising the back of her hand to his non-scarred cheek and slightly leaning his head against it. Really, there was no need to thank him, it was atleast half his fault they ended up in this situation, so it was only natural to him to do what he did♝...
"Hey, i'd do anything to keep you happy, so you don't need to thank me."

...☆Kaori couldn't help but smile at Masahi's actions, with him leaning against her hand. While of course she was worried about the situation, she knew he was too. They were in this together, like they used to be. She... wasn't alone anymore. Kaori's grip tightened on his hand as they sat there, relishing in just being there with him. Really she was more than thankful that he was here with her. Even if he didn't do nice things like go and get the birth control stuff, she just liked having him by her side. And truthfully, she liked being by his side as well. So after a moment of content silence Kaori grabbed the box with the pill in it with her free hand, talking as she did so☆...

"I should probably go take this, shouldn't I?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This is my friend mama." She said happily as she ran to neo and hugged her happily
"God have you not listened?" He asked with a chuckle. "The humans passed a law that all supernatural a must have a chip implanted into there heads to make them human." He explained

wanna continue with Shira and Yuki or do other characters?))
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas chuckled to himself before staring at her like a lion might look at another predator in it's territory, another predator that it knew in could kill or just scare off. He knew he had options and he took a stance, just slightly shifting the way he stood, that said he was in control and was willing to and ready to do anything he had to♜...

"Oh? You must also know the disdain normal humans hold for those with powers, i work for them and have a squad to back me up, and if you try running i can ensure every human in this city will become your enemy, all i need to do is do away with the back of your shirt."

...♜Thomas then offered his hand while staring at her with his pale green eyes, trying to let her know going with him was truly the easiest way through this situation, they may both have powers, but he was a tool for the UN, like their attack dog, she was just some stray on the loose, no one to keep her in line, if she resisted he could and would use force, but again, he would only do that if necessary♜...

"So, you can either come with me now, or have the humans know what you are as i hunt you down like a dog."

...♤It was quite obvious that Lumina was terrified now. She was essentially backed into a corner, with how he was talking. His statement on the disdain toward supernatural creatures confused her, though. Theyve lived together for forever, why would the humans suddenly start hating them? Something couldn't have happened... did it? Lumina took another step back, now realizing she really was too far away from the door to actually run before he caught her. But, at the same time, she knew deep down that no matter how scared she was, she couldn't go with him. She just... couldn't. And so, without a word, Lumina disappeared, having teleported into the hospital. She didn't know, or care where, but she just knew she needed to get away from whoever this guy was. She needed to find Asuka, and Kenji, but she had no idea where to start looking. What she did know, however, was that she landed in the room of a young kid, who was now watching her instead of the TV right next to him. Blinking, Lumina gave him a flustered smile, speaking before running out of the room♤...

"O-oh! Uh... h-hello there... just, uh... forget I was here... o-okay?"

...♤She didn't stop to check to see if he actually agreed to doing as she said, but just ran through the hospital, making sure to keep her wings tights against her body. If what he said wad true, she had to make sure they stayed out of sight. Growing more worried every second, Lumina moved through the hospital, trying to find her pair or her best friend♤...

"This is really bad!"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Yup yup ^-^)


...⊹Kikuri yawned a little as she was listening to metal music on her head phones. She soon took them off and headed to the bed room to see Myuki⊹...

''Myuki..? are you here?''
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Kikuri yawned a little as she was listening to metal music on her head phones. She soon took them off and headed to the bed room to see Myuki⊹...

''Myuki..? are you here?''
Myuki sat there a happy smile on her face as she pet a cat she had found as it stared at her in fear
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki sat there a happy smile on her face as she pet a cat she had found as it stared at her in fear

...⊹Kikuri smiled back and sat next to her and looked at the cat and giggled a bit. She soon looked back up at Myuki and smiled more⊹...

''how are you?''
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon made a small noise of surprise as he pulled her into a hug. Not that she minded, of course, but it was sudden, and she was caught off guard. Especially since her attention was elsewhere, mainly on the activities happening around them. Her attention was taken from the transporter to Achilles as he spoke, responding soon after⊗...

"Well, I could go for anything. Meat is always good. Yumi likes dishes with rice and veggies, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind something else."
λAchilles felt it, before it hit, as he embraced her again. What "it" was, was the killing intent of combat ready soldiers. He bathed in it, he swam in it enough in his previous life to know it for what it was. Pure hostility. Then all hell broke loose as the taser probes tried to find purchase in his back. The sudden jolts of electricity stunned him, as he could only mutter..."Run." However, he did not bend his knee or give up. The force of will inside him howled in his head as forced himself to turn and face his attackers. "Hitting a man in the back is the utmost cowardace." he roared at the attackers, as he drew the machete from his pants leg.λ

LunaCrosby said:
Allen sat her down and opened the door for her, he was afraid he'd drop her if she kept wiggling.
...⚘Lillith stood up and ran into her room and over to skippers cage, she tried opening it but couldn't do she grunted and whines ⚘...

"K-Kipper is stuck"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Kikuri smiled back and sat next to her and looked at the cat and giggled a bit. She soon looked back up at Myuki and smiled more⊹...
''how are you?''
The cat desperately tried to get to kikuri but myuki smiled and held the kitty tightly. "Why is he so scared?" She asked kikuri
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]The cat desperately tried to get to kikuri but myuki smiled and held the kitty tightly. "Why is he so scared?" She asked kikuri

''i dunno...but i think he may be hungry''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki hugged the cat tightly as it shook in fear and tried to get away from myuki


...⊹She said before giving a fish to Myuki⊹...

''feed the cat with it''

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