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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''..alright...lets do it''
"You have to chug that whole bottle by the way." Akane said, laughing lightly. "Either that or lose... Because I'm not an easy opponent." She told Arashea, grabbing some more vodka. "I'll drink the same thing as you also."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji looked at Asuka and saw her saddened expression. He remained silent for a few moments, shortly before he repliedΨ...

Yes, exactly.

...Suddenly, loud sonic booms were heard coming from above the city. At that moment, multiple ships entered through a large rift in the sky, seemingly forming from the air. The ships slowly came to a stop and began emitting a bright light from under it's hull. Four large groups of men suddenly appeared within the city, wearing battle attire and holding glowing weapons of war. A larger, taller male appeared infront of the groups and spoke as he brought his two glowing weapons to his side and released a battle cry, shortly before the group went their separate ways and began making their way to the hospital in which Akira resided☄...

Find and bring the Sanctum king to me. If there's too much trouble, kill him.


...ΦRagnarok looked up at the ships that hovered in the sky. He spoke to the room as his eyes remained on the shipsΦ...

They're here.

...☬Ariadne looked at the sky to see the numerous ships that littered the sky, a black hood soon forming over her head. She quickly looked around to Ragnarok and her son, Kenji and spoke about the plan she had formulated prior to Asuka's arrival☬...

Are we clear on the plan we spoke of before?


...ΨKenji nodded and replied as his form changed. His hair smothed backwards, apart from two strands of hair that complimented his face. He looked out of the stone opening towards the multiple ships that littered the sky, his burning red irises focusing on the origin of his victimsΨ...



...ΦRagnarok nodded approvingly and replied as he looked at the area infront of him, surveying his options of defence. He lit another cigarette as he spokeΦ...

Good, get to your positions. I must admit, I've been itching for a fight.


...ΨKenji and Ariadne then left the room, and split away from each other, soon walking down separate hallwaysΨ...

...♅Akira slowly opened his eyes and focused entirely on Asuka. He smiled weakly and spoke as he attempted to raise his hand towards her, but ultimately failing♅...



...❦Asuka peered out the window, seeing ships that were scattered across the sky. Really, she should have expected this sooner rather than later for the enemies to come in. And it seemed as if the others already had a plan in tact because they didn't look the least bit worried as she took her eyes off of the ships to briefly look at Kenji and his parents before him and his mother left the room. If this was going on, what about Lumina. She was sure she was still outside the hospital, though she didn't know exactly where. Maybe Asuka could go outside for a little while to look for her and bring her back in, but just as she had turned to leave the hospital room, a voice had sounded from behind her. Asuka turned her head a little and looked at Akira as she spoke before she turned around entirely, making her way over to his bedside❦...

"Please don't over exert yourself..."

Roman said:
Talia stretched, nodding in agreement to Elora's statement. Surprisingly, Talia wasn't scared after watching the movie, nor was she scared at all. "I'm surprised I wasn't scared. I jumped a few times, but that was it! Anyways, what should we so now?" She asked, bouncing in her seat like a child.
Elora Capistrano

"I told you it wasn't all that scary." Elora said with a laugh before she stood up, picking up the wrappers off of her lap and the ones in the chair next to her. She soon smoothed out the bottom of her yukata before thinking for a moment. She hadn't really thought about what to do next, which she could have done while watching the movie. Though then she wouldn't have been listening to the movie. At least, that's what she thought. "Let's see... there's two mech that I have, that we could use and test things out with or I also have one of those indoor skydiving tubes... expect it's the entire room and not just a tube." Elora explained before trying to thinking of something else.

Roman said:
"You have to chug that whole bottle by the way." Akane said, laughing lightly. "Either that or lose... Because I'm not an easy opponent." She told Arashea, grabbing some more vodka. "I'll drink the same thing as you also."
''alright alright''

...✦She said as she drank it down and after she finished her face was red✦...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♗Ayen simply let out a weary sigh, Lilliana's parents really didn't get the chance to teach her anything, did they? While pondering the thought Ayen scooped up a piece of sausage onto the fork he was using before offering it to her mouth. So today would be more of a academic day after all, he wasn't sure if Lilliana would like that, he knew Len wouldn't mind, speaking of Len, he looked over at his son and he was about half way done with his food, eating it at a decent pace, with acceptable manners for a nobles table. Ayen was sure he had some English books laying around for Lilliana to read from, once she knew her letters and reading he'd get to the writing portion of things, but for now he would just feed her her breakfast♗...
"Well, you're going to learn starting today."

