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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''sure! that sounds fun! o-oh, um...do you have a name?''
"My name is Marisa, and yours?" she asked politely as they went to the elevator.

Nonalaka said:
Rini had since closed her eyes, not wanting to watch the fight as she didn't want to see him get hurt, she didn't want to see anyone get hurt, but her eyes opened when she heard a voice asking of their well being, managing a slight nod as she watched him suddenly flying up to the roof and plummeting down again, shouting something, she didn't quite catch what it was, but her eyes followed him as he flew down, she was still conflicted between if she wanted to watch the ordeal or not.
(merging your reply with Lumina's)

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Kioko was crying at this point, she didn't want this, she really didn't want any of this. No matter how hard she kicked and trashed or how loud she screamed, there didn't look like there was going to be a way out of this and no one was going to hear her. Even if someone did hear her, they probably didn't care or want to disturb. She wanted out, needed out even. No way was she going to let this happen to her. But how was she going to get? Kioko remembered that when she had walked in, the door had locked behind her and she was being dragged into the bedroom. There seemed to be no escape route for her and she knew it, resulting in her crying even more now. Her head hurt and her limbs felt like jelly. A bright golden glow encased her and as if something came of Kioko, her tears ceased and her gaze hardened, glaring at the woman who had grabbed her. Kioko's once magenta irises, turned a bright red and a strange fire like symbol formed in the center. Her dark brown hair, had turned a rather pale blonde and grew in length as it floated around her. She wouldn't let these women do this to her, no way in hell (( pun not intended xD )). Kioko vanished from the women's grip, away from them and out of the bedroom, though she was still clearly visible as she spoke?...
"You've made a mistake~"


...?In a split second, she vanished again only to reappear behind the women and grabbing them by the necks. Kioko's hold tightened until they went limp in her hand, knowing that they were now unconscious. She simply tossed there bodies elsewhere and focused her gaze on the other two women, soon walking up to them and sending her foot incredibly hard into there stomach that they were sent flying through a room or two. The only one left was... her. Kioko's gaze shot towards the final woman, the one who had invited her up here and offered her a drink. She spoke as she walked closer to her, a sword soon manifesting in her hand as blue flames swirled around Kioko. Lifting the blade, she swung downwards in a sharp motion until her head was cut clean off and she stared at the body blankly before teleporting to the main floor of the casino. Kioko then reverted back to her normal form before passing out on the ground, her body exhausted from the transformation?...

"You're worthless, trash. No ones going to miss you~"



(( Poor Kioko just kicked butt xDD ))
Returning from clocking out, the dealer notices the girl on the floor. "Poor girl, cant sleep there, thats just asking for bad things." she said as she lifted the girl and carried her to her apartment. She had lain the girl on her bed, and crashed on the couch watching some Lifetime t.v. and her ice cream.

Lumina said:
...?Chiharu could only weakly watch Misafune fight, surprised at his change in form. It was dark, and slightly terrifying, but at the same time awesome to watch. Though, for Chiharu she could barely keep her attention on the actual fight, with her mind's desire wanting to separate itself continuing to rage inside her head, so it was all she could do not to focus on that. But, she wanted to see the outcome, so she attempted to sit up as Misafune asked if they were alright. Chiharu gave a very obviously fake smile, raising a hand in thumbs up toward him?...
"Ive... seen better days.."
--Misafune's battle woes--

Nothing remained below, as he landed on his feet. The clock was slowly counted down. "Wave 3 Difficulty:Extreme." The speakers Boomed all over the casino. Nothing was happening. Until the floor opened in four spots, and massive monsters were lifted out onto the field. The alarm rang for battle start. Soon he was on the defensive as their size belied their abilities. He was taking more hits than he was giving and it looked grin. "SNACK." the biggest monster said as he reached for the cages. The monster had broken the cages off the chains, and the nurse screamed as she was caught up in its grasp. As quick as it started, the monster swallowed everything in his hand whole.

Misafune broke again...

"Boy, wake up." A man kicked him in the side. "You sure know how to fuck things up." the man said with a laugh. "Now your lovers are food and your too weak to save them." he said circling the boy. "What are you going to do? cry?" he continued. "Then die, you are worthless." he said. "But this is the last gift I can give you, but its actually yours to begin with." the man finished. With a solid facial blow the boy passed out....


Pure Darkness...

The kind nothing wants to be in. The kind that makes you fear. No matter how strong you are, you fear this darkness..

It filled the pit. It created a split second stop. Everything stopped. then the darkness gathered...

It has existed Long before God or Ancients, or Whatever you subscribe to...

It was there when the big bang blew.

Now it is taking shape..

The shape was huge..

The eyes opened..

Now it has begun..


The being looked around. The first monster was removing its hand from its mouth. The Being said "Devour." as it moved. Its movements were bulky, but oddly, it maintained its shape as it moved. Driving a spike into its chest, it began to fill the creature with itself. Its tentacles had found the stomach, and four things were pulled into The Being. "Absorb." it spoke in a hellish pressure voice. It began converting the monster into energy, Once the monster was rendered a husk it spoke one more time. "Disperse." it fired massive bolts of energy at his remaining foes. The bolts pierced the monsters and pierced the shield surrounding the pit. The remaining monster, hit by the energy just stopped existing. Its roar scared the audience and they evacuated in a mob of bodies pushing in a wave slamming into each other.



Roman said:
Emiya sighed, "Leave him. Trying to force him to listen is not and will not be easy. He'll understand one day. I guess our family has a hard time with their oldest son. I was a problem with my father. History just repeated itself is all."


Celia frowned, "Well that one day better be coming soon..." She grumbled under her breath before letting out a sigh. "This sucks... I wanna hit him..."

