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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len sighed then walked over to her "Rin, if you were the sister i remember you'd be to stubborn to take anyone's help this willingly." he said softly

"I haven't been getting help" she says
(are we close to anyone else?)

She smiled as she walked along with her bags following. Something caught her nose. It smelled....good. So she began following the scent until they found a ramen stand, still open and cooking. Hungry people crowded around, buying or bartering for a bowl of the hot goodness. Pulling out some monies, she was paying for her squads food too. "Okay girls, looks like its ramen and beer for us!" she said as her stomach growled not so cutely. She also began to feel the pull of him stirring.


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Mayyflower said:
"I haven't been getting help" she says
"Oh? and how did you manage to get a jar that will have a soul in it? had how are you sure the soul will show up?" he asked not convinced.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake just smiled more at how close she stuck to him now before he started walking with her

*Emiko walked alongside of him looking around at oblivion. She thought it was a beautiful forest*
Mayyflower said:
"Not really" he says with a shrug
Kairassi blinked, a bit confused by his answer, if it was so bad then why would he say not really? oh well she simply nodded "Oh, i see"


[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"We will soon" he said softly to her

Euloria smiled brightly "oh thank goodness, she looks like she wasnt hurt" she said hapily, her hopes restored, she couldnt wait to be reunited with their child again.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"What do you want to do?" He asked her softly

''just spend time with is all..''

*She said as she just held his hand*
Lumina said:
...Lumina blushed slightly, still looking up at Kenji from within his embrace. She enjoyed how warm he felt and how soft his hand was on her back and wings♤...
"W-well yeah... I meant more like... you actually stayed..."
...ΨKenji laughed quietly and replied as he continued to gently caress her backΨ...

“ Of course, I said I'd stay with you, so that's what I'm gonna do. Plus I never want to leave your warmth every again. ”
TheDragoon said:
Diablo pecked her forehead and kissed her neck playfully. "RAWR~" He said playfully, nipping at her neck a bit. He held her tighter and kept kissing at her belly, neck, everywhere. He loved every part of her. He couldn't possibly understand how such a lovely person would be a bad mother.
Kanae giggled. "Okay...that's enough. What should we do now?" she asked as she got up.
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi blinked, a bit confused by his answer, if it was so bad then why would he say not really? oh well she simply nodded "Oh, i see"

Euloria smiled brightly "oh thank goodness, she looks like she wasnt hurt" she said hapily, her hopes restored, she couldnt wait to be reunited with their child again.
Daniel nodded as he watched the angel walked up to euloria and grab her. "It's time, what's your choise Ariel." Stirks grandmother said to her
HimeragiSeiker said:
''yeah...alcohol is a good way to calm down if you ask me. but dont drink too much of it''
Akiba blinked a few times. "Why? Is it bad for you?" He asked before panicked a bit. "Will my insides explode!?" He asked in a scared voice, obviously a idiot.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake noddes happy with her awnser and just walked with her in silence

*Emiko just looked around curiously, looking at Blake occasionally and smiling*
TheDragoon said:
Akiba blinked a few times. "Why? Is it bad for you?" He asked before panicked a bit. "Will my insides explode!?" He asked in a scared voice, obviously a idiot.
''no...but it will make you drunk..''

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Daniel nodded as he watched the angel walked up to euloria and grab her. "It's time, what's your choise Ariel." Stirks grandmother said to her

Euloria stared at the angel "W-Who is that?" she asked as she stared

Ariel glanced at her wings and frowned before she looked up at her grandmother "If it means I can go home...I'll get rid of the dragon in me...."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji laughed quietly and replied as he continued to gently caress her backΨ...
“ Of course, I said I'd stay with you, so that's what I'm gonna do. Plus I never want to leave your warmth every again. ”

...♤Lumina nodded, curling her head into his chest, her forehead resting against it now. She felt the safest here, like no matter what the world threw at them she'd be fine. Thinking about it, maybe that was one of the reasons why she fell apart so badly when he left, because she didn't feel safe anymore. Well... that didn't matter. He promised he'd never leave again. Lumina closed her eyes, mumbling into his chest and she focused on the feeling of his hand on her back♤...

"...thank you..."