...♧As much as she hated it, Lilliana didn't fight Ayen on him feeding her the food, simply taking it into her mouth and eating it like she was being told. As she chewed she thought on his words. Reading and writing, huh? Yeah, no, that was never something that she ever really learned. For that matter, she wasn't sure if she had ever learned... anything? Some teleporting perhaps, but that was it. But stuff with words? Nope, never. Maybe it'd be nice to learn, she always wanted to learn how to read, but she wasn't sure how easy it would be. Could she even do it? Swallowing her food, Lilliana looked up at her father as she responded♧...

"O-oh, okay."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi looked at Kaori, seeing how she seemed fine he offered a smile, not really caring anymore if she saw his power or not, soo he didn't bother to turn his right eye back to normal, it now red and sporting a black pinwheel like shape. After a moment Masahi got up out of bed and pulled the shirt on before pulling a pair of shoes and his wallet out of the Kamui dimension, puting the wallet in his pocket and putting on the shoes as he spoke♝...
"I'll be gone ten minutes, fifteen max, i promise i'll find a way to help, whatever ends up happening."

...♝Masahi then warped away, his disappearance out of the room taking roughly one to two seconds as he seemingly spiraled into his right eye. After a brief second in the Kamui dimension Masahi exited it to the entrance of a pharmacy, and without wasting a moment he made his way to the back counter, inquiring about birth control and the morning after pill, the pharmacist pointing out what all Masahi was curious about, and for safe measure, not really thinking of what Kaori may think off it, he grabbed the morning after pill, every day birth control, and condoms before going to check out. After leaving the pharmacy Masahi walked till he was sure no one could see him then he warped back to Kaori's room with a brown bag filled with what he purchased, softly calling out in case she was in the room♝...

"I'm back!"

...☆Kaori hadn't moved, just sitting on the bed with the blankets all wrapped around her. Worry had seeped into her mind, a sense of panic causing her to over think every little thing. What if it didn't work? She couldn't raise a kid! She had no idea how to do that. And now she was alone... what if Masahi didn't come back? Sure he said he would but he did leave that one time, so... was that a stomach cramp? Or some kind of symptom of pregnancy? Maybe she should take a shower to try and clean out her- Kaori's thoughts ceased as she heard Masahi call out that he had returned, and she exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding. A sense of relief washed over her, and she called out softly to let him know she had heard him☆...

"I'm still in my room!"
WeirdPrincess said:

...❦Asuka peered out the window, seeing ships that were scattered across the sky. Really, she should have expected this sooner rather than later for the enemies to come in. And it seemed as if the others already had a plan in tact because they didn't look the least bit worried as she took her eyes off of the ships to briefly look at Kenji and his parents before him and his mother left the room. If this was going on, what about Lumina. She was sure she was still outside the hospital, though she didn't know exactly where. Maybe Asuka could go outside for a little while to look for her and bring her back in, but just as she had turned to leave the hospital room, a voice had sounded from behind her. Asuka turned her head a little and looked at Akira as she spoke before she turned around entirely, making her way over to his bedside❦...

"Please don't over exert yourself..."

...♅Akira remained laying on the bed, his irises never leaving Asuka as she made herself over to his bedside. He maintained his weak smile and spoke as he attempted to move his hand to Asuka's, only to fail once more. He sighed lightly and looked back to the television that was turned off. There was suddenly small rumbles felt on the ground, most likely emitting from the ongoing battle outside♅...

