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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
Mal shrugged "they're eating anything they can find, i'm sure they're going to find candy and want more of it" she said.
(((( Night~ ))))

Roman nodded in agreement, walking towards the door. He then placed his hand on the doorknob, "Well let's go see what they're up to." He said, as he opened the door and walked out on his way to Alejandro and Misaki's room.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi playfully rolled his eyes before setting the goggle down and jokingly pouting at her laughter, what was he, some clown or something? Though, honestly, he could have sworn for a moment he was somewhere else, looking through a pair of orange goggles, looking at Kaori and they were about the same height, sitting on a bench and she was laughing then as well, but the image quickly fled his mind and made him look almost sad for a moment before he sighed then cheered up when he saw Kaori smiling and he decided he'd just focus on the present as he grabbed a slice of pizza as well, speaking in a happy tone♝...
"I could try to paint them, and you could keep them for me, y'know, because you remember the real thing better than i do."

...☆Kaori grinned, having gotten halfway through her slice by this point. So as she sat there she was content with setting the slice down and eating topping individually. Hey thoughts had wandered to when they were kids, when he actually wore the goggles. A clown, huh? That's for sure. He always seemed to be goofing off, being loud like any boy normally would. Though that was the case, he could make her laugh and she was glad he was on her team, so it was kinda nice, in her reality. So as she ate the toppings, she soon spoke☆...

"I mean, if you really wanna, be my guest."
Nonalaka said:
"Well yeah~" she said as she looked back at him "Of course I'd have more fun with you around, you're my best friend and I like y-" she paused for a brief moment "h-hanging out with you" she said with a small nod, clearing her throat a little as her cheeks tinted a light pink, but it wasn't really noticeable unless you really looked "We could go to my house for a bit before going to the amusement park?, hopefully its not crazy over there this time" she said with a small laugh.
Luke chuckled and raised his eyebrow when she paused, "Ah I see, I enjoy hanging out with you also" he says before nodding "And yea sure"
Mayyflower said:
Luke chuckled and raised his eyebrow when she paused, "Ah I see, I enjoy hanging out with you also" he says before nodding "And yea sure"
Kairassi smiled brightly " Alrighty~" she said happily as she to rocked back and forth on her heels, waiting for him to finish paying.
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Nonalaka said:
Kairassi smiled brightly " Alrighty~" she said happily as she to rocked back and forth on her heels, waiting for him to finish paying.
Luke finished paying and looked back at her. "Lead the eat beautiful" he says with a small smile
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len nodded before offering Lilliana his hand and thinking about what animals would be awake this time of the night, though quite a few would still come to him if he requested it of them, he didn't want to bother those animals that could better use the time to sleep instead of fulfill his requests of their presence, so while waiting Len used the technique that his father had shown him for using his mind to search the area for animals and sensing if they were awake and many other things about them, like their general well being, their age and with some, even their current attitude♖...
"Well, i guess there's really only one way to find out then Lily."

...♧Lilliana glanced back at the house, noticing it's progress, before looking back up at Len. By this time he had extended his hand out to her, and she looked at it for a moment, until he spoke. There was only one way to find out, huh..? Well, if she was going to stay, which was her own choice, she supposed that she should probably try to trust the people she was with. Hesitantly she extended her hand, grabbing his wirh a grip that obviously indicated she was scared at least somewhat. It was still nighttime and she didn't know what to expect or what animals there might be, so it was natural to think she might be scared. But, she nodded and spoke up at him regardless♧...

Mayyflower said:
Luke finished paying and looked back at her. "Lead the eat beautiful" he says with a small smile
((Im gonna assume that's supposed to say way?))

Kairassi blinked a few times...wait, what did he call her? Colour rushed to her cheeks, quickly nodding she turned to go out the door and to cover up the fact that she was blushing.
Lumina said:
...♤The moment Akira ripped Kenji's arm off, Lumina nearly fell out of the sky, a weird feeling almost akin to pain shooting through her body. It was like a shock to her system, paralyzing her for a few moments and making it hard to breathe, so for about five seconds or so she fell straight downwards, almost landing among the top of the trees, but soon the shock of the feeling passed and she recovered win just enough time to start flying again. Lumina took a moment to regulate her breathing again before looking in the direction she felt the feeling from. It had to be from Kenji. There was no other explanation. Now worried Lumina shot through the air faster than she ever had before, a determined look on her face. This situation didn't feel good at all♤...
"Kenji... please be okay!"