Lumina said:
...☆Kaori watched as Masahi picked up her books, noticing his reactions. Her answer obviously wasn't the one he wanted, and her attempt to diffuse the situation seemed to fail as she glanced at his emotionless expression before turning toward the dorm☆...
"...right, let's go then."
...♝Masahi nodded and started walking, only thinking of some how maintaining how he was for the moment. Usually he didn't get hit with something emotional until after he entered this state, not right before, so for once he had to work at it with now small hints of how he felt on his face, just not very noticeable, except for someone who knew him. So he just kept walking till he needed to stop for Kaori to unlock the door♝...
WeirdPrincess said:


Celia frowned, "Well that one day better be coming soon..." She grumbled under her breath before letting out a sigh. "This sucks... I wanna hit him..."

Emiya looked Celia, a blank facial expression.


His eyes soon trailed down to her side, where Nai stood beside her. His eyes were welling with tears, before they trickled down his cheeks.


"Nai..." Emiya said, trying to calm him down.

Nai looked up at Celia and then Emiya. He quickly ran away and went in his room and closed the door.

"Damn it... He must've heard us talking about his mother."

...☼Chiharu had been hazily watching the battle, her consciousness fading in and out as the battle raged on. Soon it got so bad to the point where she was barely able to perceive the battle, even with the giant monsters. But for a split second, as the cages were grabbed and thus so was she, Chiharu's mind cleared as she returned to her smaller, frail normal child-like form, complete with injured and bandaged hand, but then everything turned dark, and Chiharu fell limp☼...

TheDragoon said:
Raze, like a snake, darted his tongue inside her mouth with a quickness like no other. He had seen this sort of thing in mature movies so he had a bit of experience. Though he wouldn't say he was perfect. He kept kissing her more and more passionately.
((wanna just fade? We both know where this is going xD ))
LunaCrosby said:
?Kelsey's eyes narrowed?
"they're here, I sense them behind the door"
...?Himeragi soon got the sense to protect Kelsey before the gunblades disappeared and a different fire arm appeared, it being larger?...

WeirdPrincess said:
"Neither was I. Though that was because I preferred being alone." Lilith stated as she stuffed her hands inside her pocket.
"Then I guess we've both made a friend with each other." Mako said as he closed his eyes and gave her a smile that showed his teeth.

HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Himeragi soon got the sense to protect Kelsey before the gunblades disappeared and a different fire arm appeared, it being larger?...
?Kelsey looked at thew new firearm Himeragi had, she seemed to be getting different weapons often, she then focused her attention to the door, waiting to see it open?
Mayyflower said:
May nods. "It's okay I understand" she says
Rin chuckled. "Good to know" she says smiling a little.
Len slightly frowned as he looked back to May "I'm sorry." he said softly
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]...♝Masahi nodded and started walking, only thinking of some how maintaining how he was for the moment. Usually he didn't get hit with something emotional until after he entered this state, not right before, so for once he had to work at it with now small hints of how he felt on his face, just not very noticeable, except for someone who knew him. So he just kept walking till he needed to stop for Kaori to unlock the door♝...

...☆Kaori fished out her keys as they approached her dorm, and she glanced over at Masahi before putting the key in the door. She noticed the small microexpressions slipping through his facade, but looked back at the door, not saying anything as she opened it. She didn't need to mess up things any more than she probably already was. Kaori walked in, holding the door open for Masahi to come in behind her, still not saying anything☆...
LunaCrosby said:
☯Kelsey looked at thew new firearm Himeragi had, she seemed to be getting different weapons often, she then focused her attention to the door, waiting to see it open
...⊹The door soon opened bursting with horrifying creatures as Himeragi started to fire rapid shots through her new obtained weapon⊹...
@Jofune Tsurabisu[/URL]


Dante had materialized a suit over his wings and was tailing two people he had believed to be a part of the organization that had attacked him earlier, however he had lost them before they walked into the Casino, so with nothing better he decided to let the matter go and pick it up again later… Well… if he was here at the casino he might as well play a little so….

@Jofune Tsurabisu


Rael glanced at the menu one last time before saying,
“Um… I think I’ll just settle for the Chicken Parmesan…”

"Ooh, Chicken Parm sounds good." Venus said before a waiter came over, setting down two glasses of what next to them. He then asked what the wanted to order and Venus told him.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹The door soon opened bursting with horrifying creatures as Himeragi started to fire rapid shots through her new obtained weapon⊹...
☯Kelsey hid behind himeragi, she could see why she was afraid of these thing's
LunaCrosby said:
☯Kelsey hid behind himeragi, she could see why she was afraid of these thing's
...⊹More soon began to flood in, being too much for Himeragi's new weapon, Marbas, to shoot all of them. It soon disappeared and she got off and charged at them with her gauntlets. She soon scratched at a group of shadow-like creatures as they all were torn apart⊹...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len slightly frowned as he looked back to May "I'm sorry." he said softly

May smiled softly. "It's okay don't worry about it" she says softly
Lumina said:
...♒Elyse couldnt help but lose focus on the kiss as she felt Kili trace his hands on her body, slightly taken aback by the experience and precision he was displaying. It definitely made her body start to warm up, and his movements made her move up against him a bit more, nearly eliciting a sound from Elyse with the way her body was oriented. Trying to not get too lost in it, considering how she was still half asleep, she moved to kiss him back again, pushing her lips against his with a small amount of force♒...
Kili kissed Elyse back with equal force, holding it once again, before pulling back, and releasing a deep breath. "Ahhh~ It might be strange for me to say to you, and forgive me if it is, but...well...you tase magnificent ~" he said, licking away the small line of saliva on his lip. He used a finger to do the same girl Elyse, but paused, his finger stroking her lips softly.

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