I can't help it.. it's been too long since I felt your touch..
Lumina said:
...♤Like an idiot, Lumina had kept staring at this stranger. She didn't know why, but she did. Was it.. curiosity? Probably at least partly. No, there was some other reason... either way, she didn't get too much of a chance to think about it, as the group suddenly split up, and Lumina blinked in confusion. Well that was unexpected. The group seemed to scatter in different directions around the hospital, with one of the men coming in her direction. In fact, it was the man who looked to be in charge of the group that was coming her way. A gust of wind blew her hair around her face, as she felt a bundle of nerves start to form in her stomach. He couldn't be coming over to talk to her... right? Maybe to be safe, she could walk inside... yeah, that sounded good. Because that way, if anything was to happen, at least there would be people around to see it. But she couldnt see anything with her hair in her face, and as she fixed it the man stopped right next to her, and she flinched back, taking a step or two away from him out of reflex. She took a moment to take a few breaths to calm herself, before forcing a smile as she responded to him♤...
"O-oh! Um, h-hello. I, uh.... I'm just visiting someone h-here, I stepped outside for a-a breath of fresh air..."
...♜Thomas raised an eyebrow at the girl in front of him, she seemed nervous to him, which could tell him one of several things. Maybe she knew about the UN hunting those with powers and saw his squad, or possible she could feel something about the air of him. Either way, Thomas was sure she was the super he had gotten the report about, but the girl in front of him didn't seem like she could, or willingly would hurt a fly, to him it was a shame she wasn't a human, he would have loved picking her mind with questions, decent ones and not so decent ones, but work came first and alas, she had powers, and was hiding wings, so he had to bring her in one way or another. When Lumina said she came out for a breath of air Thomas put on a kind smile and slacked his stance a little, trying to use body language to seem less threatening before chuckling and smiling, he might be physically sixteen, but he had been that for thirteen years. As he spoke Thomas even mentally noted he was probably the same height or an inch shorter than the girl♜...

"Ah, that tis a shame, it's never enjoyable to have someone you know in the hospital, maybe what you need is a hot drink, but i wouldn't count on anything the hospital serves being good... There's a cafe just down the street, you seem to need to un-tense, i'll get you a drink, my treat."
...?Rini left the two kids in the lab and went to go look for Seria. While she walking, she had reverted back to her normal appearance and not her moon rabbit one. She didn't really notice until she passed by a window, which showed her reflection. The maid outfit was the same, though it seemed yo be shorter than usual. Her hair was in a different style then before, with two small buns. Rini didn't mind so much, but she wished the outfit was longer. Maybe she could go to Beatrice's office to get ask for another size? Or... wait she said she was busy. What was she supposed to do now? Would it be okay to leave? Rini brought a hand up to her mouth, a worried expression on her face as she spoke?...

"Oh no... is it okay to leave?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ba3bfa9e-c349-4424-9e6a-2e27a21d9873-1.png.fd85a77e0239162301978e04a0d517ec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ba3bfa9e-c349-4424-9e6a-2e27a21d9873-1.png.fd85a77e0239162301978e04a0d517ec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


...??Celia was in her room, just waking up from a nap she took. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she spoke, soon getting out of bed and smoothing out her nightgown before she made her way out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen??...

"Guess I have to get up now, time to get something to eat.."





  • ba3bfa9e-c349-4424-9e6a-2e27a21d9873-1.png
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Meanwhile, near the residential district A plucky ex warrior and his girl head out on a lunch time errand for their landlady, whom wants something to eat. The late fall sun, still warm enough to cut into the chilly noon air. The city in whole was in an uproar, as emergency vehicles passed the young couple as they made their way to the Greek restaurant. However, as peaceful and Idyllic as the scene was, something was definitely off...


λ"Little lamb, the air is getting crisper. Maybe we need some winter supplies?" he asked Kanon as they walked above a checkpoint. The bridge was not locked down, so pedestrians were crossing it with ease. What he did not notice was the soldiers idly moving through the crowd, aimlessly wandering. However, if he did use his trained eyes, he could have seen that they were looking for something or someone, without being obvious about it. But he was more focused on his lunch date with Kanon, than much of anything else. "Maybe we need some good, hot food for dinner tonight too." he said as he was looking out for the restaurant.

LunaCrosby said:
Allen gave Lexi a weird look before looking at Lillith "kipper? is that it's name?" he asked her.
...☪ Lexi rolled over to look at him ☪...

"Allen.. She's 4 that's how she says skipper"

...⚘ Lillith pouted alittle, skipper wasn't close to her, she would have an anxiety attack if he wasn't close, she pointed to the door⚘...


Mayyflower said:
...☪ Lexi rolled over to look at him ☪...
"Allen.. She's 4 that's how she says skipper"

...⚘ Lillith pouted alittle, skipper wasn't close to her, she would have an anxiety attack if he wasn't close, she pointed to the door⚘...