...♤It wasn't long before Lumina reached the vicinity of the battleground, from how fast she was flying (it helps being a supernatural creature with hella strong wings after all), though her wings were burning from all of the super fast flying that she wasn't used to doing. Breathing hard, she spotted two figures amidst everything else, though one was passed out on the ground and the other was preparing... something. In a split second, like the firing of a synapse, despite not recognizing his form Lumina knew the one on the ground was Kenji. How she knew she couldn't explain, but she just knew. Meaning Akira was the one that was preparing something to send in the direction of his downed younger brother. Worried and angry, Lumina managed to teleport herself directly next to her pair, and without thinking she grabbed Kenji, glaring at Akira wirh tears in her eyes, teleporting them a mile or so away, not really knowing or caring where they were Landing, Lumina sat down Kenji on the ground before doubling over in a fit of coughs, both from the strain she put on her body trying to get there so fast and from teleporting more than one person for the first time. When they subsided, Lumina rushed back to Kenji's side, checking over him, the tears still in her eyes at seeing his condition. It was just like the last time she found him after a battle with Akira, wirh him being half dead wirh a severed arm. It killed her inside to see him like this, and she gently brought his head into her lap, the tears that were falling from her cheeks on to his healing some of the cuts on his face and neck. Glancing at his arm Lumina formed some fire into her hand, shakily bringing it to the open end of the wound on his now stump arm, cauterizing the wound as best as she could. At least it would stop the bleeding. Bringing her hand back she cradled his head in her arms, trying to hold it together as she spoke to herself♤...

"K-kenji... I've got you.."
...ΨKenji screamed in pain as his stump was cauterized, shortly before falling back into unconsciousnessΨ...


WeirdPrincess said:
...♦︎Yoshino had picked up speed over the course of her flying as she neared Akira's location, the feeling of uneasiness growing. Something was definitely off and she was sure Asuka could feel it too. Suddenly, a cry of agony could be heard a few miles from where they flew. Yoshino could hear it perfectly fine and it was as clear as day, the cry sounded as if it was just right next to her ear. Asuka couldn't hear anything that she was hearing, on account to Yoshino's enhanced hearing. On instinct, her hands flew up to cover her ears, causing her hold on Asuka to immediately let go and drop her. A gasp escaped her lips as her eyes shot towards a falling and screaming Asuka. Removing her hands from her ears, she quickly dived down to catch her before she slammed to the ground, a determined look on her face. Yoshino felt horrible for dropping her and if she didn't catch her in time... God she didn't even want to think about that. Right now, she had to think positive and hope she actually caught her in enough time♦︎...

...♦︎Yoshino dove down towards Asuka at immense speed, her hands out to grab her before she reached the ground. She was so close, at arms length really, but she wasn't going fast enough. At this rate, they were going to end up dead. Gritting her teeth, Yoshino gave one last strong beat of her wings before she soared the rest of the way to Asuka, grabbing her and trying to pull herself up, which proved to be exceedingly difficult. The momentum she had picked up in diving down, made it impossible for her to pull herself up. Yoshino flipping herself around so that she was going backwards and she cradled Asuka's head just above her chest, Asuka now squeezing her eyes shut and gripping her arms out of fear. This was bad, really bad. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't do it and she knew that if she tried to land, that would be just as rocky. They were going to crash if Yoshino didn't do something fast. The only thing she could think of, was teleporting Asuka away from her and to Akira's location, which wasn't far from where they were. At this moment, her life didn't matter to her. Yoshino's main priority was Asuka, the one who created and cared for her. If she had to die just for her master to be safe and on the ground uninjured, then so be it. Yoshino yelled to Asuka before teleporting her a few meters away from Akira and Kenji. At least she was safe... for now at least. Yoshino soon crashed into the ground, skidding along the dirt and rocks for a while, dust coming up from the ground before her head crashed into a rock. A wound opened up at the top of her head, blood soon spilling out before Yoshino eventually lost consciousness♦︎...

"I have to teleport you, I don't have enough energy to do the both of us! You'll be fine, I promise!"


...❦Asuka had opened her mouth to protest before she was abruptly teleported out of Yoshino's grasp and a few meters away from Akira and Kenji. She couldn't see where Yoshino had landed, but what she could see what the dust and smoke from where she landed. Asuka stared over in that direction with a shocked look on her face before she spoke quietly, uttering the name of her friend. She... was okay right? She wasn't gone... right. Yoshino couldn't be dead, that wasn't possible. Though really, who could tell❦...

"Yo... shino..."


