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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Roland rolled his eyes before smiling "That may be so, but i don't have squishy parts like you~" he said quietly as he lowered on of his hands and gave her butt a like squeeze.
Len shrugged his shoulders "It's nothing much, i mean, you're a pure blooded god."

May nods. "Yea, is your dad a pure blooded God?" She asks "or is he a Demigod" she asks
Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu soon slumped against the side of the cage, looking over at Rini and Miyaka as they were injected with some kind of drug. It angered her, but she knew her body wouldn't let her do anything about it. She felt like her mind was trying to split itself into two, and her body was feeling it's affects. Wearily she looked over at Misafune, upset at his situation too. If only she was stronger, maybe she could stop all this, but no of course she wasnt. Trying to get her breathing under control Chiharu sat within the cage, watching the fight☼...

@Nonalaka @Jofune Tsurabisu
--Misafune Apex Predator Alpha 0 form--

As he was fighting his form kept shifting, and adapting to the people he is fighting. His body is leaner, but his muscles were stronger, His wings became functional as he grabbed a guy and flew up just to the level of the cages where he can see the girls. Down below the surviving soldiers were anticipating his next move as the soldier in his grip struggled within the grasp. "Are...okay? he said as he purple burning eyes looked at the girls paralyzed with fear of him, black tears fell as he flew up to the roof. "MISAFUNE...ASSAULT...SYNDROME" he shouted, his brain isnt working like it used to as a glowing point formed on various parts of his body, as the threw the soldier back to his friends. The glowing points began feeding a huge dark sphere that was filled with smaller spheres. He launched the sphere, so it impacted with the falling soldier, which in turn broken the sphere and sending the explosive smaller spheres in a spread pattern around the pit. "Stay...Dead...Now.." He managed to say as he flew back down to the arena.

Roman said:
"Well I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. About this safe spot, do I choose that or you do?" He asked. "I know a few places that's safe for you."

"The Safest place is the bracelet sadly. But no worries, i can still make you breakfast." she joked.


Lumina said:
...☆Kaori looked up at Masahi as he spoke, noticing the emotions he was failing to hide. This really meant a lot to him it seemed... especially since it seemed like it was one of the few things he remembered since coming back. Kaori... her feelings though... she spoke softly, her cheeks still red☆...
"...can I have some time to think about it?"
...♝Masahi looked back at her with an unsure look upon his face. Why did he have to think that it would go smoothly and make himself look like a fool? Masahi was about to try to leave when he heard Kaori ask her question, and he simply nodded while trying to hide most of the emotion on his face before mustering up the will to speak, though it was softly♝...

"O-of course........... take as much time as you need......"
LunaCrosby said:
?Kelsey nodded?
"sounds better than going out there and searching for them"

...?She said before a throne appeared behind Kelsey. Himeragi sitting on the arm of the throne?...

''sit...i think itll take awhile''

(the blue throne but instead of it being white, its black)

...♒Elyse landed with an "oof!" next to Kili, nodding at whatever he said. She moved herself closer to not, not minding the wetness or lack of clothes between them. She sleepily smiled, kissing his chest before settling against him♒...

@Kalin Scarlet
Nonalaka said:
"But Luuuke" she whined jokingly as she flopped back on the couch "I thought of what to do last time, I wanna do something you like!" She said as she glanced over at him "you're bound to be able to think of something" she smiled.
Luke thought about it for a minute. "Okay wanna go meet my sisters or wanna go to the cafe to grab something to drink?" He asks
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana continued to stare wide eyed at the stag, despite her brothers claims to protect her. It was the biggest creature she had ever seen, and something about it just made her scared to the core. She knew that it wasn't a bad animal or anything, and really she was slightly confused about why it was so scary. But it was, and she held tightly on to Ken, not dropping her gaze from it♧...
@Tobi Neafearn @TheDragoon
Ayen looked back at Lilliana and offered her a fatherly smile "Y'know, the real threat with this one" he patted the stags neck "Is if you have food unprotected or on your face, he'll lick it before you have a chance to think." he joked as the stag let out an almost pout like huff as it rolled it's eyes and groaned in an altering tune and and Ayen looked back at it as if it had sworn in front of a class of kids "Oh,you are so lucky they can't understand you!" he complained at the stag

HimeragiSeiker said:
''o-oh...thanks...um, could you stay with me for the night? im not very...comfortable when im sleeping somewhere else other than my room..''
"Sure! we can um.. watch movies?" she asked. When she was human and her age, she was not popular, thats what damned her here. "we can talk and sleep too!" she replied.

