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Fantasy The Empowered - A Superpowers Hosted Project

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]YES! I sentence you to: death by puppies!

Now I'm going to be smiling for an hour. Thank you for the puppies. Puppies are amazing. I would definitely drown in a tub of puppies or something.
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Fezzes said:
Now I'm going to be smiling for an hour. Thank you for the puppies. Puppies are amazing. I would definitely drown in a tub of puppies or something.
Dog: "Hello. I'm Dog P. Bitch. I'll officially be staying in your house as a permanent room-mate. Occasionally you will find some poo or a smelly liquid on the floors around your house. Don't worry about. That's just a natural habit that I got. (Just clean it up already you lazy ass.) Anywho, you will be required to take out outside for walks every now and then in order to avoid "messy situations". Also, should I do anything good, make sure to give me a treat, or I will stare you down with my puppy eyes. Feel the power of cuteness. I will get bored sometimes. When I do, I'll find you and I will bother you constantly till you throw the damn toy. Oh just throw the toy already and shut up. I already know what to do, no need to tell me to fetch. So now that you know what you'll need to do, I hope we can become good friends from now on. Oh, and one more thing. If you're ever going to eat something, I'll expectantly watch you as if waiting for you to give me your food. Unless you're Satan, you'll obviously give me some."
@AllHailDago Thanks for answering the questions, I'm thinking of healing and support(With a limit obviously). In question 3, I just mean I don't get how the 'what abilities you get' work.

I random them on powerlisting.wikis.com

The powers rolled are ranked and you can get up to three powers combined to a total of 6. Like a lvl 1,2, and 3 power. Or three 2s. If you get a 5 that's it. But no one else will ever also have that power.

If you choose your own you can't have anything at lvl 4 or 5. And it's three powers adding up to 5.

That make sense?
@AllHailDago Makes sense! Last question,(hopefully) is Would healing and support be put together, and what level of ability would they be(separate and together)? Sorry, you can probably tell I like that ability :3
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I can't think of a singular ability that puts them together. If you want you could look through powerlisting.wikis.com a look for the ability/abilities you're looking for and ask me for those.

As for which rank I need a tad more specification on the kinds of support and healing. The extent. Speed. Etc
@Space Bard

When I get the thread started with the admins it'll be one of the first things up. I do not have a approximate date to give atm
Just to see if more people would be interested, that and It's more easily find able at the front page. :P
No need for that. A new interest check for recruitment and possible arc one teasers will be made semisoon.

If anyone has question ask them here. When the thread for the new check is made it'll be linked here.

Reserving as in keeping others from using it isn't allowed. However you can tell me what it is and I can tell you what level it is and approve you to have it.
AllHailDago said:
Reserving as in keeping others from using it isn't allowed. However you can tell me what it is and I can tell you what level it is and approve you to have it.
Electricity Manipulation
*Brutally stabs people with hype*

The project just got released. { Nothing's on it at the moment though obviously, literally just got finished }

*Hype hype hype hype*

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