...❦Tears welled in the scared and worried Sanctums eyes before she called out desperately for Yoshino, waiting for an answer, for anything to show that she was okay and alive. Minutes passed by and no response came. Asuka clenched her fists and called out again, repeating the same words as she had before and even still no response came. No signal was shown and she covered her mouth as a sob escaped her lips. Her best friend... possibly dead. They had been through so much together, almost everything really and it had to end... like this? Asuka sobbed for what seemed like hours, though it was really only a couple of minutes before she realized where she had been teleported, soon turning around and wiping away her tears that continued to fall❦...

"Yoshino! Please come back! Show me you're okay, I know you can hear me!"


...❦As Asuka turned around, her eyes fell on an even more shocking scene. Akira, who was charging up a ball of power towards Kenji, who was lying on the ground unconscious and having a stump for an arm. She stood rooted in her spot before calling out to Akira, soon seeing Lumina swoop in and get Kenji before they both seemed to vanish of to who knows where. The scene had seemed all to familiar to her, Kenji losing and arm and lying on the ground and Akira preparing a blast to finish off his brother. Though really, the last time something like this happened was because he went Lost and right now he seemed fully in control of his body and senses. So what was going on here? Why was he just about to kill Kenji? Something must have happened in between the time that the brothers got captured and Lumina and Asuka coming to earth❦...

"Stop! What are you doing?!"
...♅Akira was about to fire his blast shortly before Lumina appeared before him and teleported with Kenji. His hair slowly lowered and returned to it's standard black colour. He then heard Asuka's voice coming from behind him, prompting him to look around at her. He replied♅...

“ Kenji came to kill me. I stopped him. ”
Nonalaka said:
Elaena smiled and shook her head "Its fine" she said with a yawn "What better things?" She tilted her head a little.
"you will know soon if that happens" Mateus said with a laugh and looks up the sky "but I wonder when it will happen?".
Alternated said:
"you will know soon if that happens" Mateus said with a laugh and looks up the sky "but I wonder when it will happen?".
Elaena simply shrugged, she had no idea what he was on about " Its seems like you know something I don't " she said as she looked at him "Why would anyone be after us, I haven't ever hurt anyone, and I dont think you have" she said looking a bit confused.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena simply shrugged, she had no idea what he was on about " Its seems like you know something I don't " she said as she looked at him "Why would anyone be after us, I haven't ever hurt anyone, and I dont think you have" she said looking a bit confused.
"let's say for example" Mateus said and looks at her "I'm a parasite and if they found out scientists will hunt me down and use me as a guinea pig for their own purposes".
Alternated said:
"let's say for example" Mateus said and looks at her "I'm a parasite and if they found out scientists will hunt me down and use me as a guinea pig for their own purposes".
Elaena looked back at him before nodding " Okay...when you put it that way..." She said quietly "Still, couldn't we just hide if something like that happened? I wouldn't want to be taken, and I certainly wouldn't want you to be taken either." She said as she kicked a small pebble along the ground.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena looked back at him before nodding " Okay...when you put it that way..." She said quietly "Still, couldn't we just hide if something like that happened? I wouldn't want to be taken, and I certainly wouldn't want you to be taken either." She said as she kicked a small pebble along the ground.
"It's the government we can't hide unless you know how to like use your illusion magic properly" Mateus replied to Elaena and looks at the fountain "or if it was me I'll just hide in the drains".
Alternated said:
"It's the government we can't hide unless you know how to like use your illusion magic properly" Mateus replied to Elaena and looks at the fountain "or if it was me I'll just hide in the drains".
Elaena slowly nodded as she glanced to the fountain as well, she could control them...sorta, if she didn't fall asleep all the time that is, which brought to her attention she probably shouldn't stay much longer since she was getting tired and she didn't want to be a bother.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena slowly nodded as she glanced to the fountain as well, she could control them...sorta, if she didn't fall asleep all the time that is, which brought to her attention she probably shouldn't stay much longer since she was getting tired and she didn't want to be a bother.
Mateus was worried if he got caught not because of his abilities but his true potential if he parasites one person "oh yeah you shown your abilities to me right? want to show mine?" he asked Elaena.
Alternated said:
Mateus was worried if he got caught not because of his abilities but his true potential if he parasites one person "oh yeah you shown your abilities to me right? want to show mine?" he asked Elaena.
Elaena looked over to Mateus and smiled "Yeah, I bet they're cool" she said with a smile.
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Nonalaka said:
Elaena looked over to Mateus and smiled "Yeah, I bet they're cool" she said with a smile.
"but first as a warning my only purpose is to parasite so if you want to close your eyes do it but it depends on you" Mateus warned Elaena and suddenly turned into a large red slime "are you ready Elaena?" he asked her if she was ready.
Alternated said:
"but first as a warning my only purpose is to parasite so if you want to close your eyes do it but it depends on you" Mateus warned Elaena and suddenly turned into a large red slime "are you ready Elaena?" he asked her if she was ready.
Elaena looked at him as he turned into a slime blinking a few times before nodding "Yeah, I'm ready"
Nonalaka said:
"But I'm fi-" she paused and looked at his expression before sighing a little "Okay" she said with a small nod before hopping on to his back.
Roland ever so slightly smiled as he moved one of his arms behind his back to support her and stood up before deciding to follow the the road to his right and hope for the best as he walked.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland ever so slightly smiled as he moved one of his arms behind his back to support her and stood up before deciding to follow the the road to his right and hope for the best as he walked.