Mayyflower said:
May nods. "Yea, is your dad a pure blooded God?" She asks "or is he a Demigod" she asks
Len shook his head then looked at her "No, My Dad's Dad is a Demigod." he said as he tilted his head.

Rini had since closed her eyes, not wanting to watch the fight as she didn't want to see him get hurt, she didn't want to see anyone get hurt, but her eyes opened when she heard a voice asking of their well being, managing a slight nod as she watched him suddenly flying up to the roof and plummeting down again, shouting something, she didn't quite catch what it was, but her eyes followed him as he flew down, she was still conflicted between if she wanted to watch the ordeal or not.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...?She said before a throne appeared behind Kelsey. Himeragi sitting on the arm of the throne?...

''sit...i think itll take awhile''

(the blue throne but instead of it being white, its black)

?Kelsey nodded and sat down?

"do they still scare you?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Roland rolled his eyes before smiling "That may be so, but i don't have squishy parts like you~" he said quietly as he lowered on of his hands and gave her butt a like squeeze.
Len shrugged his shoulders "It's nothing much, i mean, you're a pure blooded god."

Dakota let a squeak, not expecting it before blushing a little " O-Oh right Of course"
Mayyflower said:
Luke thought about it for a minute. "Okay wanna go meet my sisters or wanna go to the cafe to grab something to drink?" He asks
Kairassi thought for a bit "Oh, I wanna meet your sisters! I think it'll be fun~" she said with a smile.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len shook his head then looked at her "No, My Dad's Dad is a Demigod." he said as he tilted his head.

May nods. "Oh really" she says
Nonalaka said:
Dakota let a squeak, not expecting it before blushing a little " O-Oh right Of course"
Roland smiled before removing his hand and placing it on her back again "And well, i could go into more detail, but i won't right now~" he said softly letting out another, quiet yawn.
...?Kioko was crying at this point, she didn't want this, she really didn't want any of this. No matter how hard she kicked and trashed or how loud she screamed, there didn't look like there was going to be a way out of this and no one was going to hear her. Even if someone did hear her, they probably didn't care or want to disturb. She wanted out, needed out even. No way was she going to let this happen to her. But how was she going to get? Kioko remembered that when she had walked in, the door had locked behind her and she was being dragged into the bedroom. There seemed to be no escape route for her and she knew it, resulting in her crying even more now. Her head hurt and her limbs felt like jelly. A bright golden glow encased her and as if something came of Kioko, her tears ceased and her gaze hardened, glaring at the woman who had grabbed her. Kioko's once magenta irises, turned a bright red and a strange fire like symbol formed in the center. Her dark brown hair, had turned a rather pale blonde and grew in length as it floated around her. She wouldn't let these women do this to her, no way in hell (( pun not intended xD )). Kioko vanished from the women's grip, away from them and out of the bedroom, though she was still clearly visible as she spoke?...

"You've made a mistake~"


...?In a split second, she vanished again only to reappear behind the women and grabbing them by the necks. Kioko's hold tightened until they went limp in her hand, knowing that they were now unconscious. She simply tossed there bodies elsewhere and focused her gaze on the other two women, soon walking up to them and sending her foot incredibly hard into there stomach that they were sent flying through a room or two. The only one left was... her. Kioko's gaze shot towards the final woman, the one who had invited her up here and offered her a drink. She spoke as she walked closer to her, a sword soon manifesting in her hand as blue flames swirled around Kioko. Lifting the blade, she swung downwards in a sharp motion until her head was cut clean off and she stared at the body blankly before teleporting to the main floor of the casino. Kioko then reverted back to her normal form before passing out on the ground, her body exhausted from the transformation?...

"You're worthless, trash. No ones going to miss you~"



(( Poor Kioko just kicked butt xDD ))
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LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally wrapped her tail around his arm, if she had to be honest... she was kinda hungry but just didn't wanna bother him about it
Shingo blushed and looked over at Ally, thinking she wanted something. "Do you need something Ally?" He asked as polite as possible.
Lumina said:
...♒Elyse landed with an "oof!" next to Kili, nodding at whatever he said. She moved herself closer to not, not minding the wetness or lack of clothes between them. She sleepily smiled, kissing his chest before settling against him♒...

@Kalin Scarlet
Kili smiled, cuddling with her on the carpeted floor. He stroked her cheek gently as they sat together, the warmth of her breath on his skin making his skin stand slightly on edge.


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