Allen sighed "right..." he said and walked to the door, opening it, since she had pointed at it and all... and seemed to be pouting.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright alright''
...✦She said as she drank it down and after she finished her face was red✦...
Akane looked at Arashea, after she finished drinking. Noticing the red tint on her cheeks made her chuckle, "That's cute." She said, her own cheeks a light pink.
LunaCrosby said:
Allen sighed "right..." he said and walked to the door, opening it, since she had pointed at it and all... and seemed to be pouting.
...⚘ Lillith smiled happily⚘...

"Kipper! Kipper! Kipper! My woom"
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira remained laying on the bed, his irises never leaving Asuka as she made herself over to his bedside. He maintained his weak smile and spoke as he attempted to move his hand to Asuka's, only to fail once more. He sighed lightly and looked back to the television that was turned off. There was suddenly small rumbles felt on the ground, most likely emitting from the ongoing battle outside♅...

I can't help it.. it's been too long since I felt your touch..


...❦Once she finally made it to his bedside, Asuka gave Akira a small look of disapproval as he tried to move his hand again before shaking her head. It hasn't been that long, had it? Maybe an hour or two, but that didn't seem that long to her. Honestly, in her opinion, he shouldn't be trying to move and just rest. She soon spoke as she gently took his hand in hers❦...

"It hasn't been that long, maybe a few hours or so at most.. How are you feeling?"
WeirdPrincess said:

...❦Once she finally made it to his bedside, Asuka gave Akira a small look of disapproval as he tried to move his hand again before shaking her head. It hasn't been that long, had it? Maybe an hour or two, but that didn't seem that long to her. Honestly, in her opinion, he shouldn't be trying to move and just rest. She soon spoke as she gently took his hand in hers❦...

"It hasn't been that long, maybe a few hours or so at most.. How are you feeling?"
...♅Akira's smile grew slightly as his hand felt his wife, and pair's hand. He had previously been taken into his past, so for Akira, it had been two hundred and twelve years since he had last felt the loving touch of his wife. Feeling her warmth made him happy, despite his current situation. He replied to Asuka as his irises returned to Asuka's, a deep sense of comfort and love flooding his being as he did so♅...

It's been longer than you know.. I feel.. cold.. What about you? Are you okay..?
Daniel reaving](@Sailor Adams [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
@Roman[/URL] did I miss a reply from any of you
(Nope! I'll reply to you soon, just super busy making character sheets for other roleplays)
WeirdPrincess said:
...?Rini left the two kids in the lab and went to go look for Seria. While she walking, she had reverted back to her normal appearance and not her moon rabbit one. She didn't really notice until she passed by a window, which showed her reflection. The maid outfit was the same, though it seemed yo be shorter than usual. Her hair was in a different style then before, with two small buns. Rini didn't mind so much, but she wished the outfit was longer. Maybe she could go to Beatrice's office to get ask for another size? Or... wait she said she was busy. What was she supposed to do now? Would it be okay to leave? Rini brought a hand up to her mouth, a worried expression on her face as she spoke?...

"Oh no... is it okay to leave?"

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...??Celia was in her room, just waking up from a nap she took. She yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she spoke, soon getting out of bed and smoothing out her nightgown before she made her way out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen??...

"Guess I have to get up now, time to get something to eat.."


sorry...i fell asleep >.<)))

''Rini, whats with that outfit? how did it get smaller?''

...?Seria asked as she was in a somewhat different form with her hands in her pockets and a sword on her back. It looks like she tired a portion of hair behind her. She spoke again as she was walking towards Rini, taking off her coat?...

''want my coat?''



...?Zenya was in the kitchen washing dishes. Since she didnt have anything else to do?...

Roman said:
Akane looked at Arashea, after she finished drinking. Noticing the red tint on her cheeks made her chuckle, "That's cute." She said, her own cheeks a light pink.
...✦Arashea started to sway a little bit, her eyes just staring at Akane blankly. Her breathing seemed hot as well✦...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I can't wait for this baby." She said softly to her

''me too''

(oh and is there gonna be something Neo would have to do? since she's being mika's 'Mother'
xD )

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