HimeragiSeiker said:
*Emiko just looked around curiously, looking at Blake occasionally and smiling*
Blake eventually brought her to the edge of the forest that turned to a beautiful beach with a Crimson colored ocean
...?Asuka tossed and turned constantly in her sleep, seemingly have a bad nightmare. Those have been happening nightly ever since her return to Ecrilia, but this one just seemed to be worse then the others. She dreamt that she was in Euphoria, though the once beautiful and breathtaking realm, was decayed and darkness loomed in the sky. Snow was falling and it was rather chilly, so Asuka had to put on a scarf just to warm herself up. She breathed into her hands before rubbing them together and venturing onwards. She walked about aimlessly, not having any set destination, but some how knowing where she was going. An eerie and scared feeling set deep within her chest as she drew closer to an unknown room. Asuka was hesitant to step inside of the room, the scared feeling seemed to grow as the eerie feeling vanished. Reaching her hand out, the door have a small creek as she pushed it open and she poked her head inside to see if anyone was inside. A figure sat in the corner or the room, though she couldn't make out who it was because it was incredibly dark. Her heart pounded against her chest and for a moment, Asuka thought that it would pop right out of her chest if she continued any further. Though something told her to keep going, practically screaming at her to go in and see who it was. Asuka's feet seemed to move on their own accord because she had began walking in the room and towards the figure. The presence was all to familiar to her, though it also seemed to have off a rather odd vibe. Though it was a vibe she knew all to well. Suddenly, the figure rose a hand and something seemed to glint in the light that had shined in from the open door. It was a gun, two in fact. Asuka froze for a moment, thinking that it was going to be pointed at her, but it didn't. The figure continued to hold the gun up before setting it towards their temple and she shouted out, which surprised her. The figure lifted their head up and gazed back at Asuka, staring her down. Her hand flew up to her mouth to cover her barely audible sob. She knew why it was so familiar now and why she was so scared. It was Akira. He continued to stare at her before a sickening grin pulled at his lips and before she could react, pulled the trigger, ending his life and the dream?...

"No! Don't do it!"


...?Asuka bolted up and gasped for breath, soon putting a hand on her chest to calm her rapidly beating heart. That wasn't real right? There was no way something like that could happen... he wouldn't do that... right? A sinking feeling grew in her chest as she thought it through, that maybe it had come to that point. Kenji did say it had been a year Euphorian time and staying somewhere all alone could take someone to dark places. Asuka hurriedly got out of bed and got dressed, there was definitely something wrong in Euphoria, she was sure of it. She was going to try going, even if Kenji did decide against it. She got herself dressed in warm clothing, a scarf wrapped around her beck before leaving her room. Writing a note to both Lumina and Kenji, it explained that she would be gone for a while, most likely at the store getting food. She was lying really, but she didn't want either of them to worry. If they worried at all really. Asuka went through the back door of the house before going into the backyard. Her heart was racing, if this didn't work, she didn't know what she was going to do. Taking a deep breath, she tried to teleport herself there and, much to her surprise, was instantly transported there. Asuka was confused to the fact that she was actually able to go because she thought that her access had been revoked. Euphoria looked like it did in her dream and she heaved a sigh before stuffing her hands in her pockets and running towards where she thought the unknown room was. All she had to go on was her dream, the surrounds looked familiar so she would be able to find it in no time. At least... Asuka hoped she would?...

TheDragoon said:
Ken's eyes widened. "G-Gone...? But he's in a better place, right?" He asked. "Why must you grieve so mother? He's waiting for you mother." He said as he hugged her back and started crying. "I can live knowing that my father was a good father, and that he loved mama very much. No one is ever gone... As long as you always remember them... They'll always be there. Daddy taught me that. He told me a lot of things... He told me there was no one better than you, that he will wait a eternity for you if he had to, that he would do anything... He's up there momma. He's waiting to see you again. So... When the time comes... You both can hold hands again." He said before he broke down crying.
...☆For being so young, Ken's words seemed to help Noir. She hugged her son against her, rubbing his back soothingly. He sure was a strong kid, always smiling. Noir now smiled too, laughing a bit☆...

"You're right... and Yuto will never be gone. He'll always be with us... in our hearts. He'll always be watching over you and your sister. When did you become so wise?"

...☆Noir pulled out of the hug, wiping Ken's tears, giving him a strong smile. Ken was always the happy one, she had be strong to make sure he stayed that way☆...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''....you'll see''
The statement didn't help Akiba at all, though he was going to listen to Natsume because she seemed to know these things. He sipped his sake gently and tried to think of another question to ask.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]"Oh? and how did you manage to get a jar that will have a soul in it? had how are you sure the soul will show up?" he asked not convinced.

"Let's say I'm helping" she says looking through the jar and over at Len

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