Dakota looked over his shoulder to the road ahead of them as she was carried. "You know you didn't have to carry me..." She said quietly, feeling a bit like an inconvenience.
Roman said:
Keiji sighed, "You okay?" He asked, trying to calm Dylan down.

Han grabbed the note and sighed after he read it. He balled it up and tossed it in the trash. "I was done killing people after that anyways..." he said, going back to look out his window.
Dylan nodded, not yet looking at him " the bedroom paint got messed up " she said ,not really wanting to tell him she wasnt quietly she spoke again " they arent ever gonna stop" she said beginning to cry
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori grinned, having gotten halfway through her slice by this point. So as she sat there she was content with setting the slice down and eating topping individually. Hey thoughts had wandered to when they were kids, when he actually wore the goggles. A clown, huh? That's for sure. He always seemed to be goofing off, being loud like any boy normally would. Though that was the case, he could make her laugh and she was glad he was on her team, so it was kinda nice, in her reality. So as she ate the toppings, she soon spoke☆...
"I mean, if you really wanna, be my guest."
...♝Masahi rolled his eyes then started to slowly munch on the slice of pizza he had picked up, trying to remember anything of their past and letting out a quiet huff because he couldn't. What he wouldn't give to have them back now, especially since he had found the girl he loved and yet so many of his memories of her are lost to him. Upon thinking those thoughts he looked over at Kaori, smiling at her, but a small tint of sadness resided in his eyes, yearning to know of their past, but he refused to burden Kaori with his questioning, worried that he might frustrate her with them. So after he took another bite and ate it, he spoke while slightly tilting his head♝...

"It was more of a question of if you want me to, it's all the same to me."
Nonalaka said:
Dakota looked over his shoulder to the road ahead of them as she was carried. "You know you didn't have to carry me..." She said quietly, feeling a bit like an inconvenience.
Roland kept walking for a few minutes, pretending he didn't hear her until he let out a sigh "And you know you can't get me to put you down, i mean, really Dakota, you got us this far and that's more than i could have asked for." he said softly without stopping his constant walking.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i love you hun..''
...✿Emiko said as she smiled at him✿...
Blake smiled more then kissed emiko before he started to get up

LunaCrosby said:
It was full of a bunch of small sentences carelessly wrote about, though at the bottom it talked about making a group of friends, how nice they seemed and how tall they were compared to her. in a separate part there was an illustration of a group of people, seemingly laughing and walking away from a much shorter girl, looking down with her back turned, there were small messy words next to the illustration 'I just want to feel that i'm important to someone...'
River read it all then looked to kyoko and went over and gently sat next to her and looked over her sleeping face. "Your important to me kyoko." He said quietly as he gently brushed some hair from her face

Roman said:
Hayate sighed in relief. "I'm glad to hear that. I didn't know if I'd make the whole ride."
Thana giggled at him before tinting her head twoards humans kissing his cheek. "Well if you did survive the ride it will be worth it." She said happily to him

Sixxx said:
She finished making. The food and turned around to find him looking at her " what are you laughing at " she said walking over , giving him a kiss and walking to the table to eat
@Daniel reaving
"I'm laughing at how cute you looked" he said as he walked over to the table as well and kissed her cheek then sat down next to her
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland kept walking for a few minutes, pretending he didn't hear her until he let out a sigh "And you know you can't get me to put you down, i mean, really Dakota, you got us this far and that's more than i could have asked for." he said softly without stopping his constant walking.

Dakota sighed lightly at his words, decifing to let it go and just let him carry her, at least for a while anyway, she continued to look ahead, soon resting her head on his shoulder as she did so "How far do you think we'll have to